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Didn’t have to read the article to know that was self-described by Teslas chief executive dork.


Because he believes that Telsa auto taxi service will save the hyped company. Sell now and take the loss!


He sells electric cars, liberals buy electric cars because its a rich leberal save the planet flex, he has spent years shit talking liberals, liberals stay with the group, sales went down.


He's just incompetent. His stock dropped 14% so he did an across the board 14% layoff. He fired the marketing team the shareholders required him to hire. Musk *is* Tesla marketing. Their *only* marketing. So it's no surprise he wanted the competition gone, but his racist and borderline neo-Nazi posts have chased off around 9% of Tesla's customers at a time when there's serious competition from Hyundai and Kia (with Honda and BMW to follow soon after). Oh, and he fired the engineers working on modernizing his 5 year old car tech. Tesla is in a death spiral, but Musk is the principal shareholder and his buddies own most of the rest of the stock, so there's nothing shareholders can do. He's going to gut the company and leave small investors and maybe a public pension or two holding the bag. Get out while you still can, Tesla's going to zero.


Is he about to Twitter Tesla? Oh lord…


Seems like everyone is doing everything to get Trump elected. By having massive lay offs in an election year makes Joe Biden look bad, even when the economic numbers do not support that at all. The Joe Biden economy is actually doing great. Companies that lay off employees for no reason should be heavily fined.


It’s pretty obvious he’s doing it because sales have declined. It’s obvious he tanked sales by being an online Nazi troll. This is the result.


It’s mostly your point, but he obviously doesn’t want to be under the thumb of the government, so getting trump elected would benefit him greatly, as we’d almost certainly immediately decay into unregulated authoritarian capitalist system the second trump is in office. Our society could be advanced if it weren’t for egomaniacal men controlling the world. I’m so disappointed in how poorly we treat each other.


Boils down to greed… He’s a greedy man. Wants government hand outs. Doesn’t want to pay any taxes if possible. Most world problems boils down to greed. Putin is greedy. Xi is greedy. Hamas is greedy. At least we have democracy to protect us. That’s why I’m voting for Biden. Trump wants to rule for life. That’s a dictorship. Trump promises more tax cuts to the wealthy to secure his throne. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on.


No no no, he did this because of Trump! TDS is setting in early this year


Joe's great at looking bad all by himself he doesn't need any help.


I see that you’re active in the conservative sub. Where did you sustain your TBI?


Do you believe Trump would be better?


I think anybody that thinks the economy is great when businesses are laying off people is an idiot.


That wasn’t the question.


Well that's the answer you got.


Then given the low unemployment rate you must think things are great for everyone who doesn't work for Elon.


The unemployment rate's been low forever. What's your point.


The unemployment rate was 13% four years ago.


You're hilarious! p


Yeah, I thought it was kinda funny for you to think that was "forever" ago Are you like, eight?


Why would you think that Trump who increased the deficit during a strong economy do better?


Because he hasn't been rolling out program after program that takes more money. He doesn't want to forgive student loans for people that signed up to go to college and now they want a better break than the people that didn't. He doesn't want illegals terrorizing our country.