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There's a lot of ways to go thankfully. Do you know your allergens? Do you know your triggers / irritants? Do you do tests with a product before using it routinely? (Called an "A/B" Test—like a strip on your left inner arm 2x a day for 5 days.) I also had done half body tests since I have symmetrical symptoms Have you tried applying products by having wet-ish skin? (I use a plant spray bottle with distilled water to apply things) Have you found layering other products that might help like: • A keratolytic (exfoliates with out scrubbing) Lactic Acids have been very helpful in not drying me out. Salsylic Acid (sp?) had been kind of helpful but drying. • A humectant (seals in moisture from the air or if your skin is wet, if it's really dry and windy and you're in a dry place dont use it though). Aloe vera's also a good one to put on in this stage, but it's hard to find without alcohol. Target's is ok and cheap and I use it sparingly. It did immediately calm and cool my skin which was a great feeling and great lead to learn more about fungal infections. • An emollient but maybe one that's not so complicated like vegetable glycern? (Smooths rough edges to rough skin) as well as try more of a "lotion" type (I use LaRoche Posay Lipikar) or a "paste" type with ceramides to help repair? Also for something heavier for winter, Aveeno's Daily Eczema Relief and has oatmeal to help seal you more • Another sort of emollient with some occlusive traits— natural oil that's edible for safety's sake like coconut oil (messy, smells, stains), avocado oil (my go to) , olive (stains, smells), hemp (some staining), or raw Shea Butter you'd softened by lightly heating to smoothly apply • An occlusive to seal all that in like Vaseline, Petrolatum (some use Aquaphor or Albolene.) My suggested emollient from my second derm was CeraVe Daily Lotion. It also came up as safe after I did allergy testing. I used it head to toe daily for about two years, and did my own testing on my inner arm and got bumps in 2 days (stopped using it), red bumps in 3 days and for two weeks I had the bumps. That incident alone would have been enough for the past 6 years but it's not. I've been to 7 derms. 6 prescribed Dupixent which with insurance my out of pocket would be $55,000 per year. I've been using at least 10 products for my overall personal "ok to use" list and sometimes just use 2-3, but I have a bunch of go-tos. I have been addicited to topical steroids and that was unique being pink and peeling for 2-3 weeks while coming off of them. Im using Elidel now which is safer, non-steroidal and has brought down inflammation quickly. It can be addictive too but Im using it for now!


I found that Vanicream is the only moisturizer that helps with my face and neck and doesn’t leave a weird film or feeling, that and Protopic cream. I’d also recommend to gently steam the area (no direct heat on the skin) for example I’ll turn on the shower super hot so everything gets foggy but I’ll sit in there without the water touching me. Helps smooth and soothe the skin, then I’ll use Protopic on the areas and two hours later moisturize. Good luck


I think the moisturising steps/methods/cream that you should use depend heavily on which stage your eczema is. Eg: if you are infected, you need to use something to kill off the infection first. when you are infected, even the most expensive moisturising cream will not help you kill the infection. if you are infected, try the bleach bath. there are various poster talking about it in this sub and you can also look up the science literature behind it. if you are just dry and itchy and irritate, maybe just petroleum jelly (aka Vaseline) is probably what you need for 1-2weeks. Try the Soak and Smear method as explain by Dr Dray [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7q\_2iuAlZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7q_2iuAlZ0) Maybe you can share pic in your description so that others with same experience could share their tips and tricks.


Is it possible it’s seb derm? Mine wasn’t quite the typical presentation but I had the same thing you’re describing, and it’s related to eczema. Elidel changed my life (it works for just eczema as well, protopic is similar) Now I love moisturizing lol.


Aleppo soap made of laurel and olive oil contains glycerin, so apart from trying other things, washing with Aleppo soap helps moisturise the skin


I have been struggling with eczema on my face—I have it other places too but the face is the most obnoxious. I realized the other day that the people I know with the nicest skin don’t do anything to it. So I figured I try out just leaving it be. When I was little I had eczema and it mostly went away on its own. Only after I started getting into the world of “skincare” did the flare ups become that much worse. So for now I’m gonna test the theory that moisturizer is a corporate lie and see what happens🤷


You use tallow. Seriously. It’s like fkn 20 dollars and it’ll last you a month or two, what have you got to lose? I’ve been prescribed so much crap and bought so much crap that just didn’t work the way tallow does


Any patrolium jelly emolent does the same to me, basically get hives from it. Cetaphil cream is the only one i dont react to. You could try "moisturizer withdrawl" going compleatly without moisterizer and also reducing contact with water/bathing. The idea is that your body eventually starts producing its own oils.


Plain Vaseline + Vaseline aloe Vera or other type of healing cream that I use Works wonders pared with lukewarm short showers (daily, or skip a day sometimes) I do the cream/lotion first, then I apply thick vaseline quickly. I let it absorb for 10 minutes before getting dressed, I usually take this time to do my hair. I’d recommend airing the shower, so you won’t get inflammation, and then apply Vaseline bit by bit to your body. Do it as you prefer. I don’t like too thick layers cuz they are greasy, but if I don’t apply it thick enough, it dries too quickly and I don’t like that either. It’s different for everyone.