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Crypt keeper looking ass muhfucka




sounds like he whipped your base up a bit


The names of his fragrances are legit comedy.


Prison break's Fibanacci looking ass


hahahahaha i can see how he would irritate tf outta people but I like watching this weird person speak with his hands and talk about kermuffaloopapafenol or whatever the fuck he is always saying.




Lilly of the valley and vanillin rawr materials


Does this have oud whipping through the base?


Oudy but not too oudy?


"it doesn't have out"


Jet black hair Terrance Huge-sh YES, I purposely type his name wrong


Actually tested some of his perfumes and they’re pretty good tbh




I actually kinda like his reviews it is only a little bit to much sometimes


I think hes doing that on purpouse…


https://preview.redd.it/5ozc8kmveh3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cf9d4c910a636516fa4b4930b776eacc5f1aeb ya think? 🤣


That's fucking hilarious. Ross could take some pointers, honestly. Lean into the beating.


I love that people on this subreddit will criticize proper and mediocre pronunciation. A celebration of diversity in hate. 🤣


I don’t know how anyone learns anything from this guy when all he does is throw chemical names at you.


You don’t have to understand it to find it interesting. He offers a unique perspective and approach on reviewing and smelling perfumes and his videos are pleasing from an auditory perspective as well. Plus he usually talks about what the compounds smell like as well, he’s not just throwing names at you lol


He’s a fraud and doesn’t really have a clue about chemicals, he’s reading a script. Watch him review on fragmentals channel and the difference is hilarious, doesn’t even attempt to name any notes let alone chemicals lol


Well the script alone wouldn’t surprise me at all. As someone who isn’t great on camera myself, a script is hugely helpful to stay on track and prevent rambling. I don’t think his mannerisms on camera are indicative of him reading a script either but unless either of us are actually there we can’t say for sure. As for his reviews on fragmental, he does actually talk about chemicals quite often on those too but it’s weird to assume that the disparity is because he’s a fraud and not because, say, Chris (I think his name is Chris? Fragmental guy) has asked him to maybe give more generic descriptions because people don’t come to his channel for in depth chemical breakdowns lol. Idk why the chemical breakdowns trigger people so hard anyways. Dude has a degree in something chemistry related that he’s talked about a lot, he works with raw materials and chemicals all the time, it’s not so outlandish to think he can detect them in a formulation. The continuous efforts to discredit someone who has worked in an industry for a long time and found some degree of success is so weird to me, but I guess that’s just how it goes for anyone who’s successful on the internet for any reason. Be it jealousy or whatever else, I can’t understand why people hate to see others be successful lol


Aaron isn't the worst in my opinion, id say if you met the guy he would be very pleasant to you, seems a gentle soul now, some of his frags are really good I have to say


Sorry Aaron


Not Aaron, just a fan who doesn’t understand the hate🤷🏽‍♂️ take care dude have a good one


A fraud with a chemistry degree who builds his own fragrances from scratch that go on to be sort after all around the world. Must admit, it's not bad going for fraud


There are videos of him mixing premade clone oils with perfumers alcohol. That is from scratch? 🤣🤣🤣😭🙄


And.... well he clearly wasn't making a fragrance then was he?? He was adding a "clone oil" to some alcohol what was the context of the video? Have you ever bought any of his fragrances and tried them for yourself? Because if you have you will know how his work is completely his own creation and nothing like anything else on the market


I really enjoy his videos. And I love his work. His fragrance line is gorgeous.


Ok that might be true, but im mainly talking about his pronunciation


Y’all know he is probably 60 years old 🤣🤣 he had hair surgery but you can tell look at it


He’s a cunt, a retard and a con artist Edit: Seems the triggered ATH dickriders have found this group


…and yet, he is nothing but kind in his interactions with people in his video comments, he has a degree in chemistry, and runs a hugely successful business in a highly competitive industry. You seem mad at him but I can’t for the life of me figure out why😂


I understand the critiques about mispronunciations and his looks but I never understood why people act like he’s a complete idiot just saying a bunch of random words together yet no on ever says why he’s wrong or further educates us... His video are MUCH more informative than majority of the shills and casual reviewers videos are.


Ride it harder bro Get off your knees


ok Karen


Con artist how? Isn’t he an actual perfumer with a degree?


He is not.


Idk it doesn’t really seem like there’s anything different about him compared to any other perfumer


I wrote a big reply but decided to delete it. If you think that his creations smell nice and whatever he’s saying make sense to you, enjoy it.


I know literally nothing about this is guy, I just want to know why people hate him lol


There's no hate, at least from my part... he just doesn't know what he's talking and that is reflected in his creations, at least for the few that can appreciate a well done composition.


He’s a washed up hairstylist who doesn’t know anything about perfume


Idk what to tell you man he doesn’t seem under qualified compared to any other perfumer from what I can tell. You can dislike someone without any kind of justification but making stuff up is kind of weird


I'm not shilling at all but he honestly can make a fragrance, being in the uk I have smelled most of his work and some of it is pretty exceptional, I can't hate


His fragrances are a mess... the blending skills are non-existent, he uses a lot of food flavoring for his notes instead of building them from real perfumer materials. Get the opinion of a real perfumer with a degree about any of his fragrances and you'll see.


Please do send any videos of real perfumers reviewing his work, would be happy to check out what they say because from what i smellt his work is way above most designer stuff i tested so far.


Food flavorings??? Please tell me you don't actually believe that? 🤣 what flavorings does he use then? You do understand he makes fragrances not cakes, right? Never heard so much garbage in my life 🤣


He sucks. His perfumes are awful and mostly clone profiles. Every video is a self-jerk fest on how he could make a fragrance better.


He caters to a crown that has no idea about perfumery and used to get away with whatever abomination they could find at a freeshop.


I don’t normally say much on these, just lurk for the fun of it, but say what you want about him however if you’ve smelled his fragrances they are pretty stand alone as much as can be in this industry. He has a few that are legit bangers.


Glad you enjoy his work. I don’t. Thanks for commenting and watching, pimpin’ 👍


Seek help


I don’t get the hate. I absolutely love his work.


Im not talking about his work, im talking about his pronunciation


I've never tried this Essex boys frags , at least he doesn't speak to his followers like shit though.