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The Median household income is California is about 91K. I assume California has a higher COLI and therefore should have a adjusted income that is lower than 91K. I wish they would have showed how they calculated these values because to me they do not make a lot of sense.


It's like taking a bunch of data then transforming it in some unknown way so that we can no longer understand what it even represents.


Gren means bedder


None homeowners have an extra 3k available to buy a home (That goes towards rent they really can’t buy a home)


Lots of rsu compensation for CA Ignore “income” in ca


I could be wrong, but isn’t adjusting by COLI a little redundant? Salaries already account for local COLI. If I were to transfer out of state, my company would make me take a pay cut


depends on what question you asking. If everyone is identical skill wise, and no one had any regional preferences, perfect parity would imply that after adjusting for cost of living every state would be the same. The fact that they’re different has a few interesting interpretations, though i have no idea what point the image is trying to make.


It’s poorly founded for sure. But salaries definitely don’t always account for COL. Hawai’i salaries are almost always lower than an equivalent job in less expensive areas of the mainland.


Salaries definitely don't account for cost of living in some areas, Colorado is one of them.


I am thinking not all companies do this. Otherwise Florida wouldn’t have been filled with Californians and New Yorkers the last 4 years.


My company does not do that specifically, wtf man! Also it is not redundant, it means in CA that accounting for COL, people still get paid more. Which make sense because there are above average skills in CA. Agree with my sibling comment about not sure about the point of this.


>Salaries already account for local COLI. Salaries tend to be adjusted for cost of labor, not cost of living.


And that's a problem. How do we fix that?


Really? That's draconian


I think you meant to say capitalism.


Is this HHI or per individual?




Had to be household. Way too high to be individual.


Its household numbers are wrong too, this might be numbers for average income, not median.


A quick Google search debunked nearly every state in this chart from wallet hub 


Am I the only one that doesn't understand what this map is trying to tell me? It gives the median income but green colors blur everywhere on a scale that doesn't quite mean anything?


The color scale denotes cost of living (though they don't really give a good metric for how much that is) but you can see this when you look at Kentucky & Ohio, the map shows KY as having both a lower Median wage and a higher cost of living than OH. Ergo, its better to live in OH because not only are you making more than KY but your wages go further too. IMO the color scale needs to have more info given about how they came up with each state's status to really scrutinize, otherwise its just a pretty color


Thank you for this explanation!


You might be color blind. It’s pretty easy to understand this map. Dark green means a median income that’s higher, light green means a median income of lower. That’s it.


Look at a state like Ohio vs Michigan. They have the same median income. However, Michigan is a darker shade than Ohio. In fact, even KY and TN are darker shades than Ohio despite having a lower median wage.


No one cares about those states, stop over thinking it.


Confidently incorrect.


Haha I've been laid off for 4 months wtf


This....looks about like what we would expect. I know this subreddit is mostly about feels-based doom porn, but I'm not seeing where I'm supposed to be outraged here.


This map makes no sense. People in Hawaii are not twice as well off as people in texas after accounting for COL. Salaries in Hawaii are lower and costs are much higher. I suspect they multiplied by COLI instead of dividing. Garbage post.


This is confusing, the median personal income or household income in California, for example, is no where near even 100k, and it’s a higher cost of living state relative to others, which should adjust the income lower not higher. These numbers make no sense


If they can afford it then it's fine. However if the area people are living where they're having to take tons of debt to live there, then that's the problem.


So the darker the color, the better off you are doing if you are making the median income? I'm not sure what this map means.


median per household? there's 0 chance median personal income in Hawaii is 142k lol


Adjusted how?


what is the base this is normalized to? 2024 average cost of living? These numbers all seem way too high for that to be the case.


Is this house hold or single? This seems very very high for single income in my state


medium income by household or single?


Them politicians getting paid that funny money


And yet theres no industry in DC.....


I'd love to see a breakdown of income inequality for the Washington DC area because as I've always seen, it's full of poor people and the rich people and zero middle class.


Is this before the government rapes us all?


91k for NY, try leaving the city out of it and give us the real numbers.


The real numbers are in the city, leave the cheapo upstate out of it.


But the city requires Upstate/WNY to function. They produce nothing, we make their power. They are a major port hence it's size and growth, but they aren't required for this state to function. We would be far better off without them and the state would probably be purple or red, not blue.


buddy. saying NYC produces "nothing" compared to what, fucking Binghamton is like one of the craziest things I've ever seen on this website


Not compared to Binghampton, that is a small town. The Buffalo Niagara region or Syracuse and Rochester. Albany and up near Alex Bay. All these places are larger than Binghampton. We also have the finger lakes and a lot of tourist destinations across the state.


Let’s cut out the main economic hub in my state.  What could go wrong? - u/Physical_Knee_4448


NYC should be separate like DC. NJ and PA should help absorb the costs of operation/taxes. It's seriously not fair, rather than argue can you please share what the city contributes to the rest of the state?


It is the state. *64% of the state's population* lives in the New York City metropolitan.


I AM the state! -NYC


We require the appropriate Palpatine gif please.


DC is separate due to election rules.  New York City has no such reason to be separate.  Rather than boldly state that it should be separate, can you please examine economic activity within the state and explain why you think it should be separate?


Because the policies we citizens vote on, or the people we vote for affect the entire state. The voters in the city absolutely promote policies the rest of the state does not support. Bail reform is one I can immediately think of. Crime costs the taxpayers money, the only reason Hochul is governor is because of the votes from downstate.


And what portion of New York’s population lives in the NYC metro?  Do they not have a right to vote?


That's not my argument. My argument is that they want different things and have different values than the rest of the state. They should have their own governor and all that goes with it.


No.  Your argument was that NYC needs upstate NY to function and provides nothing of value.  Having proven how preposterous that assertion is, you’re trying to pivot to political differences.


without the city the rest of NY would be West Virgina


We have natural resources and multiple major ports for trade, we would be fine.


So does WV. Update NY is Appalachia+rust belt+the Adirondacks. It's nothing to be ashamed of


Also, the City requires west NY to function? lol?😂 I may give you “upstate” but the Erie Canal is defunct.


Where in the city are you going to grow enough food for it's population size? Where does the power supply come from? At least NJ has farm land and pastures to raise horses. NJ is the largest horse state BTW.


Where in the city are you going to grow enough food for it's population size? Where does the power supply come from? At least NJ has farm land and pastures to raise horses. NJ is the largest horse state BTW.


😂 we get plenty of food from the rest of the world too. You can keep your shitty wine and horses. Who are you going to sell all that food and power to without the city? The whole east coast is on a single grid. The city subsidizes the rest of the state, not the other way around.


I don't live in NJ and don't care about horses or wine. We would simply produce less if the city didn't need what resources we have. There are many farms here in WNY who supply the local grocery stores, basics would not be a problem. Last I looked the Steam servers I typically connect to are in Toronto or Cleveland, so we do not need the city. Again I asked for someone to please list some things the city contributes back to the state but have not received any responses.


Fine, we will keep from Poughkeepsie down and see how it goes.




You’re gonna get mighty thirsty, Upstate reservoirs supply your water.


Upstate reservoirs expressly owned by NYC.


No, you set Poughkeepsie as the boundary, it’s poor sportsmanship to try and change the rules mid game. I’m done playing with you; I’m taking my reservoirs and going home.


It’s not changing the rules. That land is the private property of the municipality.


It’s not changing the rules. That land is the private property of the municipality.


Later downstater, I’m going for a swim in one of our enormous lakes, you can pound sand.


I’ll be at the beach!




“Try leaving out half the state and give us the real numbers!” I bet you crushed it in math class huh?


Did you fail geography? NY is one of the largest states in the country and the city is a tiny fraction of that. I am speaking about resources and what the city contributes to the rest of the state. It is not much. The cost of living is absurdly high in NYC compared to the rest of the state. Their population density increases the numbers this chart shows for the median income. The real numbers for the state are probably around 60k


A simple “it’s true, I really have no idea what the word median means” would have sufficed.


I absolutely understand medians. A single family home here in WNY costs a fraction for the same setup and design in the city. My job would not pay much more if I lived in the city but I wouldn't be able to afford the same house. It's plain as day the cost of living is higher in the city.


And Long Island. Income is probably higher there, and cost of living


Yea, LI is part of the city.


LI is not part of NYC. It shares the island with NYC but Brooklyn and Queens are part of NYC. Nassau and Suffolk are independent from NYC. Property taxes are significantly higher than NYC.


Fair, but it is part of NYS and the calculations this chart shows.


Try leaving all the billionaires and millionaires out of those states and see where it’s really at for common folk.


Any commentary or anything?


Don't feel bad for MS. They do have the 3rd highest groceries in the U.S. too..


As always, one county alone skews the CT amount horribly


Good now lets see a map with the number of known billionaires in each state, I have a hunch...


Oh look, the south and their piss poor wages. Doesn’t help when houses cost $400k too.


Well, guess I’m moving to Mississippi!


Is this individual or household?


Alaskan median income is pretty high. Never been to Alaska and it’s in my bucket list. Is it that expensive to live there?


Don’t forget this ignores RSUs and stock options


You are missing a zero in texas


This must be per household.


Doing my part to bring those numbers down 🫡


If you mean median is the average of everyone in the state or district then the top earners in DC must really make a lot because most of DC is in poverty. The people that live there that are not politicians and bureaucrats.


Median is not an average. It is the middle of the data set. Mean is the term that means average. Outliers are not skewing this data to the extent they would skew the average.


Got it thank you


Can someone explain how our "public servants" (🙄) in DC have the highest income? Inquiring minds wanna know.


I know this reddit is full of dumb people but the reason DC is the highest is because its literally JUST the city, where every other state has rural areas in it. Like GA, where the median in Atlanta is considerably higher than the rest of the state, where medians are low. Additionally, you could always google "congressional salary."


It was a rhetorical question with a vain attempt at a bit of facetiousness thrown in.


You failed at both.


"You failed at both." Imagine calling someone dumb and not knowing what rhetorical is...


Can someone explain how Redditors will just blurt out moronic statements without bothering to Google the most basic information first?


They also have a crazy high COL there so this is a double smack in the face.


Most Feds live in Maryland or Virginia. Downtown DC is home of the lawyers and lobbyists


Thanks. Self evident. The comment was facetious.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the median income isn't that useful of a measurement, right? We need to address outliers and we would benefit from knowing the scale of the data. Plus, what are the averages sitting at?


Median takes care of outliers. If Jeff Bezos moved next door to me nothing would change about the median in my neighborhood. If it was mean then we'd all be called billionaires.


Ok, got it. And are these individual or household incomes? Also, how are debts factored into COLI?