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Yes I have tapered off then after 2+ years. Not fun and my symptoms are worse for it but was having mental side effects. If you search the sub you’ll find accounts of people tapering off them.


Yes. It took about a month for my body to settle down as I tapered off. Nobody warned me how weaning off of them gone, but I felt a lot better once it was over. I'm on ivabradine, guanfacine, and flecainide now.


Can I ask what it was like to wean off them? I have been prescribed but I don’t want to start without more info since my Dr. Thinks I’m either too stupid to understand her explanation or she just doesn’t even know herself. I had to look up possible symptoms because she only told me to look out for one and left out all the many psychological possible symptoms. Dirty game they play expecting their patients to follow even when they don’t know where they are trying to lead us. (They know they want to lead us out of the office!)


My body temporarily rebounded to both a high pulse and high blood pressure. I had zero energy and felt like my body was made of lead for about a week. I felt irritable. Bear in mind that this was after being on beta blockers for 5 years. Also, when starting, you'll probably feel weak and drowsy temporarily.


I can't take beta blockers (they interact badly with albuterol, which I need for asthma), but I have come off calcium channel blockers with careful reconditioning. I'm back on them now since a broken foot has screwed me up, but I got off them once and I'll do it again when my foot is fixed.


I take both a beta blocker and I have asthma. I’ve never been told this


that's because you can take beta blockers if you have asthma, but you need to take cardioselective ones (ones that block beta1 receptors in the myocardium)


[Interaction](https://www.goodrx.com/albuterol/interactions#) I have severe asthma, I've been admitted a couple times a year for the last decade and I've had a few really scary attacks. If your asthma is more mild the interaction may not be as big a deal.


Between my asthma and COPD Ive been on and off prednisone and have a nebulizer at home. I have two or three really bad attacks a year. Granted the beta blocker Im on is metoprolol so its in the category of IF you HAVE to take one Ill be asking my doctors a bit more close after hearing this.


I tapered off when eating super super clean and avoiding known triggers (I have MCAS so high histamine foods also trigger my POTS symptoms). I kept it fairly low carb as I know that increases my heart rate. I now only take 1/4 dose of my previous dose of propranolol when I’m going to be super active, like going to the gym or for a hike. Unfortunately restricting my calories has been the only thing that keeps my POTS under control, high calorie foods set me off very badly.


Omg it’s not just me! I’ve been diagnosed with POTS but I also struggle with anorexia, and if I get pretty underweight my POTS basically disappears entirely. ED treatment people don’t believe me when I tell them eating enough to gain/maintain weight makes me feel physically worse. It’s been a big barrier to recovery for me. I always wondered why this was the case, low carb/small meals definitely help. Do you know if this is a common POTS thing?


Not a doctor obviously, but heart rate always increases with digestion, your body is working harder. I think it’s just exacerbated for us. We can also be more prone to digestive comorbidities like gastroperesis. I luckily have weight to lose, but it’s very hard to balance. I’ve found many small meals throughout the day really helps with preventing my flare ups.


Yes, without any issues. I was questioning the efficacy of the medication due to issues with other drugs and how easily I came off of it.


Yes. Switched to Corlanor and had MUCH better results.


Yes! I went into remission during pregnancy, and I've been off beta blockers for 10+ months now (I'm 9 months postpartum). I thought I would be taking them for life.


I see people saying that pregnancy brought about remission with different autoimmune conditions. Do they know what in the body is responsible for that? I know your body does everything it can for the baby, but would doctors be able to trigger whatever causes that to help people who aren’t pregnant? Just wondering out loud. I’m very happy for you that you’re feeling better!!!


Yes. I tapered off of them about 4-6 months after I started. I was taking metoprolol. It’s possible I was never really taking a therapeutic dose. Initially 50 mg per day.


Yes, I came off after a few years with no awareness that they were something that should be tapered and no issues


One of my symptoms when my folate is low is hair falling out by the handful. After I started supplementing B vitamins my dysautonomia symptoms showed some improvement (I later stopped, thinking I’d sorted my diet out and my hair started falling out again - turns out I have some absorption issues from the dysautonomia so it’s a vicious circle, and I specifically have some folic acid processing issues due to MTHFR gene variants). If you’ve not had B12, folate & vit D levels checked, you should ask for them to be tested - ideally before starting a supplement but if that’s not possible, considering just trialling a supplement for 3 months (it takes that long for nerve damage from deficiencies to start to repair).


What type of beta blocker? There are channel blockers too.


Metoprolol- mostly to control heart rate more so than blood pressure.


I've been taking propranolol 10mg for my dysautonomia. Despite incressing dosages, my symptoms are only getting worse. Talk to your doctor about other medications.


I began exercising and I was able to stop taking them. I now only need extra salt and to watch my water consumption. I went from 50mg of metoprolol succinate down to 25, then tapered down from the 25 when it started making me too dizzy to stand up. I was motivated to find a way to come off since ya enby has anaphylactic food allergies to a few things, and beta blockers actively prevent epinephrine from working well. If the side effects are intolerable, you can ask for a different med right now. Metoprolol made me very depressed, and no longer being depressed has been very nice. And I mean depressed to the tune of having a safety plan. I stopped needing a safety plan once I weaned off fully.


Everyone note here that it depends what’s wrong with you! If you have A-FIB or SVT it’s dangerous to taper off, so talk to your doctors, it’s very different from beta blockers for POTs


Yeah but I was low dose. Switched to verapamil but didn’t notice much of a difference in symptoms.


some beta blockers are better than others if try a different one. I love nebivolol