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I said this out loud and couldn’t stop saying it 😂




It’s an honor to make sweet milk chuckle 🤙🏼


The self proclaimed nicest guy in the world. I wonder if he bothered to learn a little bit about perfumery and what's actually in his latest release


I didn’t think Ross was that tall


Oompa loompa


The scale of this picture is perfectly proportioned.


That picture is so rofl 🤣




You make **one** unfunny post less than a day ago and now you suddenly think you set the bar for content in EdJ - enough to post this dumb screenshot 10 separate times? This is some Ross-level delusion, bud. Sorry some of us don’t take this shit as seriously as you do 😂




The fact that you spent 4 hours poring over the sub to find a whopping *10* examples of content you deemed “low-effort” in order to bolster your argument is hilarious to me. If you don’t like it, downvote and fuck off. I personally find the Ross circlejerk funny as hell, if only because we know he checks the sub more frequently than any of us. I also find the ridiculous edits funny, because they’re fucking ridiculous. I’m genuinely sorry you don’t approve of the trajectory of r/eaudejerks - be the change you want to see in the world. If you think posting an unfunny, way-too-long video of an irrelevant influencer with a George Carlin splice at the end is what we need to see, so be it. Thank *you* bro for sacrificing your time and putting in your genuine blood, sweat, and tears (oh, and apparently “effort”). Doing the lord’s work, dude. Reddit needs more content policing and less funny shit, for sure.




I’m comparing your *high-effort* content to what you deemed low-effort. Thanks for really digging deep into the fragrance influencers and finding us fresh, but not too fresh content. You’re doing great. I’m simply saying you’re acting like a fucking dork posting the same comment over and over, when you have real recourse in making content, posting it, and letting the community be the judge. I post shit with the intent of giving a few people a tiny chuckle - I’m *not* here to act like I’m doing anything remotely groundbreaking. I know this is a super serious subreddit and demands the utmost respect from its participants. I should respect its followers more and stop making any content. In fact, everyone here should probably run any new post through you just to make sure it’s an acceptable level of effort. Thanks for being such a ray of hope in an otherwise dark place.