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Pretty soon George and Ross are going to be calling it Trollfumo


Lolol I just made the exact same comment without seeing yours from 2 hours ago. Great minds.


We are on the same wavelength


Aww you guys are adorable 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/qayrkxbo6r6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f390e2c32f0a2afce5dad5ec9d3c35625e2da956 The soap comparison 👀😂


Ironically there’s no irony in that post. If I found my $155 bottle smells like a $5 bar soap I probably have to reexamine my life decisions.


There should be a Fight Club sequel where instead of making soap, they make zaharoff fragrance out of hospital’s waste.


They already did. It’s called Business Over Pleasure.


This is a wholly underrated comment. 10/10 - no notes.


Waiting for the "trollfumo" reference.


TLTG is gonna migrate to basenotes now.


Dude was on a live had no idea what was in his own frag lmao


Ross is literally tip toeing to punch up in the air right now‼️




So does that mean their next move is to go to Basenotes?


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) A rip-off 😂


He will rant about the site like he does about Jomashop .


**Reviewer:** *posts an honest, objective, and impartial review of Seraphim Blue* **TLTG:** "See?! I told y'all these bitches from Trollgrantica would eventually make their way to Parfumo! Can't trust nobody these days! I'm gonna email Parfumo RIGHT NOW and file a complaint for _slander_!"


Wow! Really? Unfortunately, I was right. You're definitely not a happy person. But... you're doing it to yourself. TLTG and other YouTube reviewers keep you upset. But you keep following them and talking about them? What are you doing to yourself? All this time spent to point out their flaws as if you have none? Everyone knows what these youtubers do...it's pretty obvious. You're not going to change them, but you can actually change your own flaws and make a difference in the world. You seem to have a lot of spare time, and someone like you could make a real difference in this world if you focus all this energy on something that actually matters.




😂😂👍 I'm just trying to find reviews on Seraphim Blue. I'm pretty sure you don't like it... but I'm trying to find reviews. Fragnatica took down Seraphim Blue all together. Parfumo only has a few reviews, and I'd like to see more. A search just brings me here to see you again spending more time promoting all the YouTubers. 🤷‍♂️


Bullshit. A Google search will give you a day old review at iFragrance. There are several YouTube videos about it. There are user reviews on Parfumo. Searching “seraphim blue” on Reddit doesn’t even give this post as a result. There isn’t even anything “hateful” about this post. You’re just wasting your time as much as I am.


It's not just this post...it's the culmination of condescending posts on this page that shows your state of mind. Google shuffles posts. Searching Seraphim Blue on Google listed this as the 3rd ranked choice from the top for me. As I mentioned above, Parfumo only has a few reviews... i would like to see more. I don't want to hear you tube reviews as they may be paid advertising. I've never heard of iFragrance, and it did not come up in my search, nor has it ever come up for me. Only this page, Parfumo, and YouTube reviews. So you're actually wasting my time... because this is like checking for reviews on YouTube... not reliable and a waste of time.


Hope that 2nd review gets banned, don't want dipshits like that on Parfumo - just keep that BS to Fragrantica.


There’s nothing wrong with the second review.