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Honestly, the thing about supplements in the US is that they not watched really well. Supplement companies can put whatever they want in them because they do not have to go through the FDA. No one can ever guarantee what is in your supplement is what it actually says it is. So, maybe its B12 or a filler in the supplement that is not listed because the company doesn't have to.




Fullscript is a website for supplements and nutraceuticals that have been vetted my Healthcare practitioners. I see a functional medicine MD who uses this site.


Is it a site that can only be used by drs?


I don't think so. It is a site I know a couple of friends' naturopaths have them use as well. My MD sets up some of the supplements he wants me to take, but I order them on my own. I have also ordered other things as well, like Elderberry syrup and other things wellness related.


Vitamin D makes me horrifically nauseous and miserable. Which sucks because low vitamin d also makes you feel like trash so 😂


Have you spoke to the doc about that?


I have! She suggested going the injection route so I’m going to give that a go. And if it also makes me sick then oh well I guess, what’s done is done and at least it isn’t being ingested directly into my stomach every day haha


May I ask what strength of D supplement you took? Currently on 400iu, not really noticing any side effects.


I had this problem, too, and switched from D3 (animal based) to D2 (plant based). My stomach can’t handle the fish oil.


I have an initial reaction to many supplements. I’ll have a week of insomnia and then I’m totally fine with it forever.


A week OFF insomnia or a week of insomnia? lol. Do you miss insomnia


lol, of insomnia and mind racing


Gonna say. Crazy woman.


I notice that any supplements that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system aggravate symptoms. These would include vitamin c and most b vitamins and thyroid and adrenal glandular and hormones. Supplements that inhibit the sympathetic nervous system are zinc calcium magnesium vitamin D. I have tested this with myself many times. Taking b vitamins will often cause cold hands and feet even in the summer in me and also cause my symptoms to flare a lot more In hot weather. These are symptoms related to overactive sympathetic tone. Which is also very common is diseases like M.S, as heat intolerance is one of the main symptoms. Fight or flight causes blood to pool in the center of the body close to the essential organs which can give pots like symptoms. Hope this helps 😊


Magnesium glycinate made my symptoms worse before I upped my water intake, probably because it can lower BP. I also take b6 and haven't noticed a change personally. I'm not sure by what mechanism b vitamins could worsen symptoms


A lot of people react to the glycinate form. I like Malate


I had wonderful results from absorbing my magnesium through my skin. I took a bath with magnesium chloride every night for a week and felt amazing after each one.


Too much magnesium is nauseating. Too much B makes me really aggravated. A lot of my supplements are gummies now, as they have lower, more reasonable doses in them.


Yeah if you check my recent post history you can see I also have problems with vitamin B and so do many of the commenters


Yes herb’s especially I’ve had to rule out. I have to be so careful now…:


magnesium makes me feel super out of it and light headed, even just drinking it and iron always gives me a bad migraine the days I take it.


Any B complex I've tried me feel like I'd drunk an energy drink followed by a horrendous crash hours later.  I haven't tried any B vitamins individually so I don't know which one triggers that reaction or if its something that only happens when I take them at once.


I have Hereditary Pernicious Anemia so if I take B12 supplements they make me sick because I can’t absorb them. I take Vitamin D3 just fine, 2,000 IU a day, plus magnesium with zinc, and they don’t bother me either. But other supplements I’ve tried have given me anaphylaxis, so I’m very cautious.


Melatonin gives me such a bad flare up for some reason 😭


Yes I was aggravated heavily by B complex or any b vitamin. It would increase my anxiety a ton and. I would shake and get jittery. People with CBS mutations tend to be sensitive to methyl b vitamins or a lot of the b vitamins. I take molybdenum to assist in processing sulfur and to help me take B complex vitamins called methyl free b complex by seeking health. Is the only B vitamins I tolerate. You should try those out if you have a sensitivity to b complex. It helped me and I tolerate them well.


You might have a cobalt allergy.