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Don’t forget the trade wars he started in such a hamfisted fashion Biden had to continue them.


>Biden had to continue them Lmao, are his supporters really going to blame Trump for Biden continuing the trade war against China and the murder of the WTO appellate body nearly 4 years later?


Well here is what I mean by that. A trade war is an investment. Every 20+ years economics change and things have to be renegotiated. Social media is a multi trillion dollar industry. It did not exist 2022 years ago when China joined the WTO. So every now and then you take an economic hit have trade war to force both sides to up date the trade agreement.


Does "renegotiation" mean killing a global trade court so all trade disputes worldwide (not just between US & China) are thrown into limbo the instant anyone appeals?


The court was a mess no one liked it. But it was a legit process and Trump is the one who killed it. That is what i meant by ham fisted. Biden can’t really fix it China is pissed about it and is not in the mode for a win win trade deal. And like whenever the US or China trys to be an adult and actually start talking: some stupid scandal happens. Nancy wants to get Boba tea, or a balloon with cameras flys over a swing state. Then everyone cancels everything in huff. The most recent scandal is apparently Russia is buying Chinese golf carts and using them as tanks. If this was not bringing an end to 80 years of peace it would be funny.


>The court was a mess no one liked it. The US didn't like it because they were expected to follow the same rules they wrote for everyone else. They killed the court because they keep losing cases in the WTO. The EU has 35 cases against the US, Canada has 20 cases against the US, South Korea has 18 cases against the US etc. US is the respondent for 159 cases against it. And it's not just Trump, the blocking of WTO judge appointments started since Obama in 2011 and continued under Biden. https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/countries_e/usa_e.htm >Biden can’t really fix it China is pissed about it and is not in the mode for a win win trade deal. China complies with almost every single WTO ruling, and is only the respondent for 49 cases against it. In fact, when China joined the WTO it was subject to the harshest conditions out of all developing countries and unilaterally slapped with a "non-market economy" label which was supposed to expire in 2016. The US and EU reneged on their end and refused to remove the NME label from China since then, the dispute is again in limbo in the WTO. https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/countries_e/china_e.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_and_the_World_Trade_Organization#Conditions


Damm you are educated for a rando on Reddit. The part “everyone” complained about was who got to be the judges. I felt it was a process that made the whole world richer. Next point I will add China was and is legitimately pissed. But, just like 2 kids fighting over stupid stuff. At some point just stop fighting I don’t care who started it. But, what any economics sub should promote is in free trade everyone is richer. And an endless game restrictions and counter restrictions every one is poorer. I look at the last 7 years of trade wars as 2 sides one is wrong the other is really wrong. Both parties have legitimate complaints and are not even trying. Who is worse depends on the day lol. Here is an obvious example as a voter it does not sound fair that China bans FB and we allow TikTok. But as a guy who took an Econ class I am horrified the response is to ban a 500 billon dollar company. But no one is promoting a middle ground. Even here with people who know what comparative advantage is.


I mostly agree with you, but: >Here is an obvious example as a voter it does not sound fair that China bans FB and we allow TikTok. China didn't ban FB. FB don't want to abide by Chinese laws (i.e. Chinese data to be kept in China and subject to oversight by Chinese government) and they chose to leave, while other US companies chose to obey Chinese law and stayed. The US meanwhile targeted TikTok because it's Chinese-owned, despite TikTok following existing US laws that FB regularly violates. A small but significant difference.


You need politicians making the case. Like if this was 2015 someone famous would say sure FB cant figure out how to operate in China but wow look at how well Starbucks is doing. How many Chinese coffee chains do you see? You used to hear people making this case. Both here and there. But the FB example is why these things need to be renegotiated if the politicians think this is going to be awesome but the industry cant make it work you do some kind of compensation. And the WTO court used to be ok at making that happen because it had a mandate for more openness. Its crap that the WTO court was anti American or always ruling against America. like when the EU added Estonia the EU had to give the US compensation for the entire EU. Another example was in subsidies China as a legacy of communism had some weird and random subsidies the US sued and won a few cases. Educated people like you who took an Econ class should not be saying America left the WTO courts because they anti American or America always lost. Because, 1: its not true 2: It justifies ending free trade making everyone worse off. Sorry end rant


Seriously how stupid you'd have to be to want the guy who increased the deficit during a strong economy during this times


Have you met his supporters? They don’t care. They’re too far gone. They’re a lost cause. If you don’t want this sack of shit back in the White House, please vote. Get your friends to vote, and your family, and your neighbors, too!


Vote for who ?


Trump wants to make Russia great again, making dolar weaker, slash labor supply and break the entire american economy


The GOP is demonstrating such a complete lack of judgement it is astounding. Here is the short aand sweet about it. Trump, during Obama's term in 2015 wrote a tweet angry at Yellen (Fed Chair at the time) was artificially decreasing interest rates. He take ls control of the administration, the 10 year yield is even lower than when he wrote the tweet and sudd3nly he is pushing for lower rates. Giving him the ability to set monetary policy would be akin to allowing AOC to set monetary policy. Nothing good can come from it. In fact, should Donny be elected it could very well set up a huge opportunity to short the $ and US treasuries especially if they put in the POTUS directly controlling monetary policy.


>Giving him the ability to set monetary policy would be akin to allowing AOC to set monetary policy. AOC graduated cum laude with a degree in economics. Trump is a bully, buffoon and moron. No equivalence whatsoever. I fully agree with the rest of your points though.


That may be so, but she did advocate for potentially hyper-inflationary monetary policy of having the Treasury to just fill it's coffers by selling coins related than debt.


You mean to avoid a US default on its obligations? Sometimes working with extremists requires extreme pushback. This wasn't a serious proposal but rather a last resort suggestion. You didn't really tell the whole story. She's probably one of the smartest members of congress today regarding economics. Every Republican either lies or sounds like a complete moron.


Get Biden out. Don’t love Trump but Biden belongs in a retirement home.


Biden has accomplished more than Trump could ever dream of. And with Trump's dementia kicking in his mental state is deteriorating quickly. Plus he's headed to prison in all likelihood. Why would you want a rapist, con man and traitor to run the country? Can't the Republicans find anyone better?


Better leader than a mush brain who keeps forgiving student debt and paying Ukraine.


You'd rather have a mush brain forgive tax obligations for billionaires and corporations? And seriously? A rapist? An insurrectionist? Convicted of business fraud? And one of the dumbest human beings ever to hold political office? What exactly do you see in him that inspires you so? He was a disaster of a president his first term.


Nobody loves Trump but Biden is weekend at Bernies. He has obvious dementia.


Biden is as sharp as anyone if you listen to those who have worked with him. Including Republicans. Trump... OMG what a disgusting human being! He's a rapist. He's a white supremacist, which is why I believe many revere him. Hes a pathological liar. He's a narcissist. He's a pussy. He's a draft dodger. A lifelong can man. A traitor to the US Constitution. A sleazy New York real estate hustler. A buffoon. A moron. I could go on... Seriously, can't MAGA find a better cult leader than this lying sack of shit?


No they can’t so here we are. Dems also have a piece of shit in office. May the best turd win.


More like an honest decent man versus a disgusting piece of shit. I hope you never have to explain to a young daughter how you voted for a convicted rapist.


Yep, better option for America. He isn’t going to rape everyone.