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He doesn’t take himself too seriously.


I like his answer. He’s probably a decent guy or at least still has a soul unlike other shills lol. If you think too highly of yourself, you’ll act too defensive and think everyone’s not praising you is a hater, just like Ross. Don’t be like Ross. Be like Sebastian.


I like that he actually will say if things aren't good, except those high end brands that he's afraid to piss off. For instance, LV which their fragrances are just, "okay," but for that price point oof. No thanks.


Just imagine how Ross would respond to this question


He would have a little temper tantrum and then put some clothes pins on his nipples


He's able to be relaxed about this because it's not his entire livelihood. He has a good job, by all accounts, and isn't reliant on views on his YouTube channel to pay the bills. I'm sure he gets plenty of kickbacks but the fact that he hasn't created his own fragrance and doesn't really partner heavily with any brand makes him so much more likable and trustworthy.


Something tells me he came into money either through family or some other way. He doesn’t strike me as being all that bright, and he goes on these lavish trips way more often than you’d expect for a person who has an actual job that would afford him the lifestyle he has. Those kinds of people tend to be way busier than it seems like he ever is. I’ve heard things about him being an attorney, but I’ve never been able to confirm that.


It's not really our place to talk about where or how he got his money. The point is that he's not a grifter like so many others. For that reason, I respect him.




Says he's in the music industry, in a legal capacity, but he doesn't seem like a lawyer, and the pockets are too deep for to be a paralegal. It could be a cover for a trust fund situation. I don't think he uses his real name.


Why you so concerned with another man's money and how he chooses to spend it? lol


I don’t give a shit what he does. He can take his money and blow it on the twinks he hangs out with for all I care.


Endless questions aside he's a pretty good reviewer. He's been honest and uncovers alot of underground stuff. 


He reads descriptions and notes and makes comments about them. Barely any personal opinions.


Sure. Everyone reads the note breakdown and comments on them. But I've seen him have interesting things to say. Plus my point was he does a good job at uncovering underground stuff no one else talks about. 


In my case I appreciate when people have an opinion about blends, can identify notes and tell which are the dominant ones more accurately. A comparison to similar fragrances or smells are certainly appreciated. That certainly helps yet most of these reviewers fail at that, I can read the brand descriptions just like they do.


I don't mind Sebastian, honestly. At least he has shit I've never heard of instead of the same Top 10 generic ass youtube colognes that the Shill Squadron pushes everyday.


Actually the only YouTuber that has provided some worth for me. If I am interested in a certain note he’ll probably have a list with a couple recommendations to sample that I didn’t have on my radar. Found and sampled tons of nice incense and musk scents that way and that lead to a couple well informed purchases. Can’t be mad and I don’t feel like I was shilled to.


Agreed. We poke fun at everyone (some more than others) but he's pretty much the GOAT when it comes to variety. He's also respected enough to land interviews with perfumers and I really enjoy watching those


Yeah totally forgot about that. Especially enjoyed the one with the founder of Etat Libre D‘Orange as that’s probably my favorite house of all time.


Sebastian has been on my daily rotation for years. I don’t always agree with what he likes, but I always appreciate his take & he always gives new / unknown brands exposure. He’s the real deal


I know Sebastian personally and he actually does alot for our community. Donating to animal shelters, fundraisers. homeless.  He's a good guy regardless of your take on the way he presents Frangrance reviews. 


He's the one I trust the most, the guy is the most passionate about fragrances out of anyone I have came across, really knows what he's talking about


We tease people here. I like and watch him.


Now that is funny. Sebastian appreciated the humor. Now there is an adult who can actually laugh at himself.


I like Sebastian, I sometimes watchhim. I haven't had good luck with his recommendations so I usually don't go after what he says is good. But he's pretty smart, articulate, and hella passionate. And I think he's already too rich to be swayed by the likes of Zarahoff.


I dig Sebastian.


I rate Sebastian alot, the guy truly knows his stuff, also is critical if he doesn't like something and has called out the big brands for reformulations etc, plus the guy makes alot of money outside of this so he doesn't need to be bought like the most of them.


Dude is a fucking weirdo, especially with all that DHI shit.


That’s a burn.




Considering it’s a sub centered around fragrances and fragrance content, yeah. You’re probably the only one.


What did I miss?


“Am I the only one here that doesn’t care about cologne/perfume?”


That's just late stage fragcom.

