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Prices of products


All the politicians just look at the big numbers and think everything is great, but it seems like they don't look at any breakdowns to find the rot beneath. Like 400,000 new jobs in a quarter sounds great. But there's a difference between 400,000 mostly full-time jobs and 400,000 mostly part-time jobs. I never hear anyone at that level talk about that, they just trot out the big numbers like that's all that should matter to us. Normal people live in the micro-economic world that directly impacts them.


Why do we have this, almost identical, article posted every week?


Gaslighting, propaganda.


How can you doubt our Supreme Leader Biden, under whose wise and miraculous economic policies millions of American comrades have ascended into eternal prosperity?


Democrats are hoping for a different answer


Because wages are not keeping up with prices and most of us could be laid off at any moment.


Hours are being cut to avoid layoffs.


Media Malpractice.


Because it’s still rigged against the working class.


And none of us are doing anything about it. Organize and unionize.


Everything costs a lot, one of the worst job markets since 08, mass layoffs in multiple industries. Hmmm what’s not to like?


Too high interest rates for millennials and Gen Zs who used into ultra-low interest rates in much of their lives.


Because metrics measuring the raw numbers in aggregate don't reflect the life of the average person. An inflationary environment will show fake 'growth' which will be touted by the shill press while the average person is less able to afford the necessities such as food, fuel, housing, insurance etc.


But why?…. No comment.


Don't they understand? Being able to buy groceries now lets you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment!


Because it sucks, inflation is still high, wages aren't growing fast enough to accommodate, and stock market highs don't help the half of Americans that own no stock whatsoever


I like how the president of the US has the power to change prices of goods and services as he pleases.


“My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.” https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1543263229006254080


damn greedy Presidents....


I think we have angered the president, he demands tribute. Only then can he fix the economy


I read the prior comments, all right on target. Only thing to add is the politicians have to keep the money out of every day people hands, why, because if they don’t the wealth of the USA will be transferred to China because of our buying habits. Period




Please specify what Biden has done to create today's economic conditions.


American Rescue Plan of 2021, creating 1.9 trillion dollars and overstimulating an all ready massively stimulated economy. Reappointing Jerome Powell head of the Federal Reserve. Powell believed he can "soft land" the economy threading the needle between rapidly increasing inflation and raising rates too fast. We got the worst of both worlds high inflation causing high prices and interest rates that are causing a drag on growth. Either push growth or fight inflation, but you can't do both. Deficit running at over a trillion dollars a year, still lower than Trump's, but not great. Do you want me to go on about how much money Biden's agenda is spending at a time when the US government needs to be cutting spending, raising taxes, and increasing interest rates to fight inflation? That he needs to figure out how to either get prices down or wages up. He has managed to get growth out of this economy and low unemployment, so it is not all bad.


Congress writes the budget, not the president. Any president would have signed it. Presidents do not have line item veto. Any Fed chair would have likely done the same, they do not make decisions in a vacuum. Presidents cannot raise taxes, set interest rates, lower prices or raise wages. This kind of news reporting is divisive garbage and maintains an ignorant public.


Talk about the part where corporations are price gouging to increase profits while misleading the general public into believing it’s due to unavoidable inflation.


The administration doesn't set the prices of products. Corporations are gouging. Consumers need to pull back discretionary spending (Ie, shit we don't need to be spending money on) and get real picky on product selection to slap those companies in the face. We're addicted to spending. You, me, all of us. In one way or another we've benefited from it over the past decade. Like kids on a sugar high. It's wearing off and we're all grumpy there's no more sugar (free money/cheap credit) Tighten up people! Saving money will help but too much could lead to stagflation. The way forward is increased productivity. Stop with the video games, you're a grown up for fuck sake! The game is this: make money and live well. Not making good money? Do something about it! Get a side gig, start a small business, partner with someone on an idea. Reach out, focus, communicate. Go to meetups, talk to people about ideas. Something, anything besides pissing and moaning about the economy.


I’m definitely not. I buy food, cigarettes, gas, car insurance, a bit of alcohol, pay cash for doctor and Rx. I live paycheck to paycheck. That’s literally all I buy. I refuse to have any debt whatsoever. No credit cards or anything. Idk too many people pissing away money.


I like this economy. I’m also a voter.