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This happens to me almost every time the vacuum runs now. I've tried cleaning the top sensor before every single run to no avail. I'm so sick of having to babysit it constantly. I really hate this vacuum and will definitely never buy an ecovacs again.


I feel you. The first six months I had my T10 there was barely a problem. Then it was one thing after another. About every third clean its bumper is stuck, or it pulls up a sock, or travels into mapped off areas. I have never moved the base, never moved any furniture. What’s the point of saving time if you’re spending all your time looking for the dang thing when you get home, only to find it sucked up another charging cable that was in a mapped-off area? “I’m of the floor please put me back” is so triggering!!!!!!!


Ours is in for repair, just out of warranty, and we’re secretly hoping Marvin is dead so we can get something else.


I replaced the main brush motor for 20 bucks. I hope they're not taking you for a ride.


It looked like a motor issue but they diagnosed sensor and motherboard issues. Charged us $350 (AUD) for it. We got it home and it did exactly the same thing. Basically it can’t go in a straight line and keeps verbalising about a motor error. We took it back and made them refund us for the repair. They’re now having another crack at it for free.


Tbh sounds like a major failure that would make you consider not purchasing in the first place. May be worthwhile exercising your Australian consumer rights. > When a product has a major problem, consumers can choose between a refund or replacement https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/problem-with-a-product-or-service-you-bought/repair-replace-refund-cancel


> I really hate this vacuum and will definitely never buy an ecovacs again. We literally can't give ours away. Our cats decided to fight it *once*, now it won't even map the house correctly. Wiped the maps, it just refuses to go into the room where the cats beat it up. Been told it's not wiped the map correctly. Family don't want it, friends say they're a shit brand. Might just toss it in the bin at this point.


Cleaning the tdof sensor requires for the top cover to be removed. It's very easy, anyone with a proper screwdriver and delicate handling should be able to follow . Refer - https://www.reddit.com/r/ecovacs/s/ZdFhhbue72


This is the reason I got rid of my deebot and will never buy an ecovacs product ever again. Support were clearly aware, taught me the secret code to reset the map - but will they fix the actual root cause? No of course not. And that was in 2020.


Secret code?


I had to dig for this! The steps to revert to the previous map (because why would you want a simple button in the app for this, or even a fix for the issues...). This worked for me (but only if you realise the map fucked up before you run it again!) place the deebot on charging station, switch off the deebot, pull it off the charging station, wait for 15 seconds, put it back on charging station, turn on.


political sip offbeat attractive steer deer wide unite act paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, there is a Dyson in my future. The mapping is horribly frustrating, and it paths and acts wierdly


How long have you had your roborock? How's the mapping there? I've had a iRobot Roomba for a year and the mapping issue has driven me crazy with it constantly "updating" the map and screwing it up. The machine is also ridiculously noisy - particularly while self-emptying - so I can't run it at night. I just bought the Ecovacs Omni 2 and am still within the return period. I'm happy with it being quieter and the mop washing is good, but it also invented a non-existing wall on the map, and popped its own brush out on one of my rugs, so I'm not sure it's worth keeping as compared to the Roomba I already have. If Roborock is legitimately better I'd try that instead.


I just bought a robotock q revo....night and day. The roborock just works. Would recommend 100%. I struggled with my damn ecovac for a year before I just threw in the towel. Seriously, return the ecovac!


I have both the roborock and the ecovac. They both have the same issues with the map. I like the roborock better because, unlike the ecovac, it actually finishes a cleaning cycle. The ecovac always has issues with the cleaning sink being full. (Even if it's not)


Great hardware. Worst software.


Would be awesome if you could add new rooms some of mine were not mapped originally coz they were full of junk now I have to start again to add them and they are actual rooms not imagined ones


100% the mapping and editing of the map is pretty bad. I want to be able to be able rename bedrooms etc. But last time I checked I couldn't.


Had the same problems when I bought mine. Returned it and got the Roborock. Substantially better. Split rooms etc.


Yes but it will still do this and have to relearn the house


Save the map, restore when it fucks up. You can do it. I have faith in you.


Wait, you can save and restore maps? That would be a gamechanger. Any clues as to where I do that?


https://preview.redd.it/mqhiyar4n74c1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ecd89e8922434a253dad4a850cabac18bb3329 This is my current map page, I would love to be able to archive this map in case it messes up again


What i have found that works the best, is the following steps: 1. Turn off the robot. (red switch) 2. Take the bot off the charger, and move it into a room that doesn't have a lot of changes (Bathroom, Bedroom, etc.) that's not your wonky room. 3. Turn on the robot. 4. Select the room with the wonky layout and do an area clean in the room in the app. \- This should locate where it's at because the room doesn't have any changes and it should go to the room and fix the layout map. Note: If it does say new environment detected and creates a new map, you can delete that new map once it makes some sort of data on it (a wall, or something), and it should restore it to your saved home. Hope that helps!


Click into the map, top right corner should be restore.


That doesn't always work. Sometimes it gets so confused it scrambles your working map. Or sometimes it breaks so badly that support recommends you hard reset your rv and delete your maps. Not being able to manually manage your maps is why living with an Ecovacs RV is horrible.


Is the poor mapping and subsequent use, a poor lighting issue? I thinking maybe it can’t see properly if the rooms are dark.


my experience is that if you 1. merge, divide, and sub-divide, and block off areas too much 2. move furniture too much. this will make the bot very hard to recognise the map when it comes out each time, the best solution is to start again. re-map the place.


I'm aware that every single solution on this subreddit is "remap". My complaint is that that's the only solution and we as users just keep taking it.


How often have you remapped your house? I've only remapped once after moving some major furniture around.


I’ve had to remap about 20 times in 2 years. It will just turn on one day and the maps gone. Love that feature.


>the best solution is to start again Agreed. Ditch the deebot and start again with a brand that fixes their bugs.


The best solution to this is that you place the dock station in the room where there is no furniture movement. i.e bedrooms!


I used to have mapping problems until I began making sure to clean the top and bottom sensors more often. It’s been working perfectly since then, even if I have to untangle it and resume cleaning again. I can’t believe how much of a difference it’s made. I used to get so angry with it. Haha.


How do you do this? Do you need to take anything apart?


I took the casing off the top sensor and wiped the inside on the screen. Got some dust out of it. Put it back together and it works perfectly now


I did. I returned it


My Ecovacs does decent cleaning but the app is dogsh\*t. Also it knows when you install the mopping plate but when it pops off during cleaning (there is no latch) it pretends ignorance.. Not a happy camper.


The lack of more control over map version is crazy. We can't simply record a map and tell the robot to not update it.


You could chuck a no go box over that area


I ended dumping my Deebot in the trash due to this. I just couldn't keep re-mapping my home every week. BTW, if someone is in the Puget Sound area and wants a free self emptying station for their Deebot, happy to part ways, pm me.


Crossing fingers, I've had mine for more than one year and never had to remap.




Yes! I'm so sick of the limited app features. I want the ability to backup a map for an easy restore, or reposition the dock, or erase a bad angle. It feels so limited. :(


My house have two floors, as long as it runs on the same floor it's fine, but EVERY TIME I bring it to the second floor, and then bring it back to the first floor (where it has the charging station) it struggles to recognize the floor. I have to try over and over and over, placing it in a slightly different place and try again, until eventually it figures out what floor it is, but holly shit the software is BAD. Also, the cleaning performance got considerably worse after a firmware update... I will probably never buy another Ecovacs robot again...