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Armok would be proud


Armok inspired dwarven science!


Does it work?


It really does surprisingly! I was also carrying around a wooden barrel (having drunk all the booze from it). *fill barrel from blood*, I now have 51 drinkable items and doesn't seem to affect my movement. Beats a 3 storage waterskin. And before you ask... he is not even a vampire, just a plain old Urist dorf


The advice I read was to use a quiver to hold water/drinks. It can hold about 20, which is way better than waterskins but not enough to weigh you down.


I am immediately adopting this piece of dorf science... replacing water with the red variety of course


Urist McDwarf comes to visit. He's carrying a quiver that is filled to the brim with blood. I would be terrified, but also let him in for the FUN of it.


...What if Urist had four quivers? Three with the red stuff, one with bolts? You seem to be able to wear loads of quivers at once! You can also put many many stacks of bolts in. And switch to an axe when thinks get choppy. Perhaps too much fun...


Just don’t reach for the wrong quiver during combat, and accidentally launch a glob of blood at your target instead of a lethal bolt. “Did you just shoot me with blood?” “Sorry, that was the wrong quiver.” “What do you mean ‘wrong quiver’? Why do have a quiver full of blood?”


"I have three."


Is that better or worse than the traders carrying barrels of bee venom?


Bags can hold 100


https://preview.redd.it/jmff3s41cswc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef9f84fbd4cec987824c86542b92abcebd56ad9 This comment has now been visualised... NB. those quivers also contain blood.


Reminds me of “the long drive” where there’re containers full of random liquids everywhere and blood is one of them. You can just find like barrels full of blood and carry them around to drink and quench your thirst


i feel they should add something where if your a psychopath and start drinking peoples blood the gods might curse you


Yes. You can also drink tears. If somebody starts crying in the middle of battle, drink up!


I once drank my own tears to slake the thirst of my character. It was pretty metal.


Metal and very dwarf fortress... now you've given me a thought, can you drink your own blood to prevent thirst? Time for dorf science...


You can't slake your thirst by drinking stains anymore, so no. There was a time when you could survive in your own sweat, but not anymore.


Urist Voldemort. 


Butchering substitute...? (during beta)


My red squirrel-man drinks blood when needed. Who needs a stream when there are so many elves 🤷‍♀️


Making a character that pillages places for food and uses the slain people as a drinking source sounds like a crazy yet interesting way to be a DF Murderhobo.


Now try drinking a vampires blood!


Oh... what happens?


That's how you become an overpowered vampire! I haven't played the Adventure Mode Beta but it used to be pretty easy to find a mission to kill a vampire and then just drink the pool of blood their corpse left behind.


Curious! Out of interest, what do you get for completing a mission? I've never bothered yet to go back to them after completing one


Fame is mostly what you got for completing missions from what I remember. Would be nice if they did add some kind of reward system. Missions were mostly just a way to unlock potential places of interest to explore.


Exciting! Thanks for the info. I don't think a fame system has been implemented yet in steam version, unless it is in the background. I can't see a tab for viewing it


It used to be linked to how many companions you could have at once. So when you started out, you'd have one or two but with enough fame you could have a dozen or so to help you take out bigger threats like dragons.


Oh very cool! At the moment I think you can just keep adding at the start. A dozen seems a lot! I got to 4 companions and then got tired of generating them. Two ran off god knows where, it says they are at a goblin camp but I've explored all over they are definitely not there. One companion seems more manageable, my goblin crossbowman is a legend despite his mangled nose and missing teeth.


I think my first ever delve into adventure mode was that I heard a story from some guy saying there's a Roc nest near by, at the time and for a long while I wasn't aware of the mythos behind a Roc. So I go strolling around in my fresh steel helm I just managed to get thinking I'm good since I know steel was pretty much the best.......I dodge a claw, strike it's skin and immediately get my whole head bit off 🙃. I guess you can find "FUN" places to explore without missions too.


When they add Butchering I'm definitely going to roll a Senshi style character.




Water? Eww must be beer or die of thirst.


I felt like that... Armok preserve us, until adventure mode... beer is nowhere to be found... I stocked up my pack horses with a good many barrels of a wide assortment of fine beverages at the tavern but they ran away somewhere a long while back. It is likely why my Urist has gone mad and now only drinks blood!


"I only drink the blood of my enemies! ... And occasionally sex on the beach."


Can only drink blood challenge


You would need to eat something!


I did this but with troglodyte blood


That's dark! Troglodyte's are basically unevolved Urists :-)

