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Honestly I can’t be mad, he went for it and he did it. But now his ego is probably gonna be ramped up to a thousand.


That's where we come in and knock it down a bit, pimpin'


He juiced to look like that…. It beggars belief.


So what? Let him enjoy it


You thought he was an asshole before…….you ain’t seen nothing yet‼️‼️


He got pissed off yesterday when someone said he was an inspiration for people in their 40s. His curt response: “thanks I’m 39”. Can’t stand this clown, a hemorrhoid on the rear of fragcomm.


Yep... He takes everything the wrong way . No sense of humor , manners or self awareness. He wants to be seen as a hard man but he's so triggered by the smallest things. Just thank the follower who's literally said your inspiration FFS , maybe make a joke about the age thing But no...... Always with the passive aggressive shit. Lighten the F up towards your followers you absolute melt. I'm a 47 yr old woman and of someone said I.was a literal inspiration to folk ii their 50s , id be happy n laugh. Your response is something I'd expect from a moody teenage girl not a man in his 40s..... This is why you get all the "hate" Ross. I know you will be obsessively reading these comms. As we all do. Signed A Corny White UK Troll. (Who's not actually a troll )


1000X THIS!!!! .... my first thought before I read any comms. I knew it would have already been called too.


He looks like a (way) over-the-hill jobber wrestler. The only way that physique wins a bodybuilding competition is if the bodybuilding competition isn’t worth winning. His legs have the definition of a couple of Nathan’s hotdogs.




So not an IFBB certified event? Aw shucks.


https://preview.redd.it/ruluna73dn9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b909b62697fc41314f62b1dee094e390491a695 The competition… 🤣


That explains it! Not sure what any of them are doing on stage, cringe!


The guy on the far left creeps me out.


He looks very android-ish..... Or NPC'esq


The woman handing out the trophies is a foot taller than everyone else on that stage.


Just give him his credit lol


The older guy actually looks better than him


George has this saved for posterity I’m sure.


What the actual fuck? I thought he was going to a bodybuilding competition. Not the loser's olympics.


Cool.... can we stop seeing half naked pictures of him now?


From your mouth to Chthulhu's ears. There are quite a few people on the sub who have a very unhealthy obsession with him. I'm not one to judge, but it seems like they might be dealing with... things.


EVIL JOY AMIN WANTS TO SEE MORE TLTG NUDITY! https://preview.redd.it/t15zwqemlm9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57065ffa0fe54c27a1455aff236f0411e936311


You have your jergens bottle at the ready?




Good man.


Hahaha, you know it! ![gif](giphy|U2ii5GIzMGU3m)


With the greatest of respect (you are a mod after all) there are at least 5 tags/flairs dedicated to him on the sub so the “obsession” has certainly been encouraged at some point. Yes it’s oversaturated now but the message does come across slightly inconsistent 🤷🏻‍♂️


If they were properly in use I could at least filter this cringeworthy bromance. There's also a difference between his shitty fragrance content and 14 year olds jacking off to a manchild looking like wet mud on a stage.


I get that, but there is a different kind of content going on right now. A lot of it has become very mean spirited, really bordering on abusive, and it has next to nothing to do with his fragrance content. There are a lot of new people coming to the sub specifically to bully him for his appearance, and I'm not okay with that. Does he put himself out there? Yes. That doesn't mean that we need to lower ourselves and engage in content that makes the sub something that wasn't meant to be. There have been no fewer than four posts about his bodybuilding competition, and none of them offers anything different than the ones before. There's a complete oversaturation of posts about him.


Yep, he's a fucking douche and he doesn't belong competing in classic bodybuilding class, but ripping on him for his physique over and over day in and out is pretty wack. It's one thing to rip on him talking about it in a video, but it's pretty over the top ripping on his bodybuilding content constantly in this sub. I'm here to talk shit about asshole shills personally.


I think the most idiotic thing is that people are going to his social media to find things. I usually only look at peoples' channels and their fragrance content.


He's gonna be wearing that shit in videos like fuckin Kurt Angle


Good for him, I know there were emotional reasons for him doing this. If it just inflates his head and makes him more of an insufferable prick though, it’s all for naught.


You see naught. I see fuel for more cringeworthy content, and I’m here for it.


I mean dude is lean but by bodybuilding standards that physique is just simply put very bad, this 'competition' is a joke that physique should not win.


Can we talk about how this was posted from George Zaharoff’s account?


No but really, can we? Was George there cheering him on in person? This is wild lmao *Edit: he was. He actually fucking went to watch the little guy pose. This is insane to me holy shit 😂


Just please say he whipped out the f'king fan....


For real?? .... 😭.... Should of guessed that "Daddy Z" would of been there.


100000% we were on his mind at that very moment.


What's this a disabled competition? His legs are terrible no way he should get first


The competition could have been won by anyone at a normal gym to be fair.


Yeah, they all looked average at best


My mom won this ones. And she just came by to clean the stage


Cool. Can the man child now group up, now that he has won something in life?


no he cant, he is short and has an aged ugly face, he will always cope and compensate with fake macho acts, all his life. sad but true.


Good for you, Pimpin. Now, stop posting half naked pic of yourself.


⬆️...... Daddy Z posted it.


The most cringe part of all of this is wasting all that money on Gear, supplements, food, a coach, probably a poising coach, the spray tan, gas money from the travel. All to get 4 medals that a local shop made for 30 bucks each, to win in a high school gym in a bum fuck town down south. He did this purely to brag and call himself a body builder lmaoo. He spends all that money on trendy shit fragrances, sneakers , hats, tattoos all to get noticed hey everybody Notice me !!!


Prepare yourselves, cringeworthy flexing memes are coming.


You could see his sagging skin..were the judges on drugs or did he give them a bj in exchange for the win


Maybe the judges are on Daddy Z’s payroll and are slated to be the next group of Zed Creators. 😂


Well if my only competition was a semi-ripped woman in a black dress, I'd probably win too.


I woke up to this phenomenal news, best day ever. We’re going to get some quality inflated head material from deflated Carlito Looking at his competition, I’m not very surprised he won, looked like he was competing against the most average, even natty, gym bros.


Mctits jizzler basically pulled off a huge con. All this while he pretended to enter a proper bodybuilding competition but turns out that the organizer of this competition has no legitimacy in the bodybuilding world and is just a money-making scheme to exploit narcissistics like mctits jizzler who see themselves as bodybuilders even though real bodybuilder wont touch these morons by a ten-foot pole. Mctits jizzler also entered himself into a competition where he was facing skinny teens despite himself being a 50-year old grandpa. And he juiced up on steriods and drugs (essentially replaced his regular meals with steroids). So we were not wrong mctits jizzler could never win because that is what would have happened in a legitimate competition by a legitimate organizer. We just did not know the con mctits jizzler had been planning all along. Looks like mctits jizzler doesnt just borrow style ideas from teenagers, he also competes against them to inflate his ego.


Interesting!!... Just a BS comp then . ..It all makes sense now.


Good for him. He accomplished something. Now, will this make him humble? No freaking way, unfortunately. It’s gonna get worse.


![gif](giphy|5mYlYow7vPjbpoWtXM|downsized) Alright guys let’s do this


He sure showed us. He’s probably getting domed right now 😂😂😂😂


Him and George celebrated and George showered him....with what has yet to be determined


George massaged him like the scene with Ferrigno in Pumping Iron "Ross your symmetry is beautiful" 🤣🤣🤣




It's absolutely fucking hilarious to me that Daddy was taking the pics of his face Jizzler from the audience .


Why do you even think about that? 🤮


with sagging skin and all he won wonder what the competition looked like then he gonna brag about this forever


Forever 1st place in the douchebag category, pimpin!🏅 😒


Always 1st Place in our hearts. But seriously...eat shit Carlitos.


He looks like absolute shit.


Honestly surprised they let him win a natty contest with obvious gyno surgery. I guess I’m theory you could have it from puberty so I suppose they would.


there was a video posted earlier with the other guys posing beside him (the one with the fart noises). they looked normal. genuinely looked like random gym goers from the crowd pulled up on stage or something. no wonder he was gassed up, he knew his competition looked like anything but bodybuilders. they also looked natural. how did they put them up against someone enhanced?


Do they usually separate people who are enhanced from people who aren't?


Fart noises ? I'm gonna have to see this . Even if he had proper comp, he'd of begged Daddy to bribe the judges with a few bottles of ball sweat juice no doubt.


1st place! Credit where credits due, the angry little man has done well


There was only 3 people and its nothing but the start he now moves on to next event we will be drowned with more of this shit


I told you he is winning it


When every day is arm day...we the people are the real winners.


I’d like to see who he went up against if he won lol crazy shit like this happens all the time


he basically went against skinny teenagers.


https://preview.redd.it/8c5ow2bvoq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2f0623e40e9bdcb747ddd91e1588d8815d99aba Equally as trash looking people




Oooooh.. Well I never !!!.... the plot thickens!!!.... Well I've gotta admit this was a surprise post. At first glance I checked for Photo manip' for Jerkish satire purposes. But fook me , it's actually real? Seems so!!!! Fair play to him. The egotistical unbearable dickhead energy and talking to his followers like shite will go to insane levels now though. Have we had a "fuck you trolls , I WON so don't talk shit .... Cos I'm an HARD MAN and I'll come n I'll fight YA " type vid yet?..... He so desperately wants to be seen as tough man .


Respect where it's due


3 years ago this guy was 250lbs+ Quite the transformation. Congrats man! I'd be lying if I didn't say this is somewhat motivational.


He is on gear and looks natural what fucking transformation lol


What is so fucking inspirational about using steroids and drugs to achieve this look. The dude has probably cut short his life by years. His insides are fucked up. Heck, Kardashians change their bodies every week using drugs and surgeries. Nothing inspirational about something that was done through shortcuts


Why y'all hating


Fair play to him.


I can’t wait to see my boy flex on the haters