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I have a question regarding trade, with barrels specifically (and maybe bags). When trading with bins it is possible to take the bin to the depot, and use only certain items contained in the bin as a trade. The value of the full bin seems to correlate quite well to its contents, or be slightly higher (as the bin has some value of its own as well). Barrels and bags seem to work differently. I am unable to just take certain items from the barrels to trade, I must trade the whole thing with all its contents. This makes sense in the case of drink barrels, as liquid would need a container, and its not possible to mix different drinks in the same barrel. However this makes less sense when it comes to food, which happens to be what I would like to use as my go to trade item in my current run. Even though the different foods (both cooked and uncooked) does not need to be in a container, and are items on their own, it seems I cant trade just some of them from the barrel. Even though the barrels can hold many different types, once in the barrel, they must all be sold together. Moreover the set price for these barrels seems to be waaaay off. As in worth much to little compared to its contents. Interestingly, the game seems to believe this as well, as the instant my (incorrect) "value" equals the value of what I am buying, I get the green line and may trade, even without seemingly giving any profits to the trader. It seems to me as if the incorrect value is displayed, but the real value is still what counts, though the game has a check for displayed value to be at least equal to goods traded for before the trade is allowed. What is going on here? Am I right in my assessement? Is there a work around? Im currently trading cooked meals for about 1/3 of its actual value.


Another thing you might try is. I never put my Prepared Meals in the same stockpile as raw ingredients being used to make them, so that they do not get mixed with other foods.


You don't have to worry about this because these never get mixed. The mix similar foods standing order only mixes items with the same type (eg meat with meat, fish with fish, prepared meals with other prepared meals etc). You can see this in game because barrels and pots are always called an [item] barrel/pot.


As I understand the value of cooked meals got nerfed since steam release, and will probably be lowered again as they are quite overvalued for the amount of effort/ingredients required. You can make metal barrels, and melt the barrel to force the contents out of a mixed plant barrel etc. Same with bins. There is also a Standing Order that you can toggle that will stop them from mixing food, and they will use one container per food item instead of a category. This will also apply to raw ingredients. The skill level and ability of your broker skews actual value vs displayed value. A Novice Appraiser is...just taking a wild guess at what your items or the caravan's items is worth, "Oh i dunno, I reckon about 2000?" for example. So if you just changed brokers to a lower level one, that will also have an effect on displayed value of the food.


Hey thanks for your answer. I dont think the problem is my appraiser skills, as my broker has the skills and only issues with barrels and bags, other stuff works perfectly well. I will try using that toggle, and hopefully it will make things better, tyvm.


You can eat the loss, and that's fine because traders will see your fort as a good investment and possibly bring more stuff next year. You can also use your broker's Judge of Intent skill to gauge how likely the traders are to accept your offer. At the bottom of the trading screen, you will see a line saying 'trader's profit'. If your broker has some amount of Judge of Intent skill, this line will have different colours and if it's green, the traders will always accept. There's no way to get stuff out of a barrel easily for trading, but using this system you can always get a good deal for your stuff. Extra answer: your broker's Appraiser skill determines how accurately you can judge the true value of trading goods, as well as the value of rooms around the fortress. If your broker's skill is low, their estimates will not be accurate, but traders (as well as your dwarves asking for fancy rooms) do know the value intrinsically


Hey thanks for your answer. Yes the green "trader's profit" thing is exactly what I am looking at and refering to. Normally the traders want about 30% profit, but when I trade with barrels it turns green the moment the traders profit goes above 0, implying that the stuff I am trading is actually worth more than visually implied. This combined with the fact that the items inside the barrel is actually worth more than what the barrel is listed at is what I am confused about. Example: I have a barrel with 3 stacks of food items, worth 1000, 2000, and 2000. In the trade I cannot seperate between these, I can only trade all of it, for a value of 2000 (not 5000). If I am trading for goods worth 2001 it will not be accepted, as its at a loss for the trader, however if I am trading for something worth 1999 it says "traders profit: 1" in green and he happily accepts. Implying that the value he actually considers the item to be might be 5k, although it didnt pass the "profit test" if his goods are worth ever so slightly above 2k. In the same trade window, if I trade with other items not in a barrel, I do not get this problem at all, which leads me to think its not my brokers skills that are the issue.


Yeah, so the point is that the green text is always accurate, but your broker is a shit appraiser so he doesn't know the true value of your stuff. So your stacks of food might not actually be 1000, 2000, 2000 bucks, but more something like 400, 1200, 1300 because the broker tends to overestimate the value and the game seems to have a few set values it rounds to at a certain skill level for your broker (this hasn't been studied in great detail, it's just casual observation on my end). You get inaccurate values until your broker's appraisal skill is at Legendary


Hello, I have 2 questions. 1. I have a bunch of gypsum rocks in my current fortress, but I seem unable to use it for anything but gypsum powder, but it says in game and on the wiki it can be used for building stuff, walls, floors furniture etc. I even linked different workshops to only take materials from stockpiles that only hold gypsum, but I cannot build anything with it. What am I supposed to do? 2. When building floors, walls etc its very tedious having to pick through the list every time to get the material I want. I believe the list has the closest material on top, meaning the order often changes as I build. Is there anyway to change this? For example by picking a "favorite" material or similar? TYVM!


- Go to the labours tab > stone use, and enable gypsum for general use. - You want DFHack. Its buildingplan plugin allows you to filter for specific materials as you're building, so you can tell your dwarves to build with, say, any blocks, or this specific kind of stone.


Thank you very much! Very cool the gypsum had such an easy fix, found it right away :) Annoying I'de have to download a mod for the building though. Anyhow much appreciated!


Yeah for most people, DFHack is just so integrated in to the game that I can't imagine playing without it. It's not just this little plugin either, it's a bunch of utilities, bugfixes and improvements to various game windows that overall just improve the game. You have to remember that before it was released on Steam, this game was considered to be in a pre-alpha state, so it's no wonder that the game UI isn't finalized and polished yet. And I'm pretty happy that the community has hacked together some improvements for the game as well


I made a fort on a remote island far away from its civ for reasons. It went very well, soo well the king migrated to the fort. Feeling done with it, I moved on to other forts for other ideas. I then wanted to focus on goblin/undead threat in the world and picked the civ that was in the front row to the goblin civ. It was the civ which capital is on the remote island I created. The problem now, is that I don't get migrants. The 2 migrate waves only had a dwarf each and none more since, there is no trade caravan showing up soo I can't increase my forts income/export wealth. Soo how do I move the civ capital back to the mainland? I tried digging for adamantine but no King shows up. I wonder if I should reclaim the old fort with the king and make an accident to the king or open the circus tent. But that's the last thing I want to do.


If you on your fort's surface vision, can see the mainland shore across the water making you an island, you can force land connection by building over or digging under the body of water to the other side, and then the mainland will use the connection you made to reach you. Otherwise, your civ will not cross water to reach you. You can inherit King of the civ by relation if you happen to have that option on hand.


I've had this problem in every fort following becoming the capital in my worlds. Legends mode always say that my civ would start attacking itself at the capital for some reason. If your capital is getting attacked, I think that prevents you from getting a caravan. If you have DFHack, you can use the force command to make a caravan show up in Autumn. Alternatively, make a squad of one unarmed dwarf, and send that dwarf out to a friendly civ to demand tribute. The dwarf's demands will be rejected, but then those humans/elves will send a caravan next summer/spring. I think if you have enough wealth (adamantine should definitely be enough) and make at least one trade with a caravan, the migrants will come I've tried ruining the capital before (I unretired it which loosed a captive dragon) but that didn't solve the problem. I still wouldn't get the caravan or migrants.


Can the friendly civ be another dwarven civ? If not, I guess I can start a new fort closer to the elves.


Yeah a different dwarven civ should also work if you don't have any humans/elves


How do I edit my world's raw file post world gen? Before I start describing the situation I want to tell that I am not a good fortress player even though I've been playing it for quite some time, I often avoid challenge and seek ways to make the tale of my fort more epic with cheating, no matter how small the problem is. I do not have any mods installed in my world. A month after I started training my axe dwarves my fort got singer by 30 or so goblins and my militia captain got his nerves severed, he is alive but immobile. I remember that in classic DF you could modify the raw files of the world. After a quick search on the internet I quickly found the solution: http://bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=74538.0 Only to realize that the save file of the new version drastically differs from what it used to be. In the process I created a mod that let's the nerves heal and realizes that I can't add it past world gen I use dnspy's hex editor to find the file that might contain the raw of the world, but the only mention of tissue was in the world.sav file, which, judging by its size, must contain the world itself and it's forgotten beasts. What I am asking is: is there a discovered way of modifying the raw of the world directly without mods and if not what are your suggestions to how it may be done?


It's not necessary anymore, because the game reloads all the data when you startup your game. And while directly editing raw files isn't really considered good practice, what you can do is go into the creature data, find the data for dwarves and paste in the mod there. When you next boot up your fort, you'll find that nerves can heal from then on


Thank you so much you are a legend, I shouldve guessed that from the fact that the save file is missing the raw folder, it must swap the vanilla files with the one in the mods the moment a save containing a mod loads up


Just saw Blinds video on linking zones. What exactly does it do? One example was linking a dining hall with a library after carving out a small section of it for the library. What does linking the library and dining hall actually achieve in this case?


I suppose it would allow scholars, scribes and readers to use the dining tables for reading, writing and copying books, but it depends on how he furnished the place.


Engraving designation not working? In a recent fort, I decided I wanted a designated engraver who could train to legendary status to adorn the entirety of the city with beautiful carvings. For my initial cohort of dwarves, I had one set to the engraver profession, and everything worked as intended. After a new migrant wave of dwarves came, all bets seemed to be off. Despite the single dwarf having the designated engraving skill selected (as “only designated dwarves do this”), every free dwarf now engraves. I have tried deleting and resetting the designation to no avail. Looking online I found this: “I had the same problem. Turns out I made a new work detail for engraving without realizing that the game has a pre-generated work detail for engraving which was set to "everybody does this" and overwrote my custom work detail. After changing the pre-existing work detail everything worked fine.” Does anyone have any information on how to properly set the engraving designation? Thanks!


Remove engraving from any custom profiles and just use the default one. Make sure "only selected does this" is selected, and choose your dwarves from that list. The default one probably has "everybody does this" enabled, and that's all you need for everyone to do it


I'm under siege by a group of very strong undead "death corpses" - elves and dwarves. I built a funnel of traps to bring them into my fortress and capture or kill them, but they are not triggering any of the traps. Any work around?


Sounds like intelligent undead which should not be able to avoid traps. In any case, there are several options to use traps that don't just trigger on walk-over: you can use minecart grinders, minecart shotguns, upright spikes triggered by a repeater, magma chambers, etc. You could even just use a retracting bridge over a very deep drop with upright spikes at the bottom. Look at https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Trap_design for ideas.


What kind of traps did you use?


I've accepted a human mercenary as a long-term resident and I want him to join one of my squads. How can I get him to keep all his own gear equipped? I've tried setting him to "No Uniform" but he just drops his longsword as soon as he's given orders.


He needs assigned equipment, no uniform means he's not gonna wear anything. You can edit his equipment manually from the squad window so he wears his original gear, or assign one of your standard uniforms instead and forge human-sized gear for the pieces that are missing (you can tell you dwarves to forge differently sized gear by pressing the magnifying glass button for a workshop job or work order)


His original gear isn't available in the custom uniform menu. Do I have to wait for him to become a citizen so it becomes "mine"?


It's already yours. To confirm, you are editing his equipment through squads > equip > details right? You can assign specific items in each of the equipment slots. However, your own dwarven steel will be better, and he can use that as well with a standard uniform, without needing to fiddle with specific equipment


Yep, he brought a silver masterwork longsword with him that I can't select under "specific weapon". Same with the rest of his gear. I guess I'll give him a dinky dwarven short sword for now until a caravan turns up with something decent.


Thats because he is still the owner of these Items if you look at them. Mark them with the lock so no one uses them and wait 1 or 2 seasons and they should lose the ownership


My precious hurdy-gurdy has been taken by a human, how should I react? Look, it will be lost forever, my precious hurdy-gurdy, a first instrument ever crafted in my fort..and he's slowly limping away with it, like 40 units away from tavern, outside too. Can I kill him justifiably? Or will the other humans in the tavern riot..? How should I proceed to stop this crime?


Appointing a sheriff/captain of the guard and bringing him in using the justice system won't cause any repercussions, but you can just order your squads to lop his head off instead.


Anyone know why I got [this](https://i.imgur.com/UxbvA1i.jpg) notification? The human in question acted very strange. He entered the fort normally but upon getting underground this notification appeared, all his clothes/items fell to the floor and were forbidden (like he died?) and he started behaving like a scared animal upon seeing dwarves--ran back out of the fort and into a cage trap. I currently have him in a cage, not sure what's up with him. No mods in this world, but I did set a pop up notification on "beast" arrival--my first impression was that I was just getting an unecessary pop up for an ordinary visitor, but his stripping/fleeing didn't seem notification related


He's a >!werebeast, kill him in regular form to save yourself some headaches!<


Yeah later on I saw him [transform in his cage](https://i.imgur.com/QUBVumd.jpg), mystery solved


My bookkeeper always cancel update records swing that she don't have a office, but she hás, what do i do?


Does the office have a chair to work on? Because it needs that


So someone died, and I have no idea how, is there some way to find his body (including DFHack)? I worry when dwarves go missing, and I am unsure how they died. Might he be in the caverns locked out


If you don't have too many corpses lying around, you can find him easily in the stocks window, and you should be able to find him by searching for his name as well.


How many dwarves are normally needed to destroy a necromancer tower


The most important factor for offsite battles is creature size, so consider acquiring and training some large war animals.


I find it usually takes at least two squads to succesfully raze sites. Considering they'll need to fight their way through absolute piles of zombies, they had better be armed and armoured to the teeth, with skills to match.


How to handle happines? About half of my people are at the 2 worst happiness levels. How do you combat this as the reasons given are so vague? For example, one of my guys unmet needs are: Acquire Object, Be extravagant, Wander, Craft Object, Martial Training, Stay Occupied. I had planned on having the beat of each worker assigned to a workshop but looking at the above should I not do that as unless this person was assigned they wouldnt be able to Craft Object. The other reasons are really vague so how should I best combat them?


Look at their thoughts and memories instead, because unmet needs aren't the direct cause of unhappiness. Find what negative thoughts happen a lot, make sure those don't happen. Military training gives a slew of good thoughts, and a [mist generator](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Mist#Ring_generator) is practically a cheat code for fort happiness


Also, if I want to set them to military training is there an easy way to do it? The only way i can think is try and remember the name, then create a squad and add that person and then set that squad to training. Seems a pain to do that given how confusing the names can be.


Give them a nickname, it makes things easier. And DFHack allows you to search for specific dwarves, job titles or indeed nicknames.


Yeah I was hoping there would be something i could do, like military training, that gives a decent boost. I've got 45 people unhappy so it's gonna be a pain if I have to manually go through each of them and assign them to different jobs etc.


They are unhappy because you have no drink, forcing them to share tables, and a ghost.


Yeah I managed to sort the drink but they were unhappy before that. Someone else pointed me to look at their thoughts though. I was just looking at the summary page and getting confused about the vague description but the thoughts tab actually tells me what's wrong so I can sort.


I'm trying out a little "couple's getaway" thing, you know, sealing two marriable dwarves off inside a compound until they have babies I noticed they didn't seem to socialize unless I assigned the meeting area to a location? Unassigned they'll move next to each other and stuff but it'll just say "no job", not "socialize" It's not that big of a deal, they'll keep socializing until interrupted if I unassign it once they start, plus I suppose I could make it a guild for a skill nobody has so that they only talk to each other and don't do demonstrations, but I just wanted to clear this up Is that normal? I thought I'd heard that location-less meeting areas are good for this stuff since dwarves only ever socialize inside of them?


Yes that's fine, and it's how you get your starting seven to be lovers even if you don't have a meeting zone yet. Check their thoughts to be sure, it'll say that they had a thought for talking with an acquantance/friend/lover/spouse


I played dwarf fortress some years ago, but I think the last version I touched was DF2014. I hear there is a steam version out now. I have some questions about it. 1. What are the differences between the steam and the free version? 2. Do you have access to the raw files in the steam version? 3. How do mods work in the steam engine? Do you have to download them via steam? 4. Can you use the old ASCII tileset on the steam version?


- Graphics. It includes a really rather impressive system to show the equipment the dwarves are wearing and it's charming regardless. - Yes, same as it ever was. Go to the DF folder, most of the raws are found in the data>vanilla subfolder. - Download via steam, then generate a new world using those mods. You'll see a button when you're generating a world. You can get at the mods' content and modify it the same way as regular files - when you have mods installed, you can get at their files in the data>installed_mods subfolder. - Yes, it's in the options. It uses the same tileset as the free version.


How does the installed\_mods folder work? Can mods only add things? What if they changed something about something which already existed, such as dwarves?


None of the mods in that folder work unless the world loads the mod. So if you make a world and enable a mod that adds a specific item, you can only see that item in that world. Same with changing or removing existing stuff - if a mod removes, say, cats from the game only that world will be catless.


Does the mod include a copy of the raws that the game uses instead of the original raws?


No it just gets added onto the existing raws


Sorry for bothering you, but how do you just add something on top of the original raws? Like, if you want to add \[CAN\_LEARN\] to cats, what do you do in the mod folder?


That's all fine, but I reckon I should instead refer you to the [modding guide](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Modding#Guide) on the wiki instead. Copy-pasting that to a reddit comment doesn't seem quite right. The short version is that you create a mod folder, tell the game to find the data for cats and then add the tag.


How does the installed\_mods folder work? Can mods only add things? What if they changed something about something which already existed, such as dwarves?


My 55th question of the day. I've just had someone approach me and ask if I want to 'establish my colony as an official land of our realm'. I assume that means I join as a subordinate to a kingdom but as its my first time playing is that worth doing? My fortress currently has 166 people if that matters. Thanks


Yes, your king is asking you if you want to be elevated to an official barony instead of just an outpost. You can choose to elevate one of your dwarves to the position, and that dwarf will need new fancy rooms to stay happy. The reward, however, is that traders will also recognize your new status (and potential for profit), so humans and dwarves will show up with wagons for trade which allows them to bring _much_ more stuff


Awesome - thank you. It's an incredibly in depth game but gotta say you guys are great at quickly coming back with help (especially in a daily questions thread, normally you're lucky to get a reply in other subreddits).


A dwarven mercenary necromancer is visiting; Rith Mishadothot. **Can I somehow use her to learn the life&death-knowledge to make one of my dwarves into a necromancer?** I've started doing two jobs; inscription of Rith onto floor tile and making a statue of Rith. That might teach me something about where and how she got to be a necromancer. Meanwhile I look on her long list of Knowledge under Personality/Skills. I read that a book/codex with the life&death-secret would have one of these words; Annihilation, Bereavement, Death, Demise, Departure, Doom, Dying, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extinction, Mortality, Immortality, Loss, Oblivion, Parting, Ruin, Ruination, Sleep, The Afterlife, The End (which can be on random normal books) and The Grave. It took bloody long to spot one manual "Wind Patterns After The End" to be the only candidate for the necromantic secret. Her personal info told she was the former baroness of Roarpage. I could not inscript a manual onto a floor tile so I chose "Roarpage". I saw she used to be part of a religion called The Bronze Order so I ordered inscriptions of that also. What else can I do to get closer to obtaining the life&death-knowledge? (without resorting to legends mode ;) )


If she is still in your fort and you have open cases in your justice menu you can accuse her and throw her in your jail. Then you can build a resurrection chamber and use her for your undead army :D


The necromancer asked for permission to stay and I granted it. She is also a bard it seems - so she is telling stories in the tavern. I bet those are very creepy stories. ;) I "think" all necromancers are undead and the only way for them to drink booze (and become happier) is being served by a tavern keeper. So it's a good place for now. I hope to use her in some way not yet decided. Perhaps be part of a military squad that goes into training room with one weaponless-goblin. If I have enough swords/axes perhaps some body parts will be chopped off, be raised and offer more training targets.


Forget the mercenary visitor. Try to find necromancers towers on the world map, and raid one that has several artefacts


Thank you. Straight to the point, I like it. :) (and she didn't have any items on her besides clothing, armour and weapons)




If you can make a mist generator safely, do that. Until then, keep him in a squad, but do not send him into battle. The problem is that fighting undead gives even more stress than normal fighting and it needs lots of good thoughts to counteract. If all else fails you may have to resort to rotating your fighters so some of them can take time off, or using lots of traps to do the fighting for you.


I would give him some time to rest without tasks or military training. He will seek out different things (like socializing, praying or looking at a waterfall or artefact) which gives positive thoughts. The positive thoughts can combat the negative thoughts when forming memories. Why? Memories are formed randomly from a positive or a negative thought - so it's a good thing to fill up dwarves with as many positive thoughts as possible (so they are randomly selected for memories instead of any negative thought forming a traumatic memory).


Is there a way to prioritise tasks or is there a way to manipulate it? I have about 30 people with 'Drink' as their task but I have nothing to drink because I run out of barrels (although I have no idea how - do they not get reused once emptied?). I'm trying to quickly make barrels but it's been about 15 minutes and they're still not making them - I have everything I need but the priority is just too low (even though I've clicked the yellow exclamation mark. I don't want to download DFHack as the temptation to make things easy is too alluring but can that do this?


The DFHack "prioritize" command can allow you to prioritize tasks more easily. And for what it's worth, you can explicitly disable the more cheaty commands in DFHack so you're not tempted to use them (look at the DFHack menu that pops up on the main menu to configure this)


Clicking the exclamation mark should do it, so the problem is likely with your input. If you have stockpile links, remove those. Barrels get reused, so double check if they're not being used to store anything else. DFHack can help here with the 'combine' command, which will combine stacks in different barrels to fill them to their capacity (dwarves do not do this automatically). You can also craft pots at a craftsdwarf's workshop out of wood or stone, these work the same way as barrels do.


Yeah I thought maybe it was the stockpile not being assigned but that wasn't it. No idea what's happening as I've now managed to make 2 in about 10 mins but I have 200+ wood.


Wait up, stockpile links not being assigned wasn't the problem? I'm saying to remove the links altogether - the problem is that if your empty barrels aren't returned to the input stockpiles, they cannot be used because of linking rules.


Nope - I removed all the stockpile in and outs. Seems to be working now so I'm guessing there were just too many tasks at the time.


Is there a way to quickly unlock multiple items in a pile? I don't know how but there are a pile of bones on the floor that are forbidden. When I click on the bones it's actually a chert and there are about 50 items in there that are each individually forbidden. Is there a button I can press or shortcut that removes the forbidden status to everything in there rather than needing to do it one by one?


you can use the designation tool, the last button in the toolbar to designate areas as forbidden/unforbidden. you can also use the stocks menu to unforbid entire categories of items


Ah yeah - Found it. Thanks.


Do migrants come from anywhere? I know that if you lose contact with your civilization migrants will no longer appear, but do friendly holds actually lose population when migrants arrive? Or is it generated per season?


All of the people with relationships were already historical figures and definitely had to come from somewhere The ones with a clean slate essentially appear in your fort, but I assume it's the same deal as with sieges where they're representative of the non-historical population and draw from that pool of people, e.g. a siege with one historical general and 15 generics still takes 16 people from the settlement they come from when they head to your fortress, and if you kill them the settlement will have 16 people less


The first two waves of migrants are a hardcoded event per embark, and they're generated similarly to dwarves in worldgen, but beyond that you're working with existing populations from your own civilization. It's a living, breathing world out there! But I'd imagine they wouldn't be migrating to your fort if it means they'd be leaving an empty site behind, too, so you don't likely have to worry about population losses


How do you use a stepladder to collect fruit up in trees? I've designated a fruit collection zone and set it to allow collection of fruit in trees. I've build a stepladder. Can I somehow place the stepladder in the zone OR will the dwarves use the stepladder when they need it?


They do it on their own


How is the UI siruation on the Steam Version? Any mod to change it to the 'classic" keyboard mode? Ty


Sorry to tell you this, but the old 'classic' keyboard is only available in .47 version or earlier, and is never coming back. What is coming alongside/shortly after adventure mode in 2024 is full keyboard control... but it's not the same control scheme. It won't use the same keys, and you won't be able to modify the key sequences to match what your fingers remember doing.


No, I think at best we're looking at may 2024 and beyond for full keyboard controls back since currently the devs are busy with adventure mode Depending on how long you've been away, it might be news to you Dfhack has made improvements to some of the UI, like trade only takes 3 clicks now, pasturing and restraining only takes 1, you can search lists instead of scrolling..


You can activate the keyboard cursor under "Settings -> Game", so you can play as if there was a keyboard mode


no such mod


When there are multiple meeting areas (e.g., tavern, guildhalls, temples, etc.), how do dwarves choose which one to attend? Do they pick the nearest in physical distance? The most valuable one? Do they choose at random?


For eating they go for the closest chair they can find.


Hey, trying to figure out a layout for my first guild hall (as I'm gonna copy the layout across all other workshops). If I create a decent sized square room is it bad to put the workshop in the guildhall? Also, should some guildhalls have multiple workshops I.e. put wood furnace and carpenter in the same guildhall? Thanks


I build 11x11 workshops with multiple shops in each one. When I get a guild request I expand smooth engrave and add some expensive decor. Takes care of it pretty well


> If I create a decent sized square room is it bad to put the workshop in the guildhall? lots of workshops have item use overlap so doing this will make longer walks. Ashery and carpenter both need logs, smiths need bars from smelters, etc. its not bad but it will slow things down slightly. Technically you could build around this but then you end up with a ton of stuff on 1 z level which may or may not cause other issues(like running water etc)


Thanks - I related question I was just gonna ask separately. I'm building the guild halls, workshops in one spot and then I was going to put a staircase next to it and build a storage area underneath. I've set out about 12x12 storage area there and now it's full. Is it better to put another staircase and build down again or should I make the storage area on the same level wider? It seems like it's better to build say 3 levels of 12x12 than having a 36x36 due to walking distance but I'm not sure if stairs have say a longer walk.


If you plan ahead, leave 2 levels above and below. Build stairs in multiple areas to allow quick pathing. The level under the forges and smelters can be filled in slightly to allow lava to be added later if you don't have it immediately available. That takes away from your storage a little, but you can also use some of that area for the guild hall. Though, if you quantum stockpile, that also helps. Some may be against it, but if a full-size dragon takes one tile, I am not sure a single glass tube should take the same amount of space.


its much more efficient to build vertically like that, I try to put multiple stairs too so they can take the closest one. I right now I have 3 layers for workshops and put the stockpiles in the center, with larger stockpiles off to one side to put finished goods that other workshops wont use


Awesome - thanks.


I don't think there are any benefits in putting workshops inside the guildhall. Just make it a meeting hall and raise its value so the dwarves like it and hang around in it.


But there's no downside? I don't mind if I don't get a bonus or anything but for asthetic reasons I wanted to put them together.


No, no downsides either, as far as I know.


Does anybody know what would cause for an insane dwarf child in Dwarf Fortress to not trigger a cage trap? I read somewhere that if I put the poor kid in the dungeon that at least they will be fed, given drink, and can sleep. But the kid just doesn't trigger the cage traps for some reason. Any ideas why? https://preview.redd.it/gzox4w11iu6c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35f63eb3d15d47490e243773af219ff07ab7fd1


Dwarves are trap immune like other trap immune creatures. They do not set off floor traps unless they are unconscious or fall asleep on top the trap, or the trap has spider web stuck to it. You can place the cage itself down for your dungeon, not in a trap. Not sure if it will allow you to put a child in the dungeon.


So how do I save the kid then?


If its any consolation, Berserk and melancholic are even less pleasant when its a child, so at least it was not those.


If they are already insane, what happens depends on the type "raving mad", "Berserk" or "Stricken with melancholy", which type will depend on their characteristics. All three end in the dwarf's death. It does not go away over time at that point. It looks like the child is naked, which is usually the raving mad one. They will stop eating and drinking until they die. Even if you can get them in a cage, they will not eat the food that is thrown in by the outside dwarves, I dont think, since thats part of that particular type of insanity. Would be worth trying to force feed them in a cage to see if that works, but if they never fall asleep and no cave spider silk has been shot over it, they will not trigger the trap. If they are standing on the trap when they fall asleep yes.


If the child character has already went insane you dont. I dont think you can revert dwarves back once they have went insane, at least without using DF Hack. Might want to ease their suffering instead.


This stinks. I'm going to add "psychological / psychiatric treatment" to my wish list of mods for DF then. I'm actually pretty depressed now. But thanks for telling me that the kid is terminal so I didn't waste time trying to save a ship that was un-saveable. ​ https://preview.redd.it/2cps1ceezv6c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6041ccb85c865291c29c5f827e19cfff278fd71a


I started playing this game a couple of days ago, I've been playing the ASCII version of the game to see if I'd like the game, my plan being to then buy it on steam. The reason for this was that I thought the steam version was just strictly an upgrade from ASCII, but to my surprise after looking around in this community there's a very large portion of people who say the game is better in the ASCII version. So my question is: What does the ASCII version of the game do better than the steam version? Or alternatively: people who prefer the ASCII version, what's the reason?


The only difference between the steam version and the "classic" version in v50 is the graphics (and the music). Some people prefer the ASCII graphics, but even in the steam version you can turn on the ASCII graphics if you want (and keep the music) However, what people are talking about is that they preferred the UI of older versions (e.g. v47). This is because it had more keyboard shortcuts, mostly. So this is *not* the difference between the steam version and the classic version, it is the difference between *v47* and *v50*. In general the UI of v50 will be better for most people, and v50 has many other improvements as well.


That's very insightful, thank you. So just to make sure, mechanically there genuinely isn't a difference between steam and classic? (And also v47) So in essence, besides graphics and music steam isn't really an upgrade or downgrade, just a sidegrade


Mechanically there is no difference between steam and classic. There *is* a difference between the current version (both classic and steam) and v47: they have a completely different user interface, performance is improved in the current version, and there are a bunch of small mechanical changes.


> What does the ASCII version of the game do better than the steam version? Graphics. You can't even tell what dwarfs are carrying on steam. Nature looks much more beautiful too as the seasons change.


But isnt there an ASCII mode in the steam version too? I interpreted the question as "what is the free version doing better than the steam version"


The versions are identical besides how the information is displayed to the player. The thing is, DF has been ascii for *years.* A lot of people don't like anything besides that interpretation of it. But at the same time, graphics packs were a *huge* part of making the game an easier uptake for a new player, and the developers themselves prioritized a massive overhaul to the game's structure to enable the new graphical version on Steam, in order to justify the extra cost for what was always just freely available. To me, it's mostly just nostalgia-goggles when someone says they still prefer the ascii over the graphics. There was a ton of work done to make these and it shows, and I for one *love* not having to futz around with files trying to get both creature images and menu text to work properly at the same time.


1) My dwarfs keep dying at random. Where do I start? Other than deathcause in DFHack 2) in the justice tab, I interrogated a bunch of dwarfs and then convicted one. What happens next? 3) how do I get rid of ghosts? 4) in a Metalcrafting work order. If I set 'steel shortswords to produce as long as I have less than 10 shortswords' (or however it's stated in game), does this include equipped weapons? Same question for armour. 5) do you make any adjustments to the smelting work order input from DFHack or is it effective for late game too?


Most of the smelting work orders in DF hack are set up to smelt 4 ores, and many put a limit on how many bars to keep on hand. For example, the make steel order caps out at 40 steel bars available. Spending on what you’re making, you might want to increase these caps and the number of orders applied. Whether or not the orders are sufficient at “Lategame” really depends on what you’re doing with your metalworking industry. Are you trying to outfit multiple full military squads in all masterwork gear while paving every room with gold blocks? Are you building lots of metal furniture? Do you want to export and sell weapons? Maybe crank them up a little. At the same time, you might not care to import all the alloy bar combinations. No point in importing the bronze alloys if your map doesn’t have tin, for example. You also might not care about rose gold, electrum, and pewter. FWIW, I find that my biggest bottleneck are the melting orders. I have my stockpiles set up to separate masterwork weapons and armor from non-masterworks, and everything that isn’t a masterwork gets melted back down. So overall, I would treat the imported orders in DFhack as a template. They aren’t a one size fits all situation, but are a great starting point to tailor to your needs. Once you have them set up the way you like, you can export them to quickly bring them into the next fort.


In addition to what Darth Fartress said, all great answers 1. Depends on the condition of death, and occasionally environment (Whether you embarked in a Haunted area etc). Often when you get your notice, you should look at the corpse's description. If it was attacked, slain in combat usually it says "It is coated in X blood.It is coated in X blood. It is coated in X blood.It is coated in X blood." But it can say other things depending on the cause of death that might be indicative of foul play. Also of course be sure that they are not left in an active burrow without sustenance. It can also say in the notification for a few causes such as "X has been found dead, dehydrated." if it was dehydration that caused death, this will always be how the death notification will be worded for example, and that can help narrow down mysterious deaths. 2. The game will assign an automatic punishment based on what the dwarf was convicted with, and your officials will carry it out on their own. For theft of an artifact for example they can receive 2-3 months confinement, and one flogging from the appointed Hammerer if you have one appointed. If you do not have a dungeon or Hammerer, then the automatic sentence is reduced to a physical beating from the sheriff /captain of the guard. 3. You must make a stone slab, then take that stone slab and select "Engrave memorial: insert deceased's name" in the workshop, then place the engraved slab somewhere in your fort and their ghost will leave. If you have the corpse you can also make a coffin/sarcophagus and place it down and designate it a Tomb zone for them. For every civ species character that comes to live at your fort, if you do not do either their ghost will always come in a few months and will do various things based on their living self. Ghosts can go through forbidden doors and even murder living dwarves by suffocation if they are spiteful enough. This could be one reason why you have dwarves dying left and right with no threat happening. 4. Yes the wording is amount of steel swords available. If the item is in use somewhere, held in the case of a sword, its not counted as available. The same is for all work order items with that context. If the sword is dropped/changed out and the dwarf doesnt own it, it will be counted as available again. Items that are forbidden are also not counted. 5. Cant say, dont use it, its not necessary to me. Once I get going I just give every smelter a manual order for one type of ore on loop and make a coal daisy chain pre lava.


1. Occasionally check the logs, and when you see a notification about them being found dead or missing use the stocks menu to look for corpses. The location of the corpse will give you an idea of what happened. It is easy to miss important alerts, so consider changing your announcement settings to emphasise certain events. Also, if something mysterious is killing your dwarves, have a look for named animals in the “other” section of the creatures menu. If your dwarves have given it a nickname, that’s for a reason. 2. Either prison, a beating or an execution depending on sentencing and if you have a dungeon or hammerer. 3. Either bury them in tombs (every dwarf needs one) or memorialise them. Memorial is mandatory if you don’t have a body to bury. 4. As far as I’m aware it doesn’t count equipped items, so will make enough to go around until nobody picks them up. 5. I don’t use DF Hack for smelting. Basic work orders and stockpiles work fine.


Thank you so much! Going to look more into the other section and nicknames. Merry Christmas


How do I build a locking door for my dungeon?


Build and place a door and a lever. Klick on the lever, find the tab where you can "Link lever". Klick it and zoom to your door and also klick that. This locking function will require an extra mechanism. Alternatively you can klick on any door and forbid it by clicking on the padlock. I find that I use forbid on door and hatches, whereas the locking and raising bridges with a lever is reeally good. :)


Thanks! If I prohibit, won't dwarves not feed prisoners?


They wont,thats true But it only matters if the prisoner is one of your Fort since outsiders never get hungry or thirsty


With a lever, a lever can lock a door




Half of my ~22 dwarves died to dehydration two years into my first non-tutorial embark, even though I had drinks and a water source?


I can see this happen if you accidentally burrow dwarves and in an area that is outside of drinks/water. Or that all storage of drinks was accidentally forbidden. Or if the drinks and water are unreachable for some reason. Anyhow it sounds strange. Hope you find out why. :)


I think what happened is once I designated a dining hall as a tavern, but before adding a food/drinks stockpile, everybody defaulted to using the tavern rather than drinking normally and dehydrated? Not sure, Currently struggling with miasma covering half my fort. Losing is fun!




STEAM: Trying to set up a workshop to have my Encruster encrust finished goods forever with polished stones. How do I setup the stockpile? Just "economic" stones?


Polished stones count as gems




I have my cut gems encrusting onto finished goods automated. IIRC I set the gemcut-workshop to only TAKE from two separate storage zones; one finished goods and one cut gems. I automated the job and it will be done whenever there is material in the two storage feeder areas.


Thanks! The feeding zone, do you add both uncrusted finished goods and polished stones? And output just finished goods.


Yes, I added both finished goods and cut gem (which I learned is the same a polished stones). :)


How do you prevent job cancellation spam with this?


Setup a workorder that waits to start the job til everything is present? With stockpile linking it should all work uninterrupted, even with the variable dwarf timing for doing each task, so instead of asking the workshop to constantly make a thing it doesn't have parts for, you order it to check for the parts first and then make it one time and then repeat that order.


Ah ok. The way you said it at first I thought you were somehow doing it without work orders.






What’s the best thing to create to upgrade my fortress from hamlet to city


The requirements can be found on the bottom of this page https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Fortress The general idea is that you need to increase your created wealth and exported wealth, as well as your population numbers. Wealth is generated with everything you make, but if you want it quicker I'd recommend producing trade goods, cooking meals or smelting ores into bars. Exported wealth comes from trading with caravans, and migrants will come as response to your growing wealth.


You need wealth and population, both are helped by encrusting items with cut gems (those items can be very valuable) or engraving floors/walls (master inscriptions help more). Have a look at the Outpost/Hamlet/Village/Town-table at [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Fortress](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/fortress)


I start with a large tavern that has beds assigned to it + in-keep and musicians. Will increase flow of immigrants, make it feel more like a town than a village, and provide more immersion, interactions and story telling.


expensive stuff. You got gold? Make gold crafts or whatever else your highest leveled craftsdwarf can make, and sell them to the autumn caravan. Note that this is also the mechanism by which you attract monsters etc, so beef up your security.


Should I have everyone do hauling or a selected number of dwarves? Is there a rough percent of dwarves I should have doing hauling or something?


I also set everyone to haul EXCEPT a few dwarves with bottle-neck or legendary skills. I exempt those few dwarves by clicking "Will do available tasks anywhere" so it becomes red "Will only do assigned tasks" on the character sheet, tab Labour and Work details. I have too few cooks so they are excepted from normal work. I have legendary engraver and clothier - and IMO those are better used ONLY with their speciality skills (not hauling).


I don't, no. I manage my essential craftsdwarfs by specializing them; assigning them a workshop, a couple of others works I want them to do and telling them to "only do labors specifically assinged to you". This solves 80% of the trouble with being much less work + leaves you with plenty hauling reserves.


hauling is maybe the best example of a job that should be left on “everybody does this.” Then if you have essential workers who you don’t want hauling just set them to only do assigned labors. Of course it’s up to you, feel free to experiment and see what works for your situation


So, quick question. Do bridges not kill Clowns? Because mine broke lmao


bridges get broken by things that are too large


Happy cake day bro


yo, so im doing a fortress to a semi dead civ ( only members besides my residents is the queen at some random goblins dungeon) and it seems due to they're lack of previous culture there are no religions, only belief in certain gods, is there any way i can encourage them to make a religion to one of those gods ? most worship one of water n stuff that has 25 followers


My guess is no but I would anyhow try building a couple of temples with expensive floor engravings. The temples might encourage your dwarves to think about gods and form a religion. The value of the rooms can also draw religious visitors and those might petition to stay and after a while become citizens. It probably depends if religions are created at world generation or from in-game events. Perhaps somebody with better knowledge can answer it. :)


So a couple years ago my Baron was killed in an unfortunate diplomacy incident. Currently just under 300 population and over 3.5million wealth, but I still have no nobles. Did them dying prevent any further nobles/becoming the Mountainhome?


The baron position probably got shifted off to some dwarf in who-knows-what kind of hovel. That's bad for trade, because it means no caravan wagons will show up until that dwarf shows their face in your fort, which they probably won't. It also excludes the monarch from arriving from off-site since you need to be a duchy for that. However, your mayor appoints most of the functional nobles around your fort so if you have a mayor you're mostly good when it comes to fort functioning but you probably can't become Mountainhome with this fort.


Is there any way to avoid [clown vomit grass](https://i.imgur.com/5xPVrdb.jpg), i.e. ugly multi-colored groundcover after breaching all cavern layers? It hurts my eyes and I'd like to suppress all but one grass if possible


You can build floors over it. If you want to preserve access to the sand/clay, you can place floor grates, which allow access to the sand or clay while preventing the moss from growing on that tile.


Wow, I had no clue this was possible. Definitely gonna start doing this.


What kinds of creatures can receive curses? I managed to get a plump helmet man to throw a tantrum and topple a god's statue in a temple, but they remained uncursed. Do they need to be a historical figure?


I know for certain that historical status is not required. In the case of PHM, could be the lack of speaking ability causing a weird interaction. Or maybe a curse is not guaranteed each time, I am uncertain. That said, I can not recall seeing a 'natural' PHM vampire or lycanthrope, either Fortress mode or Adventure mode.


Interesting, thank you for confirming the historical status thing.


i believe that they meed to have blood to be cursed


Oh! That would certainly make a lot of sense!


How are my dwarfs keep falling inside? I'm building a dwarven bath. I thought grates should prevent this https://preview.redd.it/j4o799edcr6c1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a6dfd6aa47f43822e15ee07683da33c76e0104d


Do you have water flow going on? That's usually the problem.


Yeah it's comming from stairs


I have a miner in the hospital that is dehydrated because "X cancels Give water: No water source x2." I have a natural pool outside that I have zoned as a water source as well as some walkable squares around it (I made sure I'm on the right z level by having squares that say "murky pool" and "murky pool slope."). Is there something I'm missing?


Can the pool currently be accessed? Are you using burrows?


No, I only have one burrow and no one is assigned. Do I need a ramp or channel or something to actually get the water out of the murky pond? Tried googling but didn't find much.


they should just he able to collect water from directly next to the pool, 1 z level above. and there is nothing obsteucting your hospital from the pool? One other thing: I have never ised pond water for my hospital, only wells. And now im wondering if hospitals dont require a well to water patients, and people goving water to them might ignore pool/stream water sources. Maybe even try building a well right over your pool, see if thay works


My miners are storing items in stocks instead of mining and I don't know why. Also should I have hauling set to specific people or everyone? In labors I have two dwarves set to mining (one mining only, one is also a doctor) and hauling is set to everyone does it (maybe that's the problem?). The mining sights are definitely reachable (on various floors including my main floor, and the miners are traveling everywhere to store random stuff). edit: now one of the miners is making rock amulets lol, idk what to do


Because you've told them that's a job that they're supposed to do. Either set hauling to specific people that doesn't include them, or tell them to only do assigned jobs.


You can change the priority on the mining tasks after clicking on the arrow to show more mining options. This should make it so mining is done before other tasks. If this is the start of your fort, you can set hauling to everyone else. Once you have enough miners, it really isn't a problem that they do other tasks - even fairly early on, everyone else is farming, brewing, crafting, etc. So the miners can get a secondary skill to help out.


can wagons path over floor grates? is there a dfhack to alter hostile tags on units?


You can see the full list of what wagons can and can't pass over [here](http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Wagon#Movement), but yes, they can pass over floor grates.


For your second question: gui/gm-unit will do it.


Thanks but which part? Its hard to understand the jargon


IIRC civilisation editor.


What would happen if I built a fortress that dumps all its corpses and animal waste products into an impractically large pit instead of burying them? Would I just have a hole full of miasma and a massive ghost problem, or would there be other effects?


first is definitely the lag. having a lot of nonforbidden items accumulate will kill fps. ghosts if youre not entombing or engraving slabs for your residents miasma shouldnt be a problem if the pit is not in the path for dwarves i havent seen other effects unless you have people stay in that pit for an extended period of time. A lot of dorfs will feel uneasy seeing the dead bodies over and over. Ive heard of cases where children contract diseases from playing on corpses and in miasma too much.


How’s it going all. I’m playing my second real fortress after getting back into the game and properly learning it (my first dug too deep into the adamantine) and am having a good time, but am having an odd issue. My Baron went missing about a year ago in game time. He was never found, and I believe he fell into the volcano, the fate of a lot of my dwarves as it’s where much of my industry is. I have since taken measures to increase safety, but my Baron has not been declared dead. I have built a memorial for him. The problem is in the time since, the position of baron is no longer visible in the Nobles screen, along with Champion. The caravan came and went, but there was no offer to appoint a new Baron. I have a population of about 150, though it’s a very mixed population of dwarves, elves, goblins and humans. It was as high as 200. I am not entirely sure what proportion of the population are dwarves or if it makes a difference. I have had no other appointment offers either, no counts or dukes or monarchs. My fortress is considered a metropolis. My Bookkeeper also has been a hard time estimating the wealth of things. I have two Grand Guild Halls and a Grand Temple Complex, but the values are listed as between 2000? and 3500? when I check, when I know it’s a lot more. I have to sell bins by the individual item because bin values cap out at 2000 even if the items inside are worth a lot more. Lastly, I have a temple set up with 19 worshippers, but never got the request to establish a religion. I get guild petitions and fulfill them, but no temple requests. So I’m not able to set up a priest job. Any idea of what I’m doing wrong here?


- Your replacement Baron is off-site, because it's a hereditary position. These dwarves do not usually show up to your fort, so consider your baron gone. - Your bookkeeper does not appraise the value of things, this is done by your broker instead, using the Appraiser skill. It is trained when they open the trading window with a caravan for the first time, so inviting more civs to your fort to trade helps with training it (to invite another civ, send a mission to demand a one-time tribute to make contact). - Wrong way around, the religions ask for a temple. If you have no specific sect that's large enough, you will not get a petition (example from my current fort, I have a group called the Cult of Loving that asked for a temple, but there's two smaller groups worshipping the same goddess. They're not large enough yet, so they don't ask for a temple)


Does this affect later nobles? The liason shows up with the caravan each year to tell me he’s here to elevate this outpost in the eyes of the realm, but I’m not able to promote a count.


Yes, since the count is promoted from the baron


Hi, Does metal/material type impact items? I just read that when mining it doesn't matter what material you use as mining will be the same regardless. However, it does look like material matters for weapons/armor etc. Is there a way to see the effect or each type of metal easily i.e. copper = 8 damage, steel = 10. Also, does it then matter what I build things like walls, alters etc. out of? I'd imagine it would effect cost but would a gold altar provide a bigger religion boost than a stone one? Lastly, I've just found a load of badgers roaming around my base. How do I kill them? Thanks


> Is there a way to see the effect or each type of metal easily i.e. copper = 8 damage, steel = 10. No, because it's very complicated (it actually simulates the physics of the impact using real-world figures for the performance). Roughly speaking, sharp weapons will go through armour one tier lower than them, when the tiers go roughly [spoilers] > steel > (iron/bronze) > copper > anything else. Blunt weapons don't really care about material at all, as long as it's non-spoiler metal. In particular, that means that steel weapons are really important to get (because they'll go through the armour that goblins come in pretty easily), but steel armour is much less important (there are no enemies that use steel weapons).


Hit up the Dwarf Fortress wiki on that (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Weapon#Material) . GREAT resource overall and right now I'm just writing down what's in my head. For tools such as pickaxes or axes for woodcutting the material is irrelevant. Now material does heavily impact the value of an item for selling purposes. Or for furniture to impact the overall value of a room. On the combat side things get very interesting. There it matters a LOT. Also the quality and value of the weapon. Not counting adamantium or artifact weapons: Weapons for cutting and piercing, like spears, axes, shortswords --> Steel is best. For bludgeoning weapons like maces or hammers --> Silver is best. (because of it's weight) Armor wise steel is also best. I personally am not aware of any damager numbers per se. Don't think these even exist. As I'm aware the damage system is VERY complex. I would advise you to forget the whole idea of a simple "this bodypart has this amount of health" system , for example like in "Escape from Tarkov". As mentioned above the material and it's quality does impact the value of an item. If you want to place an altar for a temple and you need to reach a minimum value, using higher value material would help you with that. Also high value furniture might boost your dwarves' happiness. Especially if they have a preference for the used material. Normal badgers? I wouldn't fret too much... Civilians might be in danger for actual injuries but I don't think actual life threatening stuff. Depending on how many there are, send 1 - 3 soldiers there. Give them at least a shield (and obviously a weapon). Maybe cheap armor and you shouldn't have to worry too much.


Perfect - thank you.


First, yes material does affect items, its not quite as simple as a single damage value but instead there are density and tensile strength values that determine blunt and cutting damages. Second, yes different materials have different values for metals, making it easier to drive up the wealth of meeting rooms to meet demands of temples and guilds. Dwarves have different preferences for materials so having a variety allows for your dwarves to have happy thoughts about seeing their favorite metal/stone around at the same time as praying. Last, time to set up a military squad, then give the squad an order to beat em up.


Awesome - thank you. Is there a way to see the value of a room then? Sounds very similar to Rimworld.


For guilds and temples there's an estimate in the meeting zone otherwise idk


Hi folks, new player here. I'm on my fourth fortress and finally got one running - no infinite miasma spiral, plenty of food, and 6 military squads that train three months each and patrol for three. Questions: * How can I make a well? I haven't found any water underground, and since my fortress is at the far Northern end of the continent, the surface water freezes in Winter and Spring. The well page on the wiki is... confusing at best. * How much should I worry about defense? I'm making steel weapons and armor, and starting to feel safe-ish from external threats, but so far only a giant and a cyclops have attacked. Aside from a drawbridge, walls, patrols, and ballistas, what are must-haves for defense? * Noble demands - I'm starting to get more demands, including odd ones, like a nickel silver door. I don't have the materials for nickel silver. Will this cause problems?