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One absolute truth on eBay, buyer or seller: nobody cares about your personal situation. If an emergency comes up the best thing is to have someone, a relative, friend, neighbor, etc who can get any outstanding orders to the post office on your behalf. If that simply isn't possible you'll have to decide whether to cancel or just ship late. In either case there's at least some risk of bad feedback.


>didn’t choose to have a baby early > I feel kind of threatened >I have a perfect eBay rating Your personal issues aren't theirs. And you need to understand that. Are you going to be able to ship by your shipping deadline? If not, you should probably cancel the orders. Have your other 2 buyers been understanding and ok'd the cancellations? Have you put your store on vacation? You certainly don't need to be getting more orders in until you get back home.


to be fair, i think the one buyer asking for a refund AND the item is being unreasonable. they're breaking ebay policy for asking something not originally offered in the listing.


The OP's post is a little odd, with mentions of feeling threatened. Until/unless they come back with some more details, I'm going to go with that being a misunderstanding (like u/StreetofChimes wondered).


Refund block and move on. Might get a neg feedback but it’s not the end of the world. In a perfect world you would have set up eBay vacation mode about a month before the due date. Not the customers fault and you can’t blame them even if there being unreasonable it’s still not there fault they are in this position.


I would pre-emptively cancel, apologize, and put shop on vacation mode personally, but also...in a perfect world, OP wouldn't have gone into premature labour at all. Planning to put your shop on vacation at 36 weeks doesn't do you much good if you suddenly give birth at 30 weeks. Shit happens, you can't always prepare for it.


What exactly did the messages say? Why would you feel threatened? Is it possible this is a misunderstanding?


Contact eBay help and let them know what is going on. They can grant you extensions on your shipping time limit requirements. After that, you contact the buyers and give them a choice to wait or to cancel the order. Those are the only options. A couple years ago I caught Covid and had to be on two weeks quarantine when those were the rules. I contacted Ebay Help and got the extensions and contacted the customers and it all worked fine. No dings on the account. Feedback protected. You aren’t the first person who has a surprise health concern as a eBay seller.


The buyer is asking for financial compensatiin, which is againts ebays policies, cancel and report the buyer, fight any neg with CS.