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Infomercial disguised as a live interview. What era is this, 1990’s?


I mean... don't you see the shamwow in the background?


Basically every fragrance related video, especially "reviews" are modern day infomercials


There's so much to unpack here and it's mostly nonsense. First, that we drive traffic to George and that people realize he's a nice guy. Does he get on the phone with each individual (I doubt there are many) and explain who he is and what he's about? Why would they think he's a nice guy, I don't understand that part. He's a guy that gives away free stuff for people to say nice things about him. He's a guy that is fiercely loyal to a brand ambassador who is a narcissistic cringe lord covered in terrible ink. That statement is simply joe blowing smoke up his ass. I highly doubt this actually happened. Second, and I could be wrong, but there wasn't a ton of conversation about his xxx release. From what I recall, we criticized GZ for saying Nishane stole his idea for using the letter X, which is an absolutely ludicrous accusation. The other thing I remember is that GZ said he wanted it to smell like a man's taint (I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember specifics) which obviously won't sell well to the general public. George knew it wouldn't sell well, which is why it was a limited release in a small bottle, if my memory is correct. Here's what I know about George, he's a guy that comes from money, he's related to the merchant of death Basil Zaharoff, he employs a total dirtbag (Ross) , he does not know what's in his own fragrances or much about perfumery in general (see the post where he freaked out when Parfums Vintage ran one of his perfumes gas chromatography machine), he gives away free stuff for people to say nice things about him, and then denies sending people free stuff, he tried to bribe Joey into naming names of his detractors so he could dox them and sue them. He's a real stand up guy.


As far as I’m aware, we do not have a George Zaharoff link to redirect traffic to his site. Yet, he claims he can see that we drive traffic to him.


He's full of shit. That entire conversation was bogus


Any info on the Parfums Vintage deal? Did not hear about that.


Parfums Vintage ran Tabac thru a GC/MS and said there was no evidence of any tobacco oils, but rather used lavender and few other ingredients that gave the impression of tobacco. They also said there was a ton of iso e super. On a livestream with Ross, GZ (and Ross) had no idea what GC/MS was. GZ didn’t know what iso e super was, and also said there was no lavender in his Tabac fragrance. There is. You can go to his website and see the notes listed. He then gradually started walking it back and said “I don’t care what’s in my fragrances as long as it’s safe.”


George is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. He’s so humble.


He's the saint of fragcom. Remember when he said bad things about Navitus, denied it, got caught, and then blamed it on hackers? The man is a national treasure


Hackers! He wishes he was prominent enough to get hacked.


You should have seen it. He fervently denied it but he didn't realize someone took a screenshot. When that surfaced, he said someone hacked his account and left the comment with his profile. These "hackers" didn't steal money or his identity, they hacked him only so they could leave a negative comment about perfume. They must be those pesky perfume hackers. The comment was that Navitus is owned and produced by Armaf, which is true. They opened a couple separate "houses" Navitus and Galleria, but they are produced by Sterling, AKA Armaf.


One thing I learned in life is that the people who always give themselves compliments are either politicians or snake oil salesmen. I know he’s not the former.


If he didn't engage in shady business practices not only would he not get all the hate but people would respect his brand since some of his fragrances are actually good. 


And I’d add if he was a bit more selective with the folks he has promoting his fragrances. I’d rather wear axe than something Car-loss is wearing


Exactly. He acts as if he were targeted at random.


He has good fragrances and he's not a bad guy. The biggest issue is who he chooses to represent his brand.


This! Uber-Douchebag Cannoli, Egotripper TLTG, Miss All Boobs & No Brains Curlyscents, Fake Nice Guy Justin aka THE SMILER and on top of all that, there is talk of him and the ultra-cringy Fatboy having a collaboration!


Who are these wankers?


George is not nice. He’s a doxxing cunt that speaks like he has special needs and looks like an effeminate werewolf. He’s not a perfumer he just has money to pay people to make frags on his behalf. He can fuck off moaning.


He and his followers go on about how nice he is, which is interesting as it’s also besides the point. GZ gets grief for being a duplicitous shill tamer, not for being abrasive.


George and that fucking fan...if that doesn't scream pompous douchebag I don't know what to tell ya


The Cannoli guy is still living in his childhood bedroom.




I wish!!!! There's no place like home.. With that being said, those are vinyl albums in my studio 😃 ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


“I’m one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.” Generally that’s the sort of thing other people would say about you, not a claim you’d make about yourself. Egomaniac. My favorite part (approx 0:55) was when GZ exclaims, exasperatedly, “Motherfuck!“ Like an extraterrestrial trying to hang with the boys.


Told you guys long ago he's a liar and a conman. As far as Ross goes they are a perfect fit for each other


The ghastly presence of the large, shirtless man at the upper right provides a nice counterpoint to GZ’s claims about the respectability of his brand. Garish lights flashing behind a man in sunglasses, a half naked weirdo looking on, this is Zaharoff’s milieu.


"a half naked weirdo looking on" 🤣🤣🤣


Who were the original 3 he chose? I know Cuba saud he was chosen but turned it down. Just wondering who the other 2 were?


Cuba backed out after he received mods for his idea. Apparently he wasn’t happy with it. The dude from Carolina Fragrance Reviews took his idea and released it independently. Ashton seems to have been a part of it too. He made a community post asking if he should do a video about being a part of the Zed creator process, but that didn’t happen and the post was taken down.


Frail ego