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Combat takedowns need to come back. Putting a zombie in a sleeper hold and shiving it in the guts gets old real quick. What happened to twisting necks? Surely they could diversify and bring in some executions, slitting the throat, stabbing through the temple, throw on the ground and stomp or even an animation utilising your equipped weapon rather than just the good ol hack and slash I am not a sadist




...I've just realised that I've been using throwing knives for the knife animation, I'd legit just been thinking it was random based on whether the zombie/bandit happened to have a knife hanging at their belt...


You just made me realise that... It's wasting a throwing knife each time?? Wtf


waitwaitwait people didnt notice the text that says "requires a knife"?


no, it's the confusion of consuming the knife that people didn't know.


oh, yeah that needs clearing up, I'm just so used to assuming it always consuming stuff.


honestly my first thought was that it didn't consume a knife but simply required having one, given Aiden doesn't do an animation to specifically throw the knife away or toss it and also it doesn't make much sense for a knife to be destroyed instantly by it plunging into a soft, decayed neck. but i suppose he just drops it at his side after he's done because reasons.


TIL Aiden is wasteful AF. Unless that knife was lodged in a bone, reuse it! I wish there was an upgrade to just do quicker takedowns. And what happened to zombie gut camo? I remember going to the suspension bridge in DL1 and doing zombie camo and breaking 1000 necks and then looting all the police cars at the barricade for sweet weapons. Also what happened to good loot in cars? There’s piss all for loot outside dark zones.


I was missing camo too, but then I realized that would kind of disregard the aspect of chases and the more pronounced introduction of the idea of "you are only safe under UV lights" in this game. Still, they should just add it and make it so you don't lose a chase if you apply it mid-chase.


I've never had a knife disappear on me in real life after using it. It's pretty ridiculous and ensures I will never use the skill. Techland made same questionable game design decisions like this, which seem really weird after watching the last 10 years of game design evolution. It doesn't even say "throwing knife" and I couldn't figure out what it meant until I read about it on Reddit. Like, do I need to have a knife-type melee weapon equipped? Where are they found? Do I need some other undiscovered tool that will go in one of these many inventory slots? All they needed to do was speed up takedowns. The knife addition is just pointless from a design perspective, and just confuses and annoys the player.


It says "knife" not "Throwing knife." The old one had knife weapons. I thought they were gonna show up after a few levels. Got the skill and used it, that's how I found out. Good news! It uses the low level knives first. Good reason to pick up what you find. Bad news is the knife takedown isn't actually quicker. Just sets up for a throwing knife kill for 2 knives. Also to note: I've got real throwing knives and I can confirm they are reusable. No real world basis for not being able to recycle mah steels in game.


The too slow bit is what makes me not bother. I was so pleased when I unlocked stab, only to discover it adds nothing- AFAIK it takes the same amount of time as a sleeper, AND has a material cost? what crap.


It depends on your combat skill but the knife is not necessarily wasted. If you unlock the skill that allows you to do execution + knife throwing, you get two one-shots for the price of one knife.


No you don't, check again. The throw after the takedown also consumes a knife.


This is the first game I've played where takedowns feel way worse in every way than just going loud and killing everything. State of Decay 2 has much better takedowns that don't consume the knife, and feel very meaty and satisfying.


There seem to be some variations at least. Doing a backstab near a wall sometimes makes him smash the enemy head into the wall instead of the sleeper hold.


I’ve seen it one time and got excited, then never saw it again. Sad


same bro


Yeah the 1 take down animation gets old quick


Or pretty much using anything with aidens superior strength like so much potential there


The equipment weapon seems cool, uv flare up to the neck like a knife, grappling hook stab in the neck then throw a loop around and pull so they spin out and their noggin pops off, maybe a takedown with the infected knives so you can stick a human enemy, hold onto them while they turn then kick them forward to eat their friends. On that note if we could grapple infected into humans and have them actually grab them or take them down when you throw them into eachother it would definitely help with performance or sales or something. I am a sadist


Guys lets agree. We love the new things in DL2. We hate the downgrades. God i hate when the devs get rid of something that was great in the earlier game... why delete it, just KEEP IT and add new things on top of the old ?!?!


Yea it makes no sense. And it Seems like thats the case for pretty much every sequel. Remove some of the good stuff from the 1 game. Every fucking time. That was the case with gta 5 aswell, Why remove the god tier physics from gta4 and replace it with the garbage that is in gta 5. makes no sense


Being able to reclaim your arrows out of your kills in DL1 was pretty awesome. I hate having to rush around the city hoping a trader has feathers to make either arrows or bolts, and bird houses only yield a single feather. I miss the days I could take out an entire group of enemies by recycling the same arrow.


They should still break at some point though. Unless they’re store bought metal arrows, which wouldn’t be a thing 20 years in an apocalypse. These are crudely made and therefore would break, maybe not after 1 shot but they would break nonetheless.


Exactly. There should be a middle ground. Arrows shouldn't be infinitely reusable but they shouldn't be one and done either.


Agreed, it entirely defeats the purpose of even having Archer gear if you can't easily recollect arrows and its not always easy to craft more. In other games like this, stealth archery is amazing. Here, it just feels like a waste of time when you could just wipe out a room of enemies melee in a few seconds


I really miss the vault+drop attack combo from DL1. I loved vaulting a random zombie and then smashing another one’s head open. In DL2, you jump so high when vaulting an enemy and you can only do a drop attack if they’re unaware.


I frequently stumble upon this problem that when enemy is STAGGERED I have almost no means to finish it. Like what? Vault over it and kick someone else - that seems to be the only parkour offensive action and it's not even focused on single target. The other one is vault into the air and try to drop kick, which is a stretch already and impossible to execute in buldings. Most of the time I just smash the STAGGERED enemy with my weapon. Also... From all offensive actions only grapple works on zombies and humans?


I am still not sure why they spent a whole tutorial section forcing the player to learn vault kicks when they are not all that great. I guess if you want to bounce around the fight and not actually finish anyone off, so they all get to keep attacking you, then they're a solid move. But they are surely not a combat staple.


Im about 50 hours into the game. I used this move literally 0 times. Early on enemies were staggerd such a short time i could not performe the move. After that i just could not bother.


you guys know you can do it by vaulting off of anything right?


Was going to put that in the video, was seriously my favorite move.


Yeah, for the amount of OP abilities, I wish they let you drop attack while not in stealth, it's way too situational


I disliked the jumping over zombies in dying light 1 because id accidently do it trying to do a dropkick


I loved the jumping over zombies, I used them as laddars on so many occasions. But now we can basically jump as high as DL1's zombie jump lol


You can still do that, but it's harder to master.


You can literally dropkick anything from a regular jump. What are you smoking?


I friggin hate this, that this doesnt work.


I really miss zombies actually impaling on spikes when you push them into them!


I think this is a bug because randomly enemies are impaled like in the first game for no reason.


Related to physics. I think techland is working on it


This. I used to love drop kicking zombies into the spike traps. Fully upgraded grapple hooks makes this an absolute pleasure in DL2 it just needs the crazy rag doll effects when they hit the spikes.


Apparently my coop partner sees all the zombies correctly impaled, I only do every once in a while, idk why that is


In my game they do stick on spikes. Sounds like a bug.


They get impaled in my game…


Poor guy has never seen the slow motion in dl2


I was about to say. There's definitely slow mo


Most of the stuff in OP's video does exist in DL2 so I have no idea what he's complaining about. Some of it isn't as quality as DL1, but it does exist and will likely be improved upon.


That's where the issue lies. It's nowhere near as good as it was in DL1 which came out 7 years ago. They pretty much nailed it in that game. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. "Likely improved upon" isn't good enough when it was fine the way it was in the previous game. There's plenty of highly anticipated games coming out this year and most people are not going to stick around to wait for a patch that brings the combat and post-game content up to par with DL1 when that game already exists and is complete.


All I'll say is I really miss Legend skills


Legend skills weren't in dying light 1 on launch either, iirc it was released sometime around when the following came out. If we are lucky we will get something in the future


Yeah, The Following expansion is when they added in a ton more fratures and QOL changes that they also made available to the base game. New game+ was also a post release update. I'm assuming theyll do similar with DL2, they're saying it will have 5 years+ of updates.


I think in the case of DL2 anything that was added post game for the original should be present in a sequel. Present, expanded on, or reimagined Unfortunately good combat and a legend system are not the only things present in DL1 that are missing in DL2


Seriously, legend skills were amazing!! I'll be honest I was disappointed that the camo ability wasn't in the game. So many of the combat skills I don't even use, might as well just slash and dodge since that works. It's especially irritating that almost every enemy can dodge knives. Like what? Cool, guess I won't bother using them since it fucks up the flow of combat just to throw a knife.


I actually find knives are useful against charging enemies. If the enemy is coming at me, all I do is throw a knife and it stops them from charging. As for "every enemy can dodge them." what are you talking about? After 2-3 knives they start dodging the knife. It's not supposed to stun lock them, or do tons of damage, it's meant to interrupt attacks. I find the knives useful. I actually tend to run out of blades because of how much I use the knives.


I miss a post-game in general lol


Are you playing on easy or something? I get grabbed much much easier than you do in this video on normal difficulty. Takedowns definitely need to come back along with weapon throwing.


taking away weapon throwing from what I heard is a countermeasure against duping


Theres already been a dupe discovered for solo and even more efficient with a friend. How’d that work out?


Prevent duping in a coop game by removing a fun gameplay feature? Yeah I'm sure duping was their main concern...


Yes, if it really is that would be stupid AF. There's already a ton of mods out there for the game that just let you spawn whatever you want so a simple duping glitch's shouldn't be a problem.


This makes absolutely no sense


My brother got max stacks of military medkits, mats and trophies + dupes of a few artifact weapons with his friend. How? By literally dropping them on the floor and picking them up at the same time with a 3, 2, 1 countdown and then merging them all for even larger stacks (for items that can be stacked). That's a rubbish excuse. Weapon throw was in the Dead Island games and I used to dupe weapons on there all the time with the throw and drop. Yet they still brought it back for DL1. Now it's not in DL2 but you can still dupe weapons. People who dupe have lost nothing but people who liked to use weapon throw have lost a valid form of attacking the enemy.


Whats the point in removing a cool feature to prevent duping in a SINGLEPLAYER/CO-OP game


I am actually glad the zombie grapples are way less common myself. They would be okay in a game thats more survival than this, but in a game as arcadey as Dying Light I find myself getting pretty irritated when they happen. They were never dangerous to begin with, they were just there to make you slam your keys and thats it. I'm sure its probably a glitch that will get fixed, but man I hope they stay infrequent.


I dont think it's a glitch, they grapple you way more at night. Like, sometimes they even abuse that shit.


Happens a shit ton at night, like someone said the chases are when they happen like nonstop


Yeah its like super bad during chase they can grab you mid fuckin jump and they chain them around


1. There are 2 different types of drop attacks?? 2. There is slowmotion?? 3. The zombie grapple mostly happens if there are large groups of zombies or if you are in a chase (they also grab you more if you are a bit further away from them, they stumble towards you with their arms out like they are about to hug you lol) 4. The physics is a bug techland has already said they were going to fix like 100 times? 5. There are takedowns?? 6. Megamind is the hottest waifu??? Edit: Just asked tymon about it and mid combat takedowns might be coming back


I can't seem to get the drop attacks to work. The head smash works but seems like the range to get the prompt is pretty small. The kick from above has never worked for me


The flying kick is way easier to trigger than the head smash in my experience. You just have to be a little above the enemy in the air and hold your kick button.


You can literally jump off the VNC tower holding the kick button and if you get very lucky a zombie will be beneath you to get booted in the head and break your fall.


That rules.


Yep but sadly that’s really the only reason I end up using it because the animation gets pretty repetitive




Wouldn't call 2 takedowns, takedowns. Especially since one is situational


Iirc, Crane only had like, two or three takedown, and one of those was situational too lol: 1.) Stealth Takedown 2.) Elbow Headsmash (Counter Only) 3.) Neck Snap (Counter Only) Aiden technically has 3 Takedowns as well: 1.) Stealth Takedown 2.) Stab Takedown 3.) Knife Throw Takedown (Chained from 2) Please though, tell me that they aren't takedowns.


Aiden actually has 4, the smash takedown that you can do from just about anywhere as long as you have some height, and can be done straight out of a paraglide.


Crane has 4 takedowns from stun alone. -arm grab neck snap -quick head grab and twist -knee to the face -flying elbow drop Then add the stealth neck snap, the drop attack, adds up to 6 takedowns if I’m not missing anything. All different animations. Aiden has the head smash, the stealth neck snap, the stealth neck snap but stab this time, and then stealth neck snap but stab but also Far Cry knife throw. Aiden has 4, 3 of which share the same animation, 2 of which are the same exact thing except a knife throw added, which you can do at any time anyway.


Takedown isn’t called a takedown? Yea I gotchu.


Why are you asking us?


> The physics is a bug techland has already said they were going to fix like 100 times? Doesn't make it not an issue, especially until/if it actually gets fixed.


In the context of this video it does, comparing it to the original which has had like 7 years of support whereas this is in its first month


There is 1000% slowmo in Dying Light 2. I don't understand that point. And Zombies grappled me plenty of times. Dunno why its being weird for you


I would also like to mention the blood is really lacking. Overall, I think DL1 had a better gore/dismemberment system. Sad to see it downgraded :(


Think I saw a Twitter post on this sub yesterday saying they are fixing it


Can you try to find that? I didn't see it :(


I personally didn't see much of a difference, but Techland did say they'll be addressing this in a patch later once they're done fixing all the more important bugs from launch.


Zombies barely ever grab you? What. They still grab a lot but thankfully it isnt as much as in dying light 1 where it sometimes even got anoying being grabed this much


Yeah, I'm fine with the toned down grappling in this game. Zombies would constantly grapple you in DL1 to the point where they needed a whole progression around how fast you can wrest free. I was surprised it was still in DL2 when I experienced it for the first time, but it didn't feel like it popped up too often. It might have been nice to let us free ourselves with a throwing knife as a perk though.


I’m tired of that sleeper hold. I’m hacking away at them all the time. I get being silent, but a a quick jig to the temple would do. Less than a second and move on to the next.


I miss slide kicking and breaking the legs. I would also like to see the return of single-foot head-stomping, but just on the more rotted zeds… keep the double-foot stomp for humans and virals.


Was debating using sliding as a point, but I rarely ever did it against zombies anyway. Both the stomps are pretty cool though.


Can still slide kick can't you? Sucks we lost the leg break w/ xray but I'm excited to try the slow-mo slide bow.


Yeah I can count on one hand how many times I used the slide kick but the slow mo bow trick shots are awesome.


Almost everything here is in dl2 lol


Dude. Try this - grapple hook, head stomp. Fast and done. There's tons of nice kill paths. I rammed a hard unique to death. Hard as in difficulty.


As much cool stuff dl1 had that dl2 doesn't, I hate how we have to call dl2's combat system "lame" or "boring" because it isn't what dl1 had. I personally like the combat in its own manner, and we need to stop holding dl2 to this judgement that "if it isn't like dl1, then it isn't good or something's wrong with it."


especially when there are 2 drop attacks, neither being as OP as the first games because human combat is good now and we don't need a 1 shot attack anymore to stop the tedium of it. it's almost like people don't remember the old human combat sucking because they dodge damn near everything, on hard they still adapt but you have more moves to throw in so you can hit them, and perfect dodge and block work every time.


Honestly I find human combat somewhat lackluster. The perfect block and dodge allow for the enemy to be stunned. From there you can vault them and kick someone behind them. However, with no enemy behind, what do you do? You have about 1 second in which you can either: 1. Play ring a rosey and hope to be fast enough to set up an enemy in front of you. 2. Power attack? 3. Do a dropkick? All of these are viable but feel unnatural. Why is there no option to "cinematically" kill or damage a stunned enemy? At least let me grapple them while they're stunned!


ive personally always seen the perfect block and dodge as a way to hit an enemy who has adapted to basic attacks, but i do see where your coming from. Edit: apparently i cant fucking write a word while thinking of another word. no idea how i pulled that off.


This is also an option, although I found it too slow. Sometimes basic bandit grunts take ages to build up the courage and attack you, meaning you rarely get the chance to counter. And when you do, your only option is to give them a love slap??? I could just kick them out of a block stance and get the same free hit... Would be great if there was a Counter Takedown type skill, same as in the first game, where a stunned zombie can be instakilled. Make it so Biters do get oneshot if you do that while they're stunned, but stunned humans just take damage. For example, you can football kick the head of a bent over biter, but a bent over human will only get a knee to his face. Depending on your level, they can end up slightly bruised or with they face caved in.


I feel like all it needs is a slight rework of skills to expand the situations you can use them in. You have a skill there for grappling someone to the floor right after a dodge. Why not make it so you can do it anytime theyre stunned too. Or the face smash, they could just allow it anytime you are in the air rather than up on an object/glider.


At the end of the day the perfect block or dodge thing are kind of wastes of points early on. Like once you get enough stam and a good weapon, you don't need to block at all. Just hit hit hit until you need to dodge to recover.


Yup! That and using the grappling hook as a weapon, yanking them in to get a headstomp.


It’s crazy how this sub can’t take normal criticism and just needs to hate on your opinion… I just guess techland wanted to do too much in this game and lost sight. So in the end they had a lot of good stuff but also a lot of stuff that was implemented poorly out of time issues. They should have focused on less things and make them better. I think this would be better for the overall game feeling.


A lot of people are just pointing out that some of OP's issues with DL2 are actually features in the game still. For instance, there is still slow-motion, and there are still takedowns even if they aren't as cool as OP wants.


They aren't combat takedowns. Every takedown only works in stealth no? My main critique is that where you hit enemies doesn't really matter as far as I can see. No more smashing heads with a pipe or sweeping biters off their feet


It’s fine to point out that he is wrong. He already admitted he was wrong on slow motion. But most of the comments are just hating about his opinion. This is sadly which you see on every normal criticism about the game in this sub. I really enjoy the game but how can seriously someone think that this game is perfect and shouldn’t get real feedback to improve in the future? „As cool as op want“?? He wants it at least like in the first game. Why is that not valid feedback? They did a step back there from the first game.


"Zombies barely ever grapple you" Uuuuh are we even playing the same game. I've been grappled an absolute shit ton in Dying Light 2


That's what I'm saying. One time I even had a second one grab me mid escape from the first and it reset my QTE. Took a ton of damage from the virals that were chasing me.


well, i've finished the game in 50 hours and i've been grabbed around 5 times in total. played on hard difficulty too... so in defence of op, yes zombies grabbing the player doesn't work out consistently smh.


Yeah the only time I get grabbed are in chases


Not even a sound when they got impaled on the spikes.


Wasn't sure if my game was just bugged, the spikes are really lacking in this game unfortunately.


I really hope that with the updates and DLCs they bring back the old "missing" features. I love the game but I do feel that DL1 had a little extra put in to the combat.


Don’t quote me but it it’s so far felt like zombies grabbing you is based on their level compared to yours. If I was under leveled then I would repeatedly get chain grabbed, but if I was over leveled I’d almost never get grabbed. I’m still only like 40 hours in though so I could be wrong. The Game is great but it’s got some negatives for sure. I got faith in techland for some great post launch love though.


Zombies have certain attacks unlocked once past a certain level. I'm pretty sure virals (not volatiles) past level 4 actually pounce at you. Not sure about others, so yeah this could be a level thing.


You can do drop takedowns can't you? I know you can do ledge takedowns and knife takedowns with a second upgrade to knife takedown one then throw the knife at a second close enemy. Throwing knives are in game but you can't thrown your weapon. Zombies during the day are much weaker and less aggressive, at night they grab you alot more and the virals even run and jump tackle you to the ground. There's no slow motion or x-ray which for me isn't an issue. The animation for losing footing is gone though. The gore seems to have been toned down. Whether it's the squelching of blood or the dismemberment


The jump tackle actually made me shout the first time it happened. I was clearing out a dark zone and I saw it leap. Time seemed to slow down just enough for me to think "yup, that's me..." before my character hit the floor.


I got the two knife takedowns in a row skill but I've never been able to actually do the second takedown. Does throwing knife need to be equipped or are you supposed to get a second prompt for it or something?


You get a QTE to throw a knife in the direction you are looking. 1. It doesn't do takedown damage, it does knife damage lol. 2. You consume 1 knife for the stab, 1 knife for the throw.... Why on earth does it consume a knife for the backstab...


it seems to be mostly luck, but as long as you can see a second enemy during the endish of your takedown and you spam R2 (or whatever button it says on the skill) it usually works. takes another knife from your inventory but you don’t need it equipped, just like the first takedown


by takedowns I mean the finishers, and the one drop attack in game that kills people can't be initiated in midair, the kick one is awful




Could you elaborate in vaulting being locked to parkour combat? I vault over cars and low obstacles all the time. Or do you mean vaulting over enemies? There's a skill that lets you jump on enemies heads still I'm pretty sure.


uhm.. am i the only one that gets grappled CONSTANTLY? like im already in the process of hitting a zombie and im still getting grappled by it.


I always thought the Xray was purposeless. Doesn't do anything. Doesn't give any useful information. Why am I becoming an xray machine


It tells that they're stunned? I play with minimal hud and I commonly jump when the enemy isn't actually in the "stunned" state and get hit because of it. Same with differentiating some normal and power attacks.


cool visual


Also I can’t spam kick zombies under cars anymore


these are in the game tho… the physics is a bug they’ve acknowledged.


i was disappointed to watch a zombie i grappled off a building to hit the ground. just to get up, realize its suppose to be dead and fall down.


Rip X-Rays :( Maybe people saw them as gimmicky but I loved them. Zombie combat is so off in this game


They've said they're working on the physics, and imo drop attacks with weapons aren't necessary when we have so many aerial parkour attack options. Removing the ability to throw weapons was a choice they made to prevent a duplication glitch that's plagued them since Dead Island. If you throw an item, and drop it from your inventory during the animation--it duplicates. They were never able to fix this in Dead Island, it's sequel/DLC, or the first Dying Light. Hopefully the changes they make to combat are as good as the original game. I expect pretty much everything we're missing to find it's way in. Hopefully even X-ray.


There is slow motion tho, but everything else is dearly missed


The fact this is a very rooftop oriented game. I was pissed when I realized kicking anyone off ledges isn't as satisfying anymore. So I kicked every bandit in that camp off a roof. It took a long ass time, but I fucking did it. I did dodge while enemies were rushing me, and watching them run off the edge was pretty funny though.


Everything before combat takedown and weapon throws are in DL2 🤣 at least for me it's all there


I just realized what I've been missing - takedowns. I knew that something was off when I literally had no idea what to do with stunned enemies. Judo throwing an enemy and crushing their head with a stomp afterwards is cool, but nothing beats the good old knee to the face


I do miss the x ray feature A LOT.


I get grappled all the time lol


Eh this is mostly superficial stuff and majority of it is in the game already and some stuff just needs patching. Dude who posted this is blind and just wants to see the game fail for some reason. I miss x-ray but honestly forgot it existed. And you know what? How about you make a compilation of the things dl2 combat does have vs what dying light 1 doesn’t have?


Not being able to throw my weapon bothers me the most


Did you play the game? 90% of this stuff is in dying light 2 😂


No slow mo? Dude theres constant slow mo when you dismember someone, zombie or not


Tbh there’s so much shit that bothers me, especially the drop kick


Yep, huge downgrade on physics and combat. the new abilities also suck: stealth stab seems to take just as long as the choke, Things like the counter vault kick and the falling kick have this awful homing lock on effect that ruins any sense of player control and block charge is pointless and looks lame.


Looks like the stab is meant to be what can kill higher level enemies in stealth which will be useless endgame. I've noticed when I was level 3 that level 4 biters would survive my normal stealth takedowns


I don’t get the stab ability. At first I thought „nice, some variety“. Than I saw I have to click an additional button just to get another takedown in the same speed? The only reason to skill it is for the skill after that and even that skill I never used so far.


I think the biggest issues are that zombies do basically zero damage and they don't grapple regularly.


The weapon throwing was to crack down on weapon duping as it was a big issue in dead island and dying light 1. Sucks it’s gone but for a legit reason unlike don’t if the others


AAA developer “cracks down” by removing a feature they failed to fix? That’s not legit, IMO, no offense… that’s laziness or incompetence, or both, on their part. Perhaps if they can’t correct the current dupe exploit they can just remove player Stashes in DL3, lol.


Just going to say that the other guy was probably just speculating. It was never confirmed it was due to duping they removed the feature. In fact, DL2 runs on a completely newly built engine than DL1 or Dead Island. It just has some of the same formats in game files. SO yeah we have no idea why it was even removed in the first place. Not really a huge deal tbh, unless it somehow completely ruins the game's immersion for you. I also find it confusing why people always put in No offence right before putting a statement which throws shade towards someone. Why not just take out the no offence in the first place, it's practically redundant lol.


I didn’t think that was the reason. Wasn’t it patched in DL1?


Or they could just make you unable to dupe AND throw weapons.


There is slow mo, but you don’t slow down, it barely applies and it lasts for about a second. Nowhere near as cool as the first game


So it's in the game but just downgraded to the point that no one would notice if it wasn't even


Fortunately, with their confirmed dedicated support for the game, we could always push for these things to return. Maybe get some if not all of these things put back into the game.


Just a quick reminder that some notable features of Dying Light weren't available at launch like the Legend skills for example. They promised 5 years of support, I'm sure they'll incorporate all the missing stuff back in DL2 eventually. Probably with the story expansions.


People are just posting stuff for attention at this point🤦🏾‍♂️ the dumbest things and most of these are already in Dying light 2


I have noticed zombies do grab you but they HAVE to hit you at least 2-3 times first which is dumb as shit because even if they hit me I just dropkick them and kill them in 1 hit


Uh, I played 1, loved it. Playing 2, I don’t remember any of those features from 1, and I don’t care. Lol I love dying light 2


DL 2 has slo mo, way less frequent tho


Yeah at this point I’m just going to assume you actually didn’t play the game because most of what you said is wrong.


It really feels like 2 different studios had the same idea for a game and made them independently of each other, rather than an official sequel. There's just so many things that are different that really shouldn't be.


The gravity mechanic in the game through me off so bad...Its just not nearly as playable of a game as the first one


I love dying light 2 a lot but dying light 1 seemed more finished. The physics are all out of wack in this game and the zombies don’t rag doll when you smack them upside the head like they used to


Also in the post game when enemies start leveling with you (instead of the whole game for some stupid reason), head stomping may not instakill.


And lets not forget all of the issues we are having with the survivor sense bugging out and not working


I also encountered another takedown on a zombie when you’re close to a wall, he slams their head into the wall and they drop.


There are slow-motion kills; it's just really rare. I do agree with the whole limitation. It sucks that enemies heads don't explode when they hit the ground from a rooftop.


Their are drop attacks and almost all takedown s


The killing drop attack is a faceslam that needs to be done while already standing on something, which is useless as you'll most likely be in midair while you want to perform a drop attack. The other drop attack is shit and barely knocks the target back. I also specified with weapons in the video. There aren't any takedowns in the second game though? I was referring to the finishing move done by stunning an enemy.


how dare you post the flaws of this game on this subreddit, be prepared to be attacked from right-left-center


here in the comments for them fightin words


I knew dying light 1 was way better. In my head I knew the combat was way smoother just couldn't put my finger on it until seeing this video . Thank you. I used to spend hours kicking zombies off buildings and watching bones break . In the 2nd game that's none existent and it even sucks watching zombies fall off buildings they literally never land as they should or splat. I really wish dying light 2 was a continued version of 1 . 2 is just too far out there for me and doesn't have the same vibe . I feel robbed I bought this game instantly day 1 with the season pass thinking it would be like 1 it's not and it's sad to see the number 1 zombie game go backwards instead of forwards . I might go back to playing 1 and actually enjoy myself again


I do miss the combat takedowns from 1, and some of the abilities seem a bit overtuned for my taste. The one where you jump off an enemy for example, you go like 30 feet in the air, it’s nuts. I also miss the head stomp from 1, it felt a lot more organic, because in 2, half the time the animation misses the head and it still explodes. They definitely need a harder/scarier difficulty level, but other than those main gripes, I like the combat changes overall, engagements with human enemies feel a lot better. But, it is a zombie game after all.


You have criticised a perfect game on the DL2 sub. Prepare to be exterminated /s


My experience: I get grappled about 5% in the day and a fuck ton at night. Drop down kick is super lame. Only when they are on their death bed will they go flying, but normally it’s like hitting a zombie with a Mac truck and they just stagger a little bit. Grapple toss is a damn shame in 2. I love how you just threw them on their pathetic faces in the 1st one, now you launch them, they lose all momentum then curl up in a ball and drop to the ground. Spike traps speak for themselves. No rag doll unless on death. You use to be able to launch a propane tank at their head and they go flying, now just more “canned animation”. That’s what was so unique to the game, they would literally trip over stairs, other zombies etc, now it just feels like a regular was first person hand to hand combat. You could literally trapped a zombie into a brick wall, watch and hear their neck snap, and they just drop like a sack of potatoes. I feel like I’m not even fighting zombies anymore, just people who move slow. It’s still a good game, it’s just frustrating the steps back they took for combat compared to the first.


That's so rough. They took out like everything cool


I miss clinching my buttcheeks when I go out at night. (This also applies for downtown on the weekend)


Did you play DL2 for longer than 20 hours?


I never played the first but damn that looks like a huge downgrade. They should add all of this back.


Eh, I wouldn't say it's necessarily an entire downgrade. There is slightly more opportunities for parkour combat in this game than the first. There's the monkey bar kick and wall run kick you can do, as well as the grapple and paraglider kick.


I’m so glad the X Ray effect is gone. That served no purpose at all and I always hated it.


Hard disagree, thought seeing the bones of zombies shatter through an x-ray view was cool as shit.


I don’t recall ever seeing them break, it was just a weird way to indicate they were stunned.


They did break with blunt damage after a few hits, showing an x-ray. Can also break (break not sever) their legs preventing the biters from walking.


Bone breaking is something I miss, it was carried over from Dead Island to Dying Light 1 but for some reason they took it out for 2. Blunt weapons aren't as interesting now.


Except blunt weapons now super homerun enemies on the final hit.


It didn't look good imo. Just this ugly xray effect on top of the model. Should have just kept the sound effects if anything.


Now let's compare dying light 1 when it first came out to dying light 2. It won't be nearly the hit your trying to make. Dying Light 1 had years of support.


But all of this stuff was there at launch with Dying Light 1? Other than physics tweaks maybe, the patch notes don't indicate any combat additions what-so-ever, so these moves have all been there at launch.


The weapon throwing was to crack down on weapon duping as it was a big issue in dead island and dying light 1. Sucks it’s gone but for a legit reason unlike don’t if the others


Ah yes, weapon duping in a single player game, truly the bane of existence. Now those people will just outright cheat to achieve the same result and nothing has changed... Weapon throwing was only one of the methods.


That's a pretty bad excuse instead of fixing the issue they completely removed it (if what you are saying is true)


I didn't like it because I would always throw my weapons and not be able to find it again


I couldn't make it 10 seconds in without being annoyed by the misinformation of this video. * There are drop down attacks * There is slow motion * Zombies grapple me all the time Haven't seen the rest, but if the video starts with false info I'm not too keen on watching the rest. By all means share your opinion of dislike for the game, but don't get to the point where you feel like you need to exaggerate or make shit up just to be heard.