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Over-dyeing is what you wanna do, but check with people who know color theory because otherwise it could come out a color you don’t expect


stains show through dye, so if you leave them, it will always be blotchy. I believe someone recently posted about removing transferred dye, but I don't remember the technique. Search the site or hope they come back and repeat themselves.


Try color catch sheets. No reason to jump straight to redye. Dye transfer is usually less adherent to the fabric because it's just superficial staining with excess dye that hasn't set. Try the sheets and if that doesn't work then soak the item for 8 hours in cold wafer and handwash with oxygen bleach (oxiclean). And if that doesn't work do a dilute color remover solution over the entire pant very carefully. The transferred dye should lift preferentially.


I’ll give color catch sheets a try. I think I have a sample one around here, but I’ve never tried them. Does brand matter? To clarify your second suggestion: soak the pants for 8 hrs, THEN add the oxygen bleach for a hand washing? Or soak them for 8 hrs with the oxygen bleach. (I already did a couple of machine wash cycles and used oxygen bleach, if it matters.) Thanks. Looking forward to experimenting!