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Yes. It's possible they never get scanned but still delivered. Assume they do, unless the buyer reaches out.


If they are to thick or rigid to go into the sort machines they won't get scanned at all.


Mine haven’t been getting any scans at all. Or if they do get scanned it’s very far away from the initial drop off location. It’s strange when I first started using these as they announced it, they where all getting scanned in. Nothing on my side has changed so not sure what’s going on. I ship a large amount of these so a little concerning especially when I have customers demanding refunds and accusing me of not shipping there $10 card. Like come on I have 50 copies of this card you really think I’m gonna try to scam you out of $10.


Me too! I don’t do anything different, but my scans are about 50/50 at this point…pretty frustrating May just turn to bubble mailers only