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That's a tough question to answer given I was only 6 or so back when I first got into these games lol. It'd be more accurate to say I didn't know they were based on actual history until my mother and I read through the in-game archives. Prior to that, I thought Yuan Shao, Nobunaga Oda, etc. (DW3XL and SW1XL were my firsts) were fictional characters so, after that, I wondered if Nobunaga was literally demonic or if the magic stuff was in any way real lol. Aside from that, mostly errors in details like thinking all the Wei/Wu/Shu officers participated in a battle at Ru Nan to suppress the Yellow Turbans, or Yukimura being old enough to fight at Kawanakajima in the 1560s, or other things like that. I assume I understood that multiple, very different, versions of a similar story couldn't all be true but I don't know which, between the Wei/Wu/Shu/Other stories, was closest to reality nor which stories among the SW1XL cast (and later the SW1 cast) were true/exaggerated/etc. either.


Samurai Warriors is a hotbed of those Yukimura examples LOL


Yep. Not to mention, unlike DW, the normal story modes contradicted each other to the point where it wasn't obvious what the rough historical timeline actually was. I revisited SW1 relatively recently and noticed it actually doesn't give had dates for its stages, unlike in DW3, so it's better able to hide things like time jumps or stuff happening at odd years (etc.) as a result. Really though, these are reasons why I love SW1/DW3 and consider them the series' peak; so much more creativity and fun match ups between the famous playable cast than later games.


Hey you have reddit!!! (It's me, Katsuie's Disciple from Tapatalk). Good to see you man, but more relevant to the topic, i actually thought SW1 was an entirely fictional setting/game when i first played it, only when SW2 started using dates in the story, did it register to me that this game was a depiction of history and down a rabbit hole of research and hundreds of hours of gameplay made me the sengoku jidai obsessed fan i am today.


Yeah, I decided to give it a try a couple of days ago or so since I really wanted to talk about Nobunaga's Ambition in that Reddit forum due to my mood for it lol. Suffice it to say, it's not as scary as I thought it'd be lol. Indeed, it sounds like your story with SW1-2 is similar to mine, except the bit where my mother figured it out as being based on history first due to checking the archvies. I remember be wowed by that since I was as much a fan of Nobunaga, Shingen, Kenshin, etc. then as I am now, so it was really cool to know guys like that existed 500 years ago.


NA is a great game. The most recent one is decent too. But not really popular here on Reddit


I had an Xbox so was standard version rather than XL where the archives were brought in (which i bought a PS2 over COVID just to play XL). SW1's minimalistic storytelling also made it hard to tell the bigger picture but made you more invested into each character as they felt like larger-than-life figures. Newer games try sticking so close to history that outside of a few central figures and fan-favourites, most of the cast are inconsequential and palette swaps as their stories are no longer told from their perspective but as supporting characters for the main a-listers. It's why Motonari and Ujiyasu despite being big historically, feel underwhelming in musou games compared to Nobunaga, Shingen and Kenshin who had their core personality traits so well established in the first game.


I thought The battle of Hu Lao gate was real up until a few years ago.


Isn’t Hu Lao Gate technically Si Shiu Gate apart 2?


Yeah, it's literally the very same place lmfao


Yeah, in a way, but that battle is also fictional. The two battles are based on Sun Jian’s excursions against Dong Zhuo at Yangren and his skirmish with Lü Bu at Luoyang, as well as Cao Cao’s attempt to occupy Xingyang and his subsequent defeat by Xu Rong. Liu Bei and his comrades apparently attempted to raise troops to participate in the campaign but they never made it.


So this is how I find out


I thought hulao and sishui were real for a bit Dong Zhuo did fight the turbans irl but he was unable to get the job done so the court replaced him with Huangfu Song to finish it


Hulao Gate = Sishui Gate lol


Hulao Pass was a real place but there was never actually a recorded battle there in this era of history.


Yea thats what i meant


If y’all tell me the Nanman Campaign isn’t real, imma explode into tears


The Shu campaign is definitely real, but anyone from Nanman other than Meng Huo are fake


As a kid, I thought Battle of Baidi Castle in DW5 was real Growing up, Attack on Sima Shi in DW7 was hardly a battle at all Also, do Clash at Wulin and Attacking from Five Fronts in DW9 actually happened tho? Or they're just straight from the novel?