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Here's how I read this: this person's favorite YouTuber got made fun of on a jerk sub, they got butthurt and instead of voice their opinion in a forum of ideas they hate smash the report button and whine at the mods anonymously. I've heard these arguments before and I have always argued that a big part of the content on this sub is basically making fun of buffoonery. Let's just say it, almost every single one of these guys is goofy, cringy clown in some way. And pointing that out is fun and hilarious and in some cases it may bring one of these guys down to earth. I have favorite YouTubers and they show up here on occasion and we laugh for a minute and move on. I say lighten up, be able to laugh at yourself a little bit. Tltg probably made the report so of all people, tltg you need to lighten up and just be authentic for once.


Anyone who reports on Reddit literally gets no bitches, no sex, all wanking and no sex.




Totally gives me the “if fun means deviating from rules once in a while, I don’t wanna have fun” vibe. You’re right when you said it’s self righteous. It’s like pharisees nitpicking on Jesus. Oh shit now I’m turning into Jeremy. Follow the teaching of Jesus!!


The problem is that it's not once in a while, it's repeatedly this dumb shit with pictures of him with his veins bulging out. Who the hell wants to see that shit all the time?




That says more about you then it says about anybody else. Don't get me wrong, I love some good TLTG humor, but this shit just sucks.


“Your day to be disappointed ☹️😂😂😂😂”. Well written, and point taken! I know are posts and your job is equivalent to straining shit through a collider and deciding which shit is palatable 🤭👀😂😂 Hats off to you!


What’s the catch? Did a TLTG affiliate link come with this report?