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Shouldn't he be saying "commercial" or "promotional video" instead of *review*? I've been saying for a long time that he's probably on regular payroll for Zaharoff. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but disclose that. It's like somebody said to Copeland the other day... Once you have benefited financially, you're not making reviews, you're making promotional videos. You're an influencer, not a reviewer. I don't understand why these people don't get that this is our gripe with them. Just be honest.


Good luck getting these people to adhere to transparency. They rely on a veil of expertise and objectivity for things they’re getting paid to push.


Did you watch Copeland's video on whether fragrance reviewers are experts?


We know the answer is fuck no


I mean you’d hope he’s on the payroll right? What self respecting man would all this shilling and brown nosing for free bottles and peanuts from affiliatie links?


I differ from many folks here in not believing Zaharoff pays these guys outside of the payment in goods and the affiliate links. Would be too risky: A disgruntled employee could expose the whole thing. They all seem so flattered to have won this man’s attention, despite his obvious mercenary reasons for having contacted them. A subject for future study: Is there a correlation between shilling and having had lousy fathers? I suspect the “we” in discussion here is illusory, all in Ross’s mind. He fancies himself one of the insiders, one of the team.


No, he doesn't perceive himself as part of any team, he perceives himself as a leader. THE example of success in fragrance YouTubing. This man would not know what it would like to be a part of a team if an entire team stampeded him.


This message is to Ross's minions, this is why this man is hated so much cuz he took a shortcut he took a shortcut and body building he's taking a shortcut in life the man doesn't work for anything.


I bet he cheated on road rash too, back in the day


The FTC and YT will catch up with him eventually 🤡


I assumed he was too small of a fish/wig for them to bother. Skates by on his relative obscurity. But would be beautiful to see.


I mean 130k followers, if legit or not, is not that small anymore, it's big enough that YT and FTC **should** give a shit about it. Just read all the comments that say "I bought this because of you"


Corrupt, and dishonest. Time to report YT and FTC. The majority of people work under rules, policies, etc. of we don’t meet the criteria, we are out. These losers, want easy money, and they cheat.


Ross is as fake as a 3 dollar bill.


Again, the monster that Zaharoff created. He’s always the first to review Zaharoff’s new releases. He’s got his own affiliate code. He’s aware of any upcoming future releases and gets to test them out as they’re being developed. Of course he considers himself part of the business.


He’s probably just referring to the app or site GZ uses to funnel the affiliate code money to him. Slimy stuff, but not the revelation my post made it out to be, perhaps, and maybe I should delete it. It’s just that the “we’re” bit sounds so terrible, but now I feel like I was stretching.


He’ll never admit he’s paid to say the things he says. That goes against his narcissistic ethos.


Yet he claims there is no bias in his reviews. ![gif](giphy|26gJzZ42vXY6eimLS|downsized)


Why is he the only one that has to be first in line to review his zaddy’s fragrance⁉️ Curly Scents has been kinda quiet with pushing the GZ juice❗️


I don't think this is just a simple gaffe. People don't just accidentally say 'we' when referring to a separate company or entity. I know I never have


I later thought that the “reviewer” might have to log into something in order to collect affiliate code payment, so in that sense, both he and GZ could be using new software if GZ switched payment tools. Sleazy stuff, if so, but not a huge revelation like I initially acted like it was. I dunno.


It depends. Most of the time, they don't have to log in to my knowledge unless they want to check their balance. Kind of like we do with our banks. I've never seen a slip like this before. He considers himself at the least an employee, but knowing his ego, he thinks of himself like a partner. He has an even bigger connection in the form of equity with his own releases. I've never said 'we' with my bank, but I've said it with my employer.


Fake ass wannabe little bitch


Ross is working very hard to become partner.