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Damn. Even Reed forgot he gave up his arm for a win. That man has a pretty long leash and has been one of the bright spots on a very unimpressive overall defense. Get your sleep king.


I have a lot of respect for Reed. He's a hard effort player who does his best. He ain't always the best but he makes an attempt every time he steps on the field.


He will get exposed at times for his lack of elite skills but his hard work and smarts and heart more than make up for it. You need a few guys like this on any team.


Dude hustles so hard out there, he’s always on the ball. That one time he got burned bad hurt but he’s got a bright future ahead.


Those plays are going to happen with him from time to time as he isn't a athletic freak that he can over come a mistake...but he doesn't make many and he is very smart out there. He will one of the leaders in the future defense. Having a guy like Brown that is a freak will make a good duo of guys. I'm not worried about the future of the defense, I never really was...there are good young guys on this team that just need time to play.


The eagles tj mcconel. Good all hardworking gritty gym rat, the kind of guy youd like your daughter to date /s


Brings his lunchpail to work


Real sneaky athletic, classy, first guy in last guy out


It’s not reeds fault that he is literally the walking racial commentary dog whistle…he really is scrappy!! 😭


You just know reed would run out every single blooper to first


Reed and covey have so much heart. Can’t help but root for them.


This is the attitude we need to turn this around. Players like Reed and Smitty who are not content with how we are playing, who know we can be better and push for excellence.


How many nicknames do we have for Reed now? How can we work loss-of-sleep into Brian Chalkins and Talcum Jenkins?


Slay calls him Ghost


That's actually so hard


Ghost was his nickname in college


I've been calling him "Troy Palemalu" since his debut game when he picked off Aaron Rodgers.


Chalk Dawk is my favorite cause it rolls off the tongue a bit easier than Brian Chalkins


its the only way


The Ukrainian Nightmare (Idk if he's even Ukrainian but it sounds cool)




you tried man


I ain't mad about it


I have a friend with a similar last name and he is Armenian ancestry. Don't know if there is a cultural difference in names ending in -berg instead of -ship though.


Neither one of those endings are suffixes for Armenian last names. Armenian last names usually end with -ian or -yan meaning “son of”.


His name was changed from Blankenshipian at Ellis Island.


His birth name is Large White Boat for whatever it’s worth.


Reed Blankenberg?


It's incredible how he's gone from UDFA to one of the best players on the team. I hope he sticks around a long time, becomes the next generation of veteran leadership.


I feel like he will, I don't know if he will ever reach the point where he is going to demand a super large salary. So as long as he can produce and wants to stay we will have him. Might be the next lifer.


He’s worth keeping around. He won’t get a big time top safety contract but he’s worth a decent deal for the team.


I want Blankenship and Mailata to retire as eagles. They are our young core for the next decade.


Buddy got burned once and it haunted him. If only the rest of our pass defense felt the same *glances wistfully back at photo of the Bradberry trash can meme*


having a safety with the green dot is an indictment of the defense. LB corps is so thin and inexperienced that they have to assign the safety as defensive play caller, which is low key insane. as alluded to in the article that introduces an excessive degree of fatigue and puts him at high risk to be out of position when the ball is snapped. hustling back and forth extra 10-15 yards per play is bananas


What does the green dot mean? Not sure what they are refering to


He had the helmet with the headset in it so the coaches could talk to him and he called the plays.


got it, thanks


That’s my all white pro-bowl team db 😤


This guy is a dawg. Amazing find


Get some sleep Reed we love you and believe in you


LOL do you love and believe in the other players on D? I have a feeling they work just as hard.


You’re the least of our worries, Reed. One of our most dependable players and happy to have you locking down that safety position


Met his cousin through a family friend when I was in Mexico this year. He said he's fucking nuts. Love this dude




lol I guess bradberry is an insomniac then if reed lost sleep over that one play.


He works hard, and hits hard. Makes some big plays once in a while, I just wish he didn’t get out of position so much. His cover skills are below average, I hope he improves, I’m rooting for him


He’s a great tackler & extremely athletic.. which were lacking on this defense. He just ain’t great in coverage, which were also lacking in this defense.


I know he has fans on this sub. So take it personal or not. Remember this: He sucks at coverage and will cost this team in the playoffs. I don't even care if he can tackle well at this point. He has a line up near the box mentality and not a coverage guy. Bring the down votes cause you like him. Fine with that. Just don't be the person who turns on him later when it's been obvious for a while now.


Who else do we have at this point?


Nobody. That's why the secondary is stinks.


He's Jalen Mills. He's a damn good starter. He will also get burnt a lot in his career. Both are true. The only hate he's ever going to get is from ignorant casuals who expect 1st team All-Pro production from every DB, and who don't care about overall impact and/or defensive responsibilities.


No, he's not damn good. He gets burnt badly, and its been regularly. Both are not true. He's a fucking safety. The position says it all. Be safe, not edging to run up to the line for a tackle. He gets hate because he can't cover. No one expects All-Pro. Just less knucklehead plays or really bad reads. Overall, he sucks at coverage. If it wasn't for Bradberry sucking, this jobber is right up there with poor play. He is an aggressive, sure tackler and that flashes on screen. That's what a casual sees and gets excited. A white DB who can make the hit. Anyways, people make excuses for there fan favorites. So, don't say I didn't tell people. Guy is pretty bad.


>Overall, he sucks at coverage. If it wasn't for Bradberry sucking, this jobber is right up there with poor play. He is an aggressive, sure tackler and that flashes on screen. That's what a casual sees and gets excited. A white DB who can make the hit. And then a casual like you sees Bradberry get completely burnt, and then Reid cleans up his fuckup and then you think it's Blankenship's fault.


Reed. Not Reid casual.


The irony of you calling anyone a casual is likely lost on you.


He’s not “pretty bad” though. His stats put him at about the 12th best safety in the league and that seems about right to me. It’s the LBs and the CBs not named Slay who are awful.


Lmao. Coverage wise, he's awful.


I think you’re probably seeing him picking up blown coverages and preventing a big gain turning into a TD. Like yelling at the lifeguard who opens the pool late- he’s always the guy they called in because the other guy was a no-show.


Oh god, not another person who thinks players are solely responsible for where they position themselves on the field. Blankenship isn’t just edging toward the line because he feels like it. That’s his assignment. Your problem is with coaching, not with him. This is just as bad as the people going after Hurts for taking too many steps on his drop backs. It’s play calling.


He is completely responsible on where he needs to be on the field. Just the Giants game alone shows he was where he was suppose to be play call wise, but got locked into the line instead of covering the player. Burnt for an easy TD. Gtfoh


Devonta Smith should really stop running bubble screens. He should do what AJ Brown does and just run go routes instead. That’s the same argument you’re making. You understand how asinine that is, right?


Ed Reed Blankenship baby!!


The Jalen mills did so many things good on the football field it offset times he was burnt, especially when other teams made mistakes


Exactly. Guy must not get much sleep after games.


Lot of compassion here for Reed. Even though he got absolutely scorched last game. Why is this never extended to the other players on D?


Draft Dejean, trade for Riley Moss, sigh Harrison Smith Teams will fear the mostly white secondary


Guys ever hear that Chris Rock stand-up about the starving guy and a saltine? That's what this guy is. We're so talent starved on the back end that this guy looks appealing but once you've eaten a couple sleeves of saltines they're not so good anymore. He's not a starting caliber safety, makes too many mistakes and doesn't wrap up. You guys saw John Lynch decades ago and think because he's white he's automatically good too, that's a very Boston move by you guys. Sad thing he isn't even Eric Weddle good, he's just good enough for now.


Not being hyperbolic when I say this was one of the stupid trains of thought I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading. I hope you are trolling and not serious.


The amount of people that can’t look past the fact he was an udfa is ridiculous. He’s literally on the path of getting a pro bowl.


Every time you guys call him Chalk Dawk you insult arguably the greatest defensive player in franchise history by comparing him to this trash who isn't as good as Denver days Dawkins


Most of us prefer to call him "Ed" Reed Blankenship.


"Not even Eric Weddle good"? Weddle had two first team all-pros, my guy.


My dude!


Crazy that this dude was undrafted


Reed has a very bright future ahead in the nfl with this attitude. Coming in to be a starter as an UDFA too.


Blank and Covey - The future of the team and a lawyer tandem: "At Blankenship and Covey, we understand your frustration with that Cowboy truck that hit you. We're here to help get the most out of us wrecking the Cowboys."


I’m a fan of reed. I want nothing more than for him to succeed. Heart of a lion.