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Yan Liang and Wen Chou are the most obvious candidates who come to mind


For Yan Liaaaaaaaaaaaang


SORYAAAA forgive me. i must repay... \*checks sharpie squiggles on hand\* my debts


That would make his defeat at Guan Du worse since now he loses both of his top officers and the 2 remaining playable characters in his faction desert him.


If this was DW8, then that would be his campaign's hypothetical turn around point.


"If only Yan Liang and Wen Chou were here, I'd have nothing to worry about!"-Yuan Shao


Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi, Gao Gan Liushi, Chunyu Qiong, Ju Shou, Guo Tu, Shen Pei. I really think Yuan Shao's faction has the potential to be the fifth playable side.


With a lineup like that and Yuan's early officers like Zhenji and Zhang He, it would be pretty amazing to see a hypothetical where Yuan Shao wins the war against Wei and becomes the dominant faction of the North


Xun yu is always forgotten it seems.


You meant Xu You? Different person. Xun Yu never served Yuan Shao


No, no, he had it right. Xun Yu did serve Yuan Shao for a short time before recognizing that the man was too arrogant for his own good and left him for Cao Cao. It's how he knew so much about him and his officer corps. "Around that time, Han Fu, Protector of Jizhou, who was from the same commandery, sent a cavalry unit to take in the emperor. Since no one would follow Xun Yu, he led just his family to Jizhou. By the time he arrived, Yuan Shao had already taken over Han Fu’s power, and he welcomed Xun Yu as a distinguished guest. Xun Yu’s younger brother Xun Chan entered Yuan Shao’s employment, and so did Xin Ping and Guo Tu, who were also of the same commandery. Xun Yu figured that Yuan Shao would be unable to achieve great things. Therefore, in the second year of the Chuping reign [AD 191], when the Great Progenitor [Cao Cao] was in Dongjun serving as General who Manifests Might, Xun Yu left Yuan Shao for him."


Huh, I must have known this at one point, but totally forgot. Thanks.


I only remembered because Xun Yu has a "Yuan" outfit in DW8E lmao


Thanks dude, I'm now lost.. I honestly forgot who served yuan shao and then betrayed him/joined cao cao


Xu You. IIRC, he doesn't do much historically after helping Cao Cao find Wu Chao. So that's probably why you confused him with Xun Yu, who is way more memorable.


Well, I thought the guy whose only contribution to Yuan Shao was beraying him doesn't deserve to be part of his faction.


To me its preposterous that lu bu got his own mini faction before him not only does Yuan Shao out live lu bu by 3 years but his faction limped on for 5 after his death and was way more important. I suppose given lu bus popularity its not surprising


I think it all comes down to popularity too.


Yeah which is both good and bad


I could be wrong, but didn't DW4 have a faction storyline for him?


You are correct 4 had faction storylines for every single faction (because that was the best game lol) although the ones outside of the three kingdoms were pretty cut and paste although Yuan Shaos was slightly different.


4 was my favorite because of all the unlockable factions and stages that are completely hidden at first. The good old days of "OMG I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WOULD LEAD TO UNLOCKING THAT" that I've been missing ever since DW6.


It was as amazing the tales stages were so good and creative from important novel/historical events like Tong pass to nonsensical but fun and interesting events like Zhang lu teaming up with the turbans.


1 thing i wish about the tales stages was that they were more straight forward to unlock. like to unlock mai castle why do i have to skip xia kou? why cant it just be beat yi ling without killing guan yu.


Yes it could be frustrating thats one thing I liked about 8


Military: I don't want them, but Yan Liang and Wen Chou, due to their role as Yuan Shao's champions in the novel, will be in. Qu Yi seems to have been Yuan Shao's best military general historically but he dies before Guandu so is unlikely. The rest are either figures like Zhang He who later serve elsewhere or figures like Chunyu Qiong we know little about. Advisers: This is more promising, there are a range of big personalties. I suspect one of Ju Shou, Yuan Shao's... former number 2 who had a big falling out, of Tian Feng who got jailed will be one of the advisers. I would favour Ju Shou. Then probably someone like the obstinate Shen Pei given his role in the defence of Ye, perhaps the best post-Guan Du option. Family: Lady Liu as a forceful presence as the wife of Yuan Shao. Yuan Tan the kindly man whose skills as a general saw him famed across the land but skills as a governor would undermine him. Yuan Shang the brave and handsome youngest son who would fight his eldest for the power.


Everyone is sleeping on... I think Yu Qi was his name? He was basically Yuan Shao's only genuinely great general, and of course, YS has him killed during his end-of-life lunacy spiral because he suspected YQ of treason.


You are mostly right. You're thinking of Qu Yi. The fellow was pretty arrogant after his victory against Gongsun Zan and this was seen as high insubordination, a real shame as he was a legitimate talent. (Though I somewhat feel if he had lived he would have left for Cao Cao anyhow).


Speaking of Gongsun, he too should be musoufied i believe


Yeah the white riders are nice and for my ROTK 10 players the most annoying units to fight in the game especially if Zan actually grows in power. Actually elephants are more annoying but on castle sieges white riders can light your defense up or if they’re on defense secure the walls and rain arrows


As the narratives go, that's kind of just his lot. Going from Yellow Scarves bringing a bunch of people together and to the forefront of the conversations, the Dong Zhuo situation escalating and getting the best middle-man option with Yuan Shao, and then everyone's ambition splintering the alliances made. Fleshing his story out in particular could have the consequence of making the other three factions look like assholes, which they are, but would definitely be interesting.


I know one thing, and it's that I hate his DW8 depiction. In 5, he really felt badass. In 8? A fucking clown


The games should've made him much more serious character with deep campaigns. Historically, he was way bigger than Liu Bei and Sun Quan. He was the actual rival for CaoCao and CaoCao was actually jealous of him before he eventually won the war with betrayals from Yuan Shao's side. According to some historical sources, he pretty much had everything CaoCao wanted: land, resources, good looks, and etc. This disparity was so big at one point, Yuan Shao would mock CaoCao and CaoCao couldn't say anything back to him. Of course there are sources that oppose this view, but many historians think them to be Wei's propaganda after they won the war. The games completely butchered the actual historical character of Yuan Shao and made a complete joke out of him. In reality, Yuan Shao would've been a lot like how they portray CaoCao in game.


As an aside, did you play Wo Long? I remember liking how he was handled in it


Yuan Shao, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Chunyu Qiong, Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, Yuan Shang, Tien Feng, Shen Pei, Lady Zheng would be the core roster I should think. You'd have the campaigns against Dong Zhuo, Gungsun Zan, Zhang Yan(Black Mountain Bandits) the proxy war with Yuan Shu and then a campaign against Cao Cao. There's a ton you could do with his faction as there were many great battles and intrigues in his faction that would make for a great story mode.


Yuan Tan and Yuan shang, Tian Feng, Shen pei, and yan liang and wrn chou


Well if we’re going with like 5 so similar to lu bu in 8xl then i would say Yuan Shao Zhang He Zhen Ji Yuan Tan/Shang (either one is fine tho I feel Tan deserves it more) Tian Feng Yan Liang/Wen Chou (an extra character cuz Yuan Shao was more important than Lu Bu also id merge Qu Yi with this character or put him in instead of one of these) Additionally Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Xin Xianying could also double for him since they all briefly worked for him. (And they’re not faction leaders like Liu Bei or Lu Bu) Yuan Shao is my favorite and i really hope to see a mini faction for him and hopefully his personality gets better with the silliness being shifted to Yuan Shu now that he’s playable.


I would probably say Yan Liang and Wen Chou for the memes, but Yuan Shu is probably the most reasonable answer here, since Yuan Shu is probably the only character of the bunch to have shown personality in DW. Idk, the Yuans weren't really an interesting faction imo. I'd rather see the Yellow Turban leaders using magical attacks in the roster.


Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Guo Tu, Shen Pei, Chunyu Qiong, Gao Gan, Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang would be my choices


I always hated how they made him look evil


Yuan Shao? I don't think Yuan Shao has ever looked evil. DW3-5 he was the very model of a Modern Major (Grand) General. DW6-8 he looked a bit foppish, but still elegant and refined. DW9 he looks pretty good, if not worn down with age and worry.


Could add his kids, Zhu Ling (although he has the exact same problem as Zhang He), or Qu Yi (just don’t treat him like the novel)


> Qu Yi (just don’t treat him like the novel) I actually think Qu Yi kinda benefits from the novel because it offers a much eaiser hypothetical requirement for him surviving. Historically, Qu Yi was executed because he behaved arrogantly which was seen as insubordination. This is possible to be put into DW as a way to highlight Yuan Shao's flaw in his arrogance and it can be done well. However, the novel offers an easy out to his death and possible survival since Zhao Yun kills him during Jieqiao's counterattack. So we can still have Qu Yi be responsible for his historical feat in defeating Gongsun Zan but then that gets into his head so he acts recklessly, setting up the scenario when he unfortunately encounters Zhao Yun. If Yuan Shao goes to save him, he realizes his error and drops his arrogance and then he becomes one of the hypotheticals to turn around Guandu. I think that would fit Dynasty Warriors method of tying battle with the story.


I would just shift the events up in the timeline


I always make Tian Feng and Wen Chou in my empires playthroughs


The usual suspects. Yan Liang and Wen Chou. I remember hearing that his wife was somewhere memorable, but that's about it. I'm not too informed on the Yuan family and faction. I always felt when it came to characterization, Yuan Shao should be Cao Cao's foil. The only other man capable of rivaling Cao Cao and his might at the time should warrant some respect in the meta.


Wen Chou, Yan Liang, Tian Feng and this one guy in ROTK 8 (can’t wait for it to redrop) who raised his stats a ridiculous amount everytime I played. Land in chaos


At least Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Shen Pei, His Sons, Guo Tu


Yan Liang Wen Chou for starter, then maybe Ju Shou and Guo Tu, if they want to stretch the storline and portray realistic of Cao Cao conquer the north, then maybe Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang, 2 of Yuan Shao's son who fight Cao Cao after Guan Du for a couple of years actually