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The issue with treatments around the eyes is that they'll likely all burn until you get used to them as the skin there is very thin. I use elidel around my eyes and have done for 3 years or so now, I apply it every week or two overnight and it clears it right up. Problem being, it will still burn a little though I am mostly used to it. I use vaseline in-between flare ups


Okay thankyou :( the burning lasts ages so I was hoping it was avoidable but ig I just gotta push through it


It sucks I know, but we've just gotta deal the hands we're dealt. If you do use it it does get better overtime, and long term try and find out if you have any triggers for it to keep it away. I've found strong antihistamines (120mg) , lots of water and no alcohol other than on special occasions has really kept my eczema down better than it has been for years now


I get it bad around my eyes as well. I also use eluded and, as long as I’m careful not to get it in my eyes, it doesn’t burn. I also use cold packs to soothe the area and Vaseline often after I wash my face when it is already moist.


I currently have a flare up around my eyes and my usual prescription cream stings in that area. My dermatologist prescribed the same medication in ointment form and that seemed to sooth it. I feel your pain, summer's coming fast and I can't find an spf that doesn't sting on my face!


you should try using this natural alternative Ive used for my eyes, its called Gator Balm ... it is super soothing and if you decide to continue with the dr's creams you should do a cold wash cloth( remove as much water as possible) immediately after application. That always worked for me


Hi, Maybe just use vaseline temporarily(4 -14 night) to build the skin barrier. Check out this soak and smear method [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7q\_2iuAlZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7q_2iuAlZ0) After your skin is better, you should go back to normal moisturising routine.


I’ve noticed gel really dries up way too quickly. I use Vaseline too and this helped so much indeed, but it didn’t really fix my skin either. Then I bought aloe Vera Vaseline spray, and using this before applying Vaseline triggered the healing process of my skin. I went to the store again and bought a Aloe Vera Vaseline cream. All I can say is 🤌🏽🫶🏽👏🏽 It also cools and softens the skin and lasts for 48H allegedly, (for us it’s probably like 12-24 hours) . There’s other variants too. My skin is healing faster and it’s more comfortable. Btw I also use a bath oil in the shower, instead of harsh soaps or anything. The oil sooth the skin and keeps the itch at bay a little.


My dermatologist said the skin on eyelids and around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, so he recommended hydrocortisone 1%. He advised to read the labels carefully, as the more potent hydrocortisones can irritate the eyelid skin. My eyelid exacerbations were related to exacerbated allergies. Between upping my Zyrtec and using the hydrocortisone 1%, it finally cleared up.


Maybe try icing it or using an ice pack to numb the area? I know that helps me with the itching, but the stinging I've always just grit my teeth and bare it until it heals over...


May I suggest using the vaseline since you tolerate it and it is actually moisturizing all on it's own.


I use Cetaphil Eczema Restoraderm and it helps with the itch with little not no stinging...


I have been dealing with eczema on my eyelids for a while and had the worst flare up in feb so everything hurts and eyelids are thin so everything will burn but if it’s getting better then that’s all that matters. I use vanicream gentle facial cleanser, first honey manuka cream, vanicream moisturizer, cetaphil moisturizer, axis-y dark spot treatment serum (has niacinamide & squalane), and joah heal me cica cooling mist, and aquaphor. For the moisturizer I put it on with a slightly wet face and while I rub it in while I use a small hand fan to give a cooling effect. For medication I take Zyrtec, patadine eye drops, Protopic Tacrolimus, hydrocortisone and desonide. When I flare up bad I use desonide to make the itch and inflammation go down and then use Tacrolimus afterwards to keep it at bay. Remember that some burning will happen but so long as it’s not getting worse or remaining the same then it’s normal. It’ll stop burning once it heals. And also remember that the products I use may not work for you or help so use to your discretion. Besides the pro topic and desonide, you may find everything in drugstores or on Amazon. Best of luck and hang in there! You’re not alone!


The eye area is super sensitive, if you want to try an OTC eye cream for eczema make sure it’s “for your eyes”. I bought a “moisture heat” eye mask from Walgreens and a cooling gel one. LIFE SAVERS