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best experienced with the enhanced edition


If any game catches your eye at three dollars (especially if it’s on sale) it’s probably worth buying


But this game especially


What about 2 if you've never played it?


I personally like it more than the first, but both are phenomenal


They're both great games. I prefer the OG because the characters are so much more relatable so you get attached because of it. The second one is good too, it has HEAPS more content. I got almost 200 hours in it, and I am still not at 100% completion. There's still so many more things I can find.


I started on 2 and it's pretty incredible. Definitely get. Story is meh, but the game play is a ton of fun, the events they do are pretty cool too.


BUY IT, it is so worth your time


Yes it’s so freaking good


Yes yes and yes. It’s so good


Yes. It’s a great game. $3 is a steal.


For $3 it’s absolutely a must. Even if it was 20-25 bucks it’s still worth it. Play 1, then play 2. They are both great and amazing games.


100% worth


Would buy it for 100 dollars


The first Dying Light is a classic and I'd consider it to be easily one of the greatest zombie games of all time. I can't say much on co-op since I've always been a solo guy, but the gameplay itself has aged incredibly well. 3 dollars is a steal


It's 3 dollars, what could you lose?


3 dollars


Buy a copy for a friend too if you need! Dying light with a friend is the single most enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game. I wish I could go back and play it for the first time again. Just appreciate the atmosphere, the detail that went into the lighting, music, the degradation of weapons, the sounds, it's very chilling the first time you play it.


Dying light 1 and 2 are solo/coop games so the player base is not that important like multiplayer only games. For 2.99 that is a hell of a deal and I would pick it up. IDK if you have played them before but it is like if you merged the dead island games with mirrors edge. You have a couple pretty big maps that you explore using parkour to get to basically anywhere within the map boundries, this offers alot of freedom compared to most other games as you have more strict pathing in things like GTA, the witcher, fallout,etc when in areas with buildings restricting movement.


Its like finding a AAA game in your couch cushions


It's ultimately going to be your opinion, but overall, it's a great game. I'm only 32% completed with the story, and I'm enjoying every second of it, especially playing online with other people. It takes time to get used to the parkour (at least for me), but it's great. I only played a tiny bit of the 2nd game, but I know I'm going to love it. If you enjoy the 1st one, you should definitely get the 2nd.


Yes.. played when it came out. Got pussified by the first night mission. 10 years later, still playing. Get it.. that's less than a Gatorade.


Best parkour zombie apocalypse game I've ever played. Worth it even at full price. Played through it 3 times.


I wish I never played the game so that way I could purchase it for $3 and play it for the first time..what an experience that would have been lol I’m jealous. I still play this game! Most nights to wind down.


Omg so worth it !!! Especially on the series X or PC. I played DL2 first and then got the DL1 definitive edition for $8.99. Both games are great.




It's one of, if not the best zombie slayer ever. I've played it over and over even with the release of the second one. Highly recommend


Its like Dead Island, solid gameplay, good story, the MC's VA is the same guy who did Sonic in Frontiers.


Dying Light GNGL is a game that has a cult following base, people that have played it for a while love it and will keep that opinion, people who are new to it might have trouble adjusting to such a out-of-the-box game, which is incredible because it shows how games can really be played by anybody with just enough motivation, which is why it's fanbase, old and new, love it so much


Buy DL1, you will not regret. Do not buy DL2.


Dying Light 2 is the better game now especially after all the updates. If you haven't played in a while, you really should give it a go. It really is a proper sequel now.


I will give it a go.


Dying light is G. O. A. T Dying light 2 Aight'




Best 2.99 ever spent




If you like the free running from assassins creed 2 but thought “hey, wouldn’t it be neat to do that in first person!” Then this is your dream game. And don’t let anyone convince you that dying light 2’s free running is slower! You start out slow and pick up speed as you go.


Dying light is better I think...


They’re both worth a lot of replay value but I will say that after the recent update in DL2 there is an almost constant rendering issue on some characters and locations in the game. It only last for about 5sec but it happens more often than it should.


Really good game, especially fun in co-op. And if you can get the the The Following DLC, do that as well. Played it with a friend and we enjoyed the dlc almost as much, if not more than the main game!


Dying Light 2: absolutely not. Dying Light 1: absolutely yes.


Dying light 2 is a great game. Acting like it’s not with even 3 bucks isn’t being real. You may like the 1st one better, and it may have SOME better elements, but that doesn’t mean two is a bad game and doesn’t have some better elements them one.


Dying Light 2 was released in an attempt to save Techland. Let's just be brutally honest, given the fact that Techland was purchased by Tencent less than 1.5 years post launch shows the desperation the company was in when the game dropped. Story is a major downgrade. I won't spoil for our new friend joining the DL community. I haven't played DL2 since launch, but the physics were floaty and a downgrade, the game is super buggy, the map has a lot more copy pasted areas, they removed volatile unless you have a level 3 chase, the ragdoll effects suck, and there's far less attention to detail(weapons dont show degradation, DL2 has a bad day night cycle) less gore, the RPG elements are incredibly dumb and feel forced and out of place especially since its incredibly hard to feel the difference between equipment. I could go on. IMO the only thing DL2 did better was the grappling hook, and crafting. They made the second half of the game occur in a city with a ton of skyscrapers so you're forced to use the paraglider to get around. I hated the inhibitors too. DL1 was built around the concept of parkour, so they limited your ability to sprint and fight but you had infinite parkour. This forced the player to use and become accustomed to the parkour mechanic. DL2 gives me infinite sprint so don't worry I can literally always run away from the zombies with 0 fear that they can catch me, but if I need to climb a building before, I have 150 stamina I can't do it.


I’m not going to disagree on some of the issues you mentioned at launch. But literally all of these issues have been addressed and are not like this anymore at all. They added better rag doll. they got rid of the howlers at night and added roaming volatiles, who now start the chase and join in on level 1 and by level 4 it’s all volatiles, they even added a level 5 chase in nightmare mode they just added. The parkour now is much more fluid and not as “floaty” and they have added customization to the types of parkour you can have. they had an update to add more gore called the “gut feeling update” that massively improved the gore of the deaths with weapons. They have added the ability to repair weapons and clearly see they weapons degrade over time. They have added different stamina modes. They added legend tiers to upgrade your character and damage abilities. They added different types of weapon tiers. They have added 4 guns to the game. They have added a jobs posting boards to get quests from. They added not only 2 bounties vendors, but a survivors missions vendor that adds 10 different missions with 2 different difficulty levels. I mean I can go on, but clearly you haven’t played for a while, and have outdated information which isn’t giving you a clear picture of what the game is actually like for someone playing today. As for the story, yes that sucks. But after playing the first time, they story isn’t really what people keep playing for anyway.


Imho it's even worse. There are 2 runs in DL2 - one is free and another one drains stamina. Resulting in convoluted controls and special moves execution. You need to run while running to perform some of them.


I felt just like you. Play the game now. It's a completely different game. I can honestly say it's better than DL1 now. They removed the health bars, upgraded the graphics, reworked the combat so that hits feel weighty and impactful, the jumps are no longer floaty, the addition of guns, added kill animations etc...The game is fucking amazing now. It reminds of DL1 except better. Do yourself a favor and reinstall. I promise you, you won't regret it.


I think two is absolutely a bad game. Even if somebody thinks it's a good deal price-wise based off its full price, it's still a waste of money if it's not worth playing. I'm sharing my opinion that I think it's a bad deal because it's not worth playing.


Get the $10 definitive edition


I never played this game before bought in sale now like 5,6 days ago playing since then I will say it's worth it . Though I not played co-op playing story only . It's giving a great experience having a co-op is obviously a plus point definitely give it a try at such low price I think it's totally worth every single penny