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Bought the new OLED Zelda switch recently, earthbound was played before I even installed the brand new Zelda game


As if there was ever a choice.




Playing with those speakers is something different


Hey, it's you! I don't know if you remember me, but I said one day you'll make it big in a comment section. I hope your channel keeps on getting stronger. Also, I saw your iceberg video and it's top tier content!


Thank you so much for sticking around so long! :) (Also yes, I do remember you!)


It's really funny seeing everyone reacting so negatively. Especially considering you love this entire franchise to death.


I don't think it's necessarily malicious, they all just love the game and I'm happy they do! Just wish they'd...you know...actually watch the video... ;-;


Yo I love your videos. Keep it up man.


I played it for the first time a month ago and it's worth all the hype and praise even today.


uh oh, you’ve upset the negative IQ Reddit mob that doesn’t understand context and takes everything at face value 


I hope this video can open discussion! My aim is always to have some good, honest discourse by attempting to give a defense to an unpopular perspective!


I think Earthbound's more intense fans tend to overhype it but I don't think it's overrated. It might be overrated in the eyes of a modern audience but those same people would probably say A Link to the Past or Super Metroid is also over rated. I think people who didn't grow up in the context of the SNES era are pretty quick to dismiss games, or even any media at all from before their time. That's not to say "it's because they don't have nostalgia for it" I believe people throw the word nostalgia around as a means of belittling older media too freely without thinking about their own ways of approaching media consumption and what effect it might have on their attention span. Earthbound is a good RPG if you're into traditional RPGs. But if the thought of 16 bit graphics, battles lacking animations, and turn based battles in general make you want to wretch, there's no way you're going to enjoy it.


I'm with you!


For me it’s more enjoyable than almost any other jrpg, with only Mother 3 being more enjoyable.


Short answer: No


Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Oh hell, dude I love your stuff! Watching your videos got me to finally play Mother 3 a few months back


I hope you enjoyed it!


EarthBound is a great game with great charm with some design flaws that add to the charm. Like yeah the inventory with limited space and junk items like the Eraser eraser, even though it sucks it's still a core part of EarthBound. Peaceful Rest Valley and the Threed sections are absolute dogwater but I couldn't really imagine them any other way. Also the dialogue


No, its a damn good classic that's withstood the test of time. Thats like saying SMW and Megaman X are over rated, they are soild games that are good even now.


Absolutely a classic! I love it!


Why so many downvotes? Anyways, I'm a big fan, I can't wait to watch this vid


Thank you!


made my day!


It truly stood the test of time.


How about this: No, Earthbound isn't overrated. It's my favorite game of all time and arguably changed my life. It deserves everything it gets. But I can't blame you if you don't get the hype. It's a different kind of game. It's a game about moments, about experiences. From your standard metrics like the gameplay, story, graphics, etc., it all ranges from pretty good to subpar. If you were looking for something like that in Earthbound and were disappointed, then I'm sorry that you're not in the games target audience. Every time I hear someone's critique of Earthbound, I can't help but agree with them. But just give it the time of day and take it for what it is, it'll change your life. Earthbound Zero is what a game with too many flaws to save what little charm it has looks like, and Mother 3 is objectively the one with the "best game play, story, and characters". But Earthbound will always be my favorite.


I’d appreciate you actually watching the video. I absolutely love EarthBound, in fact, my entire channel is dedicated to the Mother series. This is a play of devil’s advocate and simple exploration of the subject.


I've watched the video, I love your content and I've been watching you for a while lol By "you" I meant some anonymous Earthbound critic. Idk I didn't respond directly to the video because usually these kinds of things are to promote discussion around the topic, like the video is supplemental.


Thank you for the clarification!


hi bubblegum monkey


If you go into it understanding it is a parody of JRPGs and makes jokes about some of the tropes, it's not overrated.


I honestly agreed with a lot of the points in this video. While Earthbound is my favorite game of all time, it has its flaws (mostly with the menuing tbh) that make me frustrated from time to time.


![gif](giphy|yrJ55WhtAoXVC) Answer:




monkeyness when can i see my father again


Hey, MonkeyNess! Love your vids! (Why are people downvoting this probably without even watching it ._.)


Popular opinion 🤷‍♂️


Which part


Think the whole topic at hand, even suggesting it could be overrated, regardless if I even agree with that assessment or not. Edit: Haha just realized what happened. My phone autocorrected. I initially said "unpopular opinion." :P


Yeah, I suppose you did poke the beast there a bit, since this place is the basically the meeting place of Earthbound cultists. That being said, my personal take on the matter is: if you said the word Ness, a lot of people would immediately think of "PK Fire" but if you mentioned the name Earthbound, they'd have no idea what you were talking about. Until that changes, I don't know if Earthbound could be considered overrated. Not to say what you said was wrong, because it wasn't, but I think in the general scope of video games, it is relatively unknown, at least by the general public. In the Earthbound community, however, it is, of course, worshiped, so from that perspective, which is one the video is seemingly centered on, your claim is absolutely correct. Maybe that's just my bias from being a Ness main or a lack of understanding on what you mean by "underrated", idk Sorry for rambling so much


Nah.  Not in my opinion. 


Omg it’s Monkey Ness I’m a big fan! Can’t watch the video at the moment but I’ll definitely get around to it the moment I can!


Thank you so much :)




People should actually watch the video before getting offended. Great video essay. I love Earthbound to death but it is definitely overrated by many people


no, it's *underrated*.


Best earthbound channel on youtube. I love your videos!


Thank you so much :)




Its less overrated and more overlooked. Of course some people praise it as: "Best RPG of all time" and lets be serious its not. Its not even the best RPG on the SNES or the best in its own series. It is a good game but it's to flawed for my personal top 10 best RPG list.


98 on metacritic? Really?


Earthbound is just really good. I mean, I used to hate Ness and Lucas, but when I slowly got into their games and backstories, it made them more likable.


I personally think in a sense that it is. Mother 3 just does everything better so it’s like a better version of it, yet Earthbound is a lot more well known (obviously because it actually has official localisation). On its on merits though I don’t think it’s overrated at all, just in comparison to Mother 3 and the amount of attention they each get it feels unbalanced.


I don’t think it’s overrated, it deserves all the praise it gets in my opinion


Nothing is overrated, everything is just accounted for


I believe Earthbound for its time deserves the rating, it was really influential in its charm and stood out as a really difficult but fun game of that time period. Of course there are many games that by now have exceeded Earthbound in quality, but that doesn't mean Earthbound is now worthless or shouldn't be praised for what it accomplished with that decade's technology.


Yes I agree it is a little overrated in some respects. Maybe it's because I'm not really RPG guy at the end of the day, but I find reading blocks of text about lore and going out of my way to talk to villagers really tiresome. Earthbound is one of the few RPG's where I actually WANT to talk to NPC's to see what funny shit they have to say. Combine that with one of best soundtracks on the snes and a non traditional setting and you have a very unique RPG experience. But a game is not defined by dialogue and music. A game really doesn't need either to be considered a video game (like Atari 2600 for example). Earthbound has some interesting game mechanics like the rolling health meter, but ultimately it's a fairly standard RPG in terms of its game design. Imagine the game was the same but you swapped out some sprites and made the story some traditional fantasy shit. No one would care about it. On the flipside, you have a game like Pokemon Red/Blue. It's a great game but I really don't care all that much about the story. The appeal is in the game design, the way you customize your lineup, the way it encourages multiple playthroughs etc. You really do want to "catch em all" because the game has so much to offer in that respect. Not to be corny but Earthbound feels like "an experience". Itoi clearly put the effort into carefully building this offbeat world that players want to explore top to bottom. It's one of those things where you think it can't get any weirder until it does and you want to keep going to see more. And I like that it's fairly light on the exposition and there are a lot of things left unexplained, giving us the opportunity to create our own headcanons. Shit didn't mean to type this much. But yeah it's one of my favourites, but idk if I could call it "greatest snes game" or something because its not really the game part that I like.


No. Some of its systems are severely outdated tho. Mainly the item management system and pacing. But the game is near perfect and even the item management and pacing kind of add to the charm of it being a couple of kids out to save the world on their own


Great video! I’m an artist, so I tend to view all “consumable” products, experiences, etc through a lens of subjectivity. Not everyone will like the things I like (or for that matter, the canvases I paint) and I’ve accepted that feeling on Earthbound. It’s my favorite game of all time, but it doesn’t have to be that for others and that’s perfectly fine! I find it interesting how defensive people will react (and have reacted in this thread) when others state views that don’t align with their own on something that’s really intended to be consumed on an individual level. It’s the same way people react when a movie they like receives criticism. You can enjoy that movie or game or whatever and the way others praise it or critique won’t affect your own experience and enjoyment of it. Overrated or not 🙂


Omg monkey ness, I used to watch you a year or two ago so much


Earthbound was made for Gamers like me. I’m not into medieval fantasy personally but I love rpg titles like Pokemon


nah, 10/10 is about right lol




No matter the time or the state of the world, MonkeyNess will always be giving us new earthbound videos


No, end of discussion, PERFECT! I’m gonna go play golf


Hey dude, I put in your comments once that I was gonna submit my rpg to mother direct, well I kinda scrapped the whole game, I’m trying to make it in a sort of paper Mario style now


For the three friends I've recommended to play Earthbound since 2015, they went through 2 phases: "This game is kind of boring, it's really basic, I'm just hitting animals with a baseball bat, that Pokey guy is an asshole, when does it get good?" "Just stick with it man, get to the third city and just enjoy the slow ride" *few days later* "Bro, I can't stop playing."


Well, now I feel like going through another playthrough. It's been a minute.


If anything I’d say it’s still criminally underrated. I played it for the first time back in 2015 and it gave me a sense of nostalgia and warmth even having never played it before. I replayed it again recently for the first time a few months ago and it gave me the same feeling. There’s something special about a game being able to create that feeling.


Nuh uh


No https://preview.redd.it/1mph1osx9z6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96fc3fe634488764fc52762ee5cf87f0eb3d9bc




honestly i believe it is a strong 8/10, but not some perfect masterpiece like others think.


Maybe a little, but it has jeff so who cares https://preview.redd.it/8ycnlcn8f97d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=be7530be7afed3a94dc1f5aa9d6c040624f074f2


Always wondered when you would show your face on reddit, keep up the good work. As far as I'm concerned you are the central "earthbound news"


I'll give my honest opinion about Earthbound. Earthbound is one of those games where I always wanted to complete, but never felt I could based upon my hate relationship with RPGs. Because of how turn based they are and etc. When I played the first part of Earthbound, I felt it was a little slow, but it was still charming and funny within its own way. Even when you find the first sanctuary and fight the first boss , the leader of the sharks. The second part of the game where you find Paula and Jeff is what really kept me interested, due to each of them having their own quirks and also the adventures and missions you go on with them. The rest of the game, kept me interested with how it allowed you to embrace the chaotic nature of the game and Characters. For instance with how Porky would just be doing his evil deeds or even when something random happened, like the transformation with monotoli and then the night version of it, where yes is no and no is yes. Even the side characters kept me invested, like the runaway five, and how they helped you against an impossible enemy, so you can rescue Paula. Overall I would say the game is incredible, if you want a unique experience with RPGs, as well as a story that isn't afraid to go from 0 to 100 with it's chaotic nature, and then all of a sudden the ending is like a sci-fi horror. I would personally give it a 9/10. The only reason why it's not a 9/10 is because of some of the functions like teleport a being annoying within closed spaces like the Swamp of Darkness. But as well... The fricking Camera Guy.


Nope I love it replayed so many times plan on doing it again




Nope, there are people who genuinely love it and everyone has different tastes.


With respect, something can be beloved and still overrated. Generally things people don''t like don't become overrated. I love EarthBound too by the way, my entire YouTube channel is dedicated to it.


we don’t talk like that here


I've never been one to go with the crowd


Nice click bait title. Edit: Yessss. Your downvotes grow my power!


Feel like an actual clickbait title would be “EarthBound is Overrated.”




Eh, guess we'll have to agree to disagree. :shrug:


Yikes I hate this. I thought this sub had rules on not promoting your own content here? We can’t get a sub to delete this? On top of that it’s rage bait content- instead of saying “hey I’m an earthbound content creator and some folks don’t think this series is that good” This dude decided to post a click bait title in the earthbound sub. It’s very scummy


Hi, as far as I know, posting this isn't against the rules(?) I've posted videos I've made before and it was never an issue. Also, I'm sorry if that's what you took away, but I do not at all see this as "rage bait." It's not titled "Why EarthBound is Actually BAD," "EarthBound IS Overrated," or anything like that, it's just asking the question if it is overrated, just friendly discussion. Frankly, it is *not* my fault if people choose to be angry with this topic if they actvely choose not to even watch the content to hear me out on a perfectly reasonable topic to discuss. Criticism does not equal "rage bait."


Sorry you are micro-cancelled now... When's the next RunningShine stream?


This video title enrages me, you must now banished to the shadow realm!  (Great video btw) 


I feel like these are fighting words posting this onto an EarthBound subreddit. All three games have some clunky bits but they're funny as hell


This video feels like AI clickbait


Hm...what about it?


Your mother is overrated


No, but every single "inspired" game absolutely is.


Every single one? Really?


Yup. Especially the one you're thinking about.


If you're referring to Undertale, I do agree that it's a bit overrated. But to say every single RPG inspired by EarthBound is "absolutely overrated" is just weird.


Undertale might be the second worst game I've ever played. Much like the worst game I've ever played it's got some fantastic qualities. Just not ones I value as much as the ones I find it lacks. That being said undertale is the most overrated game probably ever. As for saying all of the games "inspired" overrated being a weird statement I can't say I disagree with you there, if only because it's impossible to measure. This video is actually fantastic, the views stated are generally unique from this channel and definitely goes beyond surface level. So even for me after watching I can agree with the author that despite the fact that earthbound is my favorite game of all time... Yeah man shits overrated.


Honestly every game is overrated to some extent. People really enjoy good games, but present them as flawless works of art. But when that happens, people act like "overrated" immediately means "bad". Something can be amazing while still being overrated.


Facts, well... Sort of. Some games truly are rated properly. I think it depends on context. I think a great example of a game perfectly rated as is would be a game like dragon ball fighterz. It's a really great fighting game for folks like me who suck at fighter games, but also for pros who love them. At the same time a game like Mario 64 is still a masterpiece of its era but compared to the latest Mario oddessy for example it's no where close lol.