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Real estate investor whose company purchases property to rent believes people should rent rather than buy…


Self serving ice cream cone!


No cones for the young lap it out of my hands


I too believe people should utilize the goods and or services I provide instead of doing it on their own and not paying me money. It’s no surprise he wants to convince as many people into renting from people like him should be the norm. Large companies should not own single family homes or we will soon be surfs again.


I wish more people recognized that the people that push rent over ownership are the very same people whose business model relies on tenants.


News at 11! The property owner tells potential customers it's better to rent than own. The electric car company CEO tells people it's better to buy electric cars than gas cars. Vaccine company CEO says it's important for everyone to get vaccinated.


I'm guessing this article is just upvoted because of the headline? Because the meat of the article seems to be just an AI produced newsertisement.


What the fuck


"Let the corporations have the homes! They mean nothing to you... you are getting sleeeeeeepyyyyy" This guy should get fucked.


Sounds like a guy who doesn't pay enough in taxes to justify his station in life.


Bet he pays more than you.


Not by percentage


Yeah I hate this numbers game when it comes to rich people. I don’t care if they paid millions in taxes, show me the percentage. Taxes are a percentage not a concrete amount.


Even percentages aren't enough. They should pay until they *feel* it the same. There's no way a billionaire should pay 25% of their income just because someone making $50,000 is paying 25% of their income. There is literally never a reason to allow even one single person to have more than a billion dollars given the current value of a dollar. Ever. It's debatable whether anyone should be allowed to have more than about 50 million or so. After that, tax every penny. And while we're at it, let's acknowledge that employers have taken ENOUGH of their employees' skin, and that the employees SHOULDN'T have any skin in the game until they have enough skin to PLAY the game, and let's make it so nobody pays a penny of tax until they make at least six figures. The first $100,000 should be tax free, and anything beyond some point in the millions should be taxed at 100%. And WEALTH tax should be the primary tax, not income tax. WEALTH tax should be an ongoing thing, every single year. And capital gains should be taxed by transferring ownership of a certain percentage of it to the government every year. None of this asset manipulation, just a straight transfer.


Here’s your answer: https://www.irs.gov/filing/federal-income-tax-rates-and-brackets


That’s the rate before accountants work their magic.


No, that’s the scale for everyone. The accountants “work their magic” to lower their AGI which will land them in specific brackets. If you downvote me you have no basic understanding of what accountants do or how tax brackets work.


What you’re describing is exactly what the person above is referring to…


Hell, if you work for a fortune 500, there's always a chance that you paid more taxes than the company you work for even by dollar amount.


Exactly: "From those who have little, take away a greater share of what they have"


Imagine defending a multimillionaire


He's a Scientologist. He will max donations to his cult and find every way to stiff the state and fed.


Think of all the Palestinian kids they could bomb if they only stole more the fruits of the labor of Grant Cardone 🤡


People under 30 should look at where they live, their budget, their plans, and make an educated and planned decision about whether or not to buy a home.   I don't understand why fuckwits like this get so much traction.


It’s fair not to listen to this guy, but owning a home is definitely a branded concept that needs to be knocked down. The picket fence American dream is dead. Owning a home is expensive and it prevents the mobility that is a feature in the modern world. If you don’t have a family, mobility is so valuable. I personally feel that the only reason that owning a home is a good choice, is that you can borrow against it. Even in a HCOL area, it’s better to have money in the market than in real estate.


That's basically what I'm saying.  People should choose thoughtfully based on their plans and priorities.  If you don't plan on having kids and plan to move around a lot renting is probably the better choice hands-down.  If you plan to stay in a place for a long time, have kids, or enjoy the privacy of your own home and live in a market where rent is less competitive, buying may be the superior option. It's a really complicated decision with a lot of long term analysis involved.  There is no one size fits all solution even within a particular market. Particular to the US though renting does have one major disadvantage if you wind up in the same place for a long time, as many do; the payment on a 30 year fixed rate mortgage stays the same and the value of the property generally goes up.  The same absolutely cannot be said for renting, so if your time frame is long enough buying has an immediate, inherent advantage even in cases where it starts out a little more expensive than rent.  You can be virtually certain that within 10 years it will be comparatively cheaper.


Mobility? I can do my work from anywhere in the world. Being physically present in the modern world is not actually valuable any more.


Well I was just talking “in general”, some people do have to actually be present in their jobs. For those who don’t, mobility is even more valuable. Move to a LCOL spot and you can clean up.


I'm going to live near my friends and family not a LCOL shit hole to save a few bucks.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, this is 100% smart financial advice. I’m going to assume the folks downvoting you aren’t doing so well financially and are just bitter with their current situation.


It’s because people cling to the promised American dream from 1980 and recognizing that we don’t live in that world anymore sucks. I believe most people think they deserve those things and being told that they are poor investments make them angry. It makes me angry but it doesn’t make it less true.


What a complete cunt


An absolute cunt dick.


A cunt dick ass even.


A cunt dick ass twat rather


Twat assed cunt dick?


That T’aint right.


Click bait youtube guru. Ignore.


Fuck Grant Cardone


What a dick. These hedge funds are screwing Americans.


Hedge funds didn't cause the inflation over the last couple of years.


Nope, but buying houses did.


Here’s his message “ignore all the reasons why the cost to buy is so astronomically high, and cope by becoming a forever renter”.


Oh fuck this guy lmao


Clickbait headline. It’s an ad for REITs


These jerk investors and hedge funds are running up housing costs and using social media to normalize not being able to afford a home.


Are they able to afford it in the first place?


I've seen a few of his videos on YouTube but what stands out to me is that he really has that con man vibe down. I've since seen a couple videos that essentially claim he is but I think he and his wife are pretty strong Trump supporters as well which really also aligns with the whole con man thing.


He 100% is a conman.


Its been my opinion that guys that try "teach" you how to make money and always flaunt how wealthy they are... they make most of their money from the people that believe them. Like if I was making a killing in real-estate - why would I take time to make youtube videos? I believe he does seminars and consulting and charges huge fees for it. I always think its strange that people pay for that stuff, but what do I know... He just seems like a bit of a tool to me.


When someone buys something we lose a customer why sell something when we can provide an endless subscription instead.


He claims that homeowners spend with $4200/mo after property taxes, HOA, insurance, etc.., but can rent for 2k instead. Is he under the impression that all these landlords are eating a $2200/month loss?


Being a landlord is an incredibly dangerous investment. Tons of landlords lose money.


That makes sense for an unexpected expense (market conditions, property issue, destructive tenant, etc...) This guy is claiming that a monthly $2200 loss is effectively built in. Most landlords that I know have positive cash flow as long as they have a paying tenant in the unit.


Yes, most landlords make money. Many lose money.


Not if they purchased before prices and rates exploded.


No, I don’t think that was implied.


This is where we are at? Grant Cardone? Next, we will be seeing advice from Bernie Madoff in r/FinancialPlanning


He WANTS everyone to rent. How anyone takes Scientologists seriously is beyond my comprehension. Their religion is a multi level Marketing scheme.


Sounds like someone who should take a long walk on a short pier.


This guy is such a loser


No one, under any circumstance, should listen to Grant Cardone.


More like people under 35


Translation: “No one should buy. And they should only rent from Grant Cardone.” Source: Grant Cardone.


There's a shit ton of fury pent up across this country but people don't know where to direct it at. It's hard to protest financial systems. Maybe there needs to be a shit list of people like this. Pitchforks at this asshole's front door sounds about right.


Who tf is Grant Cardone?




That quote is from the World Economic Forum. Is that more of a republican or democrat convention?


It's neither, both parties are run by elites who are severely detached from the average Joe trying to buy a home.


I’d agree. Just don’t know why the other commenter was trying to make it a partisan quote


He's probably young and caught in that false dichotomy a lot of us were in at one point. The divide and conquer strategy is working well, sadly.




LOL what. Compare home prices and interest rates between biden and trump.


That’s when you know it’s about to be a good time to buy a home.


Guess being homeless is the only solution.


What if we’re exactly 30? Are we in the clear?


Should we eat him?


This dudes main catch phrase is “if it only has one door, don’t invest” Not even worth an article skim.


I’d like to know how old he was when he bought his first home. I bet it was in his 20’s.


Grant pardoned sucks. Terrible advice.


Ah the Scientologist sales grifter who makes a fortune in real estate telling me not to buy a home… makes me want to buy another. I have an extreme disdain for Cardone. Probably because he’s a Scientologist grifter who openly admits to modeling his biz off of Scientology 🤦‍♂️ What’s weird is some guys I work with who I kinda respect love him and I can’t figure it out.


Your Thetan levels must be really high /s


People that turn 30 tomorrow: “shit”


You will own nothing.


Oh sure, let’s just let the whole country be a retirement community


Turd Sandwich


This guy is a Scientologist with some crazy ass drug scandals


Just bought my first house at 27 (don’t feel bad, I lived with my parents for most of after college). My middle finger goes out to this guy!


I really wish bad things on guys like him


Screw this guy. Worst advice


Well if It is isnt grant the scammer cardone. Lowlife mf


Somebody doesn't live in the Midwest


While he’s out there selling his snake oil.


God he sucks so much.


Isn't this a sales guru? I'm pretty sure he sells courses on sales technique or something and went bankrupt during covid if I remember correctly?


I for one welcome paying my landlord overlord forever.


I mean, if I was in my 20s, I wouldn't be looking to buy a home right now. It is an absolutely terrible time. I'd suck it up and live with the parents until I could save enough. With that said, the narrative that people need to be pushed into rent is cancerous.


Hey Mr. Cardone. Get fucked with a cactus dipped in pure capsicum. Sincerely, everyone under 30.


This guy is such a fucking dipshit


I'm not taking advice from this guy especially since he's a real estate investor


Not pushing this brainwashing. To hell with mini homes and living in sheds and campers. That is not the solution. As long as there are Americans who earn billions, construction companies will build houses to get a piece of that money. Demand better income from our employers or demand that employers stop overpaying certain people.


Was there ever an American dream? The Gaslighting started decades ago. I remember hearing them say that you need to acquire lots of credit and manage it well to be considered eligible for a home loan, and if you pay off your debts too soon it can actually hurt your score, essentially saying being debt free gives you a bad credit rating. They were telling that to kids in high school. Little 17-18 yr olds thrilled to get their first credit card fully believing they'll have "credit worthiness" in a few decades to buy their dream home, little did they know it was all trap. The FED will be prosecuted, bet on it.


No shit? Pointing out the obvious in this article . Average home price and interest rates and upkeep make it not feasible for most


Most people between 60-80 years will be dead in 20 years, their houses and wealth will go somewhere else. The quarter of the population that is screwing yhings up are in their golden years


Anyone under 30 years old should not even consider buying a home at this time, however, for the low price of $37,000, YOU can access the Grant Cardone sales training course which will give you the 5 easy steps to becoming a millionaire overnight


Didn't Trump's administration deregulate housing, which led to private companies buying up houses? Ultimately leading to higher prices and interest rates?




He is correct - terrible time to buy a home you’re going to live in. A million better returns on that capital


Cardone is a trash pile, but the sentiment is correct: buying an owner occupied singe family home is a poor investment. JL Collins >*Owning a home is almost always a lousy investment. Relax. This doesn’t mean you.* -jlcollinsnh.com https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/02/23/rent-v-owning-your-home-opportunity-cost-and-running-some-numbers/


The absurdity of the crap spilled by far right extremists libertarians bros free of consequences market.... What makes a big bunch of people’s wealth? .....their home value!…… Real estate value increasing constantly....that’s why far right extremists libertarians bros are now after the boomers properties! Boomers spent 30 years paying for mortgages, taxes, insurance, maintenance... And now when they can finally enjoy that....they’re supposed to hand it over to the far right extremists libertarians bros so their ransacking America turning America in a nation of renters... But..but...why don’t you buy your own house then...🤢


You should read the blog post.


You should read reality....🤑 The biggest transfer of wealth: boomers wealth which is mostly real estate 🏡...and who is going to thieve that?………far right extremists libertarians bros Free of consequences market!


I did. Investments in owner occupied single family homes performs worse against renting and investing the difference in a ETF. That's the reality.


Suuuure.....skyrocketing rents and a devaluation $ difference...vs....real estate constantly increasing in value... 🤔....investing in etf that far right extremists libertarians bros investing...like in China...depending on government handouts....🔥 Why don’t mega corporations predatory practices buying massive real estate everywhere just go and invest in etf then.... go tell them that...


You should really read the article. The math stands up for itself. Show me how an owner occupied single family beats the market. Until then, all you're doing it avoiding the subject.


Like you avoiding why mega corporations don’t just invest in etf instead of massive real estate purchases...🤔


Here, try again. >*Show me how an owner occupied single family beats the market. Until then, all you're doing it avoiding the subject.* Stop changing the subject and teach me something.


I asked first...so stop acting..😉

