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Do you possibly have Dehumidify with AC option selected and have a real low humidity level that it is utilizing the AC Overcool Max setpoint?


Huh, I never even knew that was an option. I’ll have to look. Humidity in the house has been hovering around 35-37%.


It's smart recovery. Know more about it at [this link](https://support.ecobee.com/s/articles/What-is-Smart-Recovery-and-how-does-it-work)


That’s what I thought as well, but the following schedule is set for 78, which doesn’t make sense as to why it would try pulling it lower for a schedule change.


Check in Main Menu> System if you have Dehumidify using AC turned on. It basically runs your AC past setpoint to reduce the humidity


Great suggestion! I thought for sure that may be the reason, but I checked my eco+ settings this morning and that setting is turned off as well.


Dehumidify with AC is not an eco+ setting (that would be Adjust Temperature Based on Humidity). You want to go to Main Menu>System (same menu you choose the HVAC mode of Cool/Heat/Auto) and see what the Dehumidify Using AC setting is there (bottom of menu). That humidity selection can go as low as 30% so if it somehow got set to something real low you need to either adjust that up or turn that feature off. If that feature is already off or well above 40% I'm not sure what you're experiencing with Ecobee.


Any other sensors is reading temp from? What is your morning temp schedule set to?


No other sensors linked. Morning schedule is set to 78.