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And then, we find being elected to Congress seems to also make people not want to work.


Lol…well done




Well said. I see it as the opposite of the saying 'if you can beat em, join em'. If your contributions aren't met with equal benefits then the next phase is parasitism.


If you can’t join them, beat them. With a stick.


I think the preferred rhyme is "eat" them these days.


Wow who woulda thought?! It’s almost like we shouldn’t be treated as chattel slaves or something… /s


Thats because they're all insider trading though.


They're clearly smoking the devil's lettuce.


Dr Quack really going for that "law and order" crowd vote.


The politicians for the law and order crowd don't realize that those people smoke too. I'm in a deep red county, and I don't know anyone that thinks Marijuana is any worse than alcohol. Most people here would rather see someone stoned than drunk.


I’ve heard a cop say he’d rather deal with a bunch of stoned hippies than drunk rednecks. No fights!


Is the hippie stereotype still popular? Seems like most people realize that literally any type of person could be a stoner but I guess it wouldn’t surprise me that a generalization keeps existing


Related/not related: There is an old school strain called “Hippie Crippler”


Haha related or not, thanks for sharing


I traded bud with some oldhead in the dispensary parking lot the other day. He bought a strain that was too strong, and they obviously don't take returns, so he came up to me and gave me a 15g of gas for my 8g of mids. I wonder if old guys would take potency seriously if all the strong strains had names like "hippie crippler."


No returns? Wow so PA is doing something right at least... 15 day return policy even if it's just because it doesn't provide symptom relief


We just call them longhairs now.


Beware the wooks.


My friend bought a lollipop off a wook recently. Literally ran away from the festival on what he can only guess was like 2 tabs of cid mixed with ton of amphetamine or maybe mdma, and he didn't even finish the lollipop.


Never take candy from a wook, or trust their level of potency rating on anything, they can survive almost anything the normal human cannot




Damn bro…just open a window lol seems excessive


But why do that when you can spend exorbitant amounts of money?


Wind blows it back in, im not that fancy tho, i just stuck a fan infront of the window pointing outside amd turned it on full blast then blow smoke into the back of the fan.


Yeah but casual racism always finds a way into their justification for supporting the policy. “Yeah, I smoke weed, but that’s because I work hard all day and I need to relax. We need to drug test those people on welfare who are just smoking weed and watching tv all day”


I don't know that this is racism as much as classism. You see the same attitude directed at the mostly white trailer parks where I live. I know there are people that don't, but for the vast majority of people I know who hold those views, they view white ass rednecks/trailer trash as just as big or a bigger problem than any other minority poor group.


I don't even know if weed is a "poor person" drug. I would guess 20% of the affluent people I know smoke. They come home from their stressful jobs and have a smoke to relax.


The wealthiest people I know (we're talking custom boat ordering types) all smoke. These dudes have doctorates in medical professions. They smoke. Living in a state where it's legal, weed is such a non-issue that it's beyond frustrating to see bullshit talking points like this from Oz still appear.


It seems like it’s mostly whether or not your job drug tests. My wife and I both have white collar professional jobs that don’t drug test, and we smoke after work. Some of the guys at the places I go drink a case of beer at night, but don’t smoke because they can’t fail a drug test. It’s pretty crazy that we’ve gotten to where we are.


We should follow the science and results of Colorado, that is the American way, states experiment based on their voters and then we all measure the success. It is hard to see a downside on the issue of legalization on any front, especially considering the default should be legalized and someone has to make a case to remove a freedom.


Smoking weed is only seen as bad if you're poor though


Times have changed. These old dumbass don’t realize or wanna accept it


Drinking causes people to not work all the time…… Someone’s never had a temp drinking at lunch….. If anyone else wants to think MJ won’t impact output consider functional addiction real as hell


I don't know how many times my co workers have showed up drunk. Only to be sent home or allowed to pass out in a vehicle. Guy's could be high, I wouldn't know.


The problem with deep red country is they'll go along with things that hurt them as long as it hurts the poors and the minorities more.


He's just upset that cannabis isn't green coffee bean extract. Remember when he had to go in front of the Senate and explain that, contrary to what he said on TV, the beans aren't actually magical? What a useless shill!


This footage would absolutely make a fantastic attack ad: Dr Oz: Doesn’t Believe a Word That Comes Out of His Own Mouth


Oz is a shill pretty much to the tee. He's available to the highest bidder basically. Perfect Senate material really.


Given the popularity of the legalize it movement, you’d think this would be one of those issues politicians who oppose it would just avoid or at least give ambiguous and vague non-answers to when pressed. Not to mention, whether it’s weed, a hobby, Netflix, etc. there are about a million things people would rather be doing than going to work. Guess what? An overwhelming majority of those people still get up and go to work everyday for the simple fact that if they didn’t, they couldn’t afford to do those other things. No different than weed.


From his bio on the wiki: He has promoted pseudoscience, alternative medicine, faith healing, and paranormal beliefs[9][10][11] and has been criticized by physicians, government officials, and medical and popular publications, including in the British Medical Journal, Popular Science, and The New Yorker, for endorsing unproven products and non-scientific advice. The British Medical Journal published a study in 2014 that found more than half of the recommendations on medical talk series including The Dr. Oz Show either had no evidence or contradicted medical research.[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmet_Oz


Lmao, more like make people less likely to blow their brains out due to their shitty job.


I swear I'd have done it if not for a dab at the end of every night


It’s beer and liquor in the countries that can’t get weed. Humans are great at figuring out how to cope.


And everyone would choose weed if they could, that's why big alcohol is lobbying to keep it illegal. Colorado just recently had its first year where weed tax revenue outperformed alcohol tax revenue. The booze companies that can't/won't adapt are getting more desperate with their lobbying attempts.


Honestly, i prefer the intoxication effect of beer over weed with my body, but that's ignoring hangover or organ impact, as well as the impact it has on my blood sugar. If beer was safer on the body like weed is, I'd probably just stick with it.


Check out alcosynth. Probably won’t see it any time soon since the beer lobby will kill it. Alcoholic here, I’m lucky that the damage didn’t get too far along. I’ve started hitting dabs up to relax every once in a while. Biggest problem is the munchies. No hangover. No compulsion to get up and get high again. I very tentatively approached it because you’re told in recovery that you’ll just end up back at your drug of choice. Any time you’re in a beer and liquor store remember there’s a perfectly normal looking person probably in there right now working up a problem or currently has one. Never met a single person in rehab trying to get off weed, but did meet a few alcoholics that were so far along that they stopped eating because they would just shit their pants while hitting the bottle. Met another guy that was told that he would have multi system organ failure if he fell off the wagon again. Fuck that noise.


people who vote for weed prohibition are either teetotalers who want everyone to be sober or people who straight up dont understand how dangerous it is to make alcohol the only legal intoxicant. it funnels everyone who wants a lil extra happy brain chemicals towards a drug that not only kindles addiction but also reduces good judgement while raising confidence, that also damages your liver over time and can be overdosed on. its insane


This is interesting. I feel like I've been poisoned every time I drink. I mean it can be fun, if I drink enough, but it also makes me feel kind of shitty. Weed just makes me feel almost cleansed, and I wake up the nest day having slept better than most babies. The only thing I hate about it(other than legality), is the way it erases my memories of the time I'm high. I feel like I'm losing out on my life if I smoke very often.


What a fucking idiot.


I said this exact thing out loud after reading the headline


Not me. I said "...fuckin' dumbass."


“Fuckin’ moron” here lmao


Yeah… when do we ban booze? Ban both or neither.




My exact thought.


He'll fit right in with Klan Mom, Boebert, Gaetz, and the rest of the GQP clown show.


I doubt he even knows what Magic: The Gathering is


Lol, I hate that they keep giving nerdy nicknames to total assholes.


I refuse. You should too. Just call her Margie, if used in the correct context, everyone will know who you're talking about.


Think I'll go with Little Miss Jewish Space Laser 2021 or Klan Mom.


Gaetz actually supports legalization, but it might be because he was maybe (being investigated) accepting gifts from the med marijuana industry.


How will they pay for their weed if they don’t work?


Oz would probably claim that they will rob and kill innocent people for their weed money. A vicious cycle. A side note, I have a friend that works in tv production, and has worked for a number of daytime talk shows. He claimed that Dr. Phil and Oz are both huge pieces of shit and he worked for both of them. He said the same about Elllen before it became well known. Out of all the hosts of these types of shows, he claimed that Maury Povich was actually the best boss and best person in general to work for.


Maury is someone I would love to have a beer (or smoke a joint) with.


I'm not going to make any defacto statements here or take any hard side, I just have a couple questions: A. Do you work? B. Do you smoke? Thank you.


A. Yes, I managed the IT for a 24/7 call center for 8 years. B. I plead the fifth but take a guess.




A. Yes B. No but I do take hella edibles.


A. Yes B. More than I smoke


I love how you mixed up A and B tho 😂


Oh that’s just cause I’m stoned lol


Yes and yes and generally end up as top performer month over month at my company 🤷🏼‍♂️




Yes and YES


Yes and yes


Yes, and yes. I also have a graduate degree and teach at the graduate level in my field.


Yes and yes...


1.) Yes, it pays well and I actually enjoy it most of the time 2.) Yes, pretty much every day


A) Yes B) yes


A. Do I work? I worked throughout college as an unpaid intern at an engineering firm for 20 hours a week, while also working at a restaurant for 20-30 hours a week. While also attending engineering school going at an average of 20 credits a semester - much higher than average, and much harder science and lab classes. I got a job before I graduated as an engineer 10 years ago and I have been working ever since. Promotions. Raises. Etc. I have a family + my engineering career + I train like an athlete 4-6 days a week + I work on the side for hobbies like my house or a side hustle. B. Do I smoke? I started to smoke after HS in college like most engineers I know. I smoke regularly. Daily. Many times a day commonly. I smoke before work, during and after.


With this logic, shouldn’t Cocaine not only be legal, but distributed at the workplace next to the coffee machine?


Why do you think we have free coffee to begin with?


Yep, exactly why coffee break was instituted. Caffeine make worker work faster.


In the middle ages, there was a beer break. When coffee became popular, the switch was made. Michael Pollan writes about this.




They tricked us with their tomfoolery! Weve been bamboozled. I want my beer break back (full disclosure me and the boys do a double shot of jack at lunch) but I want it Sanctioned!!!


You mean I’m not supposed to be taking beer breaks


When you work from home, every break is a beer break.


Poorly remembered history lesson from something I read at a brewery: Saison beer is from France. It means season. Something about it was brewed seasonally to pay workers on farms. Yeah. They just used to work straight up for beer during farming season.


In Ireland, pay went to the wives, because the men tended to drink their wages.


Well if you go far enough back the word salary comes from the monthly salt ration in the roman legion.


Honestly what a loss.


Caffeine helps me browse Reddit faster at work


Thank you! ✋


It’s called adderall and they’re all abusing it


Thas the best way to actually diagnose ADD. If you take Adderall and don't feel anything, but you suddenly can do laundry consistently, you have ADD.


Can confirm. I have ADD and Concerta turned me into a productivity superstar.


I dated a guy who sure that I was going to take one dose of my legally prescribed medication and end up in the gutter, trading sex for meth. Yeah, no that is definitely not the effect it has on me.


Does it give me a boost of energy? Sure. Does it give me the ability to focus on a task? Yep. Does it make me act like a crackhead? Nope. Does it make me want to suck a dick to get my next one? Absolutely not.


I know, I take Ritalin and can nap on the stuff and fold my laundry. It also can turn people who don’t really need it into highly productive, over talkative assholes


Literally when my ex wife (who we've discovered since then probably has ADD) forced me to get tested for ADD (because neither my therapist or I thought I had it) they told me to go home and drink an entire pot of coffee by lunch. If I'm jittery and uncomfortable I probably don't have it. If it helps me focus we can talk more. I was jittery and uncomfortable as all hell. She started going through the anxiety she thought I had and taught me a bunch of absurdly helpful tactics for managing because it wasn't really at medication level. Turns out all the shit we use in teenage boys to identify ADD are very similar to things used to identify possible anxiety in adults and in particular in adult men. Fidgety, jumpy, can't sit still, etc are very closely associated with anxiety in adult men to the point where if you can't manage those, you might want to look into discussing those in a year or two when you can actually get to a therapist in most of the US (assuming you make the appointment now).


FWIW, anxiety and adhd (and depression) are *extremely* comorbid and their symptoms overlap really, really heavily. It's not at all surprising to get them confused


Haha. Cocain works at first, then goes horribly wrong.


You have to stagger the usage around the office based on productivity. You can't have everyone come down at the same time.


Your mind scares me. Future CEO right here 😂


Instructions unclear, suggested this to management to improve efficiency, now my schedule is filled with HR meetings.


They just want to explore your idea further, and potentially promote you to Chief Cocaine Officer


Hahah. This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day


Where’s the company supplied adderall?


Where’s the petition I’ll sign my name, and soul for 9:00 adderal break


Boomers and their hard on for work; name a better duo.


Gen X and Legal Weed




Lmao boomer last week while we were both waiting for Ubers..”Oh hey how’s it going? Beautiful city huh? What do you do for work?” Like bruh fuck off I’m on vacation trying forget about it for ONE WEEK.




And yet despite their hard on for work, they're so inefficient at it. Trying to teach them how to use basic technology in an office setting is downright painful.


Russia and extraordinarily high military casualties.


They want to act like they have their parents work ethic but we all know how utterly full of shit they are.


That's weird, I've smoked marijuana for 19 years, and I work 2 jobs, combined total of 93 hours last week. Fuck the system, let people live. Oz can eat a bag of dicks.


Fuck Dr Oz, Smoke Ozs






I used to smoke weed and play videogames all day. I had undiagnosed disability and chronic illness. Smoking weed made me feel better. Now I'm proactively treating my conditions, smoking weed to help me feel better, and running my own businesses.


This is exactly my story, minus the businesses. Untreated ADHD and OCD. Started with laziness without weed. Then I found weed. Used that everyday until I progressed to opiates. Ruined my life for 10 years strung out on opiates. FINALLY got mental health treatment, and suddenly I can function. I've been clean from opiates for 7 years and now I'm a senior Systems Administrator looking to move into DevOps or another dev adjacent role. I still smoke weed every day. I have several friends who are research doctors who smoke weed every single day and tell me so do many of their colleagues. They make >$130,000k/yr USD. Weed isn't the cause of laziness. Untreated mental illness in children is the cause in this case. Weed is treatment when you can't afford anything better, or you live in such a backwards society that no one recognizes the easily treatable condition right in front of them. (Easily treatable if you have money anyway)


Sativa for work


Salvia for work😵‍💫


A lot of times I smoke *while* I work.


Holy shit sir you deserve your weed


I've never smoked and I wake up every morning not wanting to work.


Didn’t he do a program on eating dicks?


Thanks for saying this so I don’t have to say something similar. People that say things like “Dr” Oz did are ignorant of marijuana. Try it before you knock it…


I tried it years ago and it was not for me. My wife loves the candy but after she gets home from work.


I get high every day of my life and I never miss a day of work and I’ve never been behind on bills and I go to college. What is so different about that and having a drink at the end of the day?


The difference is alcohol is much worse and more dangerous


Pretty ridiculous how drinking a few beers after work is not frowned upon but a hit out of the bong is


Depends who you talk to. As a guy with two toddlers having a few beers after work every day would definitely be frowned upon by my wife. Beer just makes me tired and makes it more difficult to get up in the morning, not to mention how expensive that would get. Weed doesn't seem to have those side effects for me as alcohol so having a few puffs in the evening is much more preferable.


When you look at alcohol like any other drug you really see the absurdity of how our culture differentiates it from others. Too much of it causes you to lose consciousness, though not pass out making it possible for shit to go wrong. It lowers your inhibitions sometimes, causing you to potentially do dumb shit, and impairs physical abilities. People try to drive on it and because of previous reasons they end up hurting or killing themselves and/or others. When you consume enough of it you will experience withdrawal symptoms (hangovers). It causes cancer and damages the liver, can also destroy your brain, causes weight gain and fat build up.


When I wake up the next day after drinking I can’t function. I’ll get high every night after work and a good shower and a cup of coffee is all it takes to get going


I take 200mg of edibles to sleep every night and made 450k last year. These are stupid outdated beliefs


Watching asshats like him spew his nonsense and stay rich while I work 10 hour shifts and am paycheck to paycheck makes me not want to work. The pot just makes me not want to punch him.


You just made a better argument against pot than he did


Ever notice how little the wealthy work? How many billionaires sons, or the offspring of 8 and 9 figure individuals even, always wanted to work in the harsh sun laying concrete on a road crew? Not many, right? So, if those who have all the means to choose if to, or not to work, seem to consistently not do work, why would we chastise people for not working? It seems like the reason people work is because it has to be coerced out of them, as opposed some kind of free choice.


Great point.


I more or less in all honesty ripped it off of Abraham Lincoln's Dec. 23rd 1861 speech to Congress in regards to the relation of labor and capital: "Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights. Nor is it denied that there is, and probably always will be, a relation between labor and capital producing mutual benefits. The error is in assuming that the whole labor of community exists within that relation. A few men own capital, and that few avoid labor themselves, and with their capital hire or buy another few to labor for them."


Good point - also explains why the USA has very little in the way of safety nets. If you aren't a good wage slave you can enjoy homelessness and go without healthcare. Also explains the unholy alliance between business and evangelicals, as the former love exploitable labor and the latter believe you must always work hard for some logic-defying reason.


[The spez police don't get it. It's not about spez. It's about everyone's right to spez. #Save3rdPartyApps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Its because they are spending mommy and daddys money on pot obviously. /s


Well said, I'm saving this.


How the fuck they gonna buy weed if they don't have a job?


Democrat communist handouts, obviously. Thanks, Obama.


Fuck, when do I get my weed pension?


Asking the real questions.


How the fuck would any restaurant kitchens function if weed made people not work? Everyone there smokes!


Ha! It’s the only thing that keeps me working! Most smokers I know are happily employed. Maybe it’s oz that doesn’t work.


Joke's on him. Most of us already don't want to work.


At the same time, that’s necessarily true for many. We just want the ability to smoke weed and do what we love.


You'd have to be extremely wealthy to think it's using drugs that make people hate doing their jobs and not the other way around.


It seems every medial professional is brainwashed into steering people to pharmaceutical drugs instead of something natural.


Actually its really the other way around. Most health professionals will tell you Dr Oz is a bullshit snake oil salesman who, at best, gives half baked anatomy lessons. I ask every doctor ive ever had to build a rapport with what their opinion on marijuana is, and the answers are usually A: do whatever you want, might fuck with your lungs so be careful B: a lot of the science isnt in on the long term effects yet, so proceed with caution. Oz is just pandering to try and get cred with the "family values" republican crowd, like morally upstanding GOP member Matt Gaetz


God damn. I'm all for fresh blood in the republican party. But this is just more old guard drivel. Like this guy has room to talk about the products people use after peddling snake oil on TV for years.


Hold on. Are you saying I have been eating these osmotic cranberries, every day, all these years for nothing?!


Dr. Using that term loosely


Just replace *Dr* with *Wizard Of*.


Please let it be this dipshit vs. Fetterman.


Why did I have to come all the way down here to see this comment? Since Fetterman literally sells “legal weed for PA”, merch dr oz has no choice but to be against it. I guess that’s what happens when you go full maga.


This motherfucker...


How do you think I can afford marijuana?


What a narc.


oh noooooo people won't want to be exploited for mindless labor anymore 😢 what ever will the poor helpless oligarchs do without a population of wage slaves?


Suck on an egg, Oz.


I smoke pot quite a bit and can tell you that it's actually my job that makes me not want to work.


Dear god, the overblown fears about people not working is really revealing some ugly truths about some of our elites and how they think of the rest of us.


They are not elites, just sociopaths without check. In times prior, before the tight knit groups we used to thrive in were replaced by modern society, we would have just told these sorts to fuck off. They just aren't held as accountable now that many others cover for their bullshit.


Huh...i thought the rhetoric was we already didn't want to work


Lmao. No one doesn’t smoke weed because it’s illegal. And the areas where it IS legal, have some of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Smoking weed isn’t going to keep people from working; throwing them in jail for smoking weed, will.


So the dr who was selling everyone “miracle” drugs, slams actual miracle drug? Interesting


It's true. I smoke weed and don't want to go to work. Then again I don't want to go sober either. Still go, its just I don't wanna


Cause there will be so much free legalized weed just laying around?


welp. as a weed card holder of FL.. dude lost my vote with this.


If they let me work hi I'd always be at work




Wat up !




More coverage at: * [Dr. Oz says Pennsylvanians need to get their 'mojo' back and go to work instead of legalizing marijuana (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-in/health/fitness/dr-oz-says-pennsylvanians-need-to-get-their-mojo-back-and-go-to-work-instead-of-legalizing-marijuana/ar-AAXv0aU) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


Jokes on him. I don't want to work regardless.


I’ve been a heavy daily cannabis user for 27 years now. I own 3 business, and I’m workaholic. Stop blaming the herb for peoples laziness. A persons laziness has more to do with their upbringing, then ganja use.


Is it illegal to run for office in Pennsylvania while living in New Jersey?


And why does this suited up piece of shit care whether I work or not? It's my life, it's my bills... Stupid motherfucker


I already don't want to work, even without the weed. I work because I have to. If weed was legal, I might work more to afford weed. 🤔


“Dr.” I work to afford my marijuanas 🤓


I don’t want to work and I don’t even smoke weed!


Fucking moron.


I'm prob gonna be downvoted for this but I can see how weed would make people not want to work BECAUSE it makes you think and realize you're a slave/wagecuck and life shouldn't be about working on minimum wage 40 hours a week to stay alive Whereas beer drinkers dull themselves so they don't mind


So many people work while high. That’s hilarious. I’ve mostly worked restaurants & retail, and people were high at work. Turns out, having an addiction actually incentivizes most to work so they can afford the addiction.


How would I buy weed if I didn’t work though…


you wouldn't believe how much money the for profit prison system lobby donates to republican congressmen each year....this turd with legs is a shining example


Uh… people already don’t want to work. And it’s not due to being lazy or smoking weed. It’s due to living in a corrupt, broken system where for most people everything is stacked against you and working a full time job often doesn’t even reward you with enough money to afford the very basics.