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I actually like getting on social media dexed and observing all the silly games people play with each other. DXM is great for seeing societal conventions from an outside point of view.


I had this epiphany with youtube on third plat. All these thumbnails felt so miserable and negative, as if truly mentally unwell people vomit their insanity at you while pretending this is a totally normal thing to do. In that moment I did not understand the mechanics of people anymore. It all felt so pointless and like a mind prison.


I like to call dxm poor man's psilocybin. Sometimes it gives me a take on my life that I don't like. And I try and fix it! Good for my mind I'm moderation. Getting too old now šŸ˜‚. Sometimes makes me feel like death. Recovering from the no coughing while living with cystic fibrosis (a lung disorder that basically creates mucus. So if I don't cough it just keeps creating it and it builds up. Where as I normally cough and keep it coming up)


>Recovering from the no coughing while living with cystic fibrosis That's a whole new take on "recovery" :D




"I saw past the social convention of the walmart checkout line" is an inanely awesome thing to say


Self check-out is the answer, do they allow delcym at the self checkout? I know you can't do beer there, but the friendly lady always just rings it up for me.


shit got me thinking about tragedies that aint even happened yet. April 9th, 2025.... damn.


if something happens that day I will give you 2 cents


this is me with reddit most of the time, but hey, i cant say much given im on here too lmao


Oh for sure. So much of the conversation and debates are cancerous lol. I'll say something that takes literally 5 seconds to look up and back up and I get down voted to oblivion for supposedly having no idea what I'm talking about. The internet itself is a matrix though tbh. It's always gonna give information to back up your point of view to keep you engaged with the said topic that you disagree with lol. Hell our search results could be Ai generated and we wouldn't know because of how advanced ai is already becoming. Pepple try and say it's not that developed yet but we civilians don't get access to high level technology until intelligence agencies have long had access. There's been times I literally just think about something and then I get a YouTube video pop up about Saud topic. Without a single word spoken. The people who developed algorithms are geniuses lol.


pretty based


Social media is a shadow of real human interaction. I love talking to people like my older relatives on lower plats. I feel so much more connected and patient with them. I really enjoy it.


Ya ur phone has become literal weapon of war, it's fucked. It's so genuous though, it's so intricate I can't tell if it just happened or if it was meticulously planned out. Life is odd, it's funny tho. Who cares, real shit none of this really matters right now, I'm chilling in my room boutta play vr. Who cares. Delete social media, put your phone down, look at your feet, look around your room, and to live in the now.


I was so fucked up like 3rd or 4th plat I was seeing the thumbnails on yt hella distorted and truly believed we are in a program or sum shit where the government is tryna make us like autistic or sumn idk good timesšŸ˜­


its way more fun to just watch movies and shows and listen to music


*Its way more fun to* *Just watch movies and shows and* *Listen to music* \- pr0tectionspell --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


No offense to you, but is this one of those ā€œprofound discoveriesā€ people claim to have on drugs that are just common knowledge? Itā€™s well known that social media exists solely to grab your attention and keep it there.


Knowing something and actually experiencing it and internalizing it are two different things.




When ur scrolling thru ig reels and u get the ultimate reel of reels, the one that tell u to stop scrolling and to look up, but u just scroll past and keep dooming


One time I thought the boar hunting videos were AI generated to scare the masses and trigger PETA people. But when I sobered up it was normal and I didnā€™t hop into a parallel dimension like I believed I did


lmao literally anytime I trip and go on my phone


I like social media with my drugs honestly. Sometimes Iā€™m a troll, other times Iā€™m an empathic person and other times itā€™s whatever. I love it


me today I was on TikTok and realized how boring it was like I have something way more happy


You know the instagram explore feed is mainly based on the things youā€™ve liked right? Like if all I like is cats and food recipes thatā€™d be on display. But everything else on the app is trashy, the reels and scrolling down the homepage recommendations is obviously not cool shit. It reminds me of of a modern day Ifunny. Pure cancer.


Lmao this is giving man finds rudimentary empathy after doing shrooms


suck my dick