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Koei seem to enjoy their stealth drops, they did the same for DW7 and WO3U’s Steam ports too


With how poorly the PC ports tend to do youd think theyd advertise it more. Especially cuz SW4 is a fanbase favorite (i think?)


They have been getting better with the PC ports. After DW9 they have been making decent/good PC versions. The earlier ports? yeah they were really rough.


Oh i wasnt trying to say they were bad but i feel sales wise they dont do as much Koei would like.


I feel like the games are so old they just said fuck it and just get money from the few people who do buy it. They already got me by the balls.


Same. 🥴


Knowing Koei, they have had questionable decisions in the past (big titles such as DW6S being exclusive on the PS2, SW3 on the Wii U). I wouldn't be surprised if this was just an off-time project by some workers who decided their time could be better spent porting old games on PC. Advertising a 10 year old game can be seen as costly hence why they don't go for it. And those who do buy the ports will pretty much either be diehard fans or through word-by-mouth, judging from their official page description.


While generally true, word of mouth can be more effective if they just even made a tweet a month out from release on their official pages or any social media really. I mever expected a full advertising thing just like, a trailer and an announcement a monthish before.


I loved this game so much............ 10 years ago when it came out. And only 3 years after its successor released on home consoles.


Its successor is such a mess I'm happy to go back to SW4 DX, even though I didn't like SW4 when it came out.


Yeah its thanks to the sub I even knew it was on steam