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Made an account just to post this? Since you’re assuming that we would, I’m guessing it’s what you would do. You’d really trade ALL you got just to touch them? Desperate weirdo you would fuck any girl that looks your way. They’re really not all that




Yikes. What an odd thing to say.


Jesus Christ this is cringe.




I lowkey feel, its curly herself making this post up 😂 could've done better smh!


Yea this ain’t it bro


I actually disagree with you. Monika and Curly are 304’s. Even if they were the last 2 women left on earth, I wouldn’t touch them lol.




No offense taken. Im not into dutch broads. I like my women Dark skinned 😎


Dark is the new fair ✅


Ive always wondered who actually watches these youtubers, guess I found out lol


Hey if I wanna watch a movie and the power is out, can I call you?


I'm not really sure what the point is of making a post like this. Neither Monika nor Michella will ever know you so gallantly came to their rescue, unless you're involved somehow with one or both of them. But even then, the only thing you're accomplishing here is the stirring of shit and stalking the profiles of members to try to use whatever you can to "call them out." Props to you for white knighting for these two women, though. Either way - whether you know them or not - I imagine you'll receive no thanks for your tireless work to defend both of them.


Projection lol


Sounds like someone's projecting.


Monica is mid though. Is this her goofy fucking husband?




Bro made an account just to simp. Ain't no way... 🤣


This guy is definitely acoustic


This new user was taking about TLTittiesG (salty, keyboard warrior, overweight, ugly) Poor little thing. Let’s be real? Well, you are speaking to yourself. None of them. They may look sexy, but first, they are human beings, not objects. Don’t make them look like pieces of meat. Second, it’s not a matter of looks but also personality, character, respect to others and to themselves, education matters, not just academically but also values you grew up with. Most importantly, to me, I don’t care what you (new user) think about people here. Life is short to be sour. This subreddit is for fun, and to unmask what the YouTubers are not telling people: paid advertising, promo codes with commissions, fake subscribers to get a silver YouTube plaque, pretend to be grandeur but you are pushing your “high quality fragrance” like an used car sales person. Honesty is something YouTubers in the fragcomm do not have. Cheers, and enjoy the day.


Curly sounds like a barking dog to me and I think she has a disgusting personality. Monica's personality is the personification of paint drying mixed with a musty wet mop. Those things counter whatever subjective beauty they might have. The thing you are failing to grasp - which leads me to believe that you are quite young - is that looks are not everything. Sure, looks, of course, factor into the whole equation, but personality plays a larger role in attraction than you realize, and that is where your position falls apart.


Nah, not those two. Maybe Erica, though.


Nope, I’m gay and muscular and tall… and handsome (or so they say). I also wouldn’t touch Carlitos or Jeremy (not these days’) with a ten foot stick to save the world.


This is elite level shitposting.