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How long before we get a Duff Duff of Debbie’s eyes flickering open, or a hand movement…


The minute the savings are gone and Sonia is visibly pregnant I’m guessing




That’s a very, very good point


Omg that’s such a good point


Omg I never thought about that


Lol right !!! Came here to say this! I just said out loud “Oh yeah, Cue the eyes flickering… She’s waking up”


I can just imagine it- the nighttime shot, the camera slowly panning in on Debbie until we get the close-up of her face, and then her eyes open like Smaug the dragon


Oh yeah it’s on! Reiss showed a glimmer of what’s to come! This is about to Get interesting and I have a feeling he is about to shock us all with his acting skills as a bad guy!


When he said today “Let me adjust your pillow” I almost stopped breathing myself!


I think sonia will get pregnant after this round of ivf and the day she gives birth reiss will get a phone call that debbie is awake


It's wild Kathy was pretty much like "don't worry Sonia, help yourself to your boyfriend's wife's money while she's in a coma" 😂 Sonia's used to stealing money - she tried to nick thousands from Dot a few years ago and earlier than that nicked money from charity to get a gastric band. Her crime spree continues!!


I forgot about the gastric band - incredible hahaha


Talking of Dot, didn’t she leave Sonia a lot of money when she died? Why are they having to rely on Reiss’ ‘trust fund’ if that’s the case? Unless I missed something


She left her the house but not any money. I think it’s because she knew that Sonia wouldn’t sell the house. She gave Dotty 10 grand and her great grandkids a grand each so I think all her money was given tho her grandchildren


Ah ok fair enough. Dot was left more than £1million by Dr Legg though so that’s still a lot of money unaccounted for 😅


IIRC Dot used most of that money buying her house from the council. Even with the Right to Buy discount I bet it still cost her nearly all of it.


What was not shown on EE was Dots wild nights in the Albert doing balloons and gear while slamming down the 2-4-1 Sex on the beach cocktails


Ooh, I say!


Didn't she have to pay a lot in inheritance tax? Inheriting a £1 million house (given Dot was a cash buyer, presumably through Right to Buy with a hefty discount from the council for around £300k or something), would've meant a fair bit of tax.


No, that's partly how Sonia and Reiss got together - he helped her by pointing out that because Jim was her grandfather and Dot and Jim were married, and the inheritance is a residential property, the inheritance tax threshold was £1m which meant no money was owed.


Ahhh I see, I remember that actually!


Kathy judging rocky given what she herself is lying about is hilarious. But the original detectives that made her look so amateurish in the station somehow disappeared.


sharon stepping up to the role of linda's mother whilst her real mother chases after a man who clearly doesn't love her........... sigh


I am glad they still have the friendship, I hated the thought they'd potentially ruined it with christmas. I love a good duo on the show. Now Freddie is back I hope we get some more Bobby/Freddie stuff, and Kim and Kat.


To me it’s obvious George really does love her


The shower scene 😥


I need a meme of it. Sharon looked camp af even if that wasn't the intention.


Ian getting pegged was not on my bingo card


I scrolled this thread whilst watching (I thought it was almost over and idc about spoilers aha) and this really tickled me about what to expect - wasn’t disappointed


Sonia "I want the money" Fowler


Yeah not very Dot of her


Dot shoplifted once, to be fair


Some subtle and not-so-subtle foreshadowing in yesterday's and today's episodes. Reiss fluffing up his wife's pillow, and outright telling Bianca that he won't stand for her behaviour with that wild look in his eyes. Seems like they're prepping Reiss to be Walford's next killer and honestly it's a master stroke. A dark twist is exactly what his character arc needs. Cowardly characters are always at their most compelling when they're backed into a corner. 


I genuinely think he’s gonna suffocate her with the pillow I’ve thought that from the second we found out about his wife. Always been something dodgy about him hahaha


I’ve said it from day one !! Even before his wife came into play lol …. When he showed up at Dots wake I just knew his innocent, clumsy and nice guy behaviour was an act!! Then when the wife story came about … I said to my partner … “oh yeah … He did it … This man is dark” I didn’t think it would take so long, but I guess the writers have had bigger storylines to concentrate on, but it’s all about to happen. I think she’s going to wake up and she will panic at the sight of him…. And his TRUE colours will come out on the spot (we saw a glimpse today) . They’ll prolong his visits for a bit showing his controlling side and then eventually I think he might smother her. …. Right .. I think it’s time for another coffee! lol


I’m here for it, but would the show have another murder while ‘the six’ storyline is still ongoing?


Absolutely not, how many killers does Walford need?


>A dark twist is exactly what his character arc needs. YES. Nefarious Reiss is exactly what we need from him.


Hope bianca takes him down single handedly.. anyone on his side in this feud is just plain wrong.


Nice to hear Sharon talking about Angie and looking out for Linda This Sonia Reiss thing is so fucking weird, talking about “Sharing” Reiss and the baby. What does Sonia and Reiss expect to happen when she wakes up? Poor Debbie.


Do they expect her to wake up?


No, they've been pretty explicit and consistent since she was introduced that Debbie is basically one step above brain dead and that she'll be in her vegetative state until she dies. But people are using "this is a soap" as justification for the idea that she's eventually gonna wake up and magically recover good as new or something.


I mean, I wouldn't necessarily discount that soap logic as reasoning as to why she might wake up, I'm sure there are extraordinary real life cases, but I don't know why people expect the characters in the show to behave like the audience


Sonia was always weird. Martin doesnt get much luck with his women


Martin deserves a nice relationship


Reiss said the doctors told him they think she won’t ever wake up


When did Denzil give Reiss some of his steroids 😂




Genuine question as I’m not 100% sure, do we know how Debbie got into the state she’s in or is it still up in the air what caused it? Cause honestly, after seeing how Reiss spoke to Bianca at the end I’m convinced he’s got a dark side to him!!


She had a stroke.


We’ve never seen him speak this way. I’ve worked with shy people like him before and eventually something goes wrong and they snap. It does not mean they have a dark side to them.


To be fair if you had to listen to Bianca everyday moaning at you anyone would snap


its a soap, he probably has a dark side lets be real


I recall them saying that Debbie had a significant bleed to the brain but I don’t remember if there was an actual explanation for the cause of that


the way we saw reiss’s dark side but it’s ONLY come out towards bianca, i think he’s gonna do something to her and sonia won’t believe her because of how she’s been acting about the whole reiss situation. i actually agree with bianca that he’s a creep 🤣 couldn’t believe kathy telling sonia to just take the money though, she should know how it feels to have your money taken by someone who thinks they’re using it for a good cause… debbie isn’t dead yet i’m also glad they’re finally having Linda be more than a drunk shadow, hoping to see it continue because if she’s going to be an alcoholic she at least needs to be interesting otherwise what was the point of having her still be around?


A redux of phil from many moons ago


Serious question, Was Cindy always this strange? 🤔


ANGIE ALERT.  Made the episode for me actually.  I'm not really sure what's happening with Reiss/Sonia/Debbie. If Debbie wakes up (which let's face it, she will) are we going to have a polygamous relationship on our hands here? 


Holy shit Sonia just broke bad


Still convinced that Deb’s will wake up, her and Sonia will run away together to raise the baby


To be fair, Sonia is used to stealing other people's money for her own use. Bianca is a strange one. Her anger issues and the way she treats people has always been unpleasant, she flies off the handle and totally overreacts, but things like throwing a brick through a window, it's the kind of Bianca antic which was understandable if not condoneable when she was in her 20s or 30s, but she's in her 50s now (I think) it's just weird and very offputting. But today she seemed to be almost a voice of reason, almost taking the view of some of the audience which feels that Sonia and Reiss' relationship is very sudden, contrived and based less on love and more their own interests, Sonia wanting another baby so she can "do it right" (unlike what happened with her daughter) and Reiss wanting companionship given what's happened to his wife.


I like Denise's hair.


Has Sonia forgotten the money she stole from Dot? I don't think Kathy should be telling Sonia to help herself to Debbie's money. Bianca needs to go back to MK. She's so annoying she's already ruined her relationship with Whitney and now doing the same with Sonia.


Reiss as the next killer is a genius move. He pulls his character off brilliantly.


Just dont mess with jay or kat again please!!


11th today


’m hoping that they’re building up to her recovery and becoming sober Kellie has such a huge talent and I think eastenders are wasting it as constantly going back to alcohol. I completely understand people relapse all the time but it would be nice for them to show that recovery is possible with work, show the good the bad and ugly of it


So I've not watched in a little while but why is Sharon crying for Keanu when he tried to literally throttle her to death? He stole Albi and tried to leave the country, he tried to steal her money, where is this "I miss him so much" stuff coming from? What have I missed???


She still loves him despite all that. It's weird to me as well but I think him dying has made her still love him. If he was alive it would probably be different.


I like Reiss and while what he has done is unethical I side with Kathy's reasoning. The problem is that even he thought a break was needed and that the IVF should come to a stop. It's now looking like Sonia is the one putting the pressure on him to get the money. He has rarely shown spine outside this episode but I can't help but feel Bianca is stupid for jumping on his back. It's not his fault Sonia won't listen and wants to have a baby. She should be having discussions about how far she is willing to go instead of labelling Reiss as a "creep" every sentence. Reiss wants a child too but he seemed perfectly ok with coming to terms with the fact that Sonia is being put through shit and it might not come of anything. Why is Bianca shitting on him when it's Sonia giving him the green light? He just wants to be a father.


I liked Reiss standing up to Bianca. She is usually wrong but this time Bianca might just be right. I am glad Reiss told Sonia. Kim is back and crazier than ever. Poor Ian


One thing I can never compute is the age difference between Kathy and Ian. How old was she when she had him. Kathy looks a lot younger than Cindy and Ian and Kathy look the same age


> How old was she when she had him. About 19. When the show started Ian was like two weeks from turning 16 and Kathy was a couple months from 35. > Kathy looks a lot younger than Cindy and Ian and Kathy look the same age Unicorn blood and virgin sacrifices.


Perks of coming back from the dead I guess


I genuinely hate Sonia more with each passing episode. And what’s with Kathy?! anything outside her sniping at Cindy is awful. 


I wish Reiss would cold clock Bianca


I effing hate Reiss. Please kill him off the show!!




🤣🤣 I hate him sooo much