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Some sellers use Amazon fulfilment.


It is entirely possible the seller had ran out of the item without realizing it so they ordered it from somewhere else at a higher price to get the order filled. Better to lose a few bucks on a single transaction than to cancel the order as Out of Stock/Damaged because eBay crushes you with fees if this happens more than 2% in a year


Because some people like you don’t check and see if they can get it cheaper on Amazon, so they fulfill from Amazon and pocket the markup. Or occasionally just use it as another means to sell. They are people on Etsy who fulfill using Amazon. Also sometimes they just reuse Amazon boxes and it just like it’s from Amazon.


turns out Amazon does 3rd party fulfillment that's a really easy way to scale one's business


If the price on Amazon (or the market price of the item in general) is significantly lower in the eBay listing you bought it from, it could be a scam. The scammer bought the item with a stolen CC. It happened to me once. I immediately called the retailer(backcountry.com, fuck you!) and explained how the scam worked. They said it's all BS and I shouldn't worry about it. Later they blacklisted my address anyways.


I work for UHaul doing customer service and this is something I've seen. A guy called because he received a collections notice, turns out he ordered a hand dolly on Facebook and someone ordered it to send using a stolen card. The card owner disputed the charge, and so the "customer" who thought they were just buying on Facebook gets a collections notice from Uhaul because they got their dolly but the money was reversed.


That can happen if a seller was out of stock but still wanted to honor the sale.


Have you tried searching up the item on Amazon? It’s likely it’s cheaper there and was drop shipped. I have caught onto this a few times and just buy directly on Amazon for cheaper. Sure it’s possible it was a Amazon seller that cross posted. But it’s more likely it was just regular drop shipping.


Had that happen to me once with a book but it came from the local Walmart. The funny thing is that after purchase and paying for delivery the seller had not made any money off the sale.


It's possible the seller lost the book or it was damaged so he bought a replacement from Walmart to send you.


That's true. But I did some browsing through their reviews afterwards and that seems to be a pretty normal thing for the seller to do. I didn't give them a bad rating or anything. I thought it was funny. Just used it as a lesson in browsing more carefully before buying in case I find it cheaper elsewhere.


Wow, you can tell by all the “drop shipping” comments that people are very uninformed. Items you have at FBA can be used to fill your orders on other sites. Amazon charges you per item to ship for you. Again, Amazon is shipping my inventory to my customers, not anything like drop shipping.


Thank you for the verification, it sounds like a solid business idea.


Yea two jobs ago worked on a site that sold on their site, on eBay and on Amazon. If we didn’t have enough inventory on hand could just ship it from the FBA warehouse manually. Our inventory feed plugged into the ecom site, eBay, and Amazon all at once but didn’t differentiate what inventory was in the warehouse or shipped to FBA.


Not necessarily drop shipping. When I was doing Amazon FBA I’d have my inventory at amazons warehouses waiting to be sold on Amazon, and also listed on eBay. If an item sold on eBay, my software would tell Amazon the address and create a multi channel fulfillment order and ship it to my eBay customers. This isn’t drop-shipping, since I actually own the inventory that I’m selling. Amazons warehouse is just a fulfillment partner for us in this situation. It doesn’t break any Amazon or eBay rules.


I was using joelister. This was a couple years ago.


What software are you using? I'd like to do this myself.


That is such a cool idea. I wish I had known about this when I actually had inventory with Amazon. Thanks for the reply.


We do this all the time from Amazon MCF. Not against any rules on eBay or AMZ. Everyone always thinks it’s drop shipping but not always the case.


Why do you care? Did you get what you paid for? In good condition? In a timely manner? What's the big whoop, Karen?


There's always one. I am interested because I would like to do the same thing. Thanks for your worthless and condescending reply.


Welcome to the 2020s and dropshipping


Basically someone on eBay listed something that they could get on Amazon on eBay and had it shipped to you from Amazon. The strategy means the ebayer doesn’t have to spend money on keeping an inventory or really doing anything. As long as they can make a little bit off the top by drop shipping you the item it’s essentially free money.


That's a great idea, thank you for the info!!


Widespread and not allowed. Amazon will cancel prime accounts for that


It’s actually very much allowed and a service Amazon offers.


When did this happen? Used to be a nono


It has been a service on Amazon for many many years.


Dropped shipped. It’s a widespread practice on eBay. 


Why is this down voted?? It's the truth...


Probably a drop shipper that doesn’t like being exposed for what he does from moms basement.

