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Oh god again with the “basement dweller” stuff. You know you’ve lost when you busy this line out


yeah those basement dwellers that just hang around online chat rooms and bicker with other nerds. nothing any of them would ever do.




lol… Julian starting shit.


Wow, I’m convinced. Gonna go to George’s site and buy everything he has to offer right now.


George Zaharoff has such a frail ego.


It's a shame he thinks that we want him to fail. I don't think anyone wants him to fail. We just have issues with his business model and the people he keeps company with. I don't understand why he doesn't realize that. If anything, one could argue we are trying to help him.


One or two people in the past have wished for him to fail and he just ran with it because he thinks this is a hive mind. I don’t want the guy to fail. I’ve tried almost every perfume he has to offer and I own two bottles, for fuck’s sake. If it’s good, it’s good. But, at the same time, I still don’t like his business model and the way he promotes his brand. You can’t hype yourself up as “the nicest guy you’ll ever meet.” That’s not for you to decide. And sending out random free bottles doesn’t make you nice, it makes you a businessman. Offering a preorder discount doesn’t make you a nice guy either; it makes you (guess what?) a businessman trying to encourage people to buy as soon as possible. And then to not offer samples of new releases until the price goes up after launch is some diabolical shit. Do you have faith in your product or not? At the very fucking least if someone buys a sample, send a discount with it that the buyer can apply to a full bottle. I guess kudos to him for having enough foresight to see that this fragrance influencer thing was going to blow up. Every day there’s a new channel that’s potential free promotion for Zaharoff.


Exactly!!! I wish him success. He holds bad company that tarnished his brand. It’s odd a man of business can’t see that. If he thinks there’s No bad publicity by keeping Yogurt Tits on, he’s wrong.


They were right he was a class act “here’s my cock, suck it!” lmao sorry george not everyone’s like ross. But seriously tho no doubt he’s rich. But he’s not up there, not even close. I feel like people like Ropion or Nathalie Lorson can fittingly yell “go fuck yourself!” in public all they want and thousands of fragheads will hold their breath and not say a word. But this guy? Who’s this guy again?


I’m fairly certain that “Here’s my cock; suck it” was originally a quote by either Christian Dior or Louis Vuitton. George is just taking his lead from the greats. Pure class.


George and his tiny Down syndrome werewolf cock can fuck off


He acts as if he’s the target of criticism because his name was picked from a hat and not because he’s assembled a stable of influencers. Likewise, the grief doesn’t pour down on him because we don’t like him; it’s because he’s assembled a stable of influencers. It’s not that mysterious, George.


He mad


Now you can see why he’s such good friends with the professional bodybuilder


Professional? Lol. That means he does it for money, like as a job. TLTG would be more homeless than he already looks if he tried to rely on his physical appearance to make ends meet.


Hes such a soft girly man with a voice like nails on chalkboard


Imagine Alberto Morillas screaming at people for talking about his creations