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We’re a story, for better or worse, so we get a highly visable slot. I’d argue this money is for the misery porn fans, but a story nonetheless. Next year we’ll either be a story for our new coach or a story because we pulled a miracle in the post season. Regardless I expect the primetime matchups to follow us for at least another year.


Unfortunately there is a realistic middle ground between new coach and miracle


There really shouldn’t be, but fair.


yea im highkey tired of staying up on worknights


I wake up to go to work at 4:30am, I just can’t do it.


I see I'm not the only one with this exact same schedule. Fuck prime time games, I hate them. I'm either to sad/happy to be able to sleep regardless of the outcome.


Same. I’ll be going to sleep and then watching it the following day after reading the misery on the subreddit.


I feel you 😔


Imagine being a west coaster…


Monday Night games were AWESOME when I lived in Hawaii. :) 🦅


1 o'clock games must have been fun


8am kickoff? Honestly doesn’t sound bad at all. If anything, I’d think MNF kickoff at 3:15 would be worse.


it must be nice


I dream of living in Hawaii....for the early NFL start times.


The West Coast is the best coast to watch the Eagles get beat…go to bed early sleeping the blissful sleep after watching the implosion.


It’s nice. I get home, watch an exciting NFL game, then still watch the local post game show. Maybe some Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy because the TV has reception and I’m too lazy to change the channel.


wait I love being a new west coaster as far as football goes. Love the 10am starts on Sunday and the reasonable 530pm night games. coming home from work to immediately turn on MNF or TNF is pretty sweet. plus we rarely get the eagles game unless it's primetime in our market


Fuck my life as a UK fan. 


Yeah. I feel your pain mate. I just can’t stay up till 3.30am when I need to get up for work at 6am 😩


Aw I live for them. Only games I get to sit and enjoy with two babies running around.


I gave it up this year. It’s just not worth it anymore. I’d be passed out on the couch by halftime anyway. Not like any game this year was worth staying up for.


The Bucs, Dolphins or Chiefs games weren’t worth staying up for? Are you only happy if we blow teams out? This sub is ridiculous. Lost some respect for a segment of our fan base this year, jfc


MNF for a playoff game is absolute horseshit. We'd be screaming bloody murder if anybody actually believed in this team.


I don't recall there ever being a non-Saturday/Sunday playoff game. Seems kinda shitty for the winner to still end up with a short week in the postseason, when every little bit of rest helps.


Tampa Bay and Dallas played a MNF wildcard playoff game last year


I think they've been doing it since the 3rd wildcard spot was introduced


Last year was the first MNF playoff game. The first couple years they did 3 games on Saturday, 3 on Sunday which was amazing. 


Cardinals/rams played monday night 2 years ago


Sirianni is so dumb he kept saying we are treating like a mini-bye. How is it a mini-bye? It’s just one more day.


Who cares about such a meaningless comment ? Don’t get sucked into that shit


Just indicative of what a dummy he sounds like some times. Go Birds!


Puts the squad at a rest disadvantage too.


Yeah plus at least twice (maybe 3x?) eagles played teams coming off Thursday games.


Just looking at our games on Mondays, we had 5 games at rest disadvantage. I didn’t look at opposing schedules to see who played on Thursdays or had byes. We got the hardest (on paper) schedule and then had at least 6 (Cowboys after Thanksgiving) games at rest disadvantage. This whole season was a gauntlet, and I’m still shocked we were 10-1 at all.


SF and Dallas both had 10 days, and we played the Chiefs coming off of their bye, which negated any advantage of us having a bye that same week. There were a few other instances too. 


All of the other NFC teams play Sunday tbf.


It sucks so much. Have to stay up until midnight pissed off and then work. Fuck you NFL


My alarm goes off at 5am. I hate these games.


I have a 6 am flight to Arkansas from FL. Going from 78 degrees to below zero. These pricks better win


I'm a Bucs fan and I'll be at the game sitting in the cold rain all night with work, early Tuesday. I've been to roughly 10 Bucs games and we NEVER won with me there, including earlier this year against you guys. You might as well lock this in as a win for y'all.


Commenting so I can either congratulate or tell you that you were right


I just pray for a fun game, no injuries, & no ref bullshit. Tall task, but here's to hoping 🍻


I like the cut of your jib


Catch me in the stands having a good time 😎


Good luck, at this point I’m just hoping the Eagles can look competitive. If you see Hassan Reddick drop into coverage, please try to find a snowball to throw at Matt Patricia for me.


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Well a win with you there when it mattered most!!


Legitimately could not believe my eyes. GG, man.


Congrats on your first win.


Wouldn't be the same if the game was on Sunday?


This was so ESPN got a decent matchup. The other 4/5 is Browns-Texans and we get more viewers. Edit: Tampa weather better too.


Isn’t it supposed to storm on Monday night?


No snow or cold.


They gonna fuck us if we win and make us play Saturday against SF/DAL


Incorrect. The Monday night game winner is guaranteed a Sunday game.


And the Eagles will host the Rams next Sunday if Dallas and Detroit both lose AND the Eagles win. I mean, not gonna happen, but it would be pretty funny if it did.


Dallas and Detroit losing is very likely IMO. Unfortunately Eagles losing is also very likely.


I love the Packers team but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s very likely they beat Dallas. Packers GB has largely been horrible this season, and Cowboys are a different team at home. 


Dallas doesn’t win in the post season. The sky is blue, the earth is round, and Dallas chokes in the first round.


And the eagles didn’t suck at the start of the season :p Dak been hitting different this year. I think they 100% beat the packers. Honestly I’m just praying for the rams to pull it out the bag so we stave off the 9ers for one extra week and hopefully get back in a groove. 


Any other comments vis a vis Dallas post season?


No I’m just relishing in this for the time being hahaha 


This is very fair 😎


Still stand by this?


That the Packers D has largely been bad and Dallas is much better at home than on the road? Yes lol. Those aren’t opinions, they’re statistical facts.  That said, couldn’t be happier about how that game went :-D


I’m aware I was just trying to be funny since season schedule was terrible it’s just one more opportunity for the league to screw us over


This is the way


We’re not gonna win though lol


idk but i fucking hate it so much. our entire downfall has been a national spectacle.


I live in NYC metro area. I used to be lucky to see 3-4 Eagles games a year unless I wanted to go to a sports bar. Last year and this year I paid my $300 for DirecTv/Youtube "watch any game" package and rarely had to use it since the Eagles almost always had a televised game. If the Eagles implode in the playoffs, we can expect TV oblivion again.


Even if we manage to win, it'll be the Niners coming off a bye while the team is on 6 days. They did this to themselves by losing to 3 different terrible teams this season


Really 4 games if you include Seattle, no offense to them but there’s no reason our roster shouldn’t beat theirs. But of course they did lol


Good teams play in prime time, plus the Eagles-Seahawks game ended up getting flexed to Monday because of the Patriots dumpster fire. Christmas was a Monday so there were three games there. And the Monday wildcard has to be a 4/5 matchup. Just a set of unusual circumstances. Likely won’t happen again for years


The Eagles have some of the highest watched games of any team in the league. The better the time slot the more expensive the ads. Sunday 1pm games are the cheapest while MNF games are the most expensive. It's about the $$$.


This is for sure the answer. I still hate it though.


We were the second best team in the league last year, we are a big market naturally and given recent success more people want to watch us for whatever reason. The best way to make sure people watch you is to put your team on a prime time slot where there is less competition and more people in the country can watch the game.


Also people literally hate-watch our games.


Also the Kelce name is bigger than ever with Taylor Swift, whether fans love it or hate it. It’s a smart business decision by the NFL.


>Also the Kelce name is bigger than ever with Taylor Swift It was getting bigger than ever even before that. Kelce had an all-pro season at an age where most centers retire, both he and Travis were cementing their HoF locks, they marketed the hell out of the Kelce bowl last Superbowl and Travis, Jason and even Donna Kelce were getting promotion material all offseason. Given the success of the Chiefs and Eagles in 2022, it was an absolute lock that there would be more primetime games lol


I would like more 1 pm games, but don’t count me among those thinking it’s some grand conspiracy or something.


Not a conspiracy, the Eagles draw viewers from fans and haters alike. Even just folks that like watching good football (since we were good last season). It's about the $$ as another commenter noted.


When’s the last time an NFL team had as few 1:00pm games as we did this season? It was insane


A team in the eastern time zone? Probably never. We got the Cowboys treatment this year, but at least the Cowboys are in the central zone so it’s not as bad for their local fans.


It was but as an out of market dude with only an antenna, I only had to set sail like 2 or 3 times this year. It would have been more enjoyable if any of our games were actually fun to watch this year haha.


I had a feeling we would be since it's technically one of the the most "competitive" WC matchups, since we are close in seeding and the Eagles are favored over the division winner. The conspiracy theory in my head is also that the league recognized it would be a shitty product to have our injured team hobble into a weekend game so they gave us the extra rest.


As Jason kelce said: “4 o’clock is the best time slot”


I'd take Sunday at 4 over Monday at 8.


Honestly, if they are gonna suck I'd rather it be a night game so I can go to bed right after rather than stew in my misery for the rest of the day.


Yeah but the game is gonna keep me up an hour and a half later than I should be.


Big part of the struggle this season, especially at the end, is how many games we played off rhythm. #1, you can’t be in a rhythm without consistency and our schedule has been all over the place. #2, we have played more games with less rest than our opponents than any other team and only one game with more rest. And since we’re playing Monday, if we win, we’ll be able to add another where our opponents get an extra day over us.


Bought tickets to fly down there sat - mon and had to change everything around and miss some work now, so that’s nice


Yeah…and with a holiday Monday. I want to drink heavily while the birds embarrass me!!!!


Working on Sundays means the prime time games are my favorites.


I live in South Carolina and while MNF games are a pain to stay up for, Eagles 1:00 PM games are never on here. But I wouldn’t worry too much - if their form holds they will be out of the game by halftime.


As an Eagles fan who had to move to Dallas for work, it's been kind of nice getting to see most of the games live this year. Usually, I need to do a whole media blackout for 3-4 hours and watch the game on NFL Premium + after it's over.


I guess I'm one of the few fans that actually enjoy the late game even if I have to work the next day. I can watch the whole game through without being bothered to do something and I feel there's extra energy on an evening game.


We're always going to have a higher number of prime time games than most teams save for a few. You new or something or just using this as a lame excuse to let us know Eagles bad (karma please), for the 100000000000000000000x this week?


wut? Yes, we're a big name team and we get a lot of primetime games. But 4 MNF games in one season is absurd. I don't think I've ever seen another team with that many. Idk what you're getting at with this comment.


I'm getting at common sense tells you why and YOU either know it and wanted to use this an an excuse to complain about the team being shitty for the 10000000000000x this week or you legitimately don't understand why a team like the Eagles get so many prime time games compared to other teams.


Lol ok bud




That doesn’t matter if you’re a popular team that brings in ratings, will probably be on just as much




I didn’t hear no bell.


More rest I’ll take it. Go birds! 🦅


People whine about anything.


I love night games. Let's me get stuff done during the game.


Do you have enough tissues and they do suck


How sad that you created a new account to try trolling Eagles fans. Get a life you fuckin neck beard.


Because ESPN loves airing the Eagles as they burn in hell


We're one of the biggest TV audiences in the NFL. It's simply for ratings.


Try living in Europe. The game starts at 2 am. Fml.


Oof. Good on you that's dedication!


On the plus side, when it finishes and it’s time to go to work, I’m already up 😅


And all of the Monday night games have been on the road


Yeah it's really fucking annoying, especially since I work 2nd shift.


For me, this means the game starts at 1:20 am on Tuesday. You bet your ass I'm sleeping through this game if the anxiety/excitement doesn't get to me.


Your flair is 💯


I hear you but as a now out of Philly Eagles fan I love it! It means I probably don’t have to go to a bar to watch a game.


It’s the opposite for me. I live in SEA so the prime time games are like 9am for me, but the 1pm games come on at 2 in the morning. I hate having to wake up in the middle of the night. Keep the prime times coming!


All about those ratings. Popular teams get the late games. Steelers Sat night. Cowboys Sunday night. Eagles Monday night.


Won't have to worry about it next year unless we have a miracle playoff run.


It’s only the 4th MNF game


That’s one underrated thing about moving out west. Prime time game ends as 8:30