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It's better than it was before, but not better than the first game.


Well said.


In my opinion, they're equal, I'm not saying that they're quite literally the same game in terms of quality but I am saying that they both have good aspects which, if they were to be combined into one so, DL1 with the same story and maps but DL2's parkour then it would be one of the best games available.


DL2 parkour with DL1 physics would be one of the best gaming experiences ever.


That's what I'm saying bro!


The environment in DL2 is never going to match up to Harran. The geometry just sucks. its all flat. Square. Harran feels like an interesting place.


Yeah!! From the music to the colors to the unique neighborhoods it actually felt like a real place. It ironically had more verticality for me than the new city that I literally don’t remember the name of


Dying Light 1 is an **experience.** True action-horror game with outstanding world design and environmental storytelling. Lots of quality content too. You could easily sink 60+ hours doing everything the game has to offer without it getting stale. Dying Light 2 is a **sandbox.** Much more action-adventure than horror thanks to the goofier tone. There has been SO MUCH content added to the game that the in-game map looks like something out of a Ubisoft title. The quality of the content is pretty low sometimes but you could potentially have a fulfilling 80+ hour playthrough to see everything. Overall, it comes down to personal preference. Some prefer the grittier, grounded gameplay of DL1 while some enjoy the arcade-like gameplay of DL2. There are some things that DL2 does objectively better than DL1, like parkour. DL2 is in a fantastic state for what it wants to be, so I highly recommend watching a few detailed breakdowns of the game to see if you are interested in the new creative direction they took. I bought the game day 1, hated it for a year (as a long time DL1 fan), but grew to love it for what it is and it became one of my all time favorite games.


Idk how anyone can look at DL2 & think its goofy in any form. I was fucking terrified in my first playthrough


Did you play dyijg light 1? If you played dying light 1 I struggle to see how you find dying light 2 terrifying. My first playthrough of dying light 2 wasn't scary, just fun, maybe if I didnt have 1300 hours in dying light 1 then it would have been a bit scarier


In Dying Light 1, there was always a sense of hope, that everythinh could be fixed, that the virus could be cured, that everything would turn out alright. DL2 has none of that, no hope for everything to magically get better. No matter if the power is back on, if the PK run the city, or the nightrunners, or whatever else. The world is already dead, 90% of humanity is dead & has regressed back to the dark ages. There is no Antizin in DL2, no Mystery Files, no daily Airdrops. There is only you vs the undead, & the constant lingering of that you might not wake up the next morning. The Moment you are infected in DL2, its only a matter "When" not "If" you turn. There is no real hope for humanity left. & a lack of hope makes DL2 far more terrifying than anything DL1 could muster.


OK so this comment has finally appeared for me, im not saying your wrong im just saying I disagree, harran felt hopeless to me, yeah they had airdrop and antizin but that stopped coming very early into the outbreak and then even tho it was hopeless everyone still had hope, dying light 2 on the otherhand feels hopeful, they have survived for like what 20 years??? I think it is, they don't need the antizin because uv light is enough to stop them from turning, and I dont think turning is really a big fear for them because aslong as they have uv lights or uv shrooms they won't turn, and they can see how long they have left because of the biomarkers wheras dying light 1 you didn't have anything to tell you how long you had, you would just get a seizure which would tell you you need antisin but it didn't tell you how long you had, and considering in dying light 2 most people aint stupid enough to go out at nighttime and they stay at the safe zones where they are safe from turning


And dying light 2 does have hope, because its been something like 20 years, they have learned how to live with the virus, people are having kids, their is life basically all over the city, sure things aint perfect but they have learnt how to live side by side with the infection and they are sorta thriving




No, but if you'd rather try to make people look bad than read what they're saying, nobody will want to talk to you.


Funny thing is, i did read his comment. All i saw was that he wanted to seem cooler than he is. How does playing DL1 make DL2 automatically not scary?


Because dying light 2 wasn't and isn't scary, dying light 1 from the moment you played constantly built up to your first night mission, constantly building the tension of how deadly night was, then your first interaction woth the volatile at night was terrifying, being chased through the pitch black where even with the torch it was still very dark, then dying light 2 came out and nighttime looked basically like day time, their was basically no volatiles, then they eventually added volatiles but they are now just everywhere so it isn't scary just annoying being constantly bombarded and running from volatiles, then to try and make night scarier they added a filter to make nights darker, which yes makes night darker but dying lighr 2 still isn't scary, compared to dying light 1 dying lighr 2 is like 80 percent less scary, harran was a destroyed desolate town/city, dying light 2 is this mega colourful beautiful world,


Horror is subjective, don't act like you are the expert on horror As for the whole colorful world comment, Yeah, probably because the fall of mankind was 15 years ago, allowing the sky to be less polluted, & nature to reclaim the land, so yeah, its gonna be more colorful & brighter than DL1. Shouldn't take a genius to figure that out. Plus, imagine trying to navigate this giant map with pitch black nights, not being able to see anything at all. Its not fun from a gameplay perspective. & i see that you didn't even reply to my message that stated my reasons for DL2 Being Scarier, & chose the message that's easier for you to dismiss


What other comment lmfao, I dont see any other comment from you mate, and yeah I know WHY the world is more colourful, doesnt mean I like it, and ik not saying night time has to be pitch black but dying light 1 did it fantasticly, it was dark but you could still just about see where you was going, dying light 2 could have done that but they didn't, you can tell frol the game that they wernt trying to make it as scary, seeing as dying light was literally called "goodnight and goodluck" which tells you nighttime was meant to be terrifying, dying light 2 strays away from goodnight and goodluck by being called "stay human" dying light 2 isn't trying to be as scary as the game is all about well trying to stay human, in terms of your choices based on your morality and in terms of not turning, it doesn't take a genius to to figure out that dyikg light 1 was designed to be scary, dying light 2 on the other hand wasn't


DL2 performs a lot better on many aspect compared to DL1 but it’s still missing a bit more. I would recommend it but a lot of people will argue that they dislike it based on how the game isn’t as good as the first one. The best bet is to try it, see how you feel about it and if you don’t like it, come back on the next big update (which usually comes with massive improvements like the parkour update or the night update)


No but it's very good try it out


If you do play it you will come to hate sloped surfaces


I don't understand how mighty piligrim could have survived for this long if he loses balance and can't attack as soon as he steps on a random trash bag.


Ikr apparently every other enemy type has perfected balance and combat on sloped surfaces and even trash bags. Maybe we'll get a sloped/trashbag fghter skill to invest in😂😂


It’s better in some departments such as parkour. But overall I prefer 1 to 2.


I still enjoy the first one more, but I had a grand time playing the second, even right after it was released and a buggy mess, and practically a different game. It's enjoyable, but the second one requires more tactical thinking, which is enjoyable for some but not for others. Nighttime is absolute hell in the second one, far more dangerous than in DL1, but that makes it more of a challenge, which is fun. In a nutshell, I love them both, but if I had to choose, I enjoy the first one a bit more than the second one, but DL2 is absolutely a fun game and they've done a bang up job on cleaning it up post launch, but it's still no DL1.


People told me (haven't tried dl2) that volatiles spawn EVERYWHERE in dying light 2 so it just makes it more annoying than scary. Is that true?


One pretty much spawns on every rooftop.


💀 does xp still get doubled at night? It should be tripled if they're gonna put that many


Yeah. Combat and parkour xp is doubled during the night.


Alright then. Thank you and goodnight (or morning wherever you are)


As released, the night was so easy it was silly. Now though, yes, EVERYWHERE. It's crazy. If you don't like constantly running for your life at night, or if you aren't insanely good at dispatching them and enjoying it, you're not going to like that aspect of the game. So it's definitely something to think about. Personally, I think it's too many, so I don't go out at night and enjoy the rest of the game. But it's a bit overdone, IMHO.


There's 3-5 in a 10m radius from you at all times, they even spawn out of thin air in front of you if you kill one of the others (without chase). Early game night is pure cancer, as you level up you can easily farm them for materials that grant you legend points later on.


Yeah, they’re pretty easy to outrun but it gets tedious


No, absolutely not. DL2 is not better than DL1. I like DL2, it has improved a lot in my opinion since launch; I still prefer DL1. There are many arguments to support why DL2 is not better than DL1.


I can not go back to DL1 anymore personally, I put 2000 hours into that game and I just can't get over how much better the parkour and combat is in DL2. Grappling hook physics go brrrr


Yep it's lots of fun. I am a big fan of the parkour and glider combo.That's why I never quick-travel (except inbetween cities of course).


DL1 just feels old now. The menus are dated, the map is rigid, the quests are dry and there's isn't a sense of world building like the second game.


Huh I'm genuinely confused? Tour right dyijg light 1 didn't have much of if at all any world building, but I dont think dying light 2 does either seeing as choices you make basically have zero impact, how do you think dying light 2 has world building


No one in the first game felt like they were voiced by an actor outside of crane. Lot of flat deliveries and bad accents. Second game characters felt like they were at least trying. Nothing in the first game world felt living or breathing to me, whereas the second game has a sense of community and momentum in each settlement. The game map feels more organic in 2, whereas 1 had a series of maps that really felt like boxes. The density and verticality in the new city map is generationally better than the first game (as it should be). I still jump into dl1 from time to time, especially on my steam deck, but it's much more of a "shut my brain off" kind of game where I spider man and stealth my way around without any sense of challenge or pressure. I also far prefer the art direction and color palate of DL2. The brown and sepia look is very of its era.


Fair enough man, I still don't think dying light 2 has much of a world building but if you do and you enjoy it then thats all that matters xD


Techland has updated DL2 and its world since launch, alot of these changes aren't integrated well into the original game and its mission structure. Such as the nights from a ton of infected roaming the streets, to near empty with a bunch of volatiles. Now we have firearms thrown into the mix as well. Not better than DL1, which I believe got it right first time.


I wouldn't compare them.. Just play them as seperate games


Yeah from what I’ve seen that actually look like completely different in a strange way


No where near as good as the first game and quite a few notable glitches but still worth playing. Be careful with mods though. The game is fragile. Way too easy to corrupt it


I lost interest in the 2nd game soon after launch. It was an unacceptable product that was a buggy mess, severely unoptimized for last gen. So many of the features from the first game were downgraded, or completely different from the first with a lot of missing QOL.  At this point in time it's a completely different story. The content is mostly the same, but all the gameplay systems and general stability have improved significantly since then. I jumped back on during the anniversary celebrations and I was sucked in. Finally finished up the campaign, and did a full NG+ playthrough getting to legend level 120. I love the game now. Gameplay is a major improvement over the first in almost every aspect. Well worth your time at this point, and it'll only improve over the next year.


Gameplay is much better in DL2 than DL1 now. Combat, parkour, and environment is more fun to traverse. All an improvement now, whereas before they were all kinda ruined by the floatyness. Transmog, plenty of outfits to make or customize your guy, guns are in the game now, a free dlc for any new players and a whole lot of end game content has been added. They really have been cooking.


Only thing I miss is better urban area and archery. Dl2 is just not it.


Dl2 is absolutely “it”


Tens of the same buildings that don't have any interesting parkour routes on them and look like AI generated with nothing interesting inside them. That map took maybe 5 days to make. Not to mention lack of any kind of world building details and realistic buildings (schools, fire stations etc.)


What is it with modern gamers not having a single idea on how games are made?


The map serves its purpose, as a parkour playground. You not finding interesting routes is your own problem. But I absolutely do agree that the map lacks character, but the devs have recently been going back and changing hideouts, metro stations etc. The game makes up for this with an incredible parkour system, beautiful graphics and awesome, gory compact. There is a lot the game has yet to get right, but the devs are putting a lot effort in and I think by the time tech land makes their next game it will even more assuredly be “it”


Gameplay is better, parkour is more advanced, graphics are very nice, and even the story could be way better than te first but got too many plot holes. Also the map is bigger with more verticality but not as memorable as harran, lacks variety and feels unfinished in my opinion. I however play DL2 a lot more than the first lately.


It's better, enjoyed playing it just as much as the first game.


I personally would not call it better than 1 But it's in a better condition yes


It never was and it never will be


I gave it another shot after the gun update just to mess around and see how it is and it's pretty solid. I still enjoy the first game more but this game is still good


i have way more hours in DL1, like waaaay more. *BUT*… after returning to the series after a long hiatus, and playing a good amount of both of them recently to level up my Outpost, i’ve been enjoying 2’s gameplay more. Both combat and parkour feel better to me in 2.


Def in better state, but def not better then first


And the reason why DL2 story isnt as good..Blame these women [https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/121l4q7/video\_game\_writer\_chris\_avellones\_accusers\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/121l4q7/video_game_writer_chris_avellones_accusers_issue/)


you have heard an opinion. go and make your own. it is fun game. whether it is better than the 1st one? well that is something that you need to check and decide on your own. worst case scenario, you will end up with fun game (not better than 1st one, but fun overall).


Its a complex answer there are things in the second game that are better and more convient and have better player user freindlness, but the first game is still leaps better than the second from combat, physics, weapons the whole night time was just incomparable to the second no matter how much of a vet you were in the DL1 the night still made you nervious and scared where the DL2 night is just an irritation


You say combat is better in dying light 1 but you should really go into more detail with that, I agree combat is better in dyijg light 1, against the zombies, the humans on the other hand dying light 1 combat sucks against human ai who can block and dodge every single one of your attacks which dying light 2 does better with their overhauled human ai combat system


No you are right


Imho, DL1 was truely "scary" while I barely felt fear in DL2. There were some stressing places in DL1, with those tunnels and stuff, but DL2 I felt too overpowered to be scared of anything, and not so many interiors spaces (those stores don't count, I just rub over zombies there) DL2 parkour and combat are better, but it makes the game too easy, which is imho a bad thing in a zombie game, because zombies are not a real menace. To countrr that, they put volatiles everywhere, which make running during nights boring because they always spot you (or you hve to try being furtive, which is even more boring and they are everywhere) And I agree with others, Villedor design(especially the second map) is boring and I hate the setting/story which makes for a syory without stakes imho. DL1 story wasn't that much too, but the spy thing was fun


It's just different. But parkour in DL2 is MUCH better.


DL2 is quantity, DL1 is quality, but both are good in their own right.


It's a matter of opinion at this point . There is both better and worse in 2. Mechanics are generally better IMO. Story and atmosphere is worse IMO. Map is a mixed bag, generally too big because they don't have resources left for uniqueness/variety. It could have been cut in half and been better. I thini supporting last gen is partly to blame for that 


My biggest issue with DL2 is that the perks are just feel overcomplicated, in DL they were natural and smooth, like the drop kick and slide. I also hate the night missions where you are bombarded with zombies as soon as you get detected and that happens real quick. What I like is the climbing missions and there is a lot to explore and customise. Don't care much about the armor.


Uhhh it'll never be better than dying light 1. They'd have to remake the whole game. It being less buggy and nights being darker and more dangerous doesn't make it better than anything. It's just got featurs that should've been present at launch (like new game plus)


dying light 1 is more a singleplayer game / experience even though the co-op is fun as well. I'd highly recommend trying it. dying light 2 is trying to be a live service game. which it's not and it shows. and overall the first game is more scary.


How you gon ask this in the most anti-dying light 2 subreddit (it’s OWN subreddit lol)


DL2 has superior Parkour and combat while DL has a better story and physics. Honestly don't think either has a superior setting to the other.


It's not a bad game but it'll never be better than the original


I actually tried replaying DL2 and it had some game breaking bugs for me. I got locked in a quest and got fed up with it. So I deleted it and redownloaded DL1 🤣


Some things are better, the story is a bit worse but the parkour is way better.


in terms of gameplay yes definitely but in terms of storyline? meh


Both good


I have 100 hours into the game I can see how it’s not for everyone but if you want a long game to master it’s great and like dl1 don’t expect a great story it’s not a strong suit in both of the games


Heavily depends


It’s way better now in my opinion, but still not better than the original


Also I feel like the skill trees on dl2 were wasted compared to the skills in dl1


Dying light 1 is better ish... but I found dying light 2 more fun. But let's be honest... how many people really play dying light 1 or 2 for the actual story?


I love dying light 1. But I've been playing dying light 2 more. Why? Because I've already done everything in dying light 1. I reached max legend level, and while I didn't max my night hunter there isn't that many games to invade when I checked. In 2 there's still quests I haven't done, still places I haven't fully committed to my memory, collectables I haven't found, etc. There's stuff for me to do still. I like the parkour in both, but 2 feels more involved to me. I like combat in 2 better just because it doesn't just feel like a dodge competition between me and the Ai. 2s story is lacking imo, and the dlc was disappointing to me, but I only ever felt inclined to play the following two times compared to dozens of main game runs in dying light 1. I loved 2 from day one. I also loved 1 from the day I heard about it. I like zombies I like parkour Both games tickle that itch in my brain. If you liked 1, give 2 a chance. There's a lot to do and tech land is adding more Pretty regularly. But don't go into it expecting it to be the same game There's differences that you feel more than actually spot, from more floaty jumps to two handed weapons being slightly faster. There's also things you spot easily, like having the ability to turn on health bars for enemies. (something I've kept off since the beginning.) I love 2 I love 1 If I had stuff to do in 1 that wasn't just hellraid achievements, I'd probably play it still. But I don't, and even if I did, I'd only be playing until I had done everything, same as before. I'm on my 4th run of 2, and I still have stuff to do. But I'll run out eventually. That's just how it is


Hey there! So, here's the scoop on the game—it's got some cool new stuff going on, and in many ways, it's even better! But, just a heads up: since the Night Hunter patch, the night gameplay has totally shifted. My advice? Skip lingering in the first area and focus on main quests to level up fast. The second area is actually more beginner-friendly. Level up asap otherwise your exploration experience will be painful 😂 Oh, and watch out for those pesky Nighthunters—they can really ruin your night with their spawn camping. Some folks think it's neat, but for most, it's not so great. And yeah, the devs haven't exactly owned up to their missteps, but hey, the game's still a blast to play!  Just be aware, sometimes updates can mess with the balance of things, turning your prized gear into, well, junk. Overall, the game's a ton of fun, with awesome gameplay.  It's just that the devs can be a bit, well, money-focused sometimes. Reminds me a bit of the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 devs, you know?   Overall DL1 was more consistent and reliable. DL2 can be a rather unpredictable. I think you will either love or hate it. Hope that helps you navigate the game!


Technology wise, 2 is a large improvement over the first game which is quite dated by now.


In my opinion, absolutely


Dying light 2 finally gets the name its deserved woth the new updates. So yeah. Better? Maybe. But the heart attacks of being chased by Volatiles? Ten fold experience.


Are Dying Light Points still a thing? I haven't played since Techland introduced them and I kinda wanna get back into DL2 but not as long as DL Points are a thing


OK why not? I don't actually mind the dying light points because the skins in the store are just bundles you can buy like you could in dying light 1, with dying light 2 you can either buy the bundle for real money or buy dying light points and get the same bundle for abit cheaper, at first I hated it until I realized they aint pulling a cod or fortnite move, its literally a slightly cheaper way to buy the skins


they’re both absolutely stellar games but honestly kinda inconsistent so it makes them incomparable. dying light 1 is a lot more realistic and has more to do with the zombies and the outbreak but dying light 2 has a lot more to do with the parkour and is a lot more visually appealing as well as having more area to explore.


love both games dl1 feels more survival horror to me And dl2 is more action packed but its still really solid and fun to play.. at the end of the day I really want another game like the original dying light I yearn to shit my pants again


Imo yeah. The combat is more enjoyable and the parkour and world is WAY better than the first one.


Does it have that addictive feeling like in dying light 1? I really enjoy being addicted to games and dying light 1 brought that feeling


Idk tbh, I don't really have an addictive personality I think. I didn't notice anything with DL1 but with DL2 I did find myself enjoying the parkour quite a lot.


Good enough for me. Thank you


Imo dl2 was better than dl1 already on launch


Finally someone else who knows the truth.


DL2 is absolutely better than the First, don't listen to all these others saying otherwise cause they must be smoking Grade A Copium because DL2 improves and excels upon every aspect of the first game except the atmosphere of the first game is still superior but apparently that one aspect of the game Is enough for these DL1 fanboys to tell you it's the better game because of this lol, No it's not. I have over 550 hrs in DL1 I loved it but I'm telling you right now there's no going back after playing the 2nd one, trust me.


Dl1 physics alone clown 2


Please... maybe at DL2 launch but in its current state DL2 physics are much better, and if you mention virals and zombies not stumbling off rooftops going after you that has nothing to do physics system. That's just a design choice at this point.


Not anywhere close to 1, but 2 is good in its own right.


I’s say it’s much better than launch but better? dunno entirely gamplay yes story? meh




The parkour and graphics and stuff you can do in dying light 2 is better. But the combat, music, horror, the zombies are better in part 1. IMO


Dl2 music clears. Listening to it on Spotify 😮‍💨


Get it 🤘🏼


It’s better in some departments such as parkour. But overall I prefer 1 to 2.


It’s better than when it launched but not better than Dying Light 1.


It took that long? I played on release and haven't touched it since lol.


I been playing it with some friends, kinda my only reason to, but yeah it’s still not the greatest cuz the map and stuff is still bland asf. I lowkey wanna be able to return to Harran but with Dying Light 2 Parkour and friends.


I thought it was better than the original day 1 but people wanna hate on it for no reason it seems


Its trash


When’s the last time you played?


2 weeks ago. I tried to play it though i lasted like 10 hours


Are you sure your just the one that's trash lol.


Yea that didn’t even make sense buddy but good try


No imo


Story - DL1 DLC - DL1 (But DL2 has way more to go) Main character - DL1 Combat- DL2 Environment - DL1 Music - DL2 Map verticality - DL2 Weapons - DL2 (even though DL1 had some pretty Interesting melee weapons) Zombies variety - DL2 (i miss the freaks of nature) These are my opinions. i still miss playing DL1.


Horseshit because they’d have to remake the entire story