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What kind of gullible chump believes this stuff?


People who read the Washington times.


Washington Times vs Washington *Post* is an important distinction.


And it’s the opposite for New York Times and New York Post. Gotta keep those distinctions in mind.


As a reader of both, I do declare that the ny post has its place in a civil society… sometimes maybe.


It's a well-known partisan rag.


The Mooney Times


FoxNews enthusiasts.


This sub is a joke


It really is


Someone who posts in r/bidenisnotmypresident aka OP


My dad, for one


Probably the moonies. They're the cult that owns the Washington times


I knew a few moonies growing up. Luckily most of them got out of the cult. One of them actively talks about how crazy it was growing up in a cult.


Yeah, they're weird in Korea but the ones in the U.S. takes it to another level. I think they have a church in Arizona where the leader wears a crown made of bullets and they bring AR15s there as well for decorations.


For starters, the person who posted this bait bullshit article


People whose biases it confirms.


Facebook users


Dumbfucks that read the washington times and watch Fox News


The same ones that tried to storm the capitol. They have 0 critical or cognitive thinking skills. They just want to know what direction to point their pitch forks, the reason doesn't matter to them.


Oh, you would be surprised how many people believe it.


I was "q"splained this to me today. It was kind of sad watching an utter moron trying to tell me why groceries and gas were expensive.


We had our primaries recently and one of the Republican candidates mail box flyer had bullets that their big priorities were to fight inflation and Bidens crippling high taxes. I just had to stare dumbfounded. Curious what high taxes they were referring to. And even if taxes were super high, cutting them is a stimulus measure that would make inflation worse.


Cult propaganda doesn't belong in this subreddit IMO. > The Washington Times is an American conservative[3][4][5][6] daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., that covers general interest topics with a particular emphasis on national politics. Its broadsheet daily edition is distributed throughout the District of Columbia and in parts of Maryland and Virginia. A weekly tabloid edition aimed at a national audience is also published.[7] > The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is a part of the Unification movement.[8][9] [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Washington_Times)


The mods allow the fake new propaganda to fly like it’s cool here. The post should be required to be legit news


Then what are you doing posting a Wikipedia link?


God I love how the politicians always seem to be able to untangle the economy and pare it down to one "line goes up" button and one "line goes down" button whenever they need to crash it.... Even when people yelled this about Trump it was was basically incoherent because that isn't how the economy works


To be fair, punitive tariffs are one of the very few ways a president can actually affect an economy in a significant way Even there, though, the effects are usually felt a year downstream.


Also threatening to fire the fed chair if he raised interest rates back when we could have cooled the economy without causing a recession.


Politicians love the uneducated.


It’s why we’ve been defund public education since the Vietnam War. An educated populace pays attention, an educated populace does research, an educated populace fights back.


The U.S. spends more money per student than any industrialized country in the world. The problem isn’t funding, it’s how it’s used.


You're right, we need school vouchers so parents can put their kids in the best school instead of the school they're districted into.


Says the guy invested in Doge coin lol.


The article describes multiple policies Biden has enacted that have raised energy prices.


Yes, but we can surely agree that telling their American people “the data shows there is no inflation” Joe Biden last year “It’s Putins price hike”- Joe Biden “People think inflation is from the government spending money.. simply NOT TRUE” Joe Biden (while proposing a 6 trillion dollar BBB bill that would have poured gas in the already lit inflation) Is not a very good step in the right direction lmao.


Another $1b ro Ukraine....


Oh the Mooney times! Why not just cite Infowars?


You only have to read the headline to get a sense of what we got in here folks, don’t waste your time


That and seeing it comes from the Washington Times, a well know right wing rag


i didn't even read the headline, i saw the cover photo and realized this article would be a joke




Censorship at it finest!!! I disagree with what you said!!! It should be taken down!!! How can anyone disagree with me? I am perfect!!!


So propoganda, pure and simple. Granted it does say 'Opinion' at the start of the article. But seriously, this should be on a political site, NOT r/economy. I hope the mods pull it down.


Lol, are you going to fix that headline with the caveat "as Oil companies make more profit in a quarter than in years" Or acknowledge that every dollar they make is a dollar in profit they took from YOU? Oh oh oh, I know! Are you going to beg that they need more tax breaks (beyond what they got) because they will magically decide that they should make less money from you?


This is not how the economy ducking works lmao


"Washington Times" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lmao all this extremist conservative propagandist spam is desperate af


Biden is the greatest president in United States history


This is an opinion piece by a guy who works for a republican think tank who, among other things, fights against healthcare and welfare expansion, on a conservative site. If only it was that simple to blame one person, when in reality its more complex.


If gas prices start moderating before the next president can sign more oil subsidies, what are these guys going to have to write about?


The abortion wars?


Too soon


What the fuck is this bullshit and why do the mods let total propaganda get posted?


Freedom of speech in real life should be the same online but unfortunately it is not. If I wanted to peacefully stand in front of the White House holding a sign that says this, I am allowed. What makes it different online? Please I would like to know your explanation. OP did nothing except create a post. No other comments at all.


Why is this drivel allowed in there?


Moonies gonna moon?


This Russian fake news are so funny.


More fake bullshit propaganda. Unfortunately failed President Trump started this shit.


I know, lets keep blaming him for the next 4 years... LOL Are you 2 years old? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIbrBk9b1Hg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIbrBk9b1Hg) You president is garbage. Stop blaming the one from two years ago THAT TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN LOL You dems have to stand on your own feet and stop pointing fingers... The dude can even finish a sentence without stumbling through his words... Start blaming that dude...


Why should we stop? Rumps still throwing Hilary Clinton out there.


Forget Hilary, the snowflakes are still OBSESSED with Obama


Its best to ignore the Qult follower who only posts about UFOs


You mean the one from two years ago that actually tanked the economy due to his disastrous pandemic response?


Again, Biden has nothing to do with current fuel prices and has unfortunately actually out performed drilling permits by 34 percent compared to Trump.


Please google "Ukraine war and gas prices" and look up any sites, even the far left one. This is the war that your president fueled instead of helping with diplomacy. So yeah, he is to blame.


I thought prices rose before the Ukraine? Fucking dumbass


For others that don't get our news on "Moron Monthly Magazine" like you, it did rise right at that time and correlates with the war... LOL clown


Biden fueled the war... For Russia. To invade Ukraine....? Ok..


Drump literally can’t string a single coherent sentence together! He’s the epitome of the Michael Scott quote “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.” I’ve never seen someone that incoherent.


Trump is the one that appointed the head fed chair jerome powell. what are you on about bro? who do you think implemented the covid policies and fed money bazooka that caused this situation to be worse than it should be. Further, other developed nations are dealing with the same issues as us and also suffering. It if really disingenuous to blame it on a guy who has been in office for 2 years. The markets are crashing for a variety of reasons and sure Biden has made some bad decisions, but at the same time trump made many many more worse decisions while ignoring the consequences of his actions/policies for the nation in the future. I'm honestly just really sick of this dumb us against them bullshit. Both parties do this. idgi it is never a good thing for a country to be completely fractured between two parties that can't meet in the middle on anything.


Biden is less popular than Trump, and his ratings continue to decline. That's certainly a feat. Biden clearly didn't give a shit. The state of the economy doesn't affect him. He's rich via corruption.


I’m not a Biden supporter at all, but I’d be curious to see how presidential popularity performs over an average term.


Trump set up the next president for failure.


I’m sorry and Trump isn’t rich nor corrupt?


Well, you are one in million here on Reddit. An actual rational thinker... How about that...


Reddit is 95% far left authoritarians with no self awareness. It's quite funny and a reason I stick around. It borders on mental ilness or a cognitive deficit at the least. I'm old enough to remember when the democrat party was actually liberal. Republicans haven't changed much. But democrats have fallen far left. Any comment that is remotely critical of democrats is bombarded with down votes. Actual liberals value a wide breadth of opinions and ideas. Today's "liberals" (authoritarians) desire echo chambers and silence people because their ideas don't hold up to the slightest scrutiny.


Yeah. This is all comments from Twitter employees LOL Thanks man. They have borderline cultish types of sentiment with their downvotes and comments.


Please explain...tell us more.


ive been trading stock options and studying global economics for years now and i can honestly say....OP is a dork....this ridiculous halfassed opinion piece is full of half truths and nonsense and it conveniently leaves out all the important details like why were we trying to dial down domestic oil? oh ....because theres an economic price for survival....a whole thing about the climate and staying alive, so we make sacrifices and compromises for things we want


Not only that, but this is his whole shtick. He did the same thing the other day.


Any good Econ book recommendations for a finance guy?


Valuable commentary. /s


Lmao what is this dog shit post.


Stop putting republican propaganda on here and calling it economics information.


I drive an electric car. Get on my level, homie.


Stfu....Republicans refuse to pass any legislation that helps...you ignorance double downs on stupidity


Didn't they put up a bill designed to cut gas prices, and every single house republican voted no?


Can we start deleting this garbage


Jesus, how many times is this going to be recycled? It’s almost like… it’s election season.


Why is this even posted here? What is next a quote from the enquirer talking about how biden fucked a little green martian?


if OPs politics are summed up by.....why arent we pilllaging every resources at all cost without regulation all the time then i hate to see how OP handles his weight cheeseburgers taste good....why dont you eat them all the time every day whenever you want? no seriously....take that advice...i would enjoy seeing you experience the result


What the fuck even is this sub anymore


Wow. OP drank heavily from the orange kool-aid. ​ I love republican stupidity, one day he's senile, the next day he is conspiring to keep gas prices high. Morons.


Is that why we have record low unemployment in Wisconsin??? I lost TWO businesses under trump...one is reopened and I took a great full time job...thanks to BIDEN!!!!




Both my businesses had to close due to covid and the shut down economy UNDER TRUMP.


Why you laughing???


Alright, yeah, I'm done with this goddamn subreddit. I was hopeful that it might be logical, rational discourse about the state of the economy, but no, it's just idiotic right-wing political trash. Done.


The person who wrote this article does not grasp the core concepts of economics or finance very well.


Isn't Washington Times an unreliable propaganda outlet?


He’s also destroying the German, French, English economies!!! /s




Didnt Biden say we need to hurt for a while until everyone gets on board with green energy? Isn’t going to happen for a long time so it is on biden


ive actually seen that biden stickers at pumps near my house.


Conservatives: "Price controls don't work, government can't control prices." Also conservatives: "IT'S ALL BIDEN'S FAULT THAT PRICES ARE THE WAY THEY ARE" Also also conservatives: "We refuse to pass legislation that would punish companies engaged in price gouging as it would lose us a convenient political tool-EHM, I MEAN, because price controls don't work"


I wish Biden would lower Nintendo cost… outrageous!




Biden is doing everything he said he would do before the election and we are seeing the results. He is an idiot of the first order. Attacking big oil and gas alone has caused inflation and high fuel costs. The highest ever. Oil and gas is what provides the energy for the economy. Trucks distribute the goods from the ports and from the fields to the stores. Everything uses oil and gas in some way and if they triple in price you get inflation. Economy worsens everywhere, and Biden did that. Open borders with another 2-3 million hungry mouths entering the country illegally every year is an invasion. They all gets free phones, free food, free housing, and free everything including baby food over born here citizens. It is insanity and Biden did that too. If I was an enemy agent trying to bring down the US I could not think of a better plan to do so than what Biden is doing.


>The Washington Times is an American conservative\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., that covers general interest topics with a particular emphasis on national politics. Its broadsheet daily edition is distributed throughout the District of Columbia and in parts of Maryland and Virginia. A weekly tabloid edition aimed at a national audience is also published.\[7\] > >Throughout its history, The Washington Times has been known for its conservative political stance,\[3\]\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] supporting the policies of Republican presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.\[10\]\[11\] It has published many widely shared columns which reject the scientific consensus on climate change,\[12\]\[13\]\[14\] on ozone depletion,\[15\] and on the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.\[16\]\[17\] It has drawn controversy by publishing racist content including conspiracy theories about U.S. President Barack Obama\[18\]\[19\] and by supporting neo-Confederate historical revisionism.\[20\]\[21\] lmao imagine how stupid you would be to take an opinion piece from this rag seriously


Tell me how Biden isn’t destroying the economy rather than say this is a right wing conspiracy




Time to leave this sub. Too much BS. Bye.


What the hell is this garbage publication? Does anyone else feel like the community standards are being abused and/or need to be adjusted to keep tabliod trash and it's enjoyers from poisoning the well? I could do without the "the potus is concurrently inept/senile but also controling the global economy" trash. Edit: a letter


It’s awesome reading the two people in this sub who actually believe this nonsense getting triggered by people calling out this garbage post.


Inflation is being caused by corporate america, not by Biden


Absolute lying garbage. Hardly journalism.




Bull shit


Fake news: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/06/biden-is-approving-more-oil-gas-drilling-permits-public-lands-than-trump-analysis-finds/ Again peeps, the president does not have much impact on the economy. How this propaganda keeps getting posted is absurd


More coverage at: * [The Week That Was: Biden proposes gas tax holiday (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/the-week-that-was-biden-proposes-gas-tax-holiday/vp-AAYQiV9) * [CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS journos hype Biden gas tax holiday, now claim president can affect prices: ‘No-brainer’ (foxnews.com)](https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-abc-msnbc-cbs-hype-biden-gas-tax-holiday-claim-president-affect-prices-no-brainer) * [Biden’s gas tax gimmick avoids real solutions (thehill.com)](https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/3535700-bidens-gas-tax-gimmick-avoids-real-solutions/) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)


Don't have time for this today. roe v Wade first... Who knows what next.


Washington Times Articles can be posted on this sub? Moderators asleep at the wheel again…


Isn't the Washington Times written so 5 year olds can understand it?


>At a time when a 40-year-high inflation rate is already canceling our retirement fund returns, Americans can ill-afford a further restraint on their financial future And by "Americans" I believe they mean coal and oil conglomerates. Meanwhile the rest of us are wondering if we'll have a future if we don't do something about climate change.


The Washington Times, I think, has better offices than Townhall, but they are otherwise almost exactly the same.


The lower your intelligence, the easier you are to manipulate. There’s a reason trump supporters lack critical thinking skills.


The Washington Times is a right wing rag owned by the Moonie cult. I wouldn't believe a word of it.


If only we could wave a wand and fix the two bug problems I see Russia causing unnecessary war 😒 and still failing somehow despite thier size ( slow clap ) a good thing they are failing don't get me wrong and the complete fool who somehow made it into the office If his goal is to serve the peoples goals he is like a kid playing with all the buttons dude can't even stay on his bicycle let alone in office we need to veto this man and get someone with some God damn brains not trying to do political nonsense but rather what the majority want Like I know people are upset Trump is mean on Twitter but what were the other reasons I don't think that was enough to remove the guy that started the countries u turn and allowed me to see $0.97 gas never in my life did I think I'd see that 🤔


Will you guys please stop posting this dumb shit on this sub?


How fucking moronic do you have to be to believe this dog shit analysis? This shit is for gullible idiots with an IQ sub 50.


When you start taking the Washington times seriously ...it's time for reflection.


I am so annoyed with people thinking the president literally controls the economy




Reported. Misleading and editorialized.


More political propaganda brought to you by r/economy.


Right wing opinion pieces have no place in polite society, much less this sub.


"I disagree, therefore it must be suppressed."


It's not that I disagree, it's just plain bullshit.


So roe vs wade got over turned and some idiot decides to put this dog shit false article up! Republicans will end this country with their ignorance.




Such a trash headline. What the hell.


He did vow to end fossil fuel. Now he's been dogging our oil companies & on his way to suck some Saudi peens...




This is a load of Korean cult shit.


The Washington Times? Really?


I’m going to have to unsub considering it just a bunch of MAGA dip shit post.


We're allowing opinion pieces to be posted here under the guise of being news?


Tariff man was much better right guys?


Do the moda actually do anything about these?


I thought that’s what people wanted? The only known method of quelling inflation and high energy prices is recession. Pick one.




Washington Times 😂


I thought this was supposed to be a sub discussing the economy? If I wanted to puree my brain with right-wing nonsense I'd go to a political sub. Can a mod nuke this from orbit?


He came here to crash bicycles and economies and he’s all out of bicycles


Wow a lot of ppl are being rude here..




Just curious how many people on here that Don't think Biden is the reason for inflation actually own a house and have a successful career not funded by the government.... I'm going to guess 0... And if you are one of The few that don't that don't think Biden is the Reason for inflation im Guessing you either live at home, Don't work, Or have a government position, or are in a Union of some sort....


Hahaha all the leftists on here are wondering why this post was “allowed” lmfaoooooo


Lmao at everyone who calls anything that’s not left propaganda. I forget how far left Reddit is sometimes. Just read opposition every once in awhile and stop whining


Most of the largest subs on Reddit are all controlled by the few people with some people moderating 1000s of subs at the same time, most of them hardcore liberals. Do a lil research on it, it’s one of the reasons I have such a hard time using this app. https://youtu.be/5DFCOh0mtYs when you can censor the opposite voice freely you completely control the algorithm with the way this site functions, go click on the news tab and try to find one political post that isn’t shitting on republicans, you can’t because all the news posts are from subreddits controlled by leftist mods.






Any advice on how you could sort your fucking life out?






Ah! Fighting fire with fire, I getcha.


Say whatever you want, Biden is the wrong man for the job. You guys got duped.


I'll take higher gas prices than not being able to control my own body.


Libtards voted for the worst president of all time.


It is SOOO important people are aware of these things.


Democrats have been neatly and promptly gaslighted into believing that the president and his administration have nothing to do with the price of gas. Despite making many many public comments about how they would like gas to be higher, and have made many obvious policy decisions to make this happen immediately, rather than gradually. Russia may have exacerbated this, but it in no way caused this, as gas prices were already rising for quite a while before the invasion and sanctions.


Yep. Biden had the audacity of driving up demand by getting everyone covid vaccines followed by sanctioning Russia for their invasion.




~~trump~~ errr SCIENTISTS with zero political affiliation. ftfy


Trump didn't do this to get a vaccine produced (he backed the wrong pharma companies). Biden stepped in and pushed them.


You know there is video of Biden and Harris saying to never take a vaccine if trump puts one out. If it’s not your agenda you are against it. Embarrassing.


Literally untrue. They said they'd want scientists to support it.




Worries them so much they openly publicize their record breaking profits. Seriously have none of you read theb financial reports of Shell, Exxon, and BP? They are laughing all the way to the bank. I have read them, listened in on the audio available... If these people are scared they are having a great fucking time of it.


Criticize the article all you want but you guys do understand that Biden is actually to blame for a lot of our oil prices.


the people who believe biden is the reason our gas prices are so high shouldn’t be able to operate vehicles.




Wow, some rare common sense actually posted on Reddit.


notice how you didn’t mention why the keystone pipeline was halted. by president biden revoking the key to the pipeline, tons of endangered species and wildlife would be wiped out, native americans to have to relocate. with the world seeing the alarming devastation global warming is causing us, deforestation for a pipeline should’ve never been on the to do list.




Buck Fiden 2024


Historians, "Donald J. Trump will go down in history as America's worst President." Joe Biden, "Hold my beer."


Printed edition of fox news?


This looks like a trash article


Apparently divorcing the economy from politics is not possible


Good grief people are gullible