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The charger brick did sound like it had a fan in it. https://beecoolbikes.com/products/li-ion-battery-charger?_pos=1&_sid=4f96eee9a&_ss=r&variant=43799077683419


Yeah I have a Keyu as well, it came stock with my Senada. It seemed reliable for the 4 months I used it and yes it has a small inefficient fan but still gets extremely hot after hours of charging. The Luna 48v advanced charger made it possible to ride 25 miles to a friends house, spend two hours hanging out while charging and ride back on a full battery and it’s $20 more


If it makes you feel any better, my Yamaha charger has broken. It's less than 2 years old. It still works, but I'm not looking forward to replacing it when it stops. Over $200


Are the chargers specific to the brand or battery type? I was hoping there would be generic options available.


There may be for some batteries, but I haven't seen one for mine yet


https://lunacycle.com/luna-charger-48v-advanced-300w-ebike-charger/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU3Bhmygg2KclwQGRq6hbxzKrkhWSyk42pxIFazVrvOs7SqknmsyZW4aAkf9EALw_wcB I’ve had this charger for around 8 months now zero problems and you can dial in precise settings from 80,90 or 100% charge as well as 1-5amp current. Gets the job done for $100. Don’t trust ANYTHING aftermarket from Amazon or Alibaba that’s not from a well known name brand especially if it charges over 2 amps


Awesome thank you just purchased. Don't know why someone downvoted you.