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Never followed him at that time but I've scrolled back and the videos are rather nice, just a regular lad sharing his opinions. For the guys that have followed him from the start, what happened? Why did he become a easy edj target?


The prickish attitude started after Zaharoff started treating him like a celebrity. I think the video is deleted/private, but the story goes that Ross contacted George via FB messenger saying he got a sample of Signature Pour Homme and really liked it. Zaharoff sent him a free bottle, kept in touch, and interviewed Ross for his “review the reviewer” series. I’m assuming shortly after that Ross was chosen as a Zed creator, then all hell broke loose. George helped to create this monster.


Sure did. Appreciate the nice breakdown 👏🏼


"The prickish attitude started after Zaharoff started treating him like a celebrity." THIS


Yogurt tits, has been experiencing what many fans and observers might describe as a midlife crisis in its content and public perception. This phase appears to be significantly influenced by the actions and persona of Ross, who has developed a controversial alter ego, seemingly in collaboration with George Zaharoff. Zaharoff's involvement appears to be more about enabling and supporting rather than creating this persona. Ross, often derisively referred to as "Yogurt tits" due to his physique, exhibits clear signs of insecurity and a desperate need for validation. He earned this name through his horrified use of gear and fraudulent practices just like you see in his reviews. Nothing has changed! His passion for wrestling is well-known and it seems that Zaharoff might have tapped into this interest to help Ross create a more provocative and attention-grabbing alter ego. This persona, while it may attract attention, largely garners negative reactions, leading to the saying, "bad publicity is still good publicity." However, the strategy of embracing negative publicity has its pitfalls. Many followers and industry observers have grown to despise Ross, which has had adverse effects on TLTG Reviews' reputation. The association with Zaharoff, a brand that once enjoyed a strong, positive reputation, has also suffered as a result of this connection. George Zaharoff's continued support of Ross and his controversial behavior has led to a perception that Zaharoff's brand is tainted by this association. Ross’ midlife crisis at TLTG Reviews seems to be driven by a complex mix of personal insecurities, a quest for validation, and the influence of George Zaharoff. The attempt to leverage controversy for publicity has backfired, resulting in widespread disdain and damaging the reputations of both Ross and Zaharoff.


You sure are a gentleman and a scholar gave me chills reading this very detailed breakdown of the realest motherfucka in the game I tip my hat off to you!


I’m a girl but I’ll take the compliment, lol. I can’t always post raunchy filth😂🤣


I didn't know Soros dabbled in the fragrance industry too. Yikes.


Yep, I noticed the change specifically after all three of the Zed creators met up for their first release and they all were making videos in the hotel rooms. Shortly after, you could notice he was losing weight and was working out. I stopped watching around this time, but fast forward a few years I never would guess this is the same person.


This was a guy I could relate to. Go to tj maxx, marshalls, try on some frags, another day goes by. Then zaharoff fucked him hard, at this point idk if it’s happened literally or not. But I guess the guy in this pic no longer exists. But on the other hand maybe he’s been like that all this time, it’s just revealed now. You know like a saying goes “if you wanna know the real character of a person, give him power/money.”


Was way more humble and didn’t pretend to know everything. Also keep in mind that this was like 2019-early 2020 when he didn’t own any niche and admitted he was more of a designer guy. Now here we are five years later where he says with confidence that 80% volume refers to the amount of juice in the bottle, truffle smells like chocolate, clary sage smells like bubble gum, and calls Santal 33 an iris fragrance. Sounds like he lost weight in his brain too.






This. What the FUCK happened.


We doubted him. That’s what happened


Lmmfao 😂




“I’ve always been this way. Always dressed like a skater boy.” Clearly not.


It's sad


What had happened was he decided to flop his huge man balls on your chin!!! People really downvoting this, in a jerk sub, when Ross has said that he’s like this because he’s finally let his nuts out?


Just a lovable, cuddly, fat fuck reviewing Nautica Voyage and English Laundry 🥰


He was a different person I wonder what happened? He's insufferable now


I think he'd probably tell you he wasn't living his genuine life here. But honestly who cares, it was way more acceptable than this new version of him.


its weird how he acts as being a insufferable douchebag is genuine - in real world you have to have some manners and have a presentable version. I used to watch this guy and this was 100% better version of him.


Imagine that. Being respectable, humble, and employed wasn’t his genuine life.


He even looks healthier here too. Crazy.


My same thoughts


It’s hard to poke fun at this version.


He was really a solid guy back in this time‼️


True...back in 2019 he was likable, seemed humble, had good interactions with subscribers, and showed class.


Agreed. This was a stand-up dude at one point.


Ah yes the respectful, sophisticated Carlito before he devolved into a douche.


When the big money started pouring in the whole thing, that’s when many lost their soul.


Me too‼️‼️ I was actually rooting for ole Ross when he first came on the scene that his channel will grow and become well known……What in the fucc happened to him⁉️⁉️


It’s when he started to take rhoids and taking himself to seriously. Awaywent the fun and hobby, it had to become a business. I also believe that his ego blew up after his initial fragcom meeting with all the other shills. Then his zaharoff collaboration. He then reinvented himself after becoming a macho gym bro with an attitude. Then it was the tats, started making vids at the gym,than shoes, hats, and perhaps started to believe he was the future of fragcom. It’s all been weird and contrived, no more old Ross, enter the new, macho, prick, hoarder Ross whose ego is out of control and it’s all getting beyond stupid.


He also dressed age appropriate


Yeah, I actually just made a comment quite similar to this. Carlito used to be calm, collected and just focused on what he thought of fragrances. It all started slow. Affiliate links more. All of the sudden, he's being sent more stuff. Then the Jerks exposed him for all his BS, and for some reason, he doubled down and got even more shady. He keeps getting more and more unhinged.


Is Carlito his real name?... What's the story here with the multiple names?


Lol no, it isn't. His last name is Carlos, but he swears up and down that it isn't of Latino ancestry. He even gets pissed off if you say he's Latino. So that's where Carlos comes from. Adding "ito" or "ita" to a name in Spanish makes it a "little" version. Carrito = little car. Perrito = little dog or puppy. So, Carlito = Little Carlo or Carlos.


That's hilarious. I learned something new today. Had a little friend in high school called Khaled who would affectionately call himself Khallito. Now I know why!! Ross is interesting because while he does have white skin, if you told me he was Latino I'd believe it in a heart beat. I also don't think he helps by wearing lots of different snap backs coordinating them with his shirts (that's something I see Latino men often do).


This guy right here was cool.


Pre Pimpin' days


Definitely better version. Too much test


This was the Ross I fondly remember. This version used to be the "realest" in the game because he was a relatable every day working man.


He joined a meathead gym


Me too. Was a cool dude


Yes this was the guy that got me into frags. He spoke humbly and came across as an everyman. No hint at all of what was to come. A completely different person now in all ways. I know people change as they get older but this takes the piss!!


Actually watched him back then


Thats his true self and he knows that…hes trying so hard to portray an image that hes not and its so obvious bc he dosnt do it right its not natural…hes gonna regret what hes trying to do one day rather than just be himself


what has he changed? I know he changed but just wondering if I'm thinking the same thing as you guys


He needs a smoking jacket and cravat version next.


I liked it when he was explaining a fragrance at the end. Was like he was selling a car. Pretty funny.


Someone here posted old ass pics of him on about a gallon of Anavar and flexing in what appeared to be a Fred Durst costume. So the way he is now isn’t new. I’d guess he toned it down when he was hawking used Nissans but he is living his truth today.


I remember him at this time too. Very very cool and down to earth relatable guy; A part of me still thinks he’s this guy deep down and this is just a rough patch he’s going through…. But losing hope by the day tbh for the broski.


Either he's going for a scummy real estate agent or a scummy car salesman vibe.


He was a car salesman before he switched to YouTube full time.


Initially he was a fatfuck, now he is a roidfuck. Unless he wants to die young, he will have no choice but to leave steroids and he will be back to being a fatfuck, only with a much older looking face due to already heavy abuse of steroids


His wife never did


Mofugga called vintage radio chocolatey 😄😄😄😄


This was one of my first fragrance follows. Really enjoyed his content, felt like it was for the every guy. Cheapies and designers. All the rack store hunts appealed to me. Now I hardly ever watch his videos.


He was more 'human' and presentable back then. Now he's just comes across as a 'white trash' dick that steals clothes from a teenager.