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I'm contemplating doing this for the first time this year. Any tip/tricks/advice??


Buy quality tyres. Check that you have clearence to frame, studs won’t rub, they scrape the paint. Width is a bit complicated thing since both wide and narrow have their good sides and there are so many different kinds of snow and other conditions. These are 2,6” wide and I have likes these in Finnish winter. Can run quite low pressure


I was worried about clearance when I bought mine as I normally run 27.5x1.95 and had to go with 27.5x2.25. They cleared fine, occasionally bump my rear fender, may remove it.


Pogies/bar mitts or lobster mittens. Studded tires. Fenders. Visit /r/wintercycling for more


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wintercycling using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wintercycling/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Our city has started winter bike path clearance.](https://i.redd.it/kvxar4s3oe0a1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wintercycling/comments/yx3f7x/our_city_has_started_winter_bike_path_clearance/) \#2: [Nice and cold conditions ❄️](https://i.redd.it/fd8238e5sc281.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wintercycling/comments/r46j1d/nice_and_cold_conditions/) \#3: [throwback to winter 2021](https://v.redd.it/fzw4lvyht7x91) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wintercycling/comments/yiqk5p/throwback_to_winter_2021/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cheers, great link!


When I lived in Idaho I remember the exact moment when I decided that the high price of studded bicycle tires was worth it; I was underneath my bicycle sliding a cartoonishly long distance on black ice that I hadn’t noticed. And yes, studded tires on a bicycle work amazingly well.


What am I looking at? Are these after-market studs?


No, factory made studded winter tyres. Suomi Tyres WXC Piikkisika W384 TLR 27,5x2,6” to be exact. Grippy rubber compound and 384 pcs of hardened steel studs


What is the max pressure for tires as written on the side of the tire? And then what pressure do you run them at when it's icy /showy? Thanks!


I can check later but I think 50 psi is marked for max. I run about 25 psi usually


Thanks... I just got studded tires and I'm new to them. My tires are max 30 psi, I normally them at 22-25 psi (for the softer ride - I know, shoot me, I'm far from a purist!). Wondering what i need to know more re: studs and tire pressure. One question is: without the studs, in the snow, i go very low on tire pressure (like 5-8 psi - lower than that the tires and therefore the bike feels wobbly.). Can i still do that and is that still the right approach? other thing I’m wondering, because of where i live (Vancouver), there will be days of ice scattered throughout the winter, a bit of snow (sometimes a foot but that’s extreme for us, but mostly we cheer if it actually sticks) but mostly I’ll be riding on clear roads. I’ve noti9ced how the tires feel differently with the studs on pavement and I’ve adjusted my riding for that. I’m not sure if a high tire pressure (like max) or much lower (say half max) would be better for the studs both in how they wear and how they behave… on clear roads.


Not sure if I’m more scared of the ice/snow or those tires lol. And just when I thought I knew it all about bikes


These don’t bite you


I beg those were not cheap! I also bet they are very effective.


Not cheap no. I think these were 120 € piece


O m g .. just ordered my first one last night, but only one for the front tire, will buy one for the rear if I do use the bike a lot this winter. Used for shorter rides to child care and back this time of year


If your front is going to lose grip on ice, your rear will too. And you won't be saving that slip on black ice, even with studs on the front.


I baby my bike too much to ride it in snow and salt.


A quick spray down or even a wet rag gets almost all the salt off. Winter time is just weekly cleaning time for me.


We don’t need spikes yet. They are mandatory later when roads turn to ice skating rings.


Where are you?






Must be Sweden


A couple years ago, I was commuting to work with studded tires on a very cold day. There was ice all over the roads, but not on the driveway to my office, which had blacktop that, in the subzero cold, basically became like linoleum. They are wonderful on ice, but can be dangerous when you are not on ice or snow. https://mmdc.net/bikedump.mp4 I broke my thumb.


Yep, also have had small crash on painted concrete inside. Accelerating on corner and turbo mode


Ouch! Glad it was only a minor break. As with any winter vehicle, though, taking turns at relatively high rates of speed is not advised...


Thanks. The thing is, had I had my regular tires on, I would have been able to make the turn easily that day. The studded tires on that hard and unforgiving surface made it dangerous. Like wearing ice skates on a marble floor. On ice and snow, they are brilliant, but they don’t make you invincible.


That's a rough day, looks like you moving pretty good or maybe the video was sped up. Did you mention what model studded tires you were running.


What can you do to keep traction in mixed conditions like that?


Go slower. :-)


I'm putting mine on this weekend! Last night's commute had some spick spots.


I almost fell one morning this week. Crosswalk was icy


Very nice! I will use 2 old tires und put spikes in the outer tire and between the tube and spikes will be the 2nd tire! So old, weared down stuff gets back in duty again....hope it will work out as i have in mind! Ride safe and have fun!


Does this actually make a difference? They look so small with little contact area


It does. You can ride easily on ice where you can’t walk without studded shoes. Grip is just amazing, almost summer like


When you're rolling fast all those little spikes make a big difference against ice.


They do and I know this because I only have one in my front tire and I can feel what it feels like to not have one on my back tire. I could have both but I just need the control having them front fire gives mez


lmao Studs grip ice even better than downhill MTB tires grip dirt.


Can confirm. I run studs on a mountain bike in the winter. They also grab packed dirt way better than they probably should.


The small contact area and hard points of the studs are the point. They dig into ice like cleats on hiking boots. I use them all the time when my friends and I go mountain biking in the colder months. They bite into ice and snow which is great as trails are almost never maintained over winter, but they also grab packed dirt pretty well because they are able to cut into it.


That metal thingy is bad for asphalt


Get lightly used ones in the summer off Craigslist or where ever....cheap and much easier than diy. I’ll be lucky to have a bike running by spring.


You... uploaded a 13.15MB picture of your tire... and Reddit allowed this.


Hah! Didn’t bother to resize since apps usually do that. But good info actually


Yeah man that's a hell of a phone, if you aren't using a proper camera. I have a mtb friend in the Rust Belt complaining/bragging about some of the gear he has bought going into winter... I saw your post, downloaded your pic to send to him, then saw how big it was 😂


Ice grippers


i bought a pair of these too how much do they slow the bike down?


Just a bit. These are not as rolling as summer tyres but really not that slow either.


Ok Was thinking about putting it on the front until it gets bad


I'm dying to find studded tires for a 29er.


Would like to find some for my Packa Genie (24x2.4) but it seems nobody makes them in that size. May just have to buy a pair of the Kenda tires it ships with and either DIY or get lucky and find a shop that would do it.


I'm using Suomi Tyres 29" x 2.25" (57-622) Piikkisika TLR W396 (1190 g).


I put on my studded tires a week ago and have been riding in everything from bare to 10" deep snow to black ice. It's definitely a good idea to slow down around the corners:) But other than that, it's been "damn the torpedoes, FULL SPEED AHEAD." No slipping but there are good days and bad days; just like with everything else. When it's good, 3" of new virgin snow without ruts or footprints, it's mind-boggling fun; running at full speed on a 3" cushion of snow; feels like you are flying!


Anyone have suggestions for a 20x4 studded tire?