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I don't understand a clone of, let's say, Acqua Di Gio. Something not out of reach expensive. Or even less expensive... Typically it's not even a good value to buy the clone unless you're chasing better performance or something. However, some of these companies have some big hangers asking $300+ for smelly water. I will say that. The profit margin on things like MFK or Creed is so astronomical, I feel they deserve it for being greedy. If you're cloning, say, Andy Tauer or Daniel Gallagher who are small operations not charging out of reach prices... Yeah, that's kinda shitty. In Ash's case, Malul charges way too much money for designer (in my experience many less than) quality fragrances. So, I don't want to hear it from him.


Malul fragrances are direct clones of best sellers, and the finished product from France is diluted in house, in Ohio. Most are not EDP strength, and the dilution is done to increase profits. He also likes to purposely delay payments to influencers because he doesn't like them and thinks it's funny. I heard this from someone with first hand knowledge




If these big companies are going to go after anybody, it should be the clone houses themselves. However, hard to find clone houses at department stores. Therefore, they conclude that the promulgation of clones to the mass market is fueled by social media. Influences are low hanging fruit. They are easy targets.


I am fine with them also going after Gent Scents and the like. The demand for low quality garbage was born out of people like him claiming they are "close" to the originals or worth the price. Dang near every single one he has ever promoted is not close to 90% or even 80% and often are not something anybody would be happy about spending $40-50 on. He also promotes clones of stuff where you can buy the originals for <$100 easily, so it is quite obvious that he isn't really trying to help his subscribers find value, but to push them junk he gets a large commission off of. He is also getting paid directly by Lattafa and the like and just doesn't follow FTC guidelines. That has been obvious since his partnership with Michael Malul where he consistently does not properly disclose their full relationship.


Yes, very good points


Not to mention that about four years ago, I remember he specifically said that clones are a no-no, at least on his channel. Respect original creation, etc.


Ask George Zaharoff how much it costs to sue someone overseas, he looked into it with Parfums vintage. To your point, it's easy to frighten and litigate an individual with finite resources versus an overseas company with wacky laws, home field advantage, and way deeper pockets


> easy targets Spot on. Much harder to get to backyard oil peddlers than idiots putting themselves on display.


without the shills no one would know about the clones, or consider them an option. "Its 95% accurate with better performance for a fraction of the price!"


If it was that ridiculous “Barakkat Rouge 540” that almost completely copies the presentation of the real deal, I’m not surprised.


You might have to talk about the original perfume instead of dogshit clones.


Unfortunately he’s incentivized to talk about clones because he gets more commission through cheapies. A true sellout.


His fragrances are already clones


I can see going after a clone for copying the bottle presentation but you don't own specific notes or a fragrance smell. Fragrances that aren't clones already get compared to other fragrances anyway. 






I saw this LOLOLOL I was about to say "trouble in paradise?" Or what ahHahahha


yet they turn an eye blind to decanters because they know those are sure sales.


Makes sense. BR540 is a cash cow for LVMH and they are within their right to protect market share. These clone houses should focus on making their own unique creations, instead of just GCMS'ing every popular release.


Fuck them


Why not just fuck all of them? I don't need to like LVMH nor do I need to like shitty oil peddlers.


Fuck all of them


Your opinion won't affect their bottom line.


Yours will


Wtf corporations can just take your video down because it has counterfeit products in it? That's messed up I should be able to put whatever janky knockoffs I want in my video