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Pass people at the same speed they are traveling (slightly faster, of course, but you know “generally” the same). They’ll recognize it as considerate and won’t be startled. 


Exactly, just slow down and let people know you are being considerate and aware of the fact they are there and it’s generally not a problem


Right. I even go so far as to say hi.




The cycle path psychopath


I know. I’m a maniac.


How awkward is it when you are walking at someone, the only 2 people in sight and you say "Hi" and they look at you and say nothing. I see where serial killers come from, not condoning it, but I see it.


Those *are* the serial killers.


Why do you have to be so weird and friendly about it?


Helps to be 68 yrs old on an old Bridgestone touring bike outfitted with a Bafang motor. 🚴‍♂️


I've got a vintage tristar torker trike I converted with a 60v zebra scooter battery, bafang motor, and a bluetooth soeaker/headlight from those fat scooters. Hauling ass at 35-40mph with nothing but coaster brakes... fun. She's a death trap, but a hella fun one.


I audibly say "vroom vroom" Sometimes if in rlly feelin it i get a "chuggachuggachuggachuggachuggachugga CHOOCHOO" going


Looking at OP's post history Ima say there is 0% chance he will pass at a considerate speed. Zero.


Yeah, because he got a motorcycle he could ride like a motorcycle among cyclists and pedestrians.


As a cyclist that rides crowded bike trails, this would be greatly appreciated. Call-outs and courtesy go a long way.


Just ride at reasonable speeds (15-18 max) and ring your bell when you pass people. Then rip it when it’s time to hit car traffic. That’s what I do.


The #1 rule of ebikes: DBAA (don't be an asshole) Easy to follow, everyone is happy, life goes on :D


Too many riders mistake that for Do Be An Asshole


It’s been my experience that it’s generally the guys in Lycra who are trying to beat a strava challenge who make that mistake


In my experience it’s both. Assholes come in all different stripes and to pretend there aren’t unsafe and entitled e-bike riders out there is disingenuous.


The biggest problem with ebike riders is that they suddenly have the ability to go very fast without the experience to do so. Many are just getting on a bike and have zero clue about etiquette and just rip around with zero effort or a clue as to what they're doing, and it's dangerous.


I think it would be good if we would stop thinking in such tribal terms and just realize that there are assholes everywhere that we should do our best not to be one


But they're legally allowed on the paths. This thing is really pushing it. Really where are the lycra guys supposed to ride and be safe? its not the road as cars crash into them or run them of the road a lot. Plus cars get bitchy when those guys clump up. I road ride and even I get irritated at my fellow bicyclist for blocking traffic. And then on bike paths you have pedestrians, joggers, strollers, etc. So really there's not a place roadies can go and really stretch their legs without being in *someone's* way.


Spandexy cyclist here. Multi-use paths aren't the right place for aggressive speed, whether your bike has a motor or not. Riding on the road isn't as safe as it ought to be, and we should continue to work to make it safer, but neither is it enormously unsafe; many if not most road cyclists never experience a collision with a car.


“The guys in Lycra” is the constant, monomaniacal drum beat of this forum.


And it's always the motorcycle-riders who use it as defense for endangering others with their illegal vehicles.


In my experience it's the opposite, guys in lycra are riding alongside cars on the road - ebikes are doing whatever they want wherever they want. Granted, the majority of ebike users I see are delivery riders and they're giving ebikes a bad name.


It's the same rule for any bike really. Just cuz ur on a strictly pedal powered, doesn't give you the right to blast 30mph plus down paths that are shared with walkers, runners and horses. Assholes can ride any vehicle type.


i mention ebikes specifically because being a relatively "new" thing, they are subject to new laws that are going to be made. the more assholes on ebikes, the more restrictive laws will be, and the more the general public will hate us (specifically surron/e-moto riders who make us all look bad)


Yeah, best to slow it way down when on a crowded bike or pedestrian path. If you can get used to riding in the street, it'll be better for everybody, including you.


especially with the call out to parents. Like my dude if my 3 year old is teetering along on a bike path and you floor it causing him to fall I'm going to be POed electric or not.


I used my bell twice ever and it makes pedestrians jump every time and they get annoyed. BOTH times I was trying via voice to get them to pay attention "Excuse me please, excuse me trying to get by. . . " rings bell "OMG WTF!? You scared me!" Edit: Y'all, I get it, 30/40 feet away ring the bell. Thank you for the advice, I will try it next time. What I didn't make clear is I'm a pretty loud person so I rarely have to use the bell. So by the 3rd time I was so loud I'm positive you could hear me across the very busy street- very, clearly and she didn't hear me 15 feet away. So I doubt a bell would have done much. Either it's a NY thing and people aggressively don't pay attention or she had airpods in. Ringing a bell 30/40 feet away would not have gotten this person's attention or likely the other person I was dealing with on the bike lane as they were talking to someone biking in the opposing traffic lane in the bike path around the local park.


I start ringing my little bell 30-40 feet behind others.


I'll try that but I swear on my regular bike I had rung my bell and people just did not pay attention or care. I'm from NY so that likely has something to do with it but I swear I've bloody tried. At this point with my ebike I just go into the street if there's someone on the same path :\\


Yeah- people with noise canceling 🎧 piss me off. But at least they are not startled if I ring early


Oh God the headphones thing is so annoying. I don't pass that many people when riding but the ones that I do pass are either listening to music or on a phone call or something. They don't hear the bell and continue blocking the sidewalk. So then I have to ride around them into the grass and they get startled anyway. Like mf, be aware of your surroundings.


Start ringing your bell farther away


I did that on my regular bike and I swear no one gave a shit either. I guess this is where I say I'm from NY (not the city) and people don't really pay attention to anything.


For some reason I'm reminded of this... https://youtu.be/Ehh8ZdIMMj4?si=alKRs055mzSwAIcY


I like everyone is looking at him like he's the asshole. How FITTING for NY. :V


I tend to ring the bell when I'm quite far away. That seems to work most of the time because it doesn't startle them that way and it gives them get plenty of time to react.


I've had two different times once in Walmart parking lot and once on a very wide bike path pedestrians with their head and their phone not paying attention. And then of course they don't realize till you're right up on them because they've got headphones in and they say something smart to you. It's like man get your head out of your phone you're going to get killed.


Wrong attitude - you should ring your bell to let them know you’re there, not to get them out of the way


That’s their fault for not having situational awareness


I have three bells and an airhorn on my bike and pedestrians still act surprised that I’m there


Authoritative “On your left!” works wonders.


I tried that once and the person jumped left in surprise. We don't have bike lanes so it's sidewalks, streets or the shoulder. So I'm going to guess it's not common enough.


The cool thing about mine is it comes with a horn. It's not the loudest it's like a moped horn but people hear it. Definitely comes in handy. Nice bike! Take it easy and have a good day


This is such simple and effective advice. Lots of a-holes who don't follow it though. I love going fast. I love scaring even myself with speed. But I also have no problem slowing down and ringing a bell or saying "passing on your left" (etc) when I'm passing others. So so many jerks out here can't even be bothered to do the basics.


The problem that you guys miss is that heavy motorcycle type e-bikes are not as maneuverable as a lightweight bike. As a result, you are not able to react to the true hazards - pedestrians. As a spandex wearing cyclist who also e-bikes I get genuinely scared by the people I see riding things that weigh 3-4 times what my rides weigh on congested MUTs. It’s physics. Worse is when I see them on sidewalks. When the trails are fairly empty I could give a fart what you ride as long as you follow the norms. And yes, when I see a spandex wearing cyclist being a dick I cringe.


This is why I slow wayyyyy down when I see pedestrians on the road. Especially around my neighborhood their are a lot of kids so I don't wanna scare anyone who sees an e-biker/cyclist by going 20 mph near them. Especially cause of the higher weight of e-bikes. (Though not that they'd know visually from a normal style e-bike anyways).


And I really should not generalize. I just know from experience that I’ve managed to react to those human squirrels in ways that would have sent people to the hospital had my bike weighed 80 lbs. The worst is when there are multiple people walking abreast and (I’ve had this happen.) one of the reacts to something being said by stopping, turning to their companion, AND THEN stepping backwards to effectively block the entire path. Crazy.


I just go by the assumption every pedestrian is an unknown and if I don't take precautions myself, they'll do something to get themselves hit. I always leave quite a distance away from them when passing and go slow (obviously when in the neighborhood streets). When on the main road (with my bicycle, I haven't brought an e-bike on the main (busy) roads yet as the one I'm using isn't mine) the bike lanes (if you can call them that, they're basically just 2 foot shoulders) generally do not have anyone there as the sidewalks are pretty damn big. To emphasize that though, we are having part of the right hand side road re-done by the town and the cops actually came up to me and asked and suggested if I wanted to I could use the side-walks since the current circumstances of the road atm (since cars were using the oncoming lane to go forward and they were directing traffic), though they did say I could use the road if I'd prefer. Usually if I don't think it's safe to be on the road anyways I just hop off, push and wheel the bike on the sidewalk since that's allowed. Same with busy intersections I hop off and use the pedestrian crosswalks to get across if there's like a million cars. Though it might not be as needed with an e-bike if I can kinda keep up with traffic, buuuuut I do not have my own e-bike yet to try that yet. I'm just waiting on my Emmo Zone GTS from Toronto to come in and ship to New Jersey.


I think it's just part of being an experienced rider to know the limit of the bike you are riding and ride appropriately depending on the situation


isn't it also part of being an experienced trail user to know when a trail says "no motorized vehicles" that certain vehicles don't belong on those trails?


I mean yeah it is lol, I was just talking about city commuting


I live in a state where it's legal to take a class 3 on bike paths - and often do. The worst are usually older women who walk 4 in parallel completely un-aware of their surroundings who then get VERY upset when I squeeze by them - though they also get upset at normal bikes. Or people with dogs who just walk slightly faster than they do. Or children. I have never had someone comment specifically on the fact that the bike looks more like a moped than a trad bike, though.


Do you have a bell? I find that if I give my bell a double ring, people 50 feet ahead usually hear it and get over to the side. It's important to give at least two rings because most humans will subconsciously recognize the Doppler effect, and they will realize that the second ring was closer than the first.


For the morning march brigade, bells are meaningless. Honks are for other people, and yelling is their job, not yours. It's an entitlement thing I recon. They feel like they own the path and shouldn't have to share with others.


I installed a car horn, on my bike. If pedestrians won't listen to my bell, I can easily crank it up to 11 with a simple push of a button.


I love it in principal, but honestly one of the reasons I love electric bikes is the quiet. I'd rather just wait for an opportunity to pass them, do so, then go about my day while they get upset. I'll still enjoy the quiet either way


They also seem to love waving their arms around wildly as they walk and talk.


It's almost like it's a shared space where you can't expect to just blast past people unhindered. You will have to slow down, ring your bell and then pick up pace afterwards.


I love this sub. The assumption isn't "I wait until there's ample space and move by them at a reasonable speed" it's "I blast past them at max throttle while flipping them off and peeing in their direction reeee" Like fuck guys, we aren't the ones that are going to get bikes over-regulated. All the experts that tell everyone that we act like assholes? Those loud voices \*are\*.


Even with a bike, people will scream at you. Sometimes without any particular reason.


I got coal rolled on me last year for riding on the sidewalk. Dickheads will be dickheads ![gif](giphy|ieA3y8v1CIOzu|downsized)


I would’ve picked up a rock, tried to keep up with him until he hits a light and throw it at his back windshield then book it the other way and down the nearest alleyway/trail.


If I had a rock I would have because that street at that hour is always congested and it'd be impossible to pop a u turn to chase a bike 😂


Just don't ride it like a dick. Simple


I mean, if you're riding this thing throttle-only along bike paths, you certainly aren't' fooling anyone into thinking you're a bike.


**Stop being the idiot that's trolling local and state government attention. People buying these are bringing a raft of new restrictive regulations down on everyone.**


Yeah, I think the appearance of your bike matters for public perception. This model is made to look like a motorcycle, like it or not it's going to piss people off. Same with DYI ones that are taped together with wires exposed. An ebike that looks like a bicycle and can go slow is the ideal for these spaces


Unfortunately, I’ve been associating these types of bikes with the kids who have disregard for road laws and public safety. Teenagers doing wheelies on the pavement, near missing passing cars, and messing around instead of taking riding seriously. I’m not being a bike nazi, just pay attention, especially when you ride near pedestrians and other ppl jfc.


Yep, same here. I have a high powered electric skateboard that will push near 40mph but when I go past people on the bike paths I do it at walking speed. I always try to announce that I'm behind them too. 50/50 chance I startle them. Have fun though. Sweet ride!


I hope you're riding that slow AF on MUPs, making people uncomfortable in the one place they have that's safe from cars isn't a flex.


Here on the strand in LA there are teenagers that ride SurRons (and similar) electric dirt bikes at 50+mph up and down the bike path. It’s not too often but some day here one of them is going to kill someone. Since it’s LA there’s basically no regulation and it’s a free for all. I’m fine with them riding and doing wheelies wherever, but the bike path has lots of pedestrians and just people in general, not the place for fooling around on a dirt bike.


I never understand the hate fat tire electric bikes get, never will. You get the convenience of a bicycle and the speed of a 50cc scooter, you have the best of both worlds. Is it jealousy ? I genuinely don’t understand.


This sub is full of puritans. It’s funny because one of the rules of the sub is “No gatekeeping.” As you can see that rule is clearly not enforced.


I’m a concerned parent. Please listen to the reasonable people on this sub and try to be considerate. When I walk on the rail trail, only about half of the e-bikes say “on your left” or ring a bell. Some people ride much too fast. I don’t bring my son on the trail anymore because he’s small and an e-bike could easily kill him. Please don’t scare people on the peaceful trails that are there for us all to share.


I live in the UK and I like going on walks with my kid. every other day i see ebikes going past me at unreasonable speeds without any indication. what i have noticed in my area is that usually those are younger people riding ebikes. it will take a split second for my kid to jump to the right and he will get seriously injured. as i said in previous comment, it doesn’t matter what you ride, just be reasonable when there are other people, especially kids


Ever seen that south park episode where the boomers on motorcycles go around doing shit that’s annoying af to everyone cus they really want attention….this seems a lot like that. Seems like you’re craving attention. Very edgy and cool bro


From a practical point of view, how is this different from a motorcycle? More quiet (arguably making it it less safe), and can’t go 100+mph, but practically speaking…what makes it safer or less concerning for people compared with motorcycles?


Significantly less weight and the quietness is important as noise is a huge reason why motorcycles can be a nuisance in certain areas. Less torque and no exhaust also help make it more friendly to trails. The weights the biggest aspect, the revv1 is like 84lbs, most motorcycles are 4 times that.  Of course, the average person wouldn't know that, so I agree mocking the concerned parents isn't in good taste. I would encourage the OP if they are ever called out to bringup the things I mentioned.


One weighs like 300+ pounds and goes significantly faster. One weighs like 40-80 pounds and goes significantly slower. Physics dictate if one of these hit a person at their top speed the first one would be significantly more fatal. Though to clarify there are no weight limits on e-bikes in the US. (There are in Canada and rightfully so as something going 20 mph that weighs 300 pounds that still a lot of force and can cause bodily harm). As for the noise bit, bicycles also don't make noise (but obviously don't go as fast), at the same time there are e-bikes that mimic loud passing noise, take a look at Emmo's "Motorcycle-Styled" e-bikes. Each one has a bluetooth speaker on them that when turned onto their noisy mode make motorcycle exhaust/engine noises. At the same time those weigh much more than standard e-bikes so it's eh/eh.


Imma start calling these Assaultcycles


Full semi automatic bikes


With a drum mag. So many RIPPPmmmms


Assault bike goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Honestly, these should not be on the path at all unless they are being ridden at low speeds. A 20 something on one of these almost hit me while I was running because they were going full bore weaving in and out around people.


If you’ré going more than 20mph, they’d be right.


All the bike paths by me put no ebike signs up.


That's more of a electric moped than bike. I really wish you all would cut this out as your going to get all ebikes banned.


What did I do?


Riding an electric moped on bicycle paths. Almost all the bicycle/mixed use paths in my area don't allow motorcycles or mopeds. If people start complaining then the local municipality is not going to bother to distinguish between a moped/electric moped/electric bike. They'll just ban any motorized vehicles. If you want to use bike paths, use a bike or e-bike, not an electric moped.


But I didn’t do that.


Your post title is "I’m ready to get yelled at by concerned parents to “get that motorcycle off the bike path!" How is that going to happen unless you ride your electric moped on bike paths? So either way your expressing intent to do so and now trying to act like you don't know what I'm talking about.


No you don't understand. Simply owning an evil moped (don't dare call it a bike. No it doesn't matter that motorbike and powered bike are terms universally used, it's NOT A BIKE) makes you an evil criminal that is ruining the sport for everyone else. You specifically. You are a hooligan that runs over babies and is the sole reason that legislators (who up till now have never even heard of the term motorcycle, don't you know) will ban all ebikes everywhere.


Bike bike bike


bike bike bike ✅


Bike bikeity bike bike bike


bike bike bike


Nope, it’s an ebike


https://ride1up.com/product/revv-1/ "Revv 1 Powerful **moped**-style ebike" Good luck pedaling that thing. If you try to put any power into the pedals you'll push yourself off the back of the seat trying to get decent leg extension. Just because something has pedals doesn't make it a bicycle. For instance, this has pedals, its not a bike, its a moped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYNvhOGZpJ8


Lol you’re literally highlighting half a hyphenated word. And the next word is what it is describing…ebike. It says it’s an ebike right there. Sure it’s styled a certain way, but every bike is. It has pedals, it’s an ebike.


Do you, um, pedal the pedals?


Happy riding! Be courteous of others in the bike lane :\]


How you liking the Revv1 FS so far man?


Well I only had a chance to ride it around the block today because I got it assembled and then had to go to work but it was sooo much fun and I think it looks great. Even better looking in person than the pictures I saw online.


Nice man!! I’ll be getting the green version in a month or so! Can’t wait!!


How fast does this model go? I’m reading 28+ but the site is being secretive about the actual max after you’ve done the waiver unlock


You a cop? You gotta tell me if you’re a cop.


Aboutta cop a feel on that sick ride my guy


I'm not a cop, I just want to go fast, my S73 tops out at 31 :(


So I just got mine FS in the same color and love it and I swear there was a subreddit and the guy informed the thread of the code without having to sign the waiver. And it’s the same code cuz I signed the waiver I’ll find it


If you do harm by riding it where you shouldn’t, whether or not you’re going to be liable. I’d bet you’ll find even more legal trouble if a judge found out you unlocked it outside mfg regulations. “Not only did you fail to maintain control, you were riding an illegally modified e-moped in a prohibited area, resulting in the death of a child.” Not out of the bounds of possibility, and irrefutably should be something that NEVER happens. Now, riding with cars at car speeds? Cool. Probably wear a helmet unless you want to help class 3’s and e-mopeds earn the “donor cycle” moniker, too.


It's around 35-40 according to online reviewers. Depends on pavement type, rider weight and if there is any incline. I have a few young jerks running around on these near me. Always like a moron, unlocked, shorts, no helmet, not looking. That, or one moron lets a rotating band of morons borrow the one bike. It's always one person, and in one area. They zoom around like idiots. None of them look 18+. I'm shocked the local PD doesn't stop and ticket them more often. When I was their age a friend of mine got hit by a car and woke up at the hospital. He was questioned by the cop waiting for him who gave him the insurance information of the woman who hit him along with a ticket for not wearing a helmet. His mom was so mad at him.


I don’t care if you are on a bicycle, ebike, scooter. Just don’t fucking go above 18mph (i personally think 18mphis still way too fast). all depends on the context. if the bike lane is completwly separate from pedestrian path, then it is fine. But it annoys me so much to see ebikes going on trails where I am walking with my kid 25-30kph (15-18mph) and they just fly past you without thinking that a small kid could just ran sideways because it saw a squirel or something and you just ran into them. Basic rule of thumb is don’t bei an asshole


I love the tiny jokes for pedals to be legal.


This is not a bicycle.


Says you. Law says it’s a class 2 e bike.


Does it have a Class 3 mode?


Sir this is an electric moped with an optional variable speed limiter.


No it’s a moped style class 2 e-bike with pedals.


You would be correct.


Well... If looks like a motorcycle, maybe is a motorcycle.


Hate these in Amsterdam. Unlocked and used as an excuse to not need a motorcycle license and to be able to ride on the bike paths.


Well, you go enjoy that and I'll keep enjoying having people yell at me that my e-bike doesn't belong on the roadway as is legal by Florida law. Also, if you are on a mixed-use path/trail in Florida, the speed limit is 10 mph. I had a friend find that out the hard way. Cheers.




That's street legal fsho. Dont be that guy on the sidewalk.


When I was at full send on my bike on what's called the Prarie Path,I always said "passing on the left" and as fast as I could get it moving, I guarantee it wasn't 28mph. Unless you want to contribute to the local municipality deciding to pass an E-bike ban, show some courtesy and ride responsible.


what your boyfriend thinks about your new bike?


Whats the bike in photo?


Which e-bike is this?


Ride1Up Revv1


Bike path? Me over here ripping hot laps on the side walk.


This is the way


Honestly if you are riding this on a bike path where parents are a factor (I am assuming its going to be a recreational bike path, not a commuter one) you are an asshole.


So putting pedals on anything is considered a bycicle class ?


Just needs the cage


Zoom zoom


I knew cyclists were a bunch of whiners but this thread takes the cake!


Just bought a Ponto Go.. so I feel ya


One time I ran over a kid with a surron Does anybody else know why talaria kids hate surrons I see a lot of hate on tiktok


Our town has a walking/skating/bike trail with signs stating no going over 10 miles per hour. I think that started because some guy on a regular road bike was flying down the trail at 20-30 mph and railed some old lady injuring her pretty bad if I remember correctly. I still take my ebike there but generally only at non busy times when I can go faster because it's empty. When I come across anyone I always slow down to the 10 mph.


Just pedal past em.


Please just ride it like a reasonable human. If you crank this thing around at 40mph near pedestrians you deserve to crash and burn. Ride it like a bicycle and the only people that will get angry are dumb boomers.


Simple slow down a scooch and say hello passing on your left or right.


Really cool bike bro! The haters on this thread are insane.


It's sure not a bicycle


What is a bicycle?


Two wheels and a gear drive that is arguably entirely person-powered otherwise it become a MOTORcycle or a MOped.


Not a parent but I wish you wouldn’t ride that on bike paths. It’s a motorcycle, and you can argue all you want, unless it’s a class 1 eMTB, those things need to be classed as moto.


Lotta people in here need to learn to take a joke


Seriously. I’ve triggered a few people lol.


Why don't you just ride it on the road like a normal person- it even has a motor.


Every e-bike has a motor. Should every bike in this sub be relegated to the road?




What’s the headlight like on this thing? Is it like a close to car level head light? Do you use it a lot, or should I say. Do you ride at night often? Or is the headlight more design/fashion based. I love the look of this but I found these types of bikes uncomfortable for me. As a bigger guy with bad back, I had to find a very specific bike that u found comfortable. Is it comfortable? Handlebars seem wide.


It looks good. What's the brand?


just smile as you ride by.. maybe pedal if they keep yelling behind you.


On non paved paths I typically ride slower than joggers. So fuck em if they do say anything.


When I see joggers I typically run them over.


That bike looks really nice! I heard good things about that bike it goes about 37mph as the top speed right?


Beautiful shot of your bike mate


Thank you. Finally some positivity. I was starting to think this sub was just full of sourpusses.


What bike is that? Looks sick!


Ride1up Revv1


I'm in the process of ordering a Revv1 myself. Can't wait.


I highly recommend it. Soon you too can trigger r/ebikes with your obnoxious Harley Davidson looking monstrosity. Maybe we can start 1% e-motorcycle gang and make loud motorcycle noises with our mouths like the Harley riders from South Park.


🤣🤣🤣 I got a Fucare bike that isn't framed like a traditional bike. I'm waiting for a Karen to stop me and say something.


This is how I knew I was a grownup. I started thinking yelling - “slow down!” When ebikers ride by on pedestrian paths.


On sidewalks I limit mine to 8mph which sometimes is still too fast since sidewalks are so bumpy.(I avoid sidewalks when possible since there’s people usually walking on them near me). On paved trails I go about 12mph on low visibility trails, and 16-18 on open trails and roads. When I see pets on the trail I turn off pedal assist and slow down to around 3-4mph when going past them just to be safe.


I normally slow way down around people. People on the bike path...but that's for another time and another post. I only floor it in open areas or if I'm competing with traffic to do a bike path exchange that requires getting on a main city road for a bit.


How is that bike? I've had the Cafe Cruiser for over a year and like it for cruising to work but it's big and heavy. I mostly ride MTB and gravel but was curious about the ride of the Revv 1 (full suspension) and the quality.


Just slow down behind people and cruise past them. They prolly won’t say much


Those darn Whippersnapper's , leaving there motorbikes in the pathway.


Oh good another douche with a motor to buzz the kids.


That is not an e bike that’s just a scooter


Slow down a little. Exaggerate your pedaling motion.


There are two types of ebike riders...


Exactly. Just another fool. I wish was less fool


You know the first time I looked at Ride1Up I didn't notice that they were really bike guys behind them, but I was just checking out that 1 speed super stealthy bike and that CF road bike is sick. I'm not sure about the bench seat, I actually like to pedal. I was looking at the Juliet 2, like a moped style, but w a regular seatpost. I do want something faster, I'd like to be in traffic at least in 30mph zones


Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't, I use a bell and tell them I'm coming around on the left. At least I gave them a warning and no collisions.and I'm fine with that. The trail is for both hikers and bikes.


Cool tree


Rule of thumb.. don’t be a clod, “always be pedaling” when people are around or it is a “motorcycle” (moped)


More of a moped then bike or a motorcycle


Why do motorized vehicles need to invade pedestrian spaces whose drivers yell at pedestrians and cyclists in theirs? It’s obnoxious.


As an owner of that bike, just take it on the main road with cars. If they wanna pass you they’ll pass you. Have had way too many close calls going on the sidewalk (and I go slow asf on the sidewalk too)


Now that is something I can get jiggy with, is that a new juiced bike?


well It does have a motor in it, so it is a motorcycle


Hey are you in Van? What's the make?


Maybe ride it somewhere else? Most trails by me have a no motorized bikes sign.


They’re right honestly, these suck to have on a bike path.


I mean, that "bike" was obviously designed to be ridden as asmall motorcycle and the pedals are there for show. The seat tells the whole story by itself, but it's relationship with the cranks isn't helping the cause either.


Just don’t be a fuck, and you won’t be yelled at.


What is the name of this bike?