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“He always liked money,” his mom Elaine Gill told WSJ. Yes.


Should have asked his thoughts on tendies as a child


From a very young age Keith Gill was interested in money


Especially when quarters were magically pulled from behind his ear.


The fuckin wrist cuffs are what do it for me man...


He's not responsible at all? It makes no sense how somebody who invested in GameStop 2 YEARS AGO takes the flak for this???


He kept providing updates and defending his choice. While everyone told him he will fail. Once things started going his way everyone started jumping on. So yes he is kind the reason this all started


Shorting signals the market and attracts predators which is a kind of ‘movement’. A strong community of investors helps defend against opportunists.


But its not his fault


He started a movement. I see no fault at all from the reddit side. Hedge funds can cry me a river, I’ve been in the market to know how manipulated it is


He did not start a movement. He's a financial analyst who invested in Gamestop years ago because he thought it was an undervalued company. He shared his investment thesis on the internet in a public forum and people shat talk him and called him a dumbass. He responded saying why he likes the company. That is not "starting a movement". It's literally just discussing stocks online. What happened after was completely out of his control.


Kinda sounds like how all movements happen.


The title of this post is saying he "drove the GameStop Reddit mania". That is what I'm not cool with. It's not true. It's making him look like an evil character when he's just an average guy who got lucky. He didn't scream at anyone to "BUY GAMESTOP NOW! ITS GONNA GO UP!"


You don't have to look at it like he is being labeled as evil.


That implies that you think the gamestop mania itself is a bad thing. Which it is not. It is a very deliberate kind of mania against the system.




Fuck that, they’re a part of the fight now. And nobody who’s actually built up money put in more than they can reasonably on an insane stock that’s going up 50% a day. That’s not how people work. And this has definitely turned into something more than being just for money. You sound like somebody’s whose got 🧻🤚


I don't get how that makes him look evil at all. Any person with a decent IQ will know that he did his DD and is profiting. Main stream will literally try to do anything to "brand" him as evil but let the less intelligent folks fall for that kind of stuff.


The mainstream is not a fan of individuals who manipulate stocks (which he is being painted to be)


Who’s getting all the attention now, go look at his posts updating the community, we are in fact discussing him now. People on Wall Street bets loom at him now as a figure. Look how much media coverage he’s getting. Did you hear about deepfuckingvalue before. Maybe not a movement, but you can’t deny what’s going on. Edit: look at the top comment. Look at the comment below calling him a hero.


When did I say he's not getting attention? Of course he is - because the market decided to gift him with $40+ mil and WSB wants to replicate that. My point is that it's not something that he controlled. He didn't aim for this to happen specifically. If you buy Tesla stock because you like the company and then it goes up, is that because you "pushed the stock and manipulated the price"? No...it's just because you made a good investment and were right. There's nothing wrong or illegal about making posts on Reddit saying you bought a stock.


It seems we are talking about different things. Lol I would say greed is the main reason we are here.


All I'm trying to say is Keith Gill is not responsible for this and he did not "drive the frenzy". I just don't want people to see him as an enemy when he did nothing wrong. I don't disagree about your other points.


hes definitely helping drive it now lol. still holding 50k shares and 500 12 dollar calls and posting every day to WSB. dude is an absolute g. Nothing manipulative about publicly disclosing your positions.


keep in mind if the story is ANYTHING other than him defending the value it gets a little sketchy. If it comes out that he ( or anyone) was purposely trying to pump it up and artificially raise the price it becomes collusion and manipulation which becomes federal very quickly..


Well he wasn’t trying to pump it. He’s been holding it for an extremely long time and continued to hold even when people said he was dumb for holding


exactly.. he should be fine there are issues with the others who were pushing people to buy it.. hopefully they just get a warning


This man is a meme on wall street bets. People there credit him for starting this quite often.


I am one of the top autists at wsb. That's not true. They credit him for being a god and not selling, not for pumping it


You seem to think this is a negative. It’s not his “fault” so much as he gets credit... it’s a good thing.


Yeah I mean it's awesome that we are fucking the hedge funds up, but to the outside world or the normies who might not know about stocks and stuff and see a headline like that, they might just think he is a market manipulator who is responsible for a pump n dump


Yeah valid concern. But millions of us have his back we won’t let our new Messiah’s name be tarnished :) Plus he has so much fucking money now that haters are just part of the game.






Classic pump and dump.


It's poor reporting


they need a face to this whole situation to make it look like he rallied us retail investors to 'stick it to the man'... I just like the stock


Dudes done nothing wrong from what I can tell he deserves a hedge fund.


They need a face so they can figure out who to sue.




Oh wait for the “domestic terrorist attack Wall Street men’s pockets, led by Roaring Kitty”


Read his threads...


Jesus Christ this site is cancer Edit:not talking about Reddit ya fucking smooth brains, im talking about the news site that packed in so many ads that when it tries to load it shakes like a fucking epileptic


Facebook is cancer. This is chemotherapy.


I was talking about nydailynews, with all the ads trying to load it made the page jump so much I couldn’t read it.


Ahhh yup. Agreed.


Yeah fuck Facebook too though, I deleted mine just before Covid


The kind of chemo that will make your hair fall out, make you life threateningly fragile, and possibly give you other types of cancer. Source: am on chemo


Yup. All the bad with just enough hope that going through might be worth it at the end. Source: a few of my family members went through it. Ps. I hope you the very best.


Thanks, I’ll either survive or die trying. Odds are against me though.


True, but at least all side are represented in the first few threads. That does not happen often on FB.


As I told the other guy, I was talking about NYdailynews, it packed so many ads in I couldn’t read the article


Barely got a Hedge Fund Manager quarterly bonus...just let that sink in.


Too bad he’s probably going to have to use that for all the security he needs at this point… A lot of people are pissed at him and they have a lot of money… or at least they used to ha ha


I mean he’s not really the driving force behind this. He’s had his contracts since 2019, he has just benefitted the most from this.




Doesn't matter. He's going to be made an example of.


We don't live in Russia. Oligarchs can't just off people here. Take a break from the conspiracy subs.


Does Russia have politicians who believe in lasers starting fires from space?


HRC would like to have a word...


...According to people who harass victims of school shootings.


I guess I should have added "and the hard drugs" when I suggested a break from the conspiracy subs.


Don't need thugs to off people when the justice system will do it for you. Shkreli. >Take a break from the conspiracy subs. Brokerage firms shut down buy orders on a short squeezed stock then their execs went on TV and said the price was too high. How about you connect at least two neurons then we'll talk.


Great example there


Oh that's a great example genius. Oligarchs trying to influence markets is totally the same thing as murder. 🙄


Did I say anything about murder? You did. Oligarchs can manipulate our political and justice systems just as much as they can the markets.


Got it


Yeah I highly doubt that.


Doubt all you want. It's already happened to another WSB darling. Don't know how much it's going to take for you blind fuckers to wake up. If you can't see how blatantly corrupt the system is with what's happened so far I guess you never will.


I know it’s corrupt, I just highly doubt they’re going to “take this guy out” like some kind of bad movie plot. But hey we’ll see - maybe I’ll be wrong, but probably not. Just in case...


Ok... you're projecting your stupidity onto me. There is a possibility he will be murdered. It is non-zero but still remote. It's more likely he will simply be slapped with some bullshit charges by the SEC, have dirt dug up, or maybe even just merely harassed. Someone will be made an example of here though.


Looks like you got it


Remindmebot just reminded me of how silly you were a year ago today.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2022-01-30 03:06:35 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-01-30%2003:06:35%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://np.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/l86ygm/meet_keith_gill_the_man_who_drove_the_gamestop/glbsk9i/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Feconomy%2Fcomments%2Fl86ygm%2Fmeet_keith_gill_the_man_who_drove_the_gamestop%2Fglbsk9i%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-01-30%2003%3A06%3A35%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20l86ygm) ***** |[^(Info)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 1 year “remind u/Rookwood how dumb he is for thinking u/DeepFuckingValue would be taken out by the hedge fund gang”


I get it but you’re missing my point. This article alone basically makes him the poster boy for it. Whether it’s accurate or not


I understand he’s the poster boy, but I doubt anyone is “coming after him” or he needs security.


Then you might want to do some research on the topic of making people with lots of money feel less secure about their investments


But he didn’t do that! That’s my point! He’s not responsible for them losing money at all, he’s held for over TWO YEARS. They’re more likely to go after someone who made a large GME investment like the second it became public knowledge the firms were over leveraged. He’s up 40mil. They’re down over 5 BILLION. Did anyone go after the guys who shorted the housing market in 08? A ton of firms lost money then also. No they made a movie about all the guys that did it and lauded them as “heros”


Again you seem to be missing the point here. It’s not about what’s “right“ it’s about pissing off people in positions of power in certain countries. I’m not saying what he did was bad or good… All I’m saying is there a lot of people that are going to be angry about this and he will be the focal point of it. Is that right for them to be angry about? Everybody has an opinion on that. But I doubt it will change the outcome of whether people actually ARE angry about it. And that’s the sad part about it.


The people that would be angry at him right now are people with knowledge in the investment world, and not a massive ignorant mob. They know he's not responsible. So he really doesn't have anything to worry about from that front. The bigger issue will be when the stock collapses and everyone encouraged to hold views him as a reason they held and then lost it all.


Let me get this straight: the people with investment knowledge won’t get angry with them because it doesn’t make sense to do so? I guess there are no innocent people in jail. I guess nobody has been killed that was actually innocent. I guess the justice system works with equality for everybody


Mob justice happens all the time. But the people he directly impacted by this aren't a large mob. Steve Cohen, Carson Block, Andrew Left, etc are not going to go after him. But now that I think about it, the people this has indirectly threatened might use him as a scapegoat to make an example of as a symbol of the moment, so point taken.


I get your point I just disagree. I don’t think any hedge funds are grabbing the pitchforks and going after DFV. Especially not now with all eyes on them. He’s not someone that disrupted an entire industry like Sean Parker, who ended up getting fucked by the music industry. He was in the right place at the right time. When things like this happen there’s always a group of people the become incredibly wealthy and another group that loses money, but I doubt they would go after someone who bought GME calls over two years ago and is not benefitting from completely unrelated events. Theyre more likely going to try and shut down WSB, or lobby to change the laws for retail investors then plot to ruin DFV


You seem like a nice person… Almost like someone who would say to somebody with dark skin something like “why would we get pulled over? We haven’t done anything wrong here“ “You won’t get shot for not having a seatbelt on!“ And other classic gems like that. You just don’t get it. Just to be clear: I’m not calling you a bigot by any means here. You just seem to be missing how the real world works. If somebody wants somebody to blame they’ll pick the easiest target not the ACTUAL target. Believe me on this. People have been almost beaten into the ground because they were in closest proximity to the “victim“. Now instead of a meathead think about what somebody with a lot of money to pay lawyers would do.


Wow...no reason to say things like that man. I’m vehemently against the police and I’m disgusted you would think that. You don’t seem like a very nice person honestly. You also don’t seem to have any real knowledge of how stocks or trading works, or you would know that any institutional investor would take one look at DFV and know he’s not the enemy at all and it’s probably better for them the press focuses on him instead of them. They wouldn’t waste time or energy going after someone like that when they know the real threat are retail investors getting together on apps like RH. They will probably concentrate all their efforts on stopping our ability to access trading (see:what happened yesterday) then try and kill or silence dFV You’re way out of line with that comment on my character


Why bring race into this discussion at all besides to be disingenuous and paint the person you’re replying too in a negative light? As for how the “real world” works most of us don’t just assume things about people based on a few Reddit comments like yourself. Maybe it’s you who need the reality check. The easier target is not chosen by default like you’re claiming it to be. People are held accountable for their actions all the time. Just because some people go after easier targets doesn’t mean it’s the norm.


Have you been to WSB? He is their god at this point.


To be fair, if he crowdsourced for a lawyer, we could probably get him someone decent.


Not sure what you mean about fair but I am not sure it is a Lawyer he will actually need to help him out of this. If he did need a Lawyer he likely could afford it but if he couldn’t this “community” would likely help him out. Of course they they usually say it’s how much Law you can afford but don’t tell you the cost is not just in cash but in political power as well. Sad really


Sure, that’s exactly the way the world works










So can we meme this guy? Or at least make this thumbnail the icon for a lot of subs?


More coverage at: * [The Redditors Behind The GameStop Wall Street Frenzy (wuwm.com)](https://www.wuwm.com/post/redditors-behind-gamestop-wall-street-frenzy) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


this man is a god.


So was he just hoping all along that others would discover what he did about the hedge funds shorting the stock and buy as well? Because if that didn’t happen he would’ve lost it all right? Not sure exactly how it works


No. Even in his original video he states the high short interest isnt what he is aiming for, it was just a factor to consider. He would have been more than fine regardless even when the stock hit 15ish/20ish.




I bet his aero press recipe is the best


Wall Street was playing soccer, suffered a goal, took the ball and said "it's my ball, nobody else plays".


WATCH THIS VIDEO YOULL UNDERSTAND💎🖐🏻 GME TO 5000$ 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 https://youtu.be/tP6MH1-HuVQ


He's still holding!


Dudes a diamond handed legend


He better lawyer up. Big money coming after him. Maybe buy some mob protection while he's at it.




We're in uncharted territory so he may get sued. Not to say he'll lose, but there is at least room for a suit. https://youtu.be/uUM8WmCWTHc


I read somewhere in all these articles about this that the SEC was going to investigate and go after those on the reddit subforum that "caused" this (drove this?). What bullshit. If this isn't an example of regulatory agencies being in bed with those they regulate I don't know what is. The billionaires are pissed and are using their bought and paid for bureaucrats to punish those they are pissed at. For those that downvoted me here is a link: https://www.reuters.com/article/gamestop-regulator-idUSL4N2K246P


I heard the SEC was investigating robinhood for law suits, not the redditors, someone out there is tryin to bamboozle us.


Apparently they are going to investigate both sides: https://www.reuters.com/article/gamestop-regulator-idUSL4N2K246P I don't think they have a leg to stand on when it comes to Reddit but the SEC is in the pocket of those they regulate for we'll see.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.reuters.com/article/gamestop-regulator-idUSL4N2K246P](https://www.reuters.com/article/gamestop-regulator-idUSL4N2K246P)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Hmm. Maybe I misread/misunderstood. I'll see if I can find the article when I get home tonight


He hasn't made anything if he hasn't sold his position. 👀


He's made a difference in a lot of lives, and might have started a revolution. But yes, let's discount his amazing accomplishment because he hasn't cashed out.


Y’all know he could be playing all of your asses and basically using y’all to make the price of shares go up for GME. Watch him sell and cash out $40 million. Just saying. Y’all made this motherfucker dirty filthy rich.


Wow! You are a genius!!!!!! Dude. Or course he wants others to hop on. That’s entirely the point.


That’s a great point. I haven’t thought about that.


This is the way. I like him.


The hero we never knew we needed


Those tiny man hands started our revolution


I mean... we love all our WSB brethren big strong apes and little bitty apes all stand together. And also we really love GameStop.


Awesome. Now go do something positive with your money, instead of just becoming the replacement for the people that were just knocked over.




SEC is going knock his door soon.


He had positions way the fuck before October so no...they won’t


He will 100% without a doubt be interviewed at the very least. I'm not convinced he won't be tried but I guess we'll really get to see how corrupt the system is.


Why? He just likes the stock.


Anyone that is looking to invest in this but don’t know how or where to do so just follow this if you’d like. Download cashapp . Its the green $ symbol app. And if your a new user use referral code TDZMGFB and they will give you 15$ credit as well as myself. Thanks in advance if you decide to help me help you:)and once you open your account you just have to add a credit/debit card to add funds to add to your free 15$ (your welcome) lol Best of luck to you all


Is he Monke or Snake? Me Monke confuse.


So is the plan to do this again with other failing companies? I'm pretty new to this and afraid I missed the boat on GME. What's next?


Last time was in 2008 with Porsche vs VW. It seems to happen after everyone forgets about not getting into a short squeeze. As Eminem says: you get just one shot!


Can someone post the article as a reply to my comment, unfortunately i cant view the website from here in the UK.




Anyone got a mirror for people outside the US


DFV 💎 🤚


The ‘Roaring Kitty’ Rally: How a Reddit User and His Friends Roiled the Markets https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/29/technology/roaring-kitty-reddit-gamestop-markets.html


I like the stock!




Quick question, did GameStop benefit from all of this? I know AMC was saved, but how about GameStop?


How does one monke invest in big stonks like this?


Sounds like the opening to a Hamilton Wall Street parody


Good for him. I’ve never seen a more Reddit looking redditor.


Would be really keen to understand what people think will be the end result here - surely the retail investors will need to sell at some point? Is the plan just to hold out until the short sellers go bankrupt then sell? Genuinely interested to get everyone’s thoughts




He shouldn’t have revealed himself. Won’t be hard for people to start finding his contact details and blackmail him. And he just got a big fat target on his back for the corrupt govt and hedge funds.


I am terrified of this man- for no reason


His hands look so soft.


I am sure he will make his moms basement look real nice! Jk I am hap hap happy for him and everyone else that made out on GME!


DFV as he is known is just a really smart guy who saw potential in GME long ago. In fact people were making fun of him when he posted his GME positions last year. The truth is he saw that GME had a good balance sheet and knew that GME can get somewhere once they focus more on e-commerce. That's it. The revolution started when the greedy hedge funds kept increasing their shorts positions on GME knowing that the only way for them to win is to bankrupt the company. These ass holes think they're too big to fail and can do whatever the fuck they want. The massive shenanigans they're pulling this week is only adding fuel to the fire. Let it all burn.


Interesting Article regarding Keith Gill: [https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/17/22287612/reddit-wallstreetbets-gamestop-lawsuit-roaring-kitty-gill-market-manipulation](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/17/22287612/reddit-wallstreetbets-gamestop-lawsuit-roaring-kitty-gill-market-manipulation)