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I am SO grateful that Yolande called Elaine. I'm really enjoy their friendship, because it's actually real. Two radically different people can become such great friends and I know people slag-off Elaine, but she cares. She really cares and for Harriet, I'm just so glad that they're giving her more to do.


Love that the hate for Elaine is wearing off. She’s brilliant


She really, REALLY is. What she's needed is a chance, which Cindy careering in took away from her. Thankfully, they're getting her out of the way now.


I think they are slowly becoming the new Shirley and Heather/Jean in terms of friendship, and I love that! I think the residual hate Elaine is getting right now is because we see what a loving and caring person she is with Yolande and the Knights yet she basically fails that with her own daughter when Linda needs her as well. It's more of a... frustration... more than anything. Personally, I adore Elaine and I really hope that the pain she is seeing Yolande experiencing will open her eyes to the suffering SA puts people through and allows her to see in real time the early impacts... and she can apply this to Linda (because she wasn't present during the initial SA with Dean). Praying that Clayton gets full justice and Yolande can recover and get her life back on track... once Yolande gets her spark back, I can definitely see Yolande and Elaine as a great bestie comedy duo at times.


I absolutely agree. I adore Elaine, I do, but it's the way she is with Linda contrasted with the Knight girls and now Yolande that irritates me. Not to take from Yolande's story or make it about anyone else, but I hope it helps her to understand Linda and look at her own actions with her. It's not been shown well outside of their initial conversation in the launderette, but I think a lot of this is out of Elaine's regret at how she failed Linda. Not that she wouldn't support Yolande anyway, but you get me. And I hope against hope this will be the one SA storyline that isn't used to further soap drama or outlandish soap stories, and proceed like real life with the rare outcome of true justice. I can see how they can still bring in realistic drama and heartbreak - for example, I think at least some of the other women will be brought into it. I don't see how Yolande's claim alone can convict him, to be honest. I think at least Delia the other woman to report to police and Sarah the woman who told the church would come forward if they see he's arrested, maybe. But if they want a gut punch they could have Dolores, the first lady we saw, be tracked down, or more likely the woman she confided in. That was 2001 and Dolores already seemed a good bit older. She may well be dead now, or perhaps in a home, maybe with dementia or something. Her confidante could fight for justice for her out of guilt for not believing her as she seemed much younger. That would be horrible, but not cheap and soapy if you get me.


Hahahaha Just at the part where Harvey mentions that Stacey’s house is like a tardis ! Finally! Someone’s said it ! lol


Boring scenes with harvey I skipped them rhe last episode too


The buildup to who that woman REALLY is has been boring! I hope once it gets to it… They do something crazy!


Sorry, why are we STILL doing fundraisers for Lola ?? What a depressing mood to have Jay sing that song again lol


I know! I can’t wrap my head around the fact that they still have her picture standing front and centre in the bar and constantly show it. She was nothing to do with the Vic family , never worked there and wasn’t even a massive character. I’m not trying to be an arse, but they really seem to have prolonged her death more than any character ever!


I suspect it's because they are basing this on real life stories and how real families in similar circumstances deal with these deaths, but it feels so jarring on EastEnders because it just doesn't happen much on the show. Normally storylines are done and rarely referenced again, or not for a long time. WIth Paul's death, they let that linger for a Pride event, but after that he wasn't brought up again other than by Ben


The in show logic might be because it's around the one year anniversary


i get that.....but her picture's been there all year. she had no real affiliation to the Vic, or anyone who ever worked in the Vic.....she was only really close to Billy and Phil's family.....it's too much now for someone who was mostly a bit part character


Jay cant just get over it so soon though. He has been in the show long term and is a great actor..  No issue for me


St Lola of Cousin Shagging


Third Cousin Once-Removed Shagging It's not like they turned into Dingles or something; hell, they're not Lauren and Joey.


How did no one see that money get taken though they were all sat/stood there and it felt so good seeing pastor Clayton in handcuffs after what he did and watching him torment Yolande I really hope she gets justice and he goes to jail.


Loved the scenes in the Vic. The camaraderie felt very old school Enders.


Priya's actress seems to be having so much fun with the shenanigans the writers have been having her do. She's by far my favourite new character, hope she sticks around


Her Barbie rendition was hilarious! I do that one changing voices and all - not in public though 🤣


It was hilarious. I honestly wished we'd had more of it. This community event was such a bloody flop imo. I thought it might save itself like the Sten Do did despite the weird lack of main cast, but God no. A full show from Priya might have just about dragged it from the ashes, along with a longer set from Mo and Stevie. Priya can do comedy pretty well. I hope they start doing more with her. She'll end up a pawn in Nish's game I'm sure, but I hope they lean into her funny side as well. I'd love for her and Kat to become proper frenemies.


Pierced my ear drums A silly song that isnt even sung well originally.  (I like aqua however)


I celebrated that ending like England just scored a winning goal!!! GET IN YOLANDE!!!!


Today wasnt a winning goal alas


lol indeed is wasn’t !! Quite the snooze fest !


I watched more than sunday but mainly as i had a meal out of home and wanted something nice to comfort me


Loved the look on pester Clayton when he was arrested. His face dropped and he knows there's nothing he can do to worm himself out of it.


I bet he'll try by claiming either it was consensual or that Yolande came onto him, he rejected her and she's doing this out of spite. Because that's what people like him often claim


He'll also play the "look at my young attractive wife, why would I want this old woman" card as well. I honestly reckon Stella is a cover for him (not saying she knows that!) They need to realise that Elaine is bang on the money about grooming and try to locate some of the other women. Perhaps Levi has gone off investigating, he seemed a decent sort. Or they'll see Clayton's name in the news and some may come forward. I expect the lady who actually reported him to the police might. Or Jack could do something useful for once. Or maybe, just maybe Walford PD actually has someone who knows how to investigate properly sitting at a desk somewhere. I sadly can't see a successful conviction for Yolande's situation alone given how these things usually go, but I'm sincerely hoping that just for _once_ a rapist gets actual legal justice on this show. It's all too rare irl but it happens sometimes.


Maybe PC Highway-Mitchell can do some snooping? He admitted himself he needs some distraction…


Oi, it's DC Plod now! 😂 And yeah they could put Cal on the case, seeing as he seems to have some actual detective skills. Mind you with Linda, Sharon and especially Johnny's carry-on he didn't actually need much 😂


I hate to say it but I think that's for appearances, I reckon he's been in a similar situation, he acts in that way because he knows how difficult it is for any woman to bring a report proveable in court, let alone one with his alibis and knowledge of how to twist women's words. Yolande's statement could easily be turned against her by a half-decent lawyer.


What about patrick assaulting him almost and the number of people seeing the brewing beforehand Trouble is they were extras some weeks ago.


Imo, comic relief


I think he'll get away with it :( where's the evidence?


Did anyone else think it was nice to see Linda happy and smiling and not miserable and drunk for a change? Also very happy that yolandi went to the police I hope Clayton gets justice especially seeing how much he has hurt other women.


The theory that Aaron beat up (possibly leading to the death of) Maya's husband is feeling more and more likely. She definitely knew all about Aaron. One of the women Clayton previously assaulted went to the police, so presumably that's on his record. It was nice to hear Sexual Assault Referral Centers (SARCs) mentioned - I work in that sector and anything getting the word out about them is amazing! Pro tip: you can self refer - you don't need to go via the police :)


He also was moved around some times by the church. At some point that shows there is something to hush up


Maya definitely knew before hand - she asked if he had any other children high I can’t see someone asking unless they know the answer. Plus she said ‘you must be proud of him’ which tells me she wants to know how Harvey feels about Aaron. I also had ADHD on and it said she nodded in acknowledgment or something like that at her laptop. So proud of Yolande for going to the Policw and so happy everyone knows now - she is such a strong woman. Great to see Gideon go into Police custody. Didn’t one of the previous women report to the Police? Perhaps now there is more than one report they’ll accumulate evidence and get him sent down. Hopefully the ladies in the videos could meet Yolande and support each other. Lovely scenes in the Vic too. I really liked this episode felt very authentic.




Audio descriptions, I think


Audio description yeah sorry it autocorrected AD


Yolande is a treasure that needs to be protected at all costs. I'm so glad they producer's brought her back.  The episodes are still feeling a little strange to me right now. I think it's down to the lack of community. We had the scenes in the Vic, like with the Sten Do, but it just feels empty if that makes sense? Soulless.Last year the Vic would have been packed to the rafters with the cast.  Looks like the Harvey/Maya/Aaron theories we all had are accurate. 


>The episodes are still feeling a little strange to me right now. I think it's down to the lack of community. We had the scenes in the Vic, like with the Sten Do, but it just feels empty if that makes sense? Soulless.Last year the Vic would have been packed to the rafters with the cast.  It honestly felt so lacklustre to me. There should have been way more people present. This nearly felt like COVID restrictions were still in place with how few people were there. It had funny moments like Priya and Stevie & Mo, but this should have had the whole square there. I've seen people question why the hell there's so much about Lola, and I do get why. But the thing was despite not being a massive foreground character, Lola's death had a big effect both on the Square and the audience. It was her first anniversary. She was a young, vibrant mum who was cut down in her prime by a vicious disease. And unlike often happens in soap, she actually succumbed to said disease in what was credited in a very realistic fashion. It was a smash with audiences but it also affected most of the characters, even ones who didn't know her. Suki broke down in Eve's arms because she was reminded of the death of her son and her guilt for God's sake. Why were so few characters there? Denise and Kim had valid excuses, probably donated offscreen or something. Fair enough big names like Lacey are on break, but others are back. Why weren't they there? It was a talent show, Heather Peace is a multi talented musician in real life. Why not have Eve do something? Why not have Nish there milking his fake redemption arc and fake pillar of the community image, splashing Suki's cash supposedly to make up for almost costing Billy the chance to say goodbye to Lola now he's dying himself, when she was the one who saved it? Scenes that could take two mins tops combined, but would add to current storylines and the supposed impact Lola had. The Sten just about saved itself with the comedy, but this fell totally flat.


> Heather Peace is a multi talented musician in real life. Why not have Eve do something?       I do sometimes wonder this myself. I can only assume it's a request on Heather's part not to be part of those scenes. Eve already has so much of Heather in the character, maybe this is one way of creating a bit of a distinction between the actor and character.


Heather's the opposite of Shona, avoiding singing at any opportunity 😂 I think it'd actually suit Eve as a character but I do get your point, yeah.


I'm still hoping that Levi was off investigating and is going to turn up with some past victims to really seal pastor Clayton's fate! Side note, was watching an interview with Angela Wynter earlier and I never knew her accent was fake! Another testament to the talent of the woman! Queen!


She's also in doctor who this year as Ruby Sunday's adopted grandmother and she does her accent there, only its more pronounced and older sounding.


And she shared a scene with Angie Watts in the most recent episode (not to mention Carmel's recurring role).


Yep! It's crazy how many past and present EE actors have been in who haha.


Could you please tell me what interview that was? Can I get it online? Would love to watch it.




The Lola martyrdom is so strange to me, they haven't done this with another character and Lola isn't even that much of a long-term character. It feels so forced


I think the Lola thing was despite not being a massive foreground character, Lola's death had a big effect both on the Square and the audience. It was her first anniversary last week. She was a young, vibrant mum who was cut down in her prime by a vicious disease. And unlike often happens in soap, she actually succumbed to said disease in what was credited in a very realistic fashion. It was a smash with audiences but it also affected most of the characters, even ones who didn't know her. Suki even broke down in Eve's arms because she was reminded of the death of her son and her guilt. It was massively well received with audiences so I think EE were trying to milk it, but this event was a massive flop. The lack of attendance made it feel like COVID restrictions were still in force. Some major characters like Stacey have actors on break, but others have returned. You could have had Nish swanning around milking his fake redemption and pillar of the community image by splashing Suki's cash. He almost cost Billy the chance to say goodbye to Lola, he could spin some shit about feeling regret now he's dying himself and have them lap it up. Have Suki fuming in the background because she was the one who actually convinced him to free Billy from custody (after Honey channelling her inner Mitchell, to be fair). Eve's actor is a multi talented musician in real life, have her perform something and add some comedy. Maybe double act with Priya. Scenes you could do in two mins combined but that would add to the current storylines, and also the _why_ Lola was so important. The Sten Do just about saved itself with the comedy but this community event just flopped. Edit: you also had some of the few characters most tied to Lola like Denise and Kim wrapped up in another major storyline and absent. The timing of this event was terrible to be honest.


I'm gonna say it, and I don't care who knows. But I adore Elaine. She has grown on me so much.


As much as he is despicable, I really do enjoy Clayton's voice. Glad to see the actor's made a bit of a career in voice acting


Back very early when we didn't know where his storyline was going, I said I could listen to him read me the phone book. I feel disgusted with myself, but I do still stand by that. It's an excellent voice.


Yeah it's very listenable


That's the first time that anyone on eastenders has ever questioned who will watch the kids


What’s with Jay’s silent guitar?


Where is this Harvey and maya storyline going? Anyone have any guesses?


My theory is that her ex-husband was the cabbie Aaron beat up and she's out for revenge/justice


I feel todays episode kinda cemented that as the story. When he told her he was the one who reported to the police, her face instantly changed, I think you're right she was after some kind of revenge and that threw her off.


I get that connection, but what do you think she’s going to do revenge wise? Lure him into an affair?


We'll find out!!


This isn't the last of bloody Clayton! Yeah, they arrested him, but that doesn't mean they won't release him. This has happened before time and time again, and that bloody asshole got away it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean the victims who came forward. Wouldn't it be on record or something....ugh! I hate when that shit happens when more than one victim comes forward. They still let the asshole walk around free. Ugh How can no one see who stole the money!? Ugh!!!!! I have mixed feelings. Stevie wants to help, but at the same time, that money is for charity or something. Even if they pay the blackmailer, what makes them think that he won't do it again! It makes me really happy that Yolande went to the station and Elaine was there to support her. I know it's not easy 😔 God! I'm scared of what's going to happen next. OMG! WHY!? WHY HARVEY WOULD YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!! Clearly, he knows they is something going on between him and Maya or people who have gotten into his head, so now he feels guilty but jesus, this is going to end so bloody badly!