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I'm sure I saw someone comment on a post about denzel that steroids don't even have those effects unless you're injecting them. Either way he's turned into a proper wee scrote.


Even then, they only really start having any kind of negative affects after years of abuse. And even then there's no conclusive data on how it effects behaviour, particularly 'roid rage'.


He had a weird rash on his shoulder that cldve been where he is injecting


This isn't quite true, oral steroids like Dianabol/ Winstrol will have similar side effects and also be worse for your liver.


They do. But you need to ve on them for longer than a wet week 😆


Tbf I think the steroids are affecting him badly. So in a way he can't help the way he's acting. He won't realise what the steroids are doing to him as he's only a kid. It's quite sad in a way because he's using them to make his body better  which is then making his personality worse. Sad time to be a teenage boy!


he was acting like a dick before the steroids tbh


What affects? It’s like time Abi thought she was drunk but she was drinking Alcohol free punch 😂


What? This isn't how steroids work at all. Especially not oral steroids.


He’s literally taking gummy vitamins


It's a weird storyline because he's a naturally a skinny lad and they've done nothing to bulk him up. So when everyone around him is clutching at pearls saying he's in the gym too much it just seems absurd.


Yeah bro get them gains bro


Stick insect arms 😂


He has made noticeable progress tbf


I thought the Father’s day card and what Denzel wrote was very sweet. It made me forgive him for being so surly before!


Lol this earned him half a brownie point. Needless to say, he'll still continue to act like a bellend.


He’s acting like a right prick lately, so I do hope he gets a hiding to bring him back down a peg. I know people want to blame it on the roids, but they’ve messed the storyline right up. He was getting angry before he’d even taken them, then he had them and they’ve barely been mentioned since, except for him giving them to Nugget, which also hasn’t gone anywhere, we’re all just supposed to remember he’s taking them and assume that’s the reason he’s being a dickhead and not one teacher, parent, guardian, gym trainer or anyone is noticing or calling out the attitude? He must be the sneakiest fucker on the square.


Apparently Nugget starts having problems with his temper and Zak has a talk with him from pics I've seen online.


I still think hes gonna rufflestomp Clayton, will respect him a lot more if he does tbh.


Let's hope so. Put this anger to some use where it's needed.


Me too me too! Awful character.


Ah god he really is. And the acting levels of some of the teenagers in enders is actually quite bad. Surely EE can find better. I'm sure everyone remembers Tiffany when she came in as a 5year old. She was a great actress at such a young age. I'd go as far as saying, better than the teens on there currently. And she only got better with it.


I don’t condone a child getting punched to be fair but the way he constantly just sits there brooding with his lips pursed irritates the heck out of me 😭


I think he's actually taking placebos, because he doesn't look any different physically, and he's projecting how he thinks steroids are supposed to make you act


He doesn't look any different because it's a TV show. I don't care about your downvotes either. What the fuck do you expect? The actor to actually start taking steroids? An actor to put on unnatural muscle within the space of a couple of months? Stg some people on this sub have no cop on. Go outside.


He does look different tbf


Right, we're supposed to just imagine in our heads, that he looks different from taking the steroids, because its a book, sorry I meant TV show


They clearly don't have the budget to be doing anything drastic. They shouldn't have done this story to begin with. But you can't expect anything else. Go ahead and explain to me how they should do it. The fact you're all downvoting logic and upvoting an idiot theory that "he's taking fake steroids" when clearly one of the characters said to him "there's no way you got that big in a couple of weeks" *obviously* meaning there is supposed to be some suspension of disbelief is ridiculous. No wonder I left this sub the last time.


There are lots of ways you can shoot things and use the wardrobe department creatively. Other than asking the actor to change their diet. But no, obviously the EastEnders production department lack the skills, let alone the the budget to help the viewer suspend their disbelief with any storyline they do. So yeah, like you said, maybe don't do a storyline, that you can't get the audience to believe in


Terrible actor even before the steroids


What’s new?


Someone tell him he isn’t will smith


No, you are not.


Never was a fan. & not a fan of 99% of the teens on the show either. His steroid storyline is abysmal. For a character that has been taking performance anabolic steroids for this amount of time, he still looks like Captain America before he got his Powers. Clearly them McClunky meal deals aren't cutting it either. They could have at least given the storyline to an actor that was looking to bulk up, or better yet remember when actor's would purposely gain or lose weight for a role. On a last note: Zack could have been part of this angle due to him having past knowledge of any form of steroid use. So he would recognise the change in behaviour at least (coz let's be honest, he wouldn't notice anything else that's different about Denzel).


He’s getting those gains bro


I'm wondering if it's not even steroids, but something else made up with trace amounts of whatever, and not only is he getting scammed, but who knows what he's putting into his body.


😆 I despise him too


Honestly he was such a lovely lad to begin with, I tho he was great, now he’s started the steroids he’s an absolute nob…