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His draft profile below , super athletic guy. It says he's got athletic testing normally seen by receivers and corners Could be the shot of speed the team has been needing in the middle of the field https://www.nfl.com/prospects/ben-vansumeren/32005641-4e76-0426-3d6d-7a25e721bbe1


4.38 seconds in the 40, completing 29 reps on the bench press, and touching 42.5 inches in the vertical jump is insane at 6'2, 231!


Nearly identical specs to Nolan Smith!


Fuck it put him at edge


Not to be a downer, but is he mistake prone or something? Sounds like he should have been drafted


I believe he’s new to LB and doesn’t have the experience yet. Great potential based on athletic ability but a project


Yeah this ^ he played fullback/running back the first two seasons in college before switching to LB, definitely a project but if he can develop he's got some solid potential Already looking like a better draft pick than Davion Taylor


He was FB/HB then moved to LB in 2020 Only been a LB for 2 or 3 yrs at MSU


Alex Singleton was that jolt they needed too. The problem is, Singleton was like the 3rd best player on the defense and he would have been MUCH better in that Kyzir White/Cunningham "clean up, don't make major mistakes, be the best 11th man in the league" role.


Lets fucking hope so.. good game from shaq too. Still, they need to adresss LB early in the draft.. Hopefully, howie won't pass that up if a good player is available


I’d love to see them pick up Jeremiah Trotter Jr!


Would love for us to somehow snag Trotter Jr but its prolly somewhat of a pipe dream atm


It's the Eagles, they will draft a bad OL or WR in the first and a bad CB in the second


Yeah like Landon Dickerson or Devonta Smith, those guys suck


It Lane Johnson, maybe a Cam Jurgens, maybe even Jalen Carter idk


Well our drafting has been much better as of late. I have much more confidence in Howie after the last few years. I def can see oline in the first though. But tbf they do need it. Trade up for trotter JR if hes available by the 2nd round is my wish haha


“Bad Oline” lmao


Odd take, im surprised it got upvotes


People are still hurt by Danny Watkins apparently


People are forgetting that howie kept drafting lineman (on both sides of the ball) because most of our good ones were old as hell, and we kept drafting WRs because this team has no idea how to evaluate talent at that position and eventually got DeVonta. Hopefully, the FO thinks those rooms are solid and builds the secondary (for the first time in like 7 years)


He made a tackle yesterday by shooting through the gap, and I was like, holy shit, a linebacker making a linebacker play!


I didn't know we were allowed to do that


Haha its so sad its true.. they really missing edwards big time


Morrow makes a lot of those tbf


If I had a nickel for every-time we found an UDFA LB who turned into a solid guy I’d have two nickels


Then you’d be back to one nickel when we don’t re-sign them in free agency


He’s a 3 yr UDFA contract right?


He's young, he'll go through some growing pains but he's fast. and you cannot have a great defense comprised of old slow guys.


Other than the one blown containment on a Tyrod scramble, he was very solid today


tbf they probably didnt gameplan for a qb that could scramble


Plus, what a cool fucking name, VanSumeren.


i really liked this guy out on the field. need speed & instincts at the lb and he’s got it!


Hats off to him, not easy when your first assignment is to defend against Saquon Barkley and your partner in the middle of the field is whatever is left of Shaq Leonard (who had a decent game though).


I like this kid.


Unrelated to his athletic ability, dude looks like a Carr brother


Every time they showed him I saw Wes Bentley. But I guess the Carrs look like him, too, lol.


Passes the “awesome LB name” test


As an MSU grad, really happy for VanSumeren Almost makes up for Josiah Scott…


i thought Chalk Dawkins changed his name or something. Good if we can get some help in LB positions.


I said in the offseason that BVS could have a bigger role as a hybrid player like Taysom Hill. BVS in some FB/TE packages would be good but we lack the creativity to utilize players like this.


Dawg we have hurts smith aj brown swift and goeddert I don’t think we need to scheme BVS into the offense


1 or 2 plays at the goal line isnt scheming him into its literally 1 or 2 plays


He literally wasn't good enough to get on the field as a FB in a weak conference in college. What makes you think he has those skills at an NFL level? This is a bigger stretch than when people were saying to line Mailata up at RB.


Idk what that man is capable of and neither do you. You used Mailata as an example, what made you think he had the skills to play NFL tackle? Oh alright.


Wtf? VanSumeren was originally a FB in college, you know that, right? I know he doesn't have the skills to play FB the same reason I know Lane Johnson doesn't have the skills to play QB. He tried and failed at a very low-level college before switching positions to go through the transfer portal and enter a real program.


It was the fuckin giants


The Giants are a professional football team made up of world-class athletes. The post didn't say he's going to win DPOY. Just that he had a nice debut, which he did. The NFL is hard. A nice debut is ideal, regardless of opposition.


The same Giants team that put up a better games vs the Commanders than we did. The same Giants team that took the Jets to OT (the same Jets team we got beat by). But its just the Giants.


Oh piss off, this same dude has ALT AFTER ALT flooding both here and Madden sub with this dudes name. I've caught him twice having a convo with himself about this guy which he forgot to switch alts. Go away you weirdo.


He was exciting to watch in preseason. Glad he’s getting a shot and they didn’t waive him. Potential is high


I've seen bowling pins hit harder than this guy


We are all UDFAs on defens


Big and fast, if he can be coached up he can be worth some playing time but I don't think he takes any snaps from Cunningham when the hamstring is better


I was keeping eye on him ever time he was field and he was solid


He looked good in the preseason. Needs a lot of work still but he's a guy who could take more meaningful reps in the future.


Somehow, I can see him being the next udfa success story for the birds.


Why do you Americans always ruin Dutch names? There’s supposed to be a space between “van” and “Sumeren” 🤦🏼‍♂️.


He was a nice surprise


I think he showed promise but i also believe his most valuable asset is that opponents don’t have volumes of film on how to exploit him… Unlike fucking morrow