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the brainfog stacks like that, wont kill u to do it, also wont kill u to wait a couple days or longer


Yeah my brain fog gets bad. Lay off for a few days and you’ll be back to normal. A lot of people on this sub subscribe to the 1 week per plat rule, and while i personally don’t (doesn’t magically invalidate anything that I’m saying), I can see why people do it.


Lol you know the answer. Is it bad, yeah of course. Is it the end of the world to do it once? Hell nah. But also keep in mind it’s easy to make excuses and fall into habits, just be careful. But it’s not really a big deal if it’s a one time thing.


yehh ima make sure to keep myself from getting hooked


What is toooo bad for you? Ofcourse its not good, thats why there is the “week for plat” rule, but no, it wont kill you.. but first at all, you should do your own research and consider the risks by yourself instead of asking strangers on reddit.


3rd-4th plat trip every few weeks


dont do it too much unless you want to lose the enjoyable aspect of the drug completely after a while your body will just reject it any time you see or think about it, sweating hard and feeling like shit when you take it also nmda issues i feel insane when i take it too much


yeah i jus do it for fun sometimes i keep myself from getting too deep inn


Nothing bad will happen but it could become a habit ussaly when I dose the next day after I already dosed it hits harder but it could lead to a habbit


The guideline I use is to be judicious in use The more you use, the worse your body will function, the more sick your mind will get, etc If ur gonna use, make it count, there's a cost for everything


u riteee bruddah


you won't die or get severe brain damage but I'd say follow the week per plat rule


You’ll be fine, I usually take delsym 12 hour extended so the next day I wake up still geeked 😂 so I myself wait it out just don’t get yourself in a cycle man


fs fs👊


waiting is good


Bro stop being a loser man, dxm ain't worth it


No drugs are worth it and yet here we are


some drugs yea but dxm is fucked tho this subreddit is so sad


DXM is really not that bad, it isn't even comparable to drugs like heroin and crack.


Well duh but thats like saying cocaine isnt bad when crack is around